Dcii Name: Pluto fMEGS) Dollar Amount: $26.3 million Dale Completed: 12/27/99 Dmcrip4ion of Tramaction: Pttrehaae of debt and equity in entity that had a. olTahore gas gathering coatrart whit Unrilaglon Resourem and Mariner Enron Business Unit Benefileti: ENA Did the deal rmait in a direct or indirect bone fit to Enron: Direct and Indirect Primary Benefit: Generated earaisga from ENA'. ability to mark-tn-market against the oilhhore gathering contract Fonda Flow Direcl:SO.g million Funds Flow Indirect: S24.O million Earning. Direct: $2.5 million Earnings Indirect: Feen Saved : S16,RIO Other equity investors bidding on the transaction: iNnate 2. 3. o indIcate whether our pwrhase sras on the solve terms as the other cqaitvparrhasers. Did the deal dote with UM? yea If not, why? lndkare whether the reason was driven by Enron or LIM. Other benefits to Enron: * No ~V' parties (i.e., banko) would buy this Mariner exposure in the tieseframe that LJM did Compiled hy: Chria Loehr ASF_CW000725