U.S. General Services Administration
Historic Preservation Technical Procedures




     A.   This procedure includes guidance on installing exterior
          brick paving and applying portland cement grout to
          replace deteriorated sections of existing paving and

     B.   See 01100-07-S for general project guidelines to be
          reviewed along with this procedure.  These guidelines
          cover the following sections:

          1.   Safety Precautions

          2.   Historic Structures Precautions

          3.   Submittals

          4.   Quality Assurance

          5.   Delivery, Storage and Handling

          6.   Project/Site Conditions

          7.   Sequencing and Scheduling

          8.   General Protection (Surface and Surrounding)

          These guidelines should be reviewed prior to performing
          this procedure and should be followed, when applicable,
          along with recommendations from the Regional Historic
          Preservation Officer (RHPO).


     A.   American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 100
          Barr Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428, (610) 832-9585
          or FAX (610) 832-9555.


     A.   Samples: 

          1.   Submit samples of brick pavers showing full extent
               of colors and texture; samples shall be compared to
               existing face brick on building.

          2.   Submit grout color samples.

     B.   Product Data:  Submit product data on latex additives for
          grout and setting bed.


     A.   Protect masonry materials during storage and construction
          against wetting by rain, snow or ground water and against
          soilage or intermixture with earth or other types of


     A.   Protection:  Protect mortar bed and grout against uneven
          and excessive evaporation.  Cure as required by climatic
          and job conditions so as to achieve proper hydration. 
          Provide suitable coverings, moist curing barriers, etc.
          as required.



     A.   Brick Pavers:  Pavers shall be solid, uncored, smooth
          units in color to match existing face brick color.  Units
          shall conform with requirements of ASTM C902, Class SX,
          Type 1, Application PS.

          1.   Not less than 10,500 psi average compressive

          2.   Not more than 8 percent cold water absorption after
               24 hour submersion in cold water.

          3.   Size shall be as indicated on the drawings.

     B.   Setting Materials:

          1.   Portland Cement:  ASTM C150, Type I or II, of
               natural color or white, as required to produce the
               required color of grout.

          2.   Aggregate for Setting Bed:  Clean, fine sand
               conforming to ASTM C144, uniformly graded from
               coarse to fine with 100% passing the No. 4 sieve
               and not more than 5% passing the No. 100 sieve.

          3.   Aggregate for Grout:  Clean, fine sand conforming
               to ASTM C144, uniformly graded from coarse to fine
               with not more than 5% passing the No. 100 sieve;
               100% may pass the No. 30 sieve, but if the work
               requires a coarser sand, the coarse sieve size
               limit may be increased to the No. 16 size.

          4.   Latex Additive for Thick Bed Mortar and Grout: 
               Laticrete International, Inc. "3701 Latex
               Additive", or approved latex material which is
               recommended for use in thick bed mortars and grout
               for exterior applications.

          5.   Color Pigments:  For colored grout, use natural and
               synthetic iron oxides and chromium oxides,
               compounded for use in grout mixes.  Use only
               pigments with record of satisfactory performance in
               masonry grouts.  Solomon Grind-Chem Services, Inc. 
               "SGS Mortar Colors", Davis "True Tone Mortar
               Colors", or approved equal.

          6.   Water shall be clean, free of deleterious materials
               which would impair strength or bond.

          7.   Latex Additive for Bond Coat:  Laticrete
               International, Inc. "4237 Thin Set Mortar
               Additive", or approved.

2.02 MIXES

     A.   Setting Bed:  Proportions for setting bed shall be 1 part
          Portland cement, 3 parts sand with 50 percent latex
          additive and 50 percent water.  Sand shall be measured in
          damp, loose condition.  Use only enough latex additive
          and water to produce a moist surface when setting bed is
          ready for setting of paver units.

     B.   Bond Coat:  Consist of 1 part Portland cement, 1 part
          sand with 50 percent latex additive and 50 percent water,
          and color pigment.  Sand shall be measured in damp, loose



     A.   Installer must examine the areas and conditions under
          which brick paving is to be installed.  Do not proceed
          with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been
          corrected in a manner acceptable to Installer. 
          Commencement of work constitutes acceptance of surfaces.


     A.   Paver Installation, General:

          1.   Do not use units with chips, cracks, voids,
               discolorations or other defects which might be
               visible or cause staining in finished work.

          2.   Cut units with motor-driven saw equipment designed
               to cut masonry with clean, sharp unchipped edges. 
               Cut units as required to provide pattern shown and
               to fit adjoining work neatly.  Use full units
               without cutting wherever possible.

          3.   Set units in patterns shown with uniform joint

          4.   Maintain surface plane for finished masonry paving
               not exceeding a tolerance of 1/8" in 10 feet when
               tested with a 10 foot straightedge.

     B.   Portland Cement Application:

          1.   Spread and screed to uniform thickness, except for
               minor variations required to produce a true
               surface, level in plane or uniformly sloped for
               drainage as shown.  Cut back, bevel edge, remove
               and discard setting bed material which has reached
               initial set prior to placing of paver units.

          2.   Wet brick units several hours before laying, unless
               their gain in weight resulting from partial
               immersion flatware in 1/8" of water for 1 minute is
               less than 3/4 oz. per 30 sq. in. of immersed area. 
               Do not lay bricks with free moisture on the

          3.   When mortar bed is plastic, apply bond coat with a
               notched trowel to a uniform thickness of 1/32" to
               1/16".  Do not apply more mortar than can be
               covered within 20 to 30 minutes or before the
               surface has developed a skin.  Each paver unit
               shall be back buttered with mortar before setting. 
               Tamp and beat paver units for a complete contact
               between pavers and setting bed.  Set and level each
               unit immediately.

          4.   Grout joints as soon as possible after initial set
               of setting bed.  Force grout into joints, taking
               care not to smear grout on adjoining paver units
               and other surfaces.  After initial set of grout,
               finish joints by tooling to produce a very slightly
               concave polished joint, free from drying cracks.
          5.   Cure grout by maintaining in a damp condition for 7

     C.   Repair and Pointing:

          1.   Remove and replace paver units which are loose,
               chipped, broken, stained or otherwise damaged, or
               if units do not match adjoining units.  Provide new
               units to match adjoining units and install in fresh
               mortar or grout, pointed to eliminate evidence of

          2.   Pointing:  During the tooling of joints, enlarge
               voids of holes and completely fill with mortar or

                              END OF SECTION

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