CRANV1P1 ASLIB Cranfield Research Project: Factors Determining the Performance of Indexing Systems: VOLUME 1. Design, Part 1. Text Additional Tests chapter Cyril Cleverdon Jack Mills Michael Keen Cranfield An investigation supported by a grant to Aslib by the National Science Foundation. Use, reproduction, or publication, in whole or in part, is permitted for any purpose of the United States Government. - 108 - Allen, D. J.: The Application of b[OCRerr]ulthopp's Subsonic Lifting Sur- face Theory to the Calculation of %he Aerodynamic Forces )%cting on a Wing of Finite Aspect Ratio Oscillating in Arbitrar[OCRerr] [OCRerr]l[OCRerr]ic Modes With Control $:Lrface Freedom. Design Dept. Rep. No. ll91, Hawker Aircra£t, Ltd. [Kingston-on-Thames, England], June 1953. D. ?'Y ([OCRerr]e G. Allen and R.V. " ]lelaxation methods applied to cletennine the motion, in two dimensions, of ,outil[OCRerr]'elt a viscous fluid i[OCRerr].[OCRerr]'t[OCRerr]..d cylinder. Quart. J. Mech. App. Math. II1. Part 2. June, 1[OCRerr]55. " tt Allen. F. J., An "EJasllc-J'lasti˘ Thecfy[OCRerr]af..Jhe Respo,se of Cantilevers to A ie Blast Loadi.r, BRL M R[OCRerr]. ti[OCRerr].[OCRerr]pri11955. Allen, g. J. : General Theory of Airfoil Sections [OCRerr]ving arbitrary Shape or Pressure Distribution. NACA Tech. Rept. No. 853, 1947. | 26 6 t, Allen. H. Julian. Prexsure Distribution a,[OCRerr]d SO,he Efftcts of Viscosity on Sle[OCRerr]dcr lndincd Bodies of Ret,ohdion, N.A.C.A.T.N. / I [OCRerr] 7 No.2044. m[OCRerr]. I 9 2 1 Allen, H. Julian: Motion of a Ballistic [OCRerr]tlssi!e Angularly Misaligned Wlth the Flight Path Upon Entering t.he Atmosphere and Its Effect Upon Aerodynamic Heating, Aerodynamic Loads, and Miss Distance NACA [OCRerr] 4048, 19.57. 2 O0 1 4. Allen, H. J,Iian: A Simplified .Met[OCRerr],([OCRerr]l [OCRerr]:[OCRerr]rAhc C,deu',ati .... fair- foi! l'red, tire l)i[OCRerr]tributiun. NA(tA˘I'K .'[OCRerr]o. 76S, 1939. 3. Allen, H. Julian: gstimation of the Forces and Mc[OCRerr].ents Acting on Inclined Bodiesel [OCRerr]v[OCRerr]lutlon of High Fineness Ratio. NACA I[OCRerr] A9126, 1949. [OCRerr]. Allen. 11. J,llhm: Calculalioh .,f the Ch(,rdwi.,. l.,*a,l Di-!ril.ll.*n m't.r Airfoil .'h.,:ti,,n, with Phd,*. :';Ill)t. ,[OCRerr].l[OCRerr]qially lli;.g..d 'fraili,[OCRerr]x-l'hb4o i"lnl[OCRerr]S. N.%.(:.[OCRerr]. Ile],. N,,." 6[OCRerr], I:k[OCRerr]. " Alle., II. J., "llyper[OCRerr]nnie. flight and the re-entry probiem," .I. A[OCRerr],,m,,,[OCRerr] s[OCRerr]i. as, 217-'22[OCRerr] (l,SS)2 I e[OCRerr] 8 " f 549- Allen, H. Julian, mid Eggers, A. a., Jr.: A Study oe the Notion ani"ilO7l,aTl[OCRerr]'l[OCRerr]l[OCRerr]*lTl[OCRerr] . bl/o@,aal[OCRerr] ,tqeZ Z37[OCRerr] Aerodynamic Heating of Missiles Enterir, the Earth's Atmosphere a[OCRerr]i[OCRerr]it;*7,'[OCRerr]'b, High Supersonic Speeds. NACA 'l'TT [OCRerr]047, 1,957. [OCRerr],b 3 Various lli[OCRerr]hly Rc.ctit,e Puds in . :[OCRerr].v'l-i'.v-I° i,[OCRerr], 1[OCRerr] .'Ja[OCRerr] h 2 II',,:d T,,,,d. NASA MF.MO 1-15-591.L [OCRerr] [OCRerr] & C) H. J. "[OCRerr]-len, 'ihe [OCRerr].ntoraction of boundary layer and _/'[OCRerr]""'[OCRerr]/, [OCRerr]I. A. IIeaslet and compressicn [OCRerr]hock anal its effect [OCRerr] l[OCRerr]') 70 G. E. Nitzberg airfoil prezsuu-e distrib[OCRerr]t[OCRerr]/7[OCRerr] N.A.C.A..[OCRerr]C X7.[OCRerr]02 ([OCRerr]947). " "[OCRerr] I Allen, [OCRerr]. Julian, and N1tzl[OCRerr]rg, Gerald E. : The Effect, of Comgresel- blllty on the Growth of t}[OCRerr]e L[OCRerr]mlaar Bo[OCRerr]dary Layer on Low-Drag I Wings and Bodies. NACA ACR, Jan. 19[OCRerr]3 [OCRerr] 0 7 [OCRerr] 8. ^m,,,, 'i'.-at,li'[OCRerr],,,,'a, tdP,[OCRerr]r|,i,,,,,';,i,,'drdW.:,\S,.a;:'i,}[OCRerr]i[OCRerr]o',.;;r ...... /[OCRerr]'27 1/-/[OCRerr],5 [OCRerr]373 [OCRerr]) of ViscoMty on the Flow Ovnr Slender hwlhu,d Bodic[OCRerr] nf Revo. lull ....NA[OCRerr]/[OCRerr] [OCRerr]e.[OCRerr] 10'18, 1114%1. (S,l ..... 1,', NAC.A 'rN /I.t.b[OCRerr], iI[OCRerr]blt. 122g EL..> 20,14.) Allen, H. Julian, and Perkins, Edward W. : Characteristics of Flow Over Inclined Bodies of Revolution. NACA RM ASOL07, 19[OCRerr]i. if [OCRerr] $ [OCRerr]/ 1[OCRerr], H. J. AL'I,EN and-[OCRerr],V.'Ql.Vlff0g[OCRerr]q'rl ;-"'Wall Interference 1711# in a Two.])imensional I,'l.w Wind Tmmd, with Con- sidemtioJt of tho Effect of Coml.c[OCRerr]sibility," N.A.C.A., IgO3 v:i2_[OCRerr] T.IL. 782 (1914). " -£ 2 14 Allen, R.A., Keck, J.C. and C[OCRerr].m, J.C., "The Recombination of Nitrogen at 614-00 K, "Ayes-Everett Research Lab., Research No[OCRerr]e 21[OCRerr]3, .June 1961. I 5 [OCRerr]12 FIGURE 7. I CITATION INDEX SHEET