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Details for Candidate SN20815

Initial RA (deg)52.828857
Initial Dec (deg)0.711470
Averaged RA (deg)52.828838
Averaged Dec (deg)0.711469
Averaged RA (hh:mm:ss)3:31:18.92
Averaged Dec (dd:mm:ss)+0:42:41.3
IUAC Name---
Time weight0.343
Crowding weight0.150
Dust weight0.888
Entry date/time2007-11-06 19:52:27


Fit type  Best  Criterion ACriterion B
z fitIa????
z constrainedIbcIbc??

SN typeChisqDays
Past Peak
dm_15*zAvPk g MagPk r Magg magr mag
Ia (noz)0.14501.08 1.800.25120.5012 22.86922.527 26.23324.999
Ibc (noz)0.27499.68 0.600.25120.0158 23.02222.565 25.51324.260
II (noz)0.23500.38 0.700.17780.0631 22.85822.474 24.32923.248
Ia (z)0.50500.88 0.600.50120.0100 23.10522.364 24.93523.291
Ibc (z)0.24496.38 0.900.50120.0794 22.93522.428 99.99999.999
II (z)0.50516.88 0.800.50120.3162 22.59922.573 23.22122.963

*Explanation of dm15 codes for SNIbc and SNII
type II: 0.6->Nugent's II-L; 0.7->Nugent's II-P; 0.8->Nugent's IIn; 0.9->SN1999em (II-P); 1.0->SN1998S (IIn); 1.1->SN1993J (IIb)
type Ibc: 0.6->Nugent's normal Ibc; 0.7->Nugent's Ibc hypernova; 0.8->SN2002ap (another Ic hypernova); 0.9->1999ex (normal Ic)


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ID #RankScannerRaDec G MagR MagI MagObs DateObs MJD SRunSFieldrrccTRunTField Flags
1572383 -1(none) 52.8287890.711467 22.85322.608 22.50807/11/02 54406.38 7121782 105829003692    
1619360 101Kessler 52.8288570.711470 23.227--- 22.37407/11/05 54409.38 7130786 105829003692    

Forced Photometry

Runu magg magr mag i mag z mag
7106 99.999 Fail23.197 23.51Fail
7121 Fail 22.86922.629 22.60999.999
7130 Fail 23.36123.091 22.49322.318
7142 99.999 23.45522.817 22.83721.498
7155 99.999 23.65223.878 22.78399.999
7170 24.734 23.78522.994 99.99999.999
7177 Fail 99.99923.261 23.85824.703
7199 Fail Fail99.999 FailFail
7202 99.999 99.99923.988 23.87899.999

Information on Nearby Galaxy(s)

RADecz del_zgmagrmagimag
0.5852.829010.71091 0.48020 0.0526021.741 20.15519.345
4.6052.833230.71290 -1.00000 99.9000023.683 22.70921.175

Imaging Followup

Report #RequestedTelescope PriorityObservedgmagrmag DatagifComment


Report #RequestedTelescopePriority ObservedEvaluationZ gifComment

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