r, —o-. tIKU Klux, honey? Vlhy, we nev&i did. hear tell of no sich thing where we was. i~ev&~ heered nothin‘ Ibout dat atall ‘until we come u~ here, and dey had. em here. Law, honey, folks don‘ t know when dey‘ s well off. My daddy worked in de mill arid save his ~.~oney, and twelve yeahs aftah de w~h he bought two hundred and tvienty acres of land, ‘bout ten ~ni1es away. Den 1ata~i on daddy bought de mill from de L~os1eys too. Yas‘r~i, my dad&j was well off. “Li:‘ ‚ you had to be somebody to votes. I sure do ‘rnernbth~is all ‘bout dat. You had to be edicated ~:d have rnone~ to votes. ~t I don ~memb&~s no trouble ~bout d.c votin‘ . Hot where we come from, no ii~w. ‘II was married down dere. Maki husbart~‘s fast nanie was ~onroe afta:a the cou~it~i we lived in. My chilluns was named ai‘t~i some of the LIos— & ~ . ~ ~ ~. leys. I got,,~ Ed arid Hattie. Aftah ~iy daddy died we eaci~ got forty aca)as. I sold ~.aine and come u~o here to live with ;i~ boys. 11Th~it ilOfle~f dis ain‘t no way to raise chilluns. ~ot la~c dey raised now. All dis dlshonestT and ste~üin‘ and laziness. I~o ~cLam! look here at ~ny gran‘sons. ]~atth‘ o±‘i‘en dey da&.y. ITO PlaCe for 1em. Got edication, a~id ceint git ~ jobs outside cuttin‘ grass and de like. Down on de plan~ tation ev‘body worked. No laziness er toaieriness, er nothin ~ I te-ils yo‘ honey, I sure do WISh these CiilliUflS had de chances we had. Not much learnin‘ but we had up—briii~in‘ ~ Look at dein chilluns across de street. 31st had a big fight ova;h dere, axià~ dey ;~ioLhah‘S too lazy to do any thing ‘bout it, ~ nev&1 did seenone o‘ dat when we was young. ~ittin‘ inde folkeses hen houses and. stealing, and de carryins on at night. No main! I sure d~..wish de old times was here. “Iwent bac:~‘: two—three yeahs ego, to de old hoï~ie place, and dere it was, jist same a~ when I waS livin with Miss Nancy. Co‘se, theys afl dead. and gone now, but some 0±‘ the gran‘ehilluns was aro~nd. Yas‘~i, I ~aemb~s heap bout deri tîrxies. ‚~