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NCJRS Abstract

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NCJ Number: NCJ 094373  
Title: Blue Ash Helping Hands - Information Booklet
Corporate Author: Blue Ash Police Dept
Crime Prevention Section
United States
Publication Date: 1983
Pages: 9
Origin: United States
Language: English
Annotation: This booklet provides the information needed by participants in the Blue Ash Helping Hand Program (Ohio), which enlists families (which will display the green-hand sign in their windows) to help neighborhood children who might be ill or disabled, be accosted by strangers or dogs, be frightened, bullied, or injured.
Abstract: The booklet opens with a brief explanation of the program, including a statement of purpose, which is to provide safe homes in the school area in which children may find help in emergencies. The sponsors of the program are the Blue Ash Elementary School Parent-Teacher Association and the police department. The law which frees Helping Hand volunteers from civil liability in any help they may render a child is presented, followed by a listing of the standard rules for the program. The rules address the jurisdiction of the program, its period of operation, display of the sign, procedures for terminating program participation, and limitations on the use of the sign. The rules specify that a Helping Hand home is not to become a babysitting service or a neighborhood gathering place for children. Helping Hand responsibilities are described, including how to handle those situations most likely to be encountered. Emphasis is given to reporting incidents to the proper authorities. Incident report forms are included along with a sample Helping Hand sign.
Index Term(s): Child abuse ; Crime specific countermeasures ; Community crime prevention programs ; Child protection services ; Police crime-prevention ; Ohio
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