Seminar Announcement

Olav Beckmann

Imperial College London

"Dynamic Code Generation in C++ as a Foundation for Domain-Specific Optimization "

Paul Kelly

Date: Thursday, October 9, 2003
Time: 10:00 am.
Place: Building 451, Room 1025 (White Room)
P Clearance / Unclassified
Contact: Dan quinlan ((925) 423-2668) or Leslie Bills ((925) 423-8927)

Sponsored by: ISCR and CASC.


The TaskGraph Library is a C++ library for dynamic code generation, which combines specialisation with dependence analysis and restructuring optimisation. A TaskGraph represents a fragment of code which is constructed and manipulated at run-time, then compiled, dynamically linked and executed. The TaskGraph Library is implemented purely in C++, using macros and operator overloading to define a simplified, C-like sub-language that is used for initialising TaskGraphs. The internal representation used for representing generated code is SUIF-1, and the TaskGraph library implements an API for calling SUIF's analysis and restructuring passes on the generated code.

We view the TaskGraph Library as a research tool for facilitating domain-specific runtime optimisations in scientific applications. One key distinction of this approach is its combination of runtime code specialisation and restructuring optimisation. Sample applications include:

- Specialisation of a generic image filtering application to a specific convolution matrix - Automatic search for optimal tile size and loop sequence for matrix multiply and dense stencil loops - Unrolling of loops over Morton-order matrices

We are currently planning to use the TaskGraph library as a tool for implementing and evaluating domain-specific optimisation "components" for scientific programs. We are particularly interested in exploring this idea in the context of stencil loops.


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