Henning Krueger 7/28/97 Usage of the photon package in offline ====================================== adcgam_bk.inc -- the interesting include file ------------- integer*4: nadcgam : number of gammas defined real*4: energy_adcgam(ladcgam,madcgam) : energy of gamma x_adcgam (ladcgam,madcgam) : global x-coord y_adcgam (ladcgam,madcgam) : global y-coord z_adcgam (ladcgam,madcgam) : global z-coord xc_adcgam (ladcgam,madcgam) : centre of gravity x-coord yc_adcgam (ladcgam,madcgam) : centre of gravity y-coord chi2_adcgam (ladcgam,madcgam) : chi2 of shower distribution integer*4: npht_adcgam (ladcgam,madcgam) : photon detector number type_adcgam (ladcgam,madcgam) : type(hit place) of the gamma = 1 : hole = 2 : boundary = 3 : boundary = 4 : boundary/edge = 5 : ? = 6 : boundary dime_adcgam (ladcgam,madcgam) : number of counters in the gamma id_adcgam (ladcgam,madcgam) : identification number from trkmatch = 1 : gamma = 2 : electron = 4 : neutral hadron = 6 : MIP, maybe muon = 8 : Hadron status_adcgam(ladcgam,madcgam) : status number = 0 : not valid = 4 : O.K. clus_adcgam (ladcgam,madcgam) : link to cluster table (not used) ltrk_adcgam (ladcgam,madcgam) : link to track number ltseg_adcgam (ladcgam,madcgam) : link to segment number Switches -------- pht : turn on M1/M2/M3 photon processing m1_pht : turn on all M1/M2/M3 photon processing and M1 "full" m2_pht : turn on all M1/M2/M3 photon processing and M2 "full" m3_pht : turn on all M1/M2/M3 photon processing and M3 "full" full : turn on a complex (GAMS) photon cluster algorithm (V.K.) clust : turn on a simple cluster algorithm (V.V.) peak : turn on a simple peak finding cluster algorithm (V.V.) gamma : print gammas (presently dummy?) hist : turn on histograms clb : use calibration run led : use LED calibration las : use laser calibration Cuts ---- min_count : minimum ADC count min_energy : minimum energy in gamma max_chi2 : maximum allowed chi2 of gamma Example cmd file ---------------- set on unpack adc set on photon full m1_pht m2_pht m3_pht led set cut photon min_count 5. set cut photon min_energy 2.