Table of contents for Art, desire, and the body in ancient Greece / Andrew Stewart.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog

Information from electronic data provided by the publisher. May be incomplete or contain other coding.

1. Bodies familiar and unfamiliar
2. Body and gender in the Greek city
3. Visuality, gaze, and glance
4. The public eye
5. Looking around the city
6. The problem
7. Nakedness in Greek life
8. Nakedness in early Greek art
9. Art, the body, and desire
10. Marble
11. Bronze
12. Painted pottery
13. Best and brightest
14. Marathon man
15. Eternal springtime?
16. Bed and battle
17. The Doryphoros
18. The Knidia
19. Of pain and pleasure
20. Going Dorian
21. Athenian perspectives
22. Hegeso revisited
23. Athens to ca. 510
24. From Kleisthenes to Xerxes
25. Kimonian and Periklean Athens
26. Conflict and disaster
27. Revival and ruination
28. For men
29. For women
30. Two images of alterity
31. Centaurs and Amazons
32. Role reversal: the Praxitelean Satyr
33. New horizons
34. In and out of the city
35. The Kingdoms: insiders and others
36. Gender-drift and the bisexual body.

Library of Congress subject headings for this publication: Art, Greek Themes, motives, Art, Ancient Greece Themes, motives, Nude in art, Male nude in art