
Health Care List

3 - 1 - 99 Talking Points on "Patients' Bill of Rights"
2 - 9 - 99 Key Provisions in S. 300, "Patients' Bill of Rights" Plus -- MSAs, FSAs, and Deductibility Deliver Greater Access and Real Patient Protection
Senate GOP Healthcare Task Force
9 - 10 - 98 Healthcare: The Difference is Access Official Estimates Show Huge Disparity Between GOP, Kennedy HMO Bills
7 - 31 - 98 The Costs of Kennedy-Care: Employers and Employees Will Pay Billions More
7 - 30 - 98 Democrats Won't Take "Yes" for an Answer: Minority Once Again Rejects Republican Offer to Consider Healthcare Bill
7 - 21 - 98 Patients' Rights: Republicans Target the Problem; Democrats Target the Politics
7 - 20 - 98 Republican Plan Gives Patients a Bill of Rights; Democrats Give Lawyers the Right to Bill
7 - 15 - 98 GOP Healthcare Bill: The Right Prescription for Reform -- Patients' Rights Plus: Access, Quality, Confidentiality, and Research
7 - 15 - 98 Clinton-Care and Kennedy-Care: Deja Vu All Over Again -- Same Supporters, Same Goals, Same Principles
7 - 9 - 98 New York Leads the Way on Partner Notification Law, Why Won't Kennedy Follow? Kennedy Managed Care Bill Ought to Incorporate an AIDS Disclosure Provision in a "New York Minute"
7 - 8 - 98 The Kennedy-Daschle Bill: Healthcare Reform in Reverse - Closing the Door on Many Americans Seeking-or Seeking to Retain-Insurance
6 - 16 - 98 Clinton Ignores His Own Commission in Pursuit of Healthcare Mandates -- GAO Underscores Folly of Legislating Excessive Healthcare Mandates
2 - 11 - 98 Clinton Once More Risks Medicare for Politics -- President's Medicare Expansion Plan: Dishonest, Disingenuous
1 - 30 - 98 If at First You Don't Succeed -- Spirit of 'Clinton-Care' is Tried and Tried Again in New Initiatives
1 - 9 - 98 Managed Day Care Makes Its Debut -- Clinton Pushes One-Sided Federal Child Care Initiative
9 - 24 - 97 GAO Releases First Study of So-Called "Gag Rules" -- Study Casts Doubt of Impact on Doctor-Patient Relationship
9 - 15 - 97 Legislative Notice: S. 830 -- FDA Reform: Substitute Amendment
7 - 22 - 97 Costs Go Up, Access Goes Down: What's Wrong With this Picture? - First, Fix What's Wrong at FDA
7 - 22 - 97 Legislative Notice: S. 830 - Food and Drug Administration Modernization and Accountibility Act of 1997
6 - 10 - 97 Legislative Notice: S. 419 - Birth Defects Prevention Act of 1997
6 - 2 - 97 This Year's Budget Agreement Debunks Clinton's 1996 Charges - Daylight Shines on White House's 1996 "Medi-Scare" Ploy
5 - 16 - 97 States and Taxpayers Hurt By Proposed Federal Increase - Unforeseen Effects of the Much Touted Tobacco Tax
5 - 1 - 97 Lack of Health Insurance Due to Many Factors -- The Complex Problem of Insuring Uninsured Children
4 - 25 - 97 1997 Medicare Trustees' Report: The Crisis Continues
4 - 24 - 97 Talking Points on Today's Medicare Trustees' Report
4 - 16 - 97 Legislative Notice: H.R. 1003 - Assisted Suicide Funding Restriction Act of 1997
4 - 7 - 97 Clinton This Year Proposes Less Spending Than Congress DidLast Year -- Clinton'n Medicaid Budget "Cuts" More Than Congress's