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glut_ext.c File Reference

#include <string.h>
#include <GL/glut.h>
#include "glutint.h"

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int glutExtensionSupported (char *extension)
int __glutIsSupportedByGLX (char *extension)

Function Documentation

int __glutIsSupportedByGLX char *    extension

Definition at line 47 of file glut_ext.c.

Referenced by checkOverlayAcceptability(), getVisualInfoRGB(), and glutGet().

00048 {
00049 #if defined(GLX_VERSION_1_1)
00050   static const char *extensions = NULL;
00051   const char *start;
00052   char *where, *terminator;
00053   int major, minor;
00055   glXQueryVersion(__glutDisplay, &major, &minor);
00056   /* Be careful not to call glXQueryExtensionsString if it
00057      looks like the server doesn't support GLX 1.1.
00058      Unfortunately, the original GLX 1.0 didn't have the notion 
00059      of GLX extensions. */
00060   if ((major == 1 && minor >= 1) || (major > 1)) {
00061     if (!extensions)
00062       extensions = glXQueryExtensionsString(__glutDisplay, __glutScreen);
00063     /* It takes a bit of care to be fool-proof about parsing
00064        the GLX extensions string.  Don't be fooled by
00065        sub-strings,  etc. */
00066     start = extensions;
00067     for (;;) {
00068       where = strstr(start, extension);
00069       if (!where)
00070         return 0;
00071       terminator = where + strlen(extension);
00072       if (where == start || *(where - 1) == ' ') {
00073         if (*terminator == ' ' || *terminator == '\0') {
00074           return 1;
00075         }
00076       }
00077       start = terminator;
00078     }
00079   }
00080 #else
00081   /* No GLX extensions before GLX 1.1 */
00082 #endif
00083   return 0;
00084 }

int glutExtensionSupported char *    extension

Definition at line 14 of file glut_ext.c.

00015 {
00016   static const GLubyte *extensions = NULL;
00017   const GLubyte *start;
00018   GLubyte *where, *terminator;
00020   /* Extension names should not have spaces. */
00021   where = (GLubyte *) strchr(extension, ' ');
00022   if (where || *extension == '\0')
00023     return 0;
00025   if (!extensions)
00026     extensions = glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS);
00027   /* It takes a bit of care to be fool-proof about parsing the
00028      OpenGL extensions string.  Don't be fooled by sub-strings, 
00029      etc. */
00030   start = extensions;
00031   for (;;) {
00032     where = (GLubyte *) strstr((const char *)start, extension);
00033     if (!where)
00034       break;
00035     terminator = where + strlen(extension);
00036     if (where == start || *(where - 1) == ' ') {
00037       if (*terminator == ' ' || *terminator == '\0') {
00038         return 1;
00039       }
00040     }
00041     start = terminator;
00042   }
00043   return 0;
00044 }

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