FLS - yu 1999 Ho. 492 Dear Dr. sawywt Iwanttothankyou srpeaially a time when you maat havu been terribly 8nmn8r holiday. July 7, 1989 for yew lottor of duna 14 writtun at rurhed trying to get away for yaur The new8 regarding hr. Paadiek~s reiteration of the statement that budget8 for 1940 aust be 1688 than those of 1939 is rrd. However, I: am taking what oomfort I ary from the latter part of the rentenae reading8 "he alro apake of the antiaipated raluatanao of the !Erawteer to dig fufo capital f!unds exaept for very important proJeot8 outride of the regular prognaarl". Were the pabiro projeat ona whiah might bs aansidered part of a "regub program& I would never have reaaxmendad taking it aver thir year when 80 lnreh reopoinad to bo dtme on gellaw fever uad when so fan IBOLL were a-ilable for doing it. #either would I have arkud for a budget for thir par af #100,000.oa without having mads 8~ preliminary survey8 aavering a reasonable period of time. The ion projeat is one whiah mrt be organired an a large raale or abandaned a8 The eiaa programs&e is nat to be oonsidered a8 aampeting for fund8 with 0thur malaria progrmmur, The realga&iae problem, whether we aammit ourselrer to it publioly or nat, ir @sue of prewnting the rpread of gambiaa frm cme plaoe to anather with the hope of being able to ererrtually elimimte the rpeoior from BFIISil. f ray this in 8pito of your letter of lart year in which yau refuse to inralve the Faundation in any auqmign of extermination fallowing it8 experienoor with hookworBndirease and yellaw fever. lathing has been unoorerti so far,exaept tha mbre size of the projeat itrelf, to indiaate that the eliairution of from the region in which it 18 naw lcnawn to axirt, ir impossible. =P The star tragedy I hare 8een in the infe8ted dirtriatr leaver ma no option but to inairt that a real attempt with adequate fund8 and men to eliminate it before this tragedy spreads wer the rest of the aontinent. k!y ouggertion that you meet me in Partaleta far a disauraicm 8ome weeks ago wa8 based on a desire to sha yau oertain unforgettable sight8 whiah no words ore adequate to deearibe. I need not go back snd reaits for you the hirtory af the disawery of g8mbioo in Brasil. We b&h felt justified in the early yuarr of this mosquito's exirtenae in Brad1 in aonaidsring the problem, sxoept for a rhort period in 1931, 492 Bo. -2 - July 7, 1939 a8 ena far the govmmmnt autharitier to 801v8. But juatifiotB or net, the fast renmim that I ml the Wsprrroatatiro of the Bktematiorul Health Piriaiaas in Braail at the tinw Shaunt#a~o fiudirng of la* was announ0ti aad you, who had alraady seen whmt JLUPlIiao could ds in WeAfriti, mr8 in Brasil rhertly thermfter and had an oppertunity to 8oe at first h8A the rmult8 of the inlraion afHata1 ial92Oby J3~thelight ofw-hath8a ha@mmd ainao then we mn at least be ahw a lmk of tirion. (And it iaaatrubtoday a8 in the time of fuiah that With the publieaticm ef the saabion of Anophslsa gambiae in Mr. Fordi&* prcrridential review thir year, we oan no longer b8 ohargrd with a larrk of rioion. It only renains to gst that virirm aero8a to the Buard of Trurtesr and th8 nmmmry fuuda will b8 side available. Onm itma whicsh helpui gir8 us th8 neaaraary nourags to take on the nbiaa problem *rl8 th# statement in your 18ttsrr in which you diasuraed the af the yellor fever rsrvio8 baok to geveraeilmt to the sffeot that the deairs fw thla trmafer ma in PO uay rrlakd to Q drake to reduoo total PowdatScm oontributima to health work in Brarll. f hava bon lmking mar the amounts appropriatdl and spent by the Boundatioin 011 yellew fever utudy mall wntrol in Braail alone rintm 1923, I find that in five different year8 1924, 1926, lti26, 1932 and 1938 mer &WO,WO.oo wan spent raoh ye and that in 1924 ~6lS,WO.oo was spent. Bortunatrly today'8 eqwaditurea are amah lcmr md those for 1940 will be even 188s. The whole w0rl.d was ahorrk8d rt thr pioturo of what hapguacrd in Ceylon a far years ago, The Crylon tragmiy ir being rrineotd in Brarif Caday with the dfNsranos that it $8 repeating year after year ami will oontinus to do so until a thoroughly ~mlarialirm$ population 18 built up, Portuxmtaly, the populrti@n of the ~oae 80 far inmd8d is relatively small but the population oi threatened region8 runs into mmy tillion 351 czanridering a budget for a&ire work in %ilinia Bras11 we ocmnot take into cansiderrtion only the populaticm of asted sale but surf also inolud8 the populntlm whioh will ruff8r in oomfng year8 md throughout f&two genwatfonr if pbiar, ie nut blmhd itare and nal It irr only aftsr 8reing Fire at work in Braril that I have ooms to underrtond why W8t Africa ha8 been rolled the white man*8 grer8l llalaria ha8 lang been a reriou8 problmn in Brazil but only in aer in region8 are the looal mosquitosr able to transmit in a way to maggert oompe % on with ~8sbiar. A8 I hare written you bePer@ I believe WI rhould h8vo a minimum of 016 million dollars in the war ohsat for next year. Xt ir poreiblo @r, I belie-m I my say, probable, that the Braailfan Oovernnmnt can bo inducmd to furnirh all, 01` dIBO& a& of thir anmunt rinor it r~oogniabr the 8srioansss of the rituatim and baa a high opinior~ of the work done by the Pmmdatiem cm yellow fever. I mm HO. 492 July 7, 1989 wondering, however, if the Poundaticm would feel justified in ad.nUirtering a prognmme of this rise inwhioh it ha8 cmly I tmn percent interest? I balieve the l&&dation rhould take from 30 to MI g8raent of the rtook in the prctje&L prciling to get the amaunt neded from the govermont md Foundation, would it be feasible to ruggort an internatioz?al war oheat with fund8 from &her aountkiea? (I hope thir mm be avoidad but mention it as ' juot one m@re indimtion cf my errtinato of tha gravity of the situation). ;En aonalurrion 1: think we ahoplld decride firat, how amoh should be @pent QO the a&ire aervloo in &940 without oanrldering at all the minor question of where by ID coming frm Eavioe; dtans thia, the Foundatiarn should be given the prlvilsge of acmtributing a rehronrble proportion of thir alaount without taking into odnsldcrration 1939 i~cpcme or, if boosts must be omsidered ~'aaf phoing the neadr of all ether work, inoludirag the atudy of Jung16 Ielloa Fever and its cmntrol by vucoinatlan, on a list for aoneideratlon after the ga~&iaen~edaha~beenfulfilledl The problem ir net ona whlah oan bs attaaked equally ~011 next year 0T after cw just whenever ftmdr my beecme aA.lable. The failuru to spend poaoib~y #1OO,OW.oo or evdln lers in 1QaO ha8 let the problem grow until nQrr one agnat talk in terma of milllone of deU.arr, Zallure to spend freely Nell will, at the very Zeaat inareaao laaay fold the total whioh mart bo 8pnt, ?? ??????????? ?oo future o pWl4iD45 futilb. There exlat at the preser&t tima vary favorable oonditiana far working under a government whioh realiraa the gravity of the prsblma and is aoouotmed ta letting u8 work wtrth a free hand. Suuh favorable aonditiomr omanot be amjurod into exirrtenoo with any ugount of WA~Jt. Very eincerely yours, Fr P . &oper Dr. W. A. Sawyer, The Roakafsfler Pmndation, 4$ Weti 49th Otrmvt, Hew York, IbY.