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Searched:  Author Contains ("Lebrun, T.")
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Results:  1–9 of exactly 9 matches. in 0.083 seconds.

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  Size Identifier Title Creator/Author (s) Pub Date
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ANL/PHY/CP--89722; CONF-961261--1 Interpreting X-ray and auger resonant Raman spectra Lebrun, T. 1996 Dec 31
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1 Mb
ANL/PHY/CP--91603; CONF-9609283--1 Extending synchrotron-based atomic physics experiments into the hard X-ray region LeBrun, T. 1996 Dec 31
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785 K
ANL/PHY/CP--90602; CONF-9605201--2 Photoelectron angular distributions beyond the dipole approximation Kraessig, B. ; Jung, M. ; Gemmell, D.S. ; 1996 Aug 01
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823 K
ANL/PHY/CP--89699; CONF-9609283--2 Nondipolar photoelectron angular distributions Kraessig, B. ; Jung, M. ; Gemmell, D.S. ; 1996 Dec 31
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420 K
ANL/PHY/CP--82766; CONF-940922--3 Ion charge-state production and photoionization near the K edge in argon and potassium Berry, H.G. ; Azuma, Y. ; Cowan, P.L. ; 1994 Oct 01
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792 K
ANL/PHY/CP--80890; CONF-930824--15 Electron-ion-x-ray spectrometer system Southworth, S.H. ; Deslattes, R.D. ; MacDonald, M.A. ; 1993 Oct 01
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ANL/PHY/PP--91911 X-ray fluorescence/Auger-electron coincidence spectroscopy of vacancy cascades in atomic argon Arp, U. ; LeBrun, T. ; Southworth, S.H. ; 1996 Dec 01
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736 K
ANL/PHY/PP--82448 The X-ray photoabsorption spectrum of potassium near the K-edge Azuma, Y. ; Berry, H.G. ; Cowan, P.L. ; 1996 Mar 01
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805 K
ANL/PHY/CP--85306; CONF-9404198--5 Electron spectroscopy studies of argon K-shell excitation and vacancy cascades Southworth, S.H. ; MacDonald, M.A. ; LeBrun, T. ; 1995 Feb 01
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