MISINT / CDFDB Test Database tutorial 1 : Position Modification -- NEW FOOL-PROOF Instructions

Version 2.3, John Yoh, 1/24/2001
(Recent Update) This form has been substantially modified by Norman Ho and Rick Tesarek. It should be more intuitive. To change to a different rack, you must finish your current changes, put the cursor in the rack box, and click on query to clear it--then type in another rack and click query or press return.


  1. You SHOULD use Netscape 4.5+ or IE 5.5+ on NT workstations. Some of the steps below may not work properly in other platform/browser combinations (especially Linux/GNOME Fermilab release--although KDE is okay). Latest Netscape (6?) can be downloaded from www.netscape.com, though it might take several hours (so do it overnight).
  2. While you can (and should) test the following instructions using the test db with the generic account: cdf_test and password: run2, you need an account/password AND access priveledges to do a Pos-Mod on the production db (see the main CMD web page for instruction)


You should use the "Module Maintenance Forms"--which will allow you to switch between the 6 forms without having to log in again.

Once you selected the "Position Modification" form, the Pos-mod window will show up. It consist of 4 areas. The top part contains a bunch of buttons, Forward/Backward/..., Query, Clear, Commit, and Exit buttons. The second part has a box with the Rack Name and Location. The next (Crate) part lists all the crates in the current rack. The last (Slot) part shows the slots in the selected crate. The very bottom gives a status line--if it displays "Enter a query,....", then you are in Query mode (see below).


There are several modes of operations. THE MAJOR problems that people seem to have trouble with are trying to do operations in the wrong mode--or how to terminate a partially done operation. The 3 modes are :
  1. QUERY MODE --indicated by the presence of a "Enter a query; ..." line at the bottom of the window. In this mode, you can type-in/select a rack and, after clicking on the "Query" button or pressing Enter, have the information of this rack displayed in the Crate and Slot window--after which the form is in Data mode. Type in the rack name exactly, or use the ? button to select the rack (very slow !!!). You can also use the wildcard (%) to query a number of racks (e.g., %RR15%). If you use the wildcard and it returns more than one rack record, use the forward/backward buttons (|<<, <, >, >>|) at the top to flip through the records until you find the rack you want. To go back to query mode, put the cursor on the rack name box, click on clear, then Query buttons. You can then select another rack.
  2. DATA MODE -- no displayed message in the bottom of the window. The rack info is displayed, with the crate display showing the slots in crate 1. At this point, you can click on the crate display to select a different crate (e.g. crate 2). You can enter modules into postions, move module positions, etc in this mode.
  3. IN PROGRESS MODE --You MUST clear an incorrect entry before you can do another entry. For example, if you try to type in a module and it's not in the db, or some other error, you MUST clear that entry by clicking on the "clear" button before going on to something else.

    Before going to a different crate, or a different rack, you must commit all the changes made by clicking on the commit button; after that, you can select a different crate, or revert to the query mode to select a different rack

The problem is how to legitimately get into one of the two modes, and how to handle problems.

Position Modification Tutorials


Once in Data mode with a Rack selected, you can enter a new module that is not yet in a "Position" in the db into any slot position on one of the crates in the rack. If the module is already in a "Position", go to the next section. (Note : Crates should only be installed by Fred Lewis, or someone authorized by him).


Doing a module move from an existing position is more complicated. You have to start with the rack that the module is currently in, go to the slot that contains your module, then click on the "M" button to its right.
  1. You will get a new third window on top of (and obscuring) the other two windows. You need to enter the new location or position.
  2. If you are pulling out a modules to be fixed, move it to "New Location" B0 and put the activity to "broken spare". Do not put in a new slot position
  3. If you are moving a module to a new location, type-in/select the rack, crate, and slot. For the crate and slot, wildcards can be used. For example, for "crate 2", use %2, for "slotA 11", use "%A 11" --the space is important.
  4. Change the time to the actual time of moving during datataking periods.
  5. When done, click on commit on this third window, then exit.

In this "Move" Window, you can also click on the "Service Request" button to initiate an ESR (Equipment Service Request; click to see tutorial 3 on how to fill out the Request).


Preliminaries to doing a real move in the Production db

If you have any problems, contact John Yoh, x4774, or send email to johny@fnal.gov