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Attorney Information

List of Attorneys


Tel: 533-3200

Síðumúla 35, 108 Reykjavík

e-mail: oma@acta.is

Firm name: Acta lögmannsstofa

Icelandic citizen, born 16. January 1970.  University of Iceland Faculty of Law, cand.jur.1994.  University of Edinburgh Faculty of Law, Ph.D. 2002.  Admitted to practice before the District Courts 1995.  Lecturer in Labour Law at Reykjavík University since 2005.  Areas of expertise:  Labor Law, Construction Law, Torts and Personal injury, Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, Human Rights. 

Languages:  English and Danish.



Tel: 533-5030

Firm name : Logfræðiskrifstofan s.f.

Sudurlandsbraut 6, 108 Reykjavik

Fax: 533-5035

e-mail: andri@jur.is

Icelandic citizen born on December 12, 1957. Areas of Expertise:  Will handle all types of cases, advocate to all courts, including Supreme Court of Iceland.

Other languages: English.


ÁRNASON, Ragnar Tómas

Tel: 540-0300

Efstaleiti 5, 103-Reykjavik

e-mail: ragnartomas@logos.is

Firm name: Logos lögmannaþjónusta.

Icelandic citizen born in Reykjavik, August 28, 1970. University of Iceland Faculty of Law, cand.jur.1995.  Admitted to practice before the District Courts 1996.  Areas of Expertise: Telecommunication law, Copyright law, Procedural law, Company law, Contract law.                  

Other languages: English, Swedish, German, French.



Tel: 565-5155

Reykjavíkurvegur 60, 220 Hafnafjordur

Fax: 565-4744

e-mail:  bjarni@vidskiptastofa.is 

Firm name: Lögmenn Hafnarfirdi ehf.

Icelandic citizen born in Reykjavik, July 22, 1948. University of Iceland Candidatus Juris, 1975.         

Areas of Expertise: Civil litigation, Torts, Contracts, and Property disputes, but will handle all types of cases. Asgeirsson is a Supreme court attorney.

Other languages: English.


BRIEM, Garðar

Tel: 561-3583

Sóleyjargötu 17, 101 Reykjavik

Fax: 552-6866

e-mail: logsol@logsol.is

Firm name: Lögfræðistofan Sóleyjargötu 17, Reykjavik.

Icelandic citizen born in Reykjavik, March 16, 1956. University of Iceland Candidatus Juris 1980. Briem is a Supreme court attorney, and handles all types of cases.

Other languages: English, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and German.



Tel: 551-8499 Home:5540464

Barónsstig 21, 101 Reykjavik

Fax: 561-2994 Cell:8531697

Firm name : Örn Clausen, "Attorney at Law".

Icelandic citizen born in Reykjavik, August 11, 1928. University of Iceland Candidatus Juris. Areas of Expertise: Criminal cases, but will handle all types of cases. Advocate to all courts.

Other languages: English.


EYVINDSSON, Brynjólfur

Tel: 568-1636

Kringlunni 7, 103 Reykjavik

Fax: 588-8925

e-mail: brynjo@simnet.is

Firm name: Löggarður ehf.

Icelandic citizen born in Reykjavik, December 8, 1953. University of Iceland Candidatus Juris 1979. Eyvindsson is a District court attorney.  Areas of Expertise: Civil litigation, Torts, Contracts, and Property disputes, but will handle all types of cases.

Other languages: English and Danish.


FINNSSON, Árni Grétar

Tel: 555-1500

Strandgötu 25, 220 Hafnafjordur

Fax: 565-2644

e-mail: logmenn@isl.is

Firm name: Árni Grétar Finnsson.

Icelandic citizen born in Akranes, August 3,1934. University of Iceland Candidatus Juris 1961. Finnson handles all types of cases.  Advocate to the Supreme court of Iceland.

Other languages: English.


GARÐARSSON, Gisli Baldur

Tel: 595-4545

Pósthússtræti 13, 101 Reykjavik

Fax: 595-4550

Póstholf 476, 121 Reykjavik

e-mail: gisli.baldur@loegmenn.com

Firm name: Lögmenn vid Austurvöll.

Icelandic citizen born November 1, 1950. University and Iceland Candidatus Juris 1976. Gardarsson is an advocate to the Supreme Court of Iceland and handles all types of cases, except custody cases.  

Other languages: English, Danish, German and Spanish.



Tel: 568 8640

Skeifunni 11, 108 Reykjavik

e-mail: sg@lsk.is

Firm name: Lögmannsstofan Skeifunni.

Icelandic citizen born in Reykjavik, August 22, 1964. University of Iceland Faculty of Law, cand.jur.1988. Admitted to practice before the District Courts 1991.  Areas of Expertise: Family law and  Inheritance law. 

Other languages: English.



Tel: 561 8065

Eidistorgi 17, 170 Seltjarnarnes

Fax: 561-8066

e-mail: gunnargu@islandia.is

Firm name: Gunnar Guðmundsson, Attorney at law.

Icelandic citizen born in Reykjavik, January 30, 1953.   University of Iceland Candidatus Juris,1977.  Areas of Expertise: Labor law (employers rights) and copyright law, but will handle all types of cases. 

Other languages: English, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish.



Tel: 568-1588

Seljugerði 8, 108 Reykjavik

box 8807

Fax: 568-1151

e-mail: thordur@jus.is

Firm name: Lögfræðiskrifstofa Þórðar S. Gunnarssonar, hrl.

Icelandic citizen born in Reykjavik, January 23, 1948. University of Iceland Candidatus Juris, company law, finance, commercial law, contracts, franchising and securities. Areas of Expertise: Dept. collection, intellectual property, company law, finance, commercial law, contracts, franchising and securities.

Other languages: English, Danish, and Norwegian.



Tel: 588-8666

Húsi Verslunarinnar, Kringlan 7, 103 Reykjavik

Fax: 588-9214

e-mail: loghus@loghus.is

Firm name: Lögmenn ehf.

Icelandic citizen born in Reykjavik, 11feb.1945.  University of Iceland Candidatus Juris. Advocate to all courts.  Firm handles all types of cases.  Areas of Expertise: Contracts, Death cases, but handles all types of cases. 

Other languages: English.



Tel: 568-1636

Kringlunni 7, 103 Reykjavik

Fax: 588-8925

e-mail: gudnilog@simnet.is

Firm name: Löggarður ehf.

Icelandic citizen born in Reykjavik, June 26,1954. University of Iceland Candidatus Juris. Advocate to all courts, including the Supreme Court of Iceland. Areas of Expertise: Civil litigation, Torts, Contracts, and Property disputes, but will handle all types of cases except criminal cases.

Other languages: English.



Tel: 533-3333

Sigtúni 42, 105 Reykjavik

Fax: 533-2333

e-mail: hj@amp.is

Firm name: Almenna Málflutningsstofan h.f. 

Icelandic citizen born in Reykjavik, April 27, 1958.  University of Iceland Candidatus Juris 1984.  University of Virginia  LLM, Masters of Laws.  Areas of Expertise: Corporate law, International Business Transactions, Mergers & Acquisitions, Corporate Finance, but will handle all kinds of cases.

Other languages: English.



Tel: 511-5101

Túngata 14, 101 Reykajvík

e-mail: thij@lagathing.is

Firm name: Lagaþing lögmenn

Icelandic citizen born in Blönduós, January 30th, 1967.  University of Iceland Faculty of Law, Cand. Jur.1993.  University of Copenhagen Faculty of Law, International Commercial and Transport Law 1990.  Admitted to practice before the District Courts 1994 and before the Icelandic Supreme Court 2002.  Areas of expertise: Family Law, Human Rights, Procedural Law, Company Law, Contract Law, Law of Torts. 

Other languages: English, Danish, French.


JÓNSSON, Guðmundur

Tel: 562-9888

Borgartúni 33, 105 Reykjavík

Fax: 561-7266

e-mail: gjonspartn@visir.is

Firm name: G. Jónsson & partners, Attorney at law.

Icelandic citizen born in Akureyri, September 27, 1951. University of Iceland Candidatus Juris 1977. Will handle all types of cases. Advocate to all courts.

Other languages: English.



Tel: 588 5818

Suðurlandsbraut 18, 108 Reykjavík

e-mail: lara@islaw.is

Firm name: Lára V. Júlíusdóttir hrl.ehf.

Icelandic citizen born in Reykjavík, April 13, 1951.  University of Iceland Faculty of Law, cand.jur. 1977.  Admitted to practice before the District Courts 1980 and to the Supreme Court 1998.  Areas of Expertise: Labor Law, Family Law, Gender Law, Contract Law. 

Other languages: English.


KAABER, Lúðvík Emil

Tel: 551-3171

Austurstræti 10a, 4th floor, 101 Reykjavik

Fax: 551-3171

e-mail: lkaaber@centrum.is

Icelandic citizen born in Reykjavik, March 3, 1947. University of Iceland Candidatus Juris, 1974. Will handle all types of cases.

Other languages: English



Tel: 511-1190

Hafnarstræti 20, O.O. Box 559, 121 Reykjavík

e-mail: sif.konradsdottir@mandat.is

Firm name: Mandat lögmannastofa.

Icelandic citizen born in Reykjavík, December 4, 1960.  University of Iceland Faculty of Law, cand.jur. 1998.  Admitted to practice before the District Courts 1991 and to the Supreme Court 2000.  Main areas of practice: Litigation, Discrimination Law and Gender Equality Law within EU-Law and Human Rights Law and in Employment Law, Administrative Law and Corporate Law.  Extraccurricular activities:  On the board of the Icelandic Bar Association 1998-2000, member of the Bar's Law Review Committee giving opinions on bills to the Parliament 2000-2005, first President of the Icelandic Women Attorney´s Association 2004-2005, member of several committies appointed by the government and the Bar, serves as a director for several companies in Iceland.

Other languages: English, Danish, Norwegian.



Tel: 550-3700

Skeifunni 19, 108 Reykjavik

Fax: 533-1069

e-mail: j.m@logmenn.is  

Firm name: Lögmenn Skeifunni 19.

Icelandic citizen born in Reykjavik, March 24, 1946. University of Iceland Candidatus Juris, 1974. Will handle all types of cases. Advocate to all courts.

Other languages: English



ÓLAFSDOTTIR, Ása............................................Tel: 588-5200

Lagmuli 5, 108-Reykjavik

e-mail: ao@jp.is

Firm name: JP lögmenn.

Icelandic citizen born in Reykjavik, September 1, 1970. University of Iceland Faculty of Law, cand.jur., 1996. University of Cambridge, LL.M.(c), 2000. Admitted to practice before the District Courts 1997.  Areas of Expertise: Procedural law, Bankruptcy law, Company law, Contract law, Criminal law. Other languages: English, Danish, French.



Tel: 561-7755

Hverfisgata 4-6, 101 Reykjavík

e-mail: dogg@dp.is

Firm name: DP Attorneys - DP Lögmenn

Icelandic citizen, born in Reykjavík, August 2, 1956.  University of Iceland, Faculty of Law, cand.jur. 1980.  MPH from Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore 1986.  Chief of Division and later Director in the Ministry of Health and Social Security, Iceland, 1980-1995.  Admitted to practice before the District Courts 1982 and to the Supreme Court 1994.  Practiced as an attorney since 1996.  Sole owner of DP Attorneys, which is a law firm with a total of five lawyers.  Lecturer in Family Law, Inheritance Law and Health Law at the Law Faculty of Reykjavík's University.  Areas of expertise:  Family Law, Inheritance Law, Administration Law, Health Law, with special focus on Patient's Rights, Real Estate, Company Law, Labor Law and Contract Law. 

Other Languages: English, Danish and Swedish.



Tel: 461-1200

Strandgata 29, 600 Akureyri

Fax: 462-7746

e-mail: arni@logmannsstofa.is

Firm name: Lögmannsstofan ehf. 

Icelandic citizen born in Reykjavik, March 7, 1952. University of Iceland Candidatus Juris 1978.  Advocate to all courts, including the Supreme Court of Iceland.  Will handle all types of cases.

Other languages: English.



Tel: 540-0300

Efstaleiti 5, 103 Reykjavik

Fax: 540-0301

e-mail: otharorn@logos.is

Firm name: Logos lögmannaþjónusta

Icelandic citizen born in Reykjavik, January 8, 1944. University of Iceland Candidatus Juris. Advocate to all courts, including the Supreme Court of Iceland.  Areas of Expertise:  Aviation law, Contractual law, Business law, Project Financing, but will handle all types of cases.

Other languages: English



Tel: 550-0500

Skógarhlíd 12, 105 Reykjavik

Fax: 550-0505

e-mail: asgeir.ragnarsson@is.landwellglobal.com

Firm name: Landwell

RAGNARSSON, Ásgeir A . Icelandic citizen born in Reykjavik, June 27, 1967. Member of New York State Bar Asociation, University of Iceland Cand jr., 1993.  University of Miami (LL.M, 1999), University of Copenhagen -EC Law, Comparative, Commercial Law.   Areas of Expertise: Corporate Law, International Business Transactions, Mergers&Acquisitions, Corporate Finance, Franchising and Litigation.  

Other languages: English, Danish and other Scandinavian languages.



Tel: 588-1040

Ármúli 15, 105 Reykjavik

Fax: 588-1042

e-mail: sveinn@loglist.is

Firm name: Lögmannsstofa Sveins Skúlasonar.

Icelandic citizen born July 16,1951. University of Iceland Candidatus Juris. Advocate to all courts.  Areas of Expertise:  Real estate cases, but will handle all types of cases. 

Other languages: English


SNÆVARR, Valborg

Tel: 561-3360

Skólavörðustíg 12, 101 Reykjavík

e-mail: valborg@codex.is

Icelandic citizen born in Reykjavík, August 10, 1960.  Graduated as a preschool teacher in 1983 and from the Law Faculty of the University of Iceland in 1990.  Admitted to practice before the District Court 1990 and admitted to practice before the Supreme Court in 2001.  Areas of Expertise: Family Law. 

Other languages: English and Swedish.


SÓLNES, Gunnar

Tel: 461-1200

Strandgötu 29, 600 Akureyri

Fax: 462-7746

e-mail: gunnar@logmannsstofa.is

Firm name: Lögmannsstofan ehf.

Icelandic citizen born March 12,1940. Unversity of Iceland Candidatus Juris 1968. Advocate to all courts.  Will handle all types of cases. 

Other languages: English



Tel: 461-1200

Strandgötu 29, 600 Akureyri

Fax: 462-7746

e-mail: jonkr@logmannsstofa.is

Firm name: Lögmannsstofan ehf.

Icelandic citizen born in Akureyri, June 17, 1948. University of Iceland Candidatus Juris 1975. Advocate to all courts.  Will handle many types of cases.

Other languages: English


SVEINSSON, Sveinn Andri

Tel: 515-7400

Vegmúla 2, 108 Reykjavik

Fax: 515-7401

e-mail: sveinnandri@icelaw.is

Firm name: Lögfræðistofa Reykjavikur

Icelandic citizen bon in Reykjavik, August 12, 1963.  University of Iceland Candidatus Juris 1990.  Advocate to all courts, including the Supreme Court of Iceland.  Areas of Expertise: Criminal defense, Business law, but will handle many types of cases.

Other languages: English, Dutch and Scandinavian languages.



Tel: 545-0500

Laugavegi 97, 101 Reykjavik

Fax: 545-0501

e-mail: asgeir@intrum.is

Icelandic citizen born in Reykjavik, February 7, 1942. University of Iceland Candidatus Juris. Areas of Expertise:  Company law, Dept collection cases, but will handle all types of cases.

Other languages: English



Tel: 568-9944

Bolholt 6, 105 Reykjavik

Fax: 568-9967

e-mail: logmskip@skyrr.is

Icelandic citizen born in Reykjavik, November 6, 1951. University of Iceland Candidatus Juris. Advocate to all courts. Will handle all types of cases.

Other languages: English.



Tel: 595-4545

Pósthússtræti 13, 101 Reykjavik

Fax: 595-4550

e-mail: tomas@logmenn.com

Firm name: Lögmenn vid Austurvöll.

Icelandic citizen born in Reykjavik, July 23, 1953. University of Iceland Candidatur Juris 1981. Areas of Expertise:  Copyright law, Publishing rights, Contract law, Intellectual property entertainment cases.

Other languages: English

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