MMTx Detailed Trouble Report
(Trouble Report #247)

FieldField Data
SynopsisConservative Final Mapping
Arrival-DateThu Jun 15 13:34:00 EDT 2006
EnvironmentOperating System: MMTx: Windows NT/2000 MySQL:
OS Version: 4.0
Java Version: Java 1.4
MySQL Version:
DescriptionIn a recent analysis of MMTx results against our
document set, we have noticed situtations when the inclusion of certain candidate maps in the final mapping would make for a better final mapping.

A concrete example from our report set follows. (This is using the MMTx
command line processor, and results are consistent with the MMTxAPI called
from with a Java app.)

Processing 00000000.tx.1: It displays a pink-tan glistening epithelial surface.

Phrase: "It"
Meta Candidates (0):
Meta Mappings:

Phrase: "displays"
Meta Candidates (1)
966 Display (Display {NCI}) [Activity]
Meta Mapping (966)
966 Display (Display {NCI}) [Activity]

Phrase: "a pink-tan glistening epithelial surface."
Meta Candidates (8)
804 SURFACE (SURF {NCI,LNC}) [Spatial Concept]
637 TAN (2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-4-oxopiperidine-1-oxyl {MSH,MTH}) [Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid,Organic Chemical,Pharma
cologic Substance]
637 Epithelial (Epithelial {NCI,NCI-GLOSS}) [Body System]
604 Tanning (Tannings {MSH,MTH}) [Occupational Activity]
604 Tanning (Tanning {MTH}) [Individual Behavior,Individual Behavior,Organism Function]
582 Epi (Adrenalin {MSH,UWDA,NCI,NCI-GLOSS,LNC}) [Organic Chemical,Pharmacologic Substance]
582 EPI (Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency {MSH}) [Disease or Syndrome]
566 Epithelium (Epithelium {MSH,NCI,UWDA,NCI-GLOSS}) [Tissue]
Meta Mapping (764)
637 TAN (2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-4-oxopiperidine-1-oxyl {MSH,MTH}) [Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid,Organic Chemical,Pharma
cologic Substance]
804 SURFACE (SURF {NCI,LNC}) [Spatial Concept]

For the phrase "a pink-tan glistening epithelial surface" the final
mapping is "tan surface". One would hope that "epithelial tan surface" would
be chosen. And it seems like the preliminary candidates make this possible.

We have seen this same pattern of behavior across many sentences.

It would be a great help if you could explain the algorithmic reasoning
that leads to this decision and possibly suggest a configuration of options
that would favour a more liberal coverage in these cases.

My guess would be that MMTx is considering the POS of these terms and
prefers a single ADJ N head rather than ADJ ADJ N.


How-To-RepeatThis should be reproducible by simply giving the example sentence to
MMTx using the default configurations in mmtxRegistry.conf.


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