Instructions for Searching Selected Water Resources Abstracts

The data base

This data base was compiled from several sources for USGS abstracts on the subject of water resources since 1977, plus some earlier abstracts. The method of submitting and collecting abstracts was not foolproof and, therefore, this is not a complete set. The information you find here should be augmented with other methods of search such as the USGS WRSIC Research Abstracts.

Abstracts for the years 1977-1993 were taken from the previous implementation of "Selected Water Resources Abstracts" (SWRA) by selecting those abstracts where the corporate author field was "Geological Survey". The full collection of Selected Water Resources Abstracts, 1977-1993, is available from the Universities Water Information Network.

Abstracts for years 1994-1997, plus some abstracts for prior years that may not have been placed in the SWRA 1977-1993 collection were obtained from files of the (now discontinued) National Water Date Exchange (NAWDEX) Program. Hydrologic unit codes and state codes were manually added to the approximately 1600 abstracts in this collection.

There are about 10,000 abstracts in the entire data base. Abstracts from 1977-1997 are all marked "SWRA 1997" in the source information.

Our future plans are to regularly populate this data base directly from our Reports Tracking System. This will ensure a more complete collection of abstracts. We are working as time and resources permit to correct deficiencies in the original collection.

How the search works...

Each phrase you enter is searched against an index of the abstracts. Points are awarded to each abstract as follows:
  1. Preliminary points
  2. Final points. The preliminary score for the title, keyword, and text search is multiplied by the number of words/phrases that are matched by any field. That is, if you used "atrazine" for the first word and "groundwater" for the second, an abstract about atrazine in groundwater would have its preliminary score multipled by 2. Author and hydrologic units scores are then added.
  3. Required matches.
  4. The highest score is awarded 1000 points. All others are proportioned relative to this.
  5. For abstracts with identical scores, publications are shown giving priority to the Professional Paper, Water-Supply Paper, Water-Resources Investigation, Hydrologic Atlas, and Circular series, in that order. Within series, the most recent publications (as indicated by their report number) are shown first.

Rules for phrases are as follows:

Specifying a Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC)

You may specify the 2-, 4-, 6-, or 8-digit hydrologic unit code. Points are awarded for partial matches. For example, if you specify an 8-digit HUC, an abstract covering the 2-, 4-, or 6-digit HUC will be awarded 10 points while one exactly matching the 8-digit HUC will be awarded 100 points.

Please note that not all abstracts have been assigned a hydrologic unit code.

A list of hydrologic unit codes is available.

Specifying a State

You may specify a single state. An abstract is awarded 100 points if it pertains to the state you specify.

Searching by Report Series and Number

If you know the USGS series and number of the report, you may choose the series and type in the number. Blanks, dashes, etc., will be ignored.

This is an exact search and will not work for wildcards.

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