Energy Citations Database
Searched:  Author Contains ("Lichtenstein, T.L.")
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  Size Identifier Title Creator/Author (s) Pub Date Adopt-A-Doc
  UCRL-86711; CONF-811117-3 Effects of undercoats and overcoats on damage thresholds of 248 nm coatings Hart, T.T. , Lichtenstein, T.L. , Carniglia, C.K. , 1982 Jan 08 -
  UCRL-89097; CONF-821194-1 Damage thresholds of thin film materials and high reflectors at 248 nm Rainer, F. , Lowdermilk, W.H. , Milam, D. , 1982 Jan 01 -
  5717845 Materials for optical coatings in the ultraviolet Rainer, F. , Lowdermilk, W.H. , Milam, D. , 1985 Feb 15 -
  5581678 Scandium oxide coatings for high-power UV laser applications Rainer, F. , Lowdermilk, W.H. , Milam, D. , 1982 Oct 15 -
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