Venky Iyer

Hello, World and other short stories

Introduction to Perl: 1

Session 1.2


You had me at Hello, World...

Virtues of a good programmer



  1. Get template, primers, nucleotides, buffers, enzyme, water
  2. Dilute to appropriate concentrations
  3. Mix in specific quantities and defined order
  4. Modulate temperature in specific ways, for specific number of iterations and amount of time




just a wrapper around mix?

dilute = mix with stuff, water as (ingredients)

Pseudocode for PCR

  1. get : Call on each of template, primers, nucleotides, buffers, enzyme, water
  2. dilute : For each, with appropriate stock concentrations
  3. mix : Reaction mix in specific order and under mixing conditions
  4. do the following 30 times:
    1. modulate_temp with some values
    2. modulate_temp with some values
    3. ....
  5. modulate_temp at 4 degrees C

The Elements of a Program

What is Perl

Perl, Meet World


use strict;
use warnings;

print "Hello, World";


The Shebang


use strict;
use warnings;

print "Hello, World";



@P=split//,".URRUU\c8R";@d=split//,"\nrekcah xinU / lreP rehtona tsuJ";sub p{
($p{$_})&6];$p{$_}=/ ^$P/ix?$P:close$_}keys%p}p;p;p;p;p;map{$p{$_}=~/^[P.]/&&
close$_}%p;wait until$?;map{/^r/&&<$_>}%p;$_=$d[$q];sleep rand(2)if/\S/;print

Comments and documentation

# This is a comment
# So is this
my $but_this = 'is not';

perldoc and POD

$> perldoc
$> perldoc perldoc

print "Something";

=head2 This is a POD section

This is POD content


# POD ended


use strict;
use warnings;
use Statistics::Descriptive;



use strict;
use warnings;

print "Hello, World";

$> perldoc strict



use strict;
use warnings;

print "Hello, World";

$> perldoc warnings

Digression: A reminder about STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR


$> cat input.tsv | perl
$> cat input.tsv | perl > output.tsv
$> cat input.tsv | perl | output.tsv
$> cat input.tsv > perl
$> cat input.tsv | perl | perl | most
$> perl < input.tsv
$> perl < input.tsv > output.tsv
$> perl < input.tsv | sort | most

Redirection, continued

More Examples

$> perl 2> errors.txt
$> perl 1> output.tsv
$> perl > output.tsv
$> perl 2>&1 | most
$> perl &> both.txt
$> perl >> output.tsv
$> perl 2>> errors.txt

warnings, continued


$> perl 2> warnings.txt
$> splain -h
Unknown option: h
Usage: /home/sapo/software/bin/splain [-v] [-p] [-f splainpod]
$> perldoc splain
$> cat warnings.txt | splain -p
$> splain -p < warnings.txt
$> perl 2>&1 | splain -p


$> perldoc -f print

print "Hello, World";

#  :-
#  Hello, World$>

print STDOUT "Hello, World";

#  :-
#  Hello, World$>

print STDERR "Hello, World";

#  :-
#  Hello, World$>


print "Hello, World

#  :-
#  Hello, World
#  $>

print "Hello, World\n";

#  :-
#  Hello, World
#  $>

print "Hello,", "World", "\n";

#  :-
#  Hello,World
#  $>

print "Hello, ", "World", "\n";

#  :-
#  Hello, World
#  $>

The tab

print "Hello,\tWorld\n";

#  :-
#  Hello,    World
#  $>


print "Hello, World\n";

#  :-
#  Hello, World
#  $>

print 'Hello, World\n';

#  :-
#  Hello, World\n$>

More Quotes

print "Hello, " Venky "\n";

#  :-
#  #%@#%$#@%$
#  $>

print "Hello, \"Venky\"\n";

#  :-
#  Hello, "Venky"
#  $>

print "Hello, \'Venky\'\n";

#  :-
#  Hello, 'Venky'
#  $>

print qq{Hello, "Venky"\n};

#  :-
#  Hello, "Venky"
#  $>

print qq/Hello, {Venky}\n/;

#  :-
#  Hello, {Venky}
#  $>

The __END__ marker

Some Arithmetic


use strict;
use warnings;

# declare our variables
my $first_number  = 1;
my $second_number = 12;

# compute some stuff
my $sum        = $first_number + $second_number;
my $difference = $first_number - $second_number;
my $product    = $first_number * $second_number;
my $power      = $first_number**$second_number;
my $reminder   = $first_number % $second_number;

# print the operands
print "First Number = $first_number\n";
print "Second Number = $second_number\n";

# print some values
print "sum = $sum, difference = $difference\n";
print "product = $product, ratio = ", $first_number / $second_number, "\n";
print "power = $power, reminder = $first_number % $second_number\n";



+ - % * / ** x

print 2 + 5, ',', 2 - 5, ',', 2 * 5, ',', 2 / 5, ',', 5 % 2, ',', 2**5, 2 x 5, "\n";

#  :-
#  7,-3,10,0.4,1,32,22222
#  $>


$> perldoc perl
$> perldoc perlop

print( ( 2 + 2 ) / 2 ) * 2;

Scalar Variables

my $foo = 5;
print "The value of the 'foo' variable is $foo\n";

#  :-
#  The value of the 'foo' variable is 5
#  $>

Operator Operator

# post-increment
my $foo = 1;
print $foo, ',', $foo++, ',', $foo, "\n";

#  :-
#  1,1,2
#  $>

# pre-increment
my $foo = 1;
print $foo, ',', ++$foo, ',', $foo, "\n";

#  :-
#  1,2,2
#  $>

my $foo = 1;

# $foo = $foo + 3
$foo += 3;    #4

# $foo = $foo - 1
$foo -= 1;    #3
$foo *= 2;    #6
$foo /= 2;    #3
$foo %= 2;    #1

Dynamic typing and the values of scalars

my $bar;    #undef
my $foo = 'tim5';     #initialized
my $baz = '5toady';

print $bar;

#  :-
#  #^$%@#$#$
#  $>

my $sum = $bar + 3;

#  :-
#  #$%@#%#@$%@#
#  $>

print $foo + 3, "\n";    # numerical value of $foo is 0

#  :-
#  3
#  $>

print $foo + $baz, "\n";    # numerical value of $baz is 5

#  :-
#  5
#  $>

my declarations and scoping



use strict;
use warnings;

my $foo = 5;
print "foo outside the scopes is $foo\n";

    print "foo at the beginning of the first scope is $foo\n";

    my $foo = 10;
    print "foo in the first scope is $foo\n";

        print "foo at the beginning of the second scope is $foo\n";

        # will throw error! $bar doesn't exist here!
        # print "bar at the end of the first scope is $bar\n";

        my $bar = 20;
        print "bar in the second scope is $bar\n";

    print "foo at the end of the first scope is $foo\n";

    # will throw error! $bar doesn't exist here!
    # print "bar at the end of the first scope is $bar\n";
print "foo outside the end of the scopes is $foo\n";

#  :-
#  foo outside the scopes is 5
#  foo at the beginning of the first scope is 5
#  foo in the first scope is 10
#  foo at the beginning of the second scope is 10
#  bar in the second scope is 20
#  foo at the end of the first scope is 10
#  foo outside the end of the scopes is 5
#  $>

Reading from STDIN


use strict;
use warnings;

print "Enter something\n";
my $foo = <STDIN>;

print "You entered '$foo'\n";


#  :-
#  Enter something
#  ->My name is Venky
#  You entered 'My name is Venky
#  '
#  $>



use strict;
use warnings;

print "Enter something\n";
my $foo = <STDIN>;
chomp $foo;

print "You entered '$foo'\n";


#  :-
#  Enter something
#  ->My name is Venky
#  You entered 'My name is Venky'
#  $>

Invoking functions

chomp( my $foo = <STDIN> );

# another
my $foo = <STDIN>;
chomp $foo;

# another
my $foo = <STDIN>;
print "You entered '", chomp $foo, "'\n";

Arithmetic revisited


use strict;
use warnings;

# declare our variables
chomp( my $first_number  = <STDIN> );
chomp( my $second_number = <STDIN> );

# compute some stuff
my $sum        = $first_number + $second_number;
my $difference = $first_number - $second_number;
my $product    = $first_number * $second_number;
my $power      = $first_number**$second_number;
my $reminder   = $first_number % $second_number;

# print the operands
print "First Number = $first_number\n";
print "Second Number = $second_number\n";

# print some values
print "sum = $sum, difference = $difference\n";
print "product = $product, ratio = ", $first_number / $second_number, "\n";
print "power = $power, reminder = $first_number % $second_number\n";
