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Federal Agency Hazardous Waste Compliance Docket


[Federal Register: June 27, 1997 (Volume 62, Number 124)]
[Page 34779-34840]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]

[[Page 34779]]


Part II

Environmental Protection Agency


Federal Agency Hazardous Waste Compliance Docket; Notice

[[Page 34780]]



Federal Agency Hazardous Waste Compliance Docket

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency.

ACTION: Notice of tenth update of the Federal Agency Hazardous Waste
Compliance Docket, pursuant to CERCLA section 120(c).


SUMMARY: Section 120(c) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA), as amended by the
Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA), requires
the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish a Federal Agency
Hazardous Waste Compliance Docket. The docket is to contain certain
information about Federal facilities that manage hazardous waste or
from which hazardous substances have been or may be released. (As
defined by CERCLA section 101(22), a release is any spilling, leaking,
pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, discharging, injecting, escaping,
leaching, dumping, or disposing into the environment.) CERCLA requires
that the docket be updated every six months, as new facilities are
reported to EPA by Federal agencies. The following list identifies the
Federal facilities to be included in this tenth update of the docket
and includes facilities not previously listed on the docket and
reported to EPA since the last update of the docket, 60 FR [F.R.]
18474, April 11,1995, (which was current as of September 10, 1994). EPA
policy specifies that, for each Federal facility that is included on
the docket during an update, the responsible Federal agency must
complete a preliminary assessment (PA) and, if warranted, a site
inspection (SI) within 18 months of publication of the notice. Such
site evaluation activities will help determine whether the facility
should be included on the National Priorities List (NPL) and will
provide EPA and the public with valuable information about the
facility. In addition to the list of additions to the docket, this
notice includes a section that comprises revisions (that is,
corrections and deletions) of the previous docket list and a list of
the facilities on the docket that have been evaluated and determined to
be not appropriate for listing on the NPL at this time (the no further
remedial action planned [NFRAP] list). This update contains 102
additions and 69 deletions since the previous update, as well as
numerous other corrections to the docket list. At the time of
publication of this notice, the new total number of Federal facilities
listed on the docket is 2,104

DATES: This list is current as of October 1, 1996.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Toll-Free Telephone Line for the
Docket, Telephone: (800) 548-1016, or locally (703) 883-8577.
Electronic versions of the docket may be obtained from Enviro$en$e/
FFLEX (Federal Facilities Environmental Leadership Exchange)@http://


Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Revisions to the Previous Docket
3. Process for Compiling the Updated Docket
4. Facilities Not Included
5. Information Contained on Docket Listing
6. Facility Status Reporting

1. Introduction

    Section 120(c) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA), 42 United States Code
(U.S.C.) 9620(c), as amended by the Superfund Amendments and
Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA), required the establishment of the
Federal Agency Hazardous Waste Compliance Docket. The docket contains
information on Federal facilities that is submitted by Federal agencies
to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under sections 3005,
3010, and 3016 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), 42
U.S.C. 6925, 6930, and 6937 and under section 103 of CERCLA, 42 U.S.C.
9603. Specifically, RCRA section 3005 establishes a permitting system
for certain hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal (TSD)
facilities; RCRA section 3010 requires waste generators and
transporters and TSD facilities to notify EPA of their hazardous waste
activities; and RCRA section 3016 requires Federal agencies to submit
biennially to EPA an inventory of hazardous waste sites that the
Federal agencies own or operate. CERCLA section 103(a) requires that
the National Response Center (NRC) be notified of a release. CERCLA
section 103(c) requires reporting to EPA the existence of a facility at
which hazardous substances are or have been stored, treated, or
disposed of and the existence of known or suspected releases of
hazardous substances at such facilities.
    The docket serves three major purposes: (1) To identify all Federal
facilities that must be evaluated to determine whether they pose a risk
to human health and the environment sufficient to warrant inclusion on
the National Priorities List (NPL); (2) to compile and maintain the
information submitted to EPA on such facilities under the provisions
listed in section 120(c) of CERCLA; and (3) to provide a mechanism to
make the information available to the public.
    The initial list of Federal facilities to be included on the docket
was published on February 12, 1988 (53 FR [F.R.] 4280). Updates of the
docket have been published on November 16, 1988 (54 FR 46364); December
15, 1989 (54 FR 51472); August 22, 1990 (55 FR 34492); September 27,
1991 (56 FR 49328); December 12, 1991 (56 FR 64898); July 17, 1992 (57
FR 31758); February 5, 1993 (58 FR 7298); and November 10, 1993 (58 FR
59790); and April 11, 1995 (60 FR 18474). This notice constitutes the
tenth update of the docket.
    Today's notice is divided into four sections: (1) Additions, (2)
deletions, (3) corrections, and (4) a list of facilities classified as
no further remedial action planned (NFRAP). The additions section lists
newly identified facilities that have been reported to EPA since the
last update and that now are being included on the docket. The
deletions section lists facilities that EPA is deleting from the
docket. The corrections section lists changes in information about
facilities already listed on the docket. The NFRAP list is the list of
all docket facilities to which EPA has assigned a status of no further
remedial action planned.
    The information submitted to EPA on each Federal facility is
maintained in the docket repository located in the EPA Regional office
of the Region in which the facility is located (see 53 FR 4280
[February 12, 1988] for a description of the information required under
those provisions). Each repository contains the documents submitted to
EPA under the reporting provisions and correspondence relevant to the
reporting provisions for each facility. A complete national index of
the information found in the Regional docket repositories is maintained
at EPA's Federal Facilities Enforcement Office in Washington, D.C. and
is available to the public. The index for each Region is available for
public review at each Regional repository. Contact the toll-free
telephone line for the docket at (800) 548-1016, or locally (703) 883-
8577, for information on locations of Regional repositories and on
making arrangements to obtain specific documents.

[[Page 34781]]

2. Revisions to the Previous Docket

    Following is a discussion of the revisions to the previous docket,
including additions, deletions, and corrections.

2.1  Additions

    Today, 102 facilities are being added to the docket, primarily
because of new information obtained by EPA (for example, recent
reporting of a facility pursuant to RCRA sections 3005, 3010, or 3016
or CERCLA section 103). For all facilities being added to the docket,
it is EPA's policy that the responsible Federal agency must complete
the required preliminary assessment (PA) and, if warranted, a site
inspection (SI) within 18 months of the date of this publication.
    Of the 102 facilities being added to the docket, 4 are facilities
that have reported to the NRC the release of a reportable quantity (RQ)
of a hazardous substance. Under section 103(a) of CERCLA, a facility is
required to report to the NRC the release of a hazardous substance in a
quantity that equals or exceeds the established RQ. Reports of releases
received by the NRC, the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), and EPA are
transmitted electronically to the Transportation Systems Center at the
U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), where they become part of the
Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS) database. ERNS is a
national computer database and retrieval system that stores information
on releases of oil and hazardous substances. Facilities being added to
the docket and facilities already listed on the docket for which an
ERNS report has been filed are identified by the notation ``103(a)'' in
the ``Reporting Mechanism'' column.
    It is EPA's policy generally not to list on the docket facilities
that are small-quantity generators (SQG) and that have never generated
more than 1,000 kilograms (kg) of hazardous waste in any single month.
If a facility has generated more than 1,000 kg of hazardous waste in
any single month (that is, if the facility is an episodic generator),
it will be added to the docket. In addition, facilities that are SQGs,
but that have reported releases under CERCLA section 103 or other
hazardous waste activities pursuant to RCRA 3016 will be listed on the
docket and will undergo site evaluation activities, such as a PA and,
when appropriate, an SI. All such facilities will be listed on the
docket, whether or not they are SQGs pursuant to RCRA. As a result,
some of the facilities that EPA is adding to the docket today are SQGs
that had not been listed on the docket but that have reported releases
or hazardous waste activities to EPA under another reporting provision.
    In the process of compiling the documents for the Regional
repositories, EPA identified a number of facilities that had previously
submitted PA reports, SI reports, Department of Defense (DoD)
Installation Restoration Program (IRP) reports, or reports under
another Federal agency environmental restoration program, but had not
submitted a notification form under CERCLA section 103. Section
120(c)(3) of CERCLA requires that EPA include on the docket information
submitted under section 103. In general, section 103 requires persons
in charge of a vessel or facility to provide notice of certain releases
of hazardous substances. The reports under Federal agency environmental
restoration programs mentioned above contain information similar to
that provided pursuant to CERCLA section 103 and are considered
equivalent forms of notification for the docket. Thus, EPA believes
that a facility that has provided information equivalent to a CERCLA
section 103 notification, such as a report under a Federal agency
environmental restoration program, should be included on the docket,
regardless of the absence of formal notification under CERCLA section
103. Therefore, some of the facilities that EPA is adding today are
being placed on the docket because they have submitted the reports
described above.
    EPA also includes privately owned, government-operated facilities
(POGO) on the docket. CERCLA section 120(c) requires that the docket
contain information submitted under RCRA sections 3005, 3010, and 3016
and CERCLA section 103, all of which impose duties on operators as well
as owners of facilities. In addition, other subsections of CERCLA
section 120 refer to facilities ``owned or operated'' by an agency or
other instrumentality of the Federal government. That terminology
clearly includes facilities that are operated by the Federal
government, even if they are not owned by it. Specifically, CERCLA
section 120(e), which sets forth the duties of the Federal agencies
after a facility has been listed on the NPL, refers to the Federal
agency that ``owns or operates'' the facility. In addition, the primary
basis for assigning responsibility for conducting PAs and SIs, as
required when a facility is listed on the docket, is Executive Order
12580, which assigns that responsibility to the Federal agency having
``jurisdiction, custody, or control'' over a facility. An operator may
be deemed to have jurisdiction, custody, or control over a facility.

2.2  Deletions

    Today, 69 facilities are being deleted from the docket for various
reasons, such as incorrect reporting of hazardous waste activity,
change in ownership, and exemption as an SQG under RCRA (40 Code of
Federal Regulations [CFR] part 262.44). Facilities being deleted no
longer will be subject to the requirements of CERCLA section 120(d).

2.3  Corrections

    Changes necessary to correct the previous docket were identified by
both EPA and Federal agencies. The changes needed varied from simple
changes in addresses or spelling to corrections of the recorded name
and ownership of a facility. In addition, some changes in the names of
facilities were made to establish consistency in the docket. Many new
entries are simply corrections of typographical errors. For each
facility for which a correction has been entered, the original entry
(designated by an ``O''), as it appeared in the February 12, 1988
notice or subsequent updates, is shown directly below the corrected
entry (designated by a ``C'') for easy comparison.

3. Process for Compiling the Updated Docket

    In compiling the newly reported facilities for the update being
published today, EPA extracted the names, addresses, and identification
numbers of facilities from four EPA databases--ERNS, the Biennial
Inventory of Federal Agency Hazardous Waste Activities, the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Information System (RCRIS), and the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability
Information System (CERCLIS)--that contain information about Federal
facilities submitted under the four provisions listed in CERCLA section
    Extensive computer checks compared the current docket list with the
information obtained from the databases identified above to determine
which facilities were, in fact, newly reported and qualified for
inclusion on the update. In spite of the quality assurance efforts EPA
has undertaken, state-owned or privately owned facilities that are not
operated by the Federal government may have been included. Such
problems are caused by procedures historically used to report and track
data on Federal facilities; EPA is working to resolve them.
Representatives of Federal agencies are asked to write to EPA's docket
coordinator at the following

[[Page 34782]]

address if revisions of this update information are necessary:

Federal Agency Hazardous Waste Compliance Docket Coordinator,
Federal Facilities Enforcement Office (Mail Code 2261),
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street, S.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20460.

4. Facilities Not Included

    As explained in the preamble to the original docket (53 F.R. 4280),
the docket does not include the following categories of facilities
(note, however, that any of these types of facilities may, when
appropriate, be listed on the NPL):
     Facilities formerly owned by a Federal agency and now
privately owned will not be listed on the docket. However, facilities
that are now owned by another Federal agency will remain on the docket
and the responsibility for conducting PAs and SIs will rest with the
current owner.
     SQGs that have never produced more than 1,000 kg of
hazardous waste in any single month and that have not reported releases
under CERCLA section 103 or other hazardous waste activities under RCRA
section 3016 will not be listed on the docket.
     Facilities that are solely transporters, as reported under
RCRA section 3010, will not be listed on the docket.

5. Information Contained on Docket Listing

    As discussed above, the update information below is divided into
four separate sections. The first section is a list of new facilities
that are being added to the docket. The second section is a list of
facilities that are being deleted from the docket. The third section
comprises corrections of information included on the docket. The fourth
section is a list of facilities classified as NFRAP. Each facility
listed for the update has been assigned a code that indicates a more
specific reason(s) for the addition, deletion, or correction. The code
key precedes the lists.
    It is EPA's policy that all facilities on the additions list to
this tenth docket update must submit a PA and, if warranted, an SI to
EPA within 18 months of the date of this publication. The PA must
include existing information about a site and its surrounding
environment, including a thorough examination of human, food-chain, and
environmental targets, potential waste sources, and migration pathways.
From information in the PA or other information coming to EPA's
attention, EPA will determine whether a follow-up SI is required. An SI
augments the data collected in a PA. An SI may reflect sampling and
other field data that are used to determine whether further action or
investigation is appropriate. This policy includes any facility for
which there is a change in the identity of the responsible Federal
agency. The reports should be submitted to the Federal facilities
coordinator in the appropriate EPA Regional office.
    The facilities listed in each section are organized by state and
then grouped alphabetically within each state by the Federal agency
responsible for the facility. Under each state heading is listed the
name and address of the facility, the Federal agency responsible for
the facility, the statutory provision(s) under which the facility was
reported to EPA, and the correction code(s).
    The statutory provisions under which a facility reported are listed
in a column titled ``Reporting Mechanisms.'' Applicable mechanisms are
listed for each facility: for example 3010, 3016, and 103(c).
    The complete list of Federal facilities that now make up the docket
is not being published today. However, the list is available to
interested parties and can be obtained by calling the toll-free
telephone line for the docket at (800) 548-1016, or locally (703) 883-
8577. As of today, the total number of Federal facilities that appear
on the docket is 2,104.

6. Facility Status Reporting

    In response to numerous requests from Federal agencies, EPA has
expanded the docket database to include information on the status of
facilities for which no further remedial action is planned (NFRAP). A
prevalent concern has been the inability to identify facilities that,
after submitting all necessary site assessment information, were found
to warrant no further involvement on the part of EPA at the time.
Accordingly, EPA has expanded the docket database to include a column
indicating the facility's status.
    The status codes are:

U = Undetermined
N = No further remedial action planned (NFRAP)
P = Currently proposed for the NPL
F = Currently final on the NPL
R = Removed from the proposed NPL and no longer considered for the
final NPL
D = Deleted from the final NPL

    EPA changed the site assessment recommendation site evaluation
accomplished (SEA) to NFRAP. NFRAP is a term used in the Superfund site
assessment program to identify facilities for which EPA has found that
currently available information indicates that listing on the NPL is
not likely and further assessment is not appropriate at the time. NFRAP
status does not represent an EPA determination that no environmental
threats are present at the facility or that no further environmental
response action of any kind is necessary. NFRAP status means only that
the facility does not appear, from the information available to EPA at
this time, to warrant listing on the NPL, and that, therefore, EPA
anticipates no further involvement by EPA in site assessment or cleanup
at the facility. However, additional CERCLA response actions by the
Federal agency that owns or operates the facility, whether remedial or
removal actions, may be necessary at a facility that has NFRAP status.
    Important limitations apply to the list of facilities that have
NFRAP status. First, the information is accurate only as of October 1,
1996. Second, a facility's status may change at any time because of any
number of factors, including new site information or changing EPA
policies. Finally, the list of facilities that have NFRAP status is
based on Regional review of CERCLIS data, is provided for information
purposes only, and should not be considered binding upon either the
Federal agency responsible for the facility or EPA.
    The status information in the docket database will be reviewed, and
a new list of facilities classified as NFRAP will be published at each
docket update.

    Dated: June 12, 1997.
Craig E. Hooks,
Acting Director, Federal Facilities Enforcement Office.

Docket Revisions

Categories of Revisions for Docket Update by Correction Code

Categories for Deletion of Facilities

(1) Small-Quantity Generator
(2) Not Federally Owned
(3) Formerly Federally Owned
(4) No Hazardous Waste Generated
(5) (This correction code is no longer used.)
(6) Redundant Listing/Site on Facility
(7) Combining Sites Into One Facility/Entries Combined
(8) Does Not Fit Facility Definition (All Are Vessels)
(9) No Hazardous Waste (Responsible Federal Agency Changed)
(10) Small-Quantity Generator (Responsible Federal Agency Changed)
(11) No Hazardous Waste (Temporary Storage Only)
(12) Not Federally Owned (Small-Quantity Generator)
(13) Redundant Listing/Site on Facility (Federal Agencies Will

[[Page 34783]]

(14) Small-Quantity Generator (Never Actually Built) Categories for
Additions to Facilities

Categories for Addition of Facilities

(15) Small-Quantity Generator With Either a RCRA 3016 or CERCLA 103
Reporting Mechanism
(16) One Entry Being Split Into Two/Federal Agency Responsibility
Being Split
(17) New Information Obtained Showing That Facility Should Be
(18) Facility Was a Site on a Facility That Was Disbanded; Now a
Separate Facility
(19) Sites Were Combined Into One Facility
(19A) New Facility

Categories for Corrections of Information About Facilities

(20) Reporting Provisions Change
(20A) Typo Correction/Name Change/Address Change
(21) Changing Responsible Federal Agencies (New Responsible Federal
Agency Has 18 Months to Submit PA)
(22) Changing Responsible Federal Agencies and Title (New
Responsible Federal Agency Has 18 Months to Submit PA)
(23) New Reporting Mechanism Added at Update
(24) Reporting Mechanism Determined to Be Not Applicable After
Review of Regional Files

    Note: Further information on definitions of categories can be
obtained by calling the toll-free telephone line for the docket at
(800) 548-1016, or locally (703) 883-8577.

                                   Federal Facilities Docket, Docket Additions
                                                                                 Reporting         Correction
     State            Agency           Facility name     Facility address        mechanism            codes
AK............  Agriculture.......  Chugach NF:         T10 R7 S9 Seward    103c..............  19A
                                     Granite Mine.       Meridian, Port
                                                         Wells, AK.
AK............  Agriculture.......  Tongass NF: Duncan  Approximately 9 MI  103c..............  19A
                                     Canal Former WACS   WSW of City,
                                     Site.               Petersburg, AK
AK............  Agriculture.......  Tongass NF: Gold    W Side of Helm      103c..............  19A
                                     Standard Mine.      Bay, 25 MI N of
                                                         City, Ketchikan,
                                                         AK 99919.
AK............  Agriculture.......  Tongass NF: Ross-   Prince of Wales     103c..............  19A
                                     Adams Mine.         Island, 33 MI SW
                                                         of City,
                                                         Ketchikan, AK
AK............  Agriculture.......  Tongass NF: Salt    Prince of Wales     103c..............  19A
                                     Chuck Mine.         Island, 12 MI
                                                         From City, Thorne
                                                         Bay, AK 99919.
AK............  Army..............  Fort Greely.......  T11S R10E S2 FM,    3005, 3010, 3016,   19
                                                         Fort Greely, AK     103c.
AK............  Interior..........  BLM--Chandalar      T16S R11E S9 UM,    103c..............  19A
                                     Dump.               155 MI SE of
                                                         Barrow, Barrow,
                                                         AK 99723.
AK............  Interior..........  BLM--Red Top        T10S R55W S29       103c..............  19A
                                     Retort Site.        Seward Meridian,
                                                         Aleknagik, AK
AK............  Interior..........  FWS--Alaska         20 MI SW of         103c..............  19A
                                     Maritime NWR:       Earickson AFB,
                                     Agattu Island AWR/  Shemya AK 99500.
                                     NAV AID.
AK............  Interior..........  FWS--Alaska         30 MI NW of         103c..............  19A
                                     Maritime NWR:       Earickson AFB,
                                     Attu Island.        Shemya AK 99500.
AK............  Interior..........  FWS--Alaska         55 MI S of City,    103c..............  19A
                                     Maritime NWR:       Cold Bay, AK
                                     Caton Island.       99571.
AK............  Interior..........  FWS--Alaska         25 MI NE of Adak,   103c..............  19A
                                     Maritime NWR:       Adak, AK 99500.
                                     Great Sitkin
AK............  Interior..........  FWS--Alaska         300 MI W of Atka,   103c..............  19A
                                     Maritime NWR:       Atka, AK 99547.
                                     Kiska Island.
AK............  Interior..........  FWS--Alaska         300 MI W of Atka,   103c..............  19A
                                     Maritime NWR:       Atka, AK 99547.
                                     Little Kiska
AK............  Interior..........  FWS--Alaska         300 MI W of Atka,   103c..............  19A
                                     Maritime NWR:       Atka, AK 99547.
AK............  Interior..........  FWS--Alaska         65 MI W of Adak     103c..............  19A
                                     Maritime NWR:       Naval Station,
                                     Tanaga Island.      Adak, AK 99500.
AK............  Interior..........  FWS--Arctic NWR:    70D04M00SN,         103c..............  19A
                                     Griffin Point       142D54M00SW, 18
                                     Dewline Staging     MI E of City,
                                     Site.               Kaktovik, AK
AK............  Interior..........  FWS--Arctic NWR:    60 MI E of City,    103c..............  19A
                                     Lake Peters &       Deadhorse, AK
                                     Marsh Fork Narl     99740.
AK............  Interior..........  NPS--Kenai Fjords   59D33MOOSN,         103c..............  19A
                                     NP&P: Beauty Bay    150D40MOOSW,
                                     Mine.               Seward, AK 99664.
AK............  Navy..............  Tin City White      1.25 MI N of        103c..............  19A
                                     Alice Site.         Airport, Tin
                                                         City, AK 99783.
AK............  Transportation....  CG--Edna Bay        Edna Bay, 32 MI NW  3010..............  19A
                                     Entrance Light.     of City, Craig,
                                                         AK 99921.
AK............  Transportation....  FAA--Aniak Station  Aniak Airport,      103c..............  19A
                                                         Aniak, AK 99557.
AK............  Transportation....  FAA--Galena         64D44M10SN,         103c..............  19A
                                     Station.            156D56M04SW,
                                                         Galena Airport,
                                                         Galena, AK 99741.
AK............  Transportation....  FAA--Kenai Station  Kenai Municipal     3010, 103c........  19A
                                                         Airport, Kenai,
                                                         AK 99611.
CA............  Agriculture.......  Big Creek           T8S R25E S28 SW14,  103c..............  19A
                                     Pesticide           Big Creek, CA
                                     Building.           93605.
CA............  Agriculture.......  FS--Drinkwater      T31N R12W S6 SE1/4  103c..............  19A
                                     Gulch Mine.         OD, Hayfork, CA
CA............  Agriculture.......  FS--Golden Jubilee  T37N R8W S4 NE1/4,  103c..............  19A
                                     Mine.               Trinity Center,
                                                         CA 96091.
CA............  Agriculture.......  Mt. Hebron Work     T46N R7E S32,       103c..............  19A
                                     Center.             MacDoel, CA 96058.
CA............  Army..............  Barstow National    T9N R1E S16 SW1/4,  3010..............  19A
                                     Training Center.    Barstow Dagget
                                                         Airport, CA 92329.
CA............  Army..............  Rio Vista Research  Rio Vista, CA.....  103a..............  19A
CO............  Army..............  Cortez              PO Box E, Cortez,   3016..............  19A
                                     Organizational      CO 81321.
                                     Maintenance Shop.
CO............  Interior..........  BR--Leadville       749 Hwy 91 N,       3010..............  19A
                                     Treatment Plant.    Leadville, CO
DE............  Army..............  Middletown          500 N Cross St,     3016..............  19A
                                     Organizational      Middletown, DE
                                     Maintenance Shop    19709.
DE............  Army..............  Milford             N Walnut St,        3016..............  19A
                                     Organizational      Milford, DE 19963.
                                     Maintenance Shop
FL............  Transportation....  CG--Cape Canaveral  9235 Grouper Rd,    3010..............  19A
                                     Light.              Cape Canaveral,
                                                         FL 33131.

[[Page 34784]]

FL............  Transportation....  CG--Carysfort Reef  100 MacArthur       3010..............  19A
                                     Light.              Causeway, Miami
                                                         Beach, FL 33131.
FL............  Transportation....  CG--Crooked River   Rt 98, Carrabelle,  3010..............  19A
                                     Light.              FL 33131.
FL............  Transportation....  CG--Hillsboro       Hillsboro Inlet,    3010..............  19A
                                     Light.              Pompano Beach, FL
FL............  Transportation....  CG--Sand Key Light  CG Group Key W      3010..............  19A
                                                         Trumbo Pt Annex,
                                                         Key West, FL
GU............  Navy..............  Finegayan Housing   Naval               103c..............  19A
                                     Abandoned Dump.     Communications
                                                         Center, S
                                                         Finegayan, GU
HI............  Transportation....  CG--Kure Atoll....  300 Ala Moana       103c..............  19A
                                                         Blvd, Ste 8122,
                                                         Honolulu, HI
ID............  Agriculture.......  Boise NF: Monarch   T5N R11E S3 Boise   103c..............  19A
                                     Mine Stamp Mill.    Meridian,
                                                         Atlanta, ID 83601.
ID............  Agriculture.......  Boise NF:           T6N R11E S34 Boise  103c..............  19A
                                     Riverside           Meridian,
                                     Campsite.           Atlanta, ID 83601.
ID............  Agriculture.......  Boise NF: Uranium   Clear Creek Rd,     103c..............  19A
                                     Mill Tailings       #582 at MP 20 N
                                     Site.               of City, Lowman,
                                                         ID 83637.
ID............  Agriculture.......  FS--Lazy C H Ranch  Star Rt 1, 15 MI    3010..............  19A
                                                         SW of City,
                                                         Montpelier, ID
ID............  Agriculture.......  Idaho Panhandle     Fs Rd 2354, 8 MI    3010 103c.........  19A
                                     NF: Big Creek       SE of City,
                                     Bridge.             Kellogg, ID 83837.
ID............  Agriculture.......  Idaho Panhandle     FS Rd 392, 30 MI    3016 103c.........  19A
                                     NF: Hudlow Camp     NNE of City,
                                     Dump.               Coeur D'Alene, ID
ID............  Agriculture.......  Idaho Panhandle     SR 57, 4 MI S of    103c..............  19A
                                     NF: Priest Lake     City, Nordman, ID
                                     RS Dump.            83848.
ID............  Agriculture.......  Idaho Panhandle     FS Rd 208, 25 MI N  103c..............  19A
                                     NF: Shoshone Work   of City,
                                     Center Dump.        Kingston, ID
ID............  Agriculture.......  Sawtooth NF:        T4N R17E S20 NE\1/  103c..............  19A
                                     Bassett Gulch       4\ SE\1/4\,
                                     Mill Site.          Ketchum, ID 83340.
ID............  Agriculture.......  Sawtooth NF: Black  65 MI SE of City/   103c..............  19A
                                     Pine Historic       15 MI W of I84
                                     Mine Tailings.      Exit 263, Burley,
                                                         ID 83318.
ID............  Interior..........  BLM--Courier Gulch  0.3 MI N of City,   103c..............  19A
                                                         Triumph, ID 83333.
ID............  Interior..........  BLM--Cream Can      T5S R26E S35 SW\1/  3010..............  19A
                                     Junction.           4\ SW\1/4\ BM,
                                                         Carey, ID 83320.
ID............  Interior..........  BLM--Dobson Pass..  T48N R4E S1 Lot9,   3010..............  19A
                                                         Wallace, ID 83873.
ID............  Interior..........  BLM--Kinnikinnic    Adjacent to Town    103c..............  19A
                                     Creek.              and Old Smelter,
                                                         Clayton, ID 83227.
ID............  Interior..........  NPS--Craters of     15 MI SW of City    103c..............  19A
                                     the Moon NM:        on Hwy 93, Arco,
                                     Martin Mine.        ID 83213.
ID............  Navy..............  Bayview NAV         Hwy 54 & Main Ave,  103c 3010.........  19A
                                     Surface Warfare     Bayview, ID 83803.
                                     Ctr/Carderock Div
KS............  Air Force.........  Smokey Hill         8429 W Farrelly     3010..............  19A
                                     Weapons Range.      Rd, Salina, KS
MI............  Agriculture.......  FS-Robins Disposal  Watersmeet, MI....  103a..............  19A
MI............  Agriculture.......  Hiawatha NF: Bay    3 Mi NW of          103c..............  19A
                                     Mills Landfill.     Brimley, Superior
                                                         Township, MI
MO............  Army..............  Camp Crowder        762 Linn St,        3016..............  19A
                                     Training Site.      Neosho, MO 64850.
MS............  Corps of            Arkabutla Lake      Arkabutla Lake,     3010..............  19A
                 Engineers, Civil.   Field Office.       Coldwater, MS
MT............  Agriculture.......  FS--Lake Koocanusa  14 Mi SW of         3010..............  19A
                                     Bridge.             Eureka, Eureka,
                                                         MT 59917.
MT............  Interior..........  BIA--Blackfeet      200 Ft NE of BIA    3010..............  19A
                                     Indian              Office, Browning,
                                     Reservation.        MT 59417.
MT............  Interior..........  BIA--Northern       Storage Near BIA    3010..............  19A
                                     Cheyenne            Office, Lame
                                     Reservation.        Deer, MT 59043.
NC............  Navy..............  Harvey Point        Rt 5, Hertford, NC  103c..............  19A
                                     Defense Testing     27944.
NC............  Transportation....  FAA--Raleigh        Raleigh, NC.......  103a..............  19A
ND............  Air Force.........  Cavalier Air        PO Box 22, Nekoma,  3016..............  19A
                                     Station.            ND 28355.
NE............  Agriculture.......  Bessey Nursery....  Spur 86B, Halsey,   3016..............  19A
                                                         NE 69142.
NE............  Army..............  Mead Training Site  RR 1, PO Box 1048,  3016..............  19A
                                                         Mead, NE 68041.
NV............  Interior..........  BLM--Monite         T20N R20E S28 SW1/  103c..............  19A
                                     Dynamite Site.      4 MDW, Sparks, NV
NV............  Interior..........  BLM--Osage Mill     T24S R57E S27 NE1/  103c..............  19A
                                     Site.               4 SW1/4, Sandy
                                                         Valley, NV 89019.
NV............  Interior..........  BLM--Searchlight    T29S R63E S12,      103c..............  19A
                                     Landfill.           Searchlight, NV
NY............  Army..............  Rochester Combined  1500 Henrietta Rd,  103c 3010.........  15
                                     Support Shop & US   Rochester, NY
                                     Fiscal Office.      14623.
NY............  Army..............  Youngstown Weekend  Balmer Rd,          103c 3016.........  19A
                                     Training Site.      Youngstown, NY
OR............  Agriculture.......  Fremont NF: Silver  Hwy 31, 55 Mi NW    103c..............  19A
                                     Lake R.D. Penta     of Paisley,
                                     Site.               Silver Lake, OR

[[Page 34785]]

OR............  Agriculture.......  Mt. Hood NF:        3 Mi SE of City,    103c..............  19A
                                     Borrow Pit.         T1N R6E S31,
                                                         Bridal Veil, OR
OR............  Agriculture.......  Mt. Hood NF: Site   3 Mi SE of City,    103c..............  19A
                                     B.                  T1S R6E S07,
                                                         Bridal Veil, OR
OR............  Agriculture.......  Willamette NF:      4431 HWY 20, Sweet  103c..............  19A
                                     Sweet Home Work     Home, OR 97386.
OR............  Army..............   COE--Elk Creek     27 Mi N of City,    103c..............  19A
                                     Dam Project.        Medford, OR 97503.
OR............  Interior..........  BLM--Middle Creek   T27S R11W S13,      103c..............  19A
                                     Battery Dump Site.  North Bend, OR
PA............  Air Force.........  State College Air   State College, PA.  103c..............  19A
                                     National Guard.
SC............  Commerce..........  Charleston          217 Fort Johnson    3010..............  19A
                                     National Marine     Rd, Charleston,
                                     Fisheries Service.  SC 29412.
TN............  Tennessee Valley    Appalacha Hydro     Hwy 68, Hiwassee    103a..............  19A
                 Authority.          Plant.              River, Farner, TN.
UT............  Agriculture.......  FS--Lucerne Valley  10 Mi E of Manila,  3010..............  19A
                                                         Manila, UT 84046.
UT............  Agriculture.......  FS--Stockmore       Junction of Rd 35   3010..............  19A
                                     Ranger Station.     & Rd 44, Hanna,
                                                         UT 84031.
UT............  Air Force.........  151st Refueling     151 ARG/EM, Bldg    103c..............  19A
                                     Unit, Utah Air      1624, Salt Lake
                                     National Guard.     City, UT 84116.
UT............  Army..............  Green River Launch  1 Mi SE of Town,    103c..............  19A
                                     Complex.            Green River, UT
VA............  Army..............  Richmond            3100 Alcott Rd,     3016..............  19A
                                     Organizational      Richmond, VA
                                     Maintenance Shop    23237.
WA............  Agriculture.......  Wenatchee NF:       T16N R15E S7 SE\1/  103c..............  19A
                                     Chinook Pass Work   4\ NW\1/4\,
                                     Center.             Naches, WA 98937.
WA............  Agriculture.......  Wenatchee NF:       600 Sherbourne St,  103c..............  19A
                                     Vehicle Wash Sump.  Leavenworth, WA
WA............  Agriculture.......  Wenatchee NF:       T14N R14E S28 NE\1/ 103c..............  19A
                                     White Pass Work     4\ NE\1/4\,
                                     Center.             Naches, WA 98937.
WA............  Air Force.........  Paine Field Air     2701 112th St SW,   103c 3010.........  19A
                                     National Guard      Everett, WA 98204.
WA............  Air Force.........  Seattle Air         6736 Ellis Ave S,   103c..............  19A
                                     National Guard      King Cnty Int'l
                                     Station.            Airprt, Seattle,
                                                         WA 98108.
WA............  Army..............  COE--Chief Joseph   Hwy 17 & Hwy 173,   103c..............  19A
                                     Dam Project.        Bridgeport, WA
WA............  Army..............  COE--Walla Walla    Cherry St & Sumac   103c..............  19A
                                     District            St, 3rd Ave & 4th
                                     Headquarters.       Ave, Walla Walla,
                                                         WA 99362.
WA............  Navy..............  Everett Naval       2000 W Marine View  3016 103c.........  19A
                                     Station.            Dr, Everett, WA
WI............  Agriculture.......  Nicolet NF: Paya    T32N R16E S10,      103c..............  19A
                                     Lake Dump.          Riverview
                                                         Township, WI
WI............  Agriculture.......  Nicolet NF: Pine    T37N R12E S16 NE\1/ 103c..............  19A
                                     Lake.               4\ SW\1/4\,
                                                         Hiles, WI 54511.
WI............  Agriculture.......  Nicolet NF: Tipler  0.51 Mi E on        103c..............  19A
                                     Dump.               Shannon Rd & Hwy
                                                         139, Tipler
                                                         Township, WI
WI............  Interior..........  FWS--Necedah        W7996 20th W,       3010..............  19A
                                     Wildlife Refuge.    Necedah, WI 54646.
WY............  Agriculture.......  FS--Hobuck Guard    1 Mi W of           3010..............  19A
                                     Station.            Bondurant on Hwy
                                                         189, Bondurant,
                                                         WY 82922.

                                   Federal Facilities Docket, Docket Deletions
                                                                                 Reporting         Correction
     State            Agency           Facility name     Facility address        mechanism            codes
AK............  Agriculture.......  Duncan Canal Level  Level Island-North   3016 103c........  6
                                     Island Vortac       End, Level Island
                                     Site.               (Petersburg), AK
AK............  Justice...........  DEA-Anchorage.....  222 W 7TH Ave #15,  3010..............  4
                                                         Anchorage, AK
AK............  Transportation....  FAA-Chandalar       Chandalar Lake NAV  103c..............  6
                                     Station.            AIDS, 110 MI N of
                                                         City, Fort Yukon,
                                                         AK 99740.
AK............  Transportation....  FAA-Skwentna        Skwentna Airfield,  103c, 3016........  6
                                     Airfield.           Skwentna, AK
AL............  Commerce..........  Central Foundry...  Old Holt Rd Off     3016..............  3
                                                         River Rd. Holt,
                                                         AL., Tuscaloosa,
AP............  Army..............  Kwajalein Atoll...  Kwajalein Atoll,    3016..............  2
                                                         APO, AP 96555.
AZ............  Army..............  Buckeye Range.....  Buckeye, AZ.......  3016..............  4
AZ............  Army..............  Casa Grande Range.  320 E. Cottonwood   3016..............  4
                                                         Lane, Casa
                                                         Grande, AZ 85222.
AZ............  Energy............  Wapa-Parker Dam     Lat-340942/Long-    103a 3010.........  4
                                     Switchyard.         1141636, Parker,
                                                         AZ 85344.
CA............  Agriculture.......  Los Padres NF:      6144 Calle Real,    103c..............  3
                                     Gibraltar Mining    Goleta, CA.
CA............  Army..............  Fort Irwin Mates..  Fort Irwin, CA      3016..............  6
CA............  Interior..........  BLM-Blythe          7 Miles N. of City  103c..............  6
                                     Landfill.           of Blythe,
                                                         Blythe, CA 92225.
FL............  Transportation....  CG-D7 Oan           St. Petersburg, FL  103a..............  4
                                     Lighthouse.         33131.

[[Page 34786]]

HI............  Army..............  Makua Military      Makua Military      3016..............  6
                                     Reservation         Reservation,
                                     Ordinance           Waianae, HI 96792.
                                     Disposal Area.
IA............  Army..............  Cherokee Army       1807 Industrial     3010..............  1
                                     Reserve.            Road, Cherokee,
                                                         IA 51012.
IA............  Army..............  IAAP Middletown/    Middletown, IA      3016..............  6
                                     Wets.               52638.
ID............  Agriculture.......  Idaho Panhandle     1201 Ironwood Dr.,  3016, 3010, 103c..  11
                                     National Forests.   Coeur D'Alene, ID
ID............  Agriculture.......  USDA-FS Boise       Idaho City Stage    3010..............  1
                                     National Forest.    Lucky Peak,
                                                         Boise, ID 83706.
ID............  Army..............  Kimama............  22 Miles North      3016..............  4
                                                         Rupert, Rupert,
ID............  Army..............  Orchard Range.....  16 Miles South,     3016..............  6
                                                         Boise, ID 83707.
IL............  ..................  Specialty Sealant   7800 S Woodlawn     3010..............  2
                                     IEPA.               Ave, Chicago, IL
IN............  ..................  Carrico Elmer Drum  Locust St and       3010..............  2
                                     Site.               Bernard,
                                                         Washington, IN
IN............  ..................  Industrial Fuels    4240 White Oak      3010..............  2
                                     and Asphalt.        Ave, Hammond, IN
KY............  Air Force.........  Louisville Air      1019 Old Grade Ln,  3016..............  6
                                     National Guard.     Louisville, KY
MA............  Transportation....  CG--Gloucester      17 Harbor Loop      103a..............  4
                                     Station.            Road, Gloucester,
                                                         MA 01930.
MD............  Commerce..........  National Marine     South Morris        103c 3010.........  6
                                     Fisheries Service.  Street EXT.,
                                                         Oxford MD 21654.
MI............  Interior..........  BLM--Maybee.......  Main St and Grand   3010..............  4
                                                         Trunk RR, Maybee,
                                                         MI 48159.
MN............  ..................  August Bauer Farm.  RT. 1 Box 213,      2.................
                                                         Fanbault, MN
                                                         55021 3016.
MN............  ..................  Snelling Small      5001 St Hwy 5,      3010..............  6
                                     Arms Range Annex.   Minneapolis, MN
MN............  Interior..........  BLM--Karlstad       SE Qtr Sec33 R45W   3010..............  2
                                     Equipment And       T161N, Lake
                                     Farm.               Bronson, MN 56734.
MN............  Interior..........  Fond Du Lac Casino  105 University Rd,  3010..............  2
                                                         Cloquet, MN 55720.
MN............  Veterans Affairs..  Minneapolis         54th St & 48th Ave  3010..............  6
                                     Medical Center.     S Minneapolis, MN
MO............  Army..............  Fort Crowder        D Hwy Neosho MO     103c..............  3
                                     Military            64850.
MO............  General Services    St. Louis.........  1222 Spruce, St     3005, 3010, 103a..  4
                 Administration.                         Louis, MO 63103.
MS............  Corps of            Waterways           3909 Halls Ferry    3016..............  6
                 Engineers, Civil.   Experiment          Rd, Vicksburg MS
                                     Station.            39180.
NM............  Interior..........  BLM--UNM Hazardous  T23S, R2E, SEC23,   3005, 3010, 3016,   2
                                     Waste Storage       Las Cruces, NM      103c.
                                     Facility.           88001.
NV............  Energy............  Sandia National     Hwy 6, Tonopah, NV  3016..............  6
                                     Laboratories-       89049.
NV............  Energy............  Yucca Mountain      FOC--Area 25,       3016..............  4
                                     Site                Mercury, NV 89023.
NV............  Interior..........  BLM--Gold Strike    T36NR50ESEC29, 30,  103c..............  2
                                     Mine.               Eureka, NV 89316.
NV............  Postal Service....  Las Vegas Postal    1001 Circus Dr,     3010, 103a........  3
                                     Service Main        Las Vegas, NV
                                     Office.             89114.
NV............  Postal Service....  Las Vegas Vehicle   1001 E. Sunset      103a..............  1
                                     Maintenance         Road, Las Vegas,
                                     Facility.           NV 89199.
NY............  ..................  Womens Rights N H   116 TO 122 Fall     3010..............  1
                                     P.                  St, Seneca Falls,
                                                         NY 13148.
NY............  General Services    Ogdensburg Customs  127 North Water,    3010..............  4
                 Administration.     House.              Ogdensburg, NY
OH............  ..................  CMHA Olde Cedar     2617 Central Ave,   3010..............  2
                                     Estates.            Cleveland, OH
OH............  Air Force.........  Rickenbacker Air    DET 1 HQ ANG/DE,    3010, 3016........  6
                                     Force Base.         Rickenbacker AFB,
                                                         OH 43217.
OH............  Army..............  Rickenbacker-       7116 1st st.,       3016..............  6
                                     Columbus.           Columbus, OH
OH............  Energy............  US Enrichment Corp  3930 US Rte 23      3010..............  6
                                                         South Site C,
                                                         Piketon, OH 45661.
OK............  Air Force.........  Atlas Missile Site  Mangum, OK 73554..  103c..............  3
OK............  Air Force.........  Atlas Missile Site  Snyder, OK 73566..  103c..............  3
OK............  Air Force.........  Atlas Missile Site  Cache, OK 73527...  103c..............  3
OK............  Air Force.........  Atlas Missile Site  Manitou, OK 73555.  103c..............  3
OK............  Air Force.........  Atlas Missile Site  Manitou, OK 73555.  103c..............  3
OK............  Air Force.........  Atlas Missile Site  Olustee, OK 73560.  103c..............  3
OK............  Air Force.........  Atlas Missile Site  Hollis, OK 73550..  103c..............  3
OR............  Army..............  Corvallis/Camp      39434 Rifle Range   3016..............  4
                                     Adair.              Road, Corvallis,
                                                         OR 97330.
PA............  Army..............  Clearfield Army     Rd 2 Box 314,       3010..............  4
                                     Reserve Center.     Clearfield, PA
PA............  Army..............  Pendel-Caminiti     950 New Castle Rd,  3010..............  4
                                     Army Reserve        Farrell, PA 16121.
TX............  Air Force.........  Atlas Missile Site  Odell, TX 79247...  103c..............  3
TX............  Air Force.........  Fort Worth          10 M. SW Carswell   103a..............  6
                                     Facility.           AFB Radial 270 &
                                                         240, Fort Worth,
                                                         TX 76024.
VA............  Air Force.........  Oyster Point        610 Thimble Shoals  103c..............  3
                                     Development Corp.   Blvd, Newport
                                                         News, VA 23601.
VA............  Interior..........  GS-Reston.........  12201 Sunrise       3010..............  1
                                                         Valley Dr,
                                                         Reston, VA 22092.
VI............  Army..............  International       Alex Hamilton       3016..............  2
                                     Arrivals Building.  Airport, St.
                                                         Croix, VI 00850.

[[Page 34787]]

VI............  Army..............  St. Croix Property  9 Estate Diamond--  3010..............  2
                                     & Fiscal Office.    Fredriksted, St.
                                                         Croix, VI 00840.
WA............  Army..............  Kent                24410 Military      3016..............  6
                                     Organizational      Road, Kent, WA
                                     Maintenance Shop    98032.
WA............  Energy............  BPA-Bake Oven       Bake Oven Road,     103c, 103a........  4
                                     Substation.         Maupin, WA.
WA............  Navy..............  Jackson Park        Austin Road at      103c..............  6
                                     Landfill.           Shore Drive,
                                                         Bremerton, WA
WI............  Army..............  Equipment           3050 Ft McCoy       3010..............  6
                                     Concentration       Bldg, Sparta, WI
                                     Site.               54656.
WV............  Army..............  Martinsburg         900 Maryland Ave,   3010..............  4
                                     Memorial Army       Martinsburg, WV
                                     Reserve Center.     25401.
WV............  Army..............  Romney Army         Rte 28 North,       3010..............  4
                                     Reserve Center.     Romney, WV 26757.

                                                      Federal Facilities Docket, Docket Corrections
         Facility name            Facility address          City           State     Zip code         Agency           mechanism       Correction codes
C Anvil Mountain White Alice     6.5 mi N of Nome..  Nome..............  AK              99762  Air Force........  103c, 3016.......  20A.
 Communications Site.
O Anvil Mountain...............  Anvil MT 6.5 mi N   Nome..............  AK              99762  Air Force........  103c, 3016.......
                                  of Nome.
C Bear Creek Air Force Station.  Yukon River on N    Tanana............  AK              99777  Air Force........  103c, 3010, 3016.  20A.
O Bear Creek Air Force Station   Yukon River on N    Tanana............  AK              99777  Air Force........  103c, 3010, 3016.  ..................
 Landfill.                        Shore.
C Canyon Creek Radio Relay       T7S R7E S27 FM....  Big Delta.........  AK              99737  Air Force........  3010, 103c, 3016.  20A.
O Canyon Creek Radio Relay       T7S R6E SEC15 FM..  Big Delta.........  AK              99737  Air Force........  3010, 103c, 3016.
C Cape Lisburne Air Force        40 mi NE of PT.     Cape Lisburne.....  AK              99766  Air Force........  3010, 103c, 3016.  20A.
 Station.                         Hope, Alaska
                                  Maritime NWR.
O Cape Lisburne Air Force        11 ACW/CC.........  Elmendorf AFB.....  AK              99506  Air Force........  3010, 103c, 3016.
C Cape Romanzof Air Force        20 mi N of Hooper   Hooper Bay........  AK              99604  Air Force........  3010, 103c, 3016.  20A.
 Station.                         Bay, Yukon Delta
O Cape Romanzof Air Force        11 ACW/CC.........  Elmendorf.........  AK              99506  Air Force........  3010, 103c, 3016.
C Clear Air Force Station......  Hwy 3 & Nenana Rd.  Anderson..........  AK              99704  Air Force........  3010, 103c, 3005.  20A.
O Clear Air Force Station......  13 MWS/CC.........  Anderson..........  AK              99704  Air Force........  3010, 103c, 3005.
C Cold Bay Air Force Station...  9.1 mi NW of City,  Cold Bay..........  AK              99571  Air Force........  3010, 3016, 103c.  20A.
                                  T56S R89W S9,
                                  Izembek NWR,
                                  Aleutian Islands.
O Cold Bay Air Force Station...  T57S R89W.........  Cold Bay..........  AK              99571  Air Force........  3010, 3016, 103c.  ..................
C Dewline Site Bar--Main.......  Barter Island,      Kaktovik..........  AK              99747  Air Force........  103c, 3016, 3010.  20A, 23.
                                  Arctic NWR.
O Dewline Site Bar--Main.......  Barter Isl.,1/2 mi  Kaktovik..........  AK              99747  Air Force........  103c, 3016.......
                                  E of NE Shr.
C Dewline Site POW-1: Pt.        Pitt Point, 85 mi   Barrow............  AK              99723  Air Force........  3010, 103c, 3016.  20A.
 Lonely.                          SE of Barrow.
O Dewline Site POW-1...........  Lonely, Pitt        Lonely............  AK              99999  Air Force........  3010, 103c, 3016.
                                  Point, E of Smith
C Dewline Site POW-2: Oliktok..  40 mi W of          Oliktok...........  AK              99599  Air Force........  3010, 103c, 3016.  20A.
O Dewline Site POW-2...........  Simpson Lagoon--    Oliktok...........  AK              99599  Air Force........  3010, 103c, 3016.
                                  Beaufort Bay.
C Dewline Site POW-3: Bullen     40 mi E of          Deadhorse.........  AK              99740  Air Force........  3010, 103c, 3016,  20A.
 Point.                           Deadhorse, T10N
                                  R21E S32 Umiat

[[Page 34788]]

O Dewline Site POW-3...........  E of Flaxman        Bullen Point......  AK              99723  Air Force........  3010, 103c, 3016.
C Dewline Site Pow--Main: Point  Between N Salt      Barrow............  AK              99723  Air Force........  3010, 103c, 3016.  20A.
 Barrow.                          Lagoon & Imikpuk
O Dewline Site POW--Main.......  Point Barrow        Point Barrow        AK              99723  Air Force........  3010, 103c, 3016.
                                  Between N Salt      Station.
                                  Lagoon & Imikpuk.
C Eareckson Air Force Station..  Shemya Island S     Shemya............  AK              99736  Air Force........  3010, 3016, 103c,  20A, 23.
                                  Shore.                                                                            3005.
O Shemya Air Force Base........  5073RD ABG/CC.....  Shemya AFB........  AK              98736  Air Force........  3010, 3016, 103c.
C Eielson Air Force Base.......  Hwy 2, 16 mi SE OF  Fairbanks.........  AK              99702  Air Force........  3005 3010, 3016,   20A.
                                  Fairbanks.                                                                        103c.
O Eielson Air Force Base.......  343 CSG/DE........  Eielson AFB.......  AK              99702  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016
C Elmendorf Air Force Base.....  N Boundary of City  Anchorage.........  AK              99506  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A.
                                  Limits.                                                                           103c, 103a.
O Elmendorf Air Force Base.....  21 CSG/CC 21......  Elmendorf AFB.....  AK         99506-5000  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,
C Galena Air Force Station.....  Head of Tractor     Galena............  AK              99741  Air Force........  3010, 3016, 103c.  20A.
                                  Creek, 1 mi W of
O Galena Air Force Station.....  5072 CSF/CC.......  Galena AFS........  AK              99741  Air Force........  3010 3016 103c...
C Gold King Creek Radio Relay    T8S R2W SEC 22, 27  Valdez............  AK              99686  Air Force........  103c, 3010, 3016.  20A.
O Gold King Creek RRS..........  T8S R2W SEC 22,27.  Valdez............  AK              99686  Air Force........  103c, 3010, 3016.
C Granite Mountain Air Force     14 mi NW of CY....  Haycock...........  AK              99762  Air Force........  103c, 3010, 3016.  20A.
O Granite Mountain Air Force     14 mi NW of CY....  Haycock...........  AK              99762  Air Force........  103c, 3010, 3016.
 Station Landfill.
C Indian Mountain Air Force      NW Source of        Bettles...........  AK              99720  Air Force........  3010, 103c, 3016.  20A.
 Station.                         Indian River.
O Indian Mountain Air Force      11 ACW/CC.........  Elmendorf AFB.....  AK              99506  Air Force........  3010, 103c, 3016.
C Kotzebue White Alice Site....  NW Corner of        Kotzebue..........  AK              99752  Air Force........  103c, 3016, 3010.  20A.
                                  Baldwin Peninsula.
O Kotzebue White Alice Site....  11 ACW/CC.........  Elmendorf AFB.....  AK              99506  Air Force........  103c, 3016, 3010.
C Murphy Dome Air Force Station  Chatinika River...  Murphy Dome.......  AK              99701  Air Force........  3010, 3016, 103c.  20A.
O Murphy Dome Air Force Station  11 TCW/CC.........  Elmendorf AFB.....   AK             99506  Air Force........  3010, 3016, 103c.
C Nikolski Air Force Station...  W Coast of Umnak    Nikolski..........  AK              99638  Air Force........  103c, 3016.......  20A.
O Nikolski Air Force Station     W Coast of Umnak    Nikolski..........  AK              99638  Air Force........  103c, 3016.......
 LandfilL.                        Is.
C North River White Alice        8 mi E of           Unalakleet........  AK              99684  Air Force........  3016.............  20A.
 Communications (WAC) Site.       Unalakleet.
O North River Radio Relay......  North River.......  Unalakleet........  AK              99684  Air Force........  3016.............
C Port Moller Air Force Station  55 5'22'' N 160     Port Moller.......  AK              99999  Air Force........  3010, 103c, 3016.  20A.
                                  34'29.374'' W
                                  Alaska Peninsula.
O Port Moller..................  55 5'22'' N 160 34  Port Moller.......  AK              99999  Air Force........  3010, 103c, 3016.
                                  deg.29.374'' W
                                  Alaska Peninsula.
C Sparrevohn Air Force Station.  Hook Creek, 18 mi   Lime Village......  AK              99557  Air Force........  3010, 103c, 3016.  20A.
                                  SW of City.

[[Page 34789]]

O Sparrenvohn Air Force Station  11 TCW/CC.........  Elmendorf AFB.....  AK              99506  Air Force........  3010, 103c, 3016.
C Tatalina Air Force Station...  9 mi SW of McGrath  McGrath...........  AK              99627  Air Force........  3010, 103c, 3016.  20A.
O Tatalina Air Force Station...  11 ACW/CC.........  Elmendorf.........  AK              99506  Air Force........  3010, 103c, 3016.
C Tin City Air Force Station...  1 Mi NE of Tin      Tin City..........  AK              99783  Air Force........  3010, 103c, 3016.  20A.
O Tin City Air Force Station...  11 ACW/CC.........  Elmendorf AFB.....  AK              99506  Air Force........  3010, 103c, 3016.
C Haines Petroleum, Oil, &       Lutek Point.......  Haines............  AK              99827  Army.............  103c.............  20A.
 Lubricants (Pol) Terminal.
O Haines Petroleum, Oil, &       Lutak Point.......  Haines............  AK              99827  Army.............  103c.............
 Lubricants (Pol) Terminal.
C Noatak National Guard Armory.  55 mi N of          Noatak............  AK              99761  Army.............  103c, 3016.......  20A.
O Noatak National Guard Bureau.  (Unspecified).....  NOATAK............  AK              99761  Army.............  103c, 3016.......
C NOAA-National Marine           Pribilof Island...  St Paul Islands...  AK              99660  Commerce.........  103c, 3010.......  23.
 Fisheries Service.
O NOAA--National Marine          Pribilof Island...  St Paul Islands...  AK              99660  Commerce.........  103c.............
 Fisheries Service.
C Anchorage Defense Fuel         1217 Anchorage      Anchorage.........  AK              99501  Defense..........  3016, 3010, 103c.  23.
 Support Point.                   Port Road.
O Anchorage Defense Fuel         1217 Anchorage      Anchorage.........  AK              99501  Defense..........  3016, 3010.......
 Support Point.                   Port Road.
C Fairbanks Defense Fuel         Canol Service Road  Ft Wainwright.....  AK              99703  Defense..........  3016, 103c.......  23.
 Support Point.
O Fairbanks Defense Fuel         Canol Service Road  Ft Wainwright.....  AK              99703  Defense..........  3016.............
 Support Point.
C Whittier Tank Farm...........  \3/4\ mi N of Town  Whittier..........  AK              99693  Defense..........  103c, 3016, 3010.  23.
O Whittier Tank Farm...........  \3/4\ mi N of Town  Whittier..........  AK              99693  Defense..........  103c, 3016.......
C BLM--Feather River Airstrip..  T7S R37W S34&35 &   Nome..............  AK              99762  Interior.........  103c.............  20A.
                                  T8S R37W S2&3.
O BLM--Feather River Airstrip..  T7S R37W S34&35 7   Nome..............  AK                     Interior.........  103c.............
                                  T8S R37W S2&3.
C BLM--O'Brian Creek Dump......  T7S R32E S9 NW\1/    Eagle............  AK              99738  Interior.........  103c.............  20A.
                                  4\, 50 mi S of
O BLM--O'Brian Creek Dump......  T7s R32E S9 NW\1/   Eagle.............  AK        ...........  Interior.........  103c.............
                                  4\, 50 mi South
                                  of City.
C BLM--Tanacross Airfield......  Lat 63 Degrees 22'  Tanacross.........  AK              99776  Interior.........  103c.............  20A.
                                  N, Long 143
                                  Degrees 20' W.
O BLM--Tanacross Airfield......  Lat 63 Degrees 22'  Tanacross.........  AK              99776  Interior.........  103c.............
                                  N, Long 143
                                  Degrees 20' W.
C BLM--Walker Fork Dump........  T26N R22E S4 N\1/   Chicken...........  AK              99732  Interior.........  103c.............  20A.
                                  2\ N\1/2\, 49 mi
                                  N of City.
O BLM--Walker Fork Dump........  T26N R22E S4 N\1/   Chicken...........  AK                     Interior.........  103c.............
                                  2\ N\1/2\, 49 mi
                                  N of City.
C FWS--Alaska Maritime NWR:      51D32M00SN,         Amchitka..........  AK              99502  Interior.........  3010, 3016, 103c.  20A, 23.
 Amchitka Island.                 179D00M00SE.
O FWS--Amchitka Island, Alaska   2355 Kachemak Dr.,  Homer.............  AK              99502  Interior.........  3010, 3016.......
 Maritime NWR.                    Suite 101.

[[Page 34790]]

C FWS--Alaska Maritime NWR:      Milviksaaqaq Dr...  Point Hope........  AK              99766  Interior.........  103c.............  20A.
 Cape Thompson.
O FWS--Alaska Maritime NWR:      2355 Kachemak Dr.,  Homer.............  AK              99503  Interior.........  103c.............
 Cape Thompson.                   Suite 101.
C FWS--Arctic NWR: Brownlow      70 Mi E of          Deadhorse.........  AK              99740  Interior.........  103c, 3016.......  20A.
 Point Dewline Site.              Deadhorse/Prudhoe
O FWS--Brownlow Point Dewline    101 12th Ave., Box  Fairbanks.........  AK              99723  Interior.........  103c, 3016.......
 Site.                            20.
C FWS--Arctic NWR: Collinson     37 Mi W of          Kaktovik..........  AK              99747  Interior.........  103c.............  20A, 22.
 Point Dewline Site.              Kaktovik.
O FAA--Dewline Site Collinson..  290 miles SE of     Barrow............  AK              99723  Transportation...  103c.............
C FWS--Arctic NWR: Demarcation   65 mi SE of         Kaktovik..........  AK              99747  Interior.........  103c, 3016,......  20A.
 Point Dewline Site.              Kaktovik.
O FWS--Demarcation Point         101 12th Ave.,      Fairbanks.........  AK              99723  Interior.........  103c, 3016.......
 Dewline Site.                    Suite 20.
C FWS--Arctic NWR: Nuvagapak     35 mi E of          Kaktovik..........  AK              99747  Interior.........  103c.............  20A.
 Dewline Site.                    Kaktovik.
O FWS--Nuvagapak Dewline Site..  101 12th Ave., Box  Fairbanks.........  AK              99723  Interior.........  103c.............
C FWS--Kenai NWR: Skilak Guard   Skilak Lake Rd, Mi  Sterling..........  AK              99672  Interior.........  103c, 3016.......  20A.
 Station.                         4.5, 60D31M00SN,
O FWS--Skilak Guard Station....  P.O. Box 2139.....  Soldotna..........  AK              99669  Interior.........  103c, 3016.......
C FWS--Kenai NWR: Swan Lake      Swan Lake RD, 15    Soldotna..........  AK              99619  Interior.........  103c.............  20A.
 Moose Research Station.          mi S of Swanson
                                  River RD,
O FWS--Kenai NWR Swan Lake       2139 Ski Hill Road  Soldotna..........  AK              99619  Interior.........  103c.............
 Moose Research Station.
C FWS--Kenai NWR: Swanson River  Swanson Lake Rd,    Kenai.............  AK              99611  Interior.........  3016, 103c.......  20A.
 Oil Field.                       60D43M00SN,
O FWS--Swanson River Oil Field.  P.O. Box 2139.....  Soldotna..........  AK         99669-2139  Interior.........  3016, 103c.......
C NPS--Bering Land Bridge NP:    45 mi SW of         Deering...........  AK              99762  Interior.........  103c, 3016, 3010.  20A.
 Lava Lake.                       Deering.
O NPS--Bering Land Bridge NP:    Lake P.O. Box 220.  Nome..............  AK              99762  Interior.........  103c, 3016, 3010.
C NPS--Denali National Park and  Mi 237, George      Denali Park.......  AK              99755  Interior.........  3016, 103c.......  20A.
 Preserve.                        Parks Hwy.
O NPS--Denali National Park and  P.O. Box 9........  Denali Park.......  AK              99755  Interior.........  3016, 103c.......
C NPS--Glacier Bay National      Bartlett Cove.....  Gustavus..........  AK              99826  Interior.........  3016, 103c.......  20A.
 Park and Preserve.
O NPS--Glacier Bay National      PO Box 140........  Gustavus..........  AK             99826-  Interior.........  3016, 103c.......
 Park and Preserve.
C NPS--Katmai NP&P: Naknek       Katmai National     King Salmon.......  AK              99613  Interior.........  103c.............  20A.
 Recreation Site #2.              Park & Preserve.

[[Page 34791]]

O NPS--Katmai NP&P: Nanek        Katmai National     King Salmon.......  AK              99613  Interior.........  103c.............
 Recreation Site #2.              Park & Preserve.
C NPS--Naglatuk Hill...........  Cape Krusenstern    Kotzebue..........  AK              99752  Interior.........  3016, 103c, 3010.  20A, 23.
                                  National Monument.
O NPS--Naglatuk Hill...........  Cape Krusenstern    Kotzebue..........  AK              99752  Interior.........  3016, 103c.......
                                  Nat. Monument.
C Barrow Naval Arctic Research   Main St, 4 mi N of  Barrow............  AK              99723  Navy.............  103c, 3010.......  23.
 Laboratory.                      CY.
O Barrow Naval Arctic Research   Main St, 4 mi N of  Barrow............  AK              99723  Navy.............  103c.............
 Laboratory.                      CY.
C Cape Prince of Wales Station.  0.3 mi S of         Wales.............  AK              99783  Navy.............  103c, 3010,......  20A, 23.
O Wales Naval Field Station....  ..................  Wales.............  AK              99783  Navy.............  103c.............
C Cape Sabine Dew Line Site....  55 mi SW of Point   Point Lay.........  AK              99759  Navy.............  103c.............  20A.
                                  Lay, Mouth of
                                  Kahkatak Creek,
O Cape Sabine Dew Line Site....  Point Hope, 65 mi   Point Hope........  AK              99766  Navy.............  103c.............
C CG--Cape Sarichef............  Unimak Island, W    Unimak............  AK              99685  Transportation...  103c.............  22.
O Cape Sarichef Air Force        Unimak Island, W    Unimak............  AK              99685  Air Force........  103c.............
 Station Landfill.                Coast.
C CG--Ketchikan Coast Guard      S Tongass HWY-S CY  Ketchikan.........  AK              99901  Transportation...  3010, 103c.......  20A, 23.
 Base.                            Limits.
O Ketchikan Coast Guard Base...  S Tongass HWY-S CY  Ketchikan.........  AK              99901  Transportation...  3010.............
C CG--Kodiak Support Center....  Womans Bay Kodiak   Kodiak............  AK              99619  Transportation...  3010, 103c, 3016,  20A.
                                  Isl.                                                                              3005.
O Kodiak Coast Guard Support     Womans Bay Kodiak   Kodiak............  AK              99619  Transportation...  3010, 103c, 3016,
 Center.                          IslSL.                                                                            3005.
C CG--Point Spencer Dump Site..  Port Clarence--60   Nome..............  AK              99762  Transportation...  103c, 3010.......  20A.
                                  mi NW of CY.
O Point Spencer Coast Guard      Port Clarence--60   Nome..............  AK              99762  Transportation...  103c, 3010.......
 Dump Site.                       mi NW of CY.
C CG--St Paul Island Loran       St Paul Island      St Paul Island....  AK              99660  Transportation...  3010, 103c.......  20A, 23.
 Station.                         Loran Station.
O St. Paul Island Coast Guard    USDOT-CG St Paul    St Paul Island....  AK              99660  Transportation...  3010.............
 Loran Station.                   IS Loran Stat.
C FAA--Barrow Air Navigation     Barrow Airport      Barrow............  AK              99723  Transportation...  103c, 3010.......  20A, 23.
 Station.                         Area.
O FAA--Barrow Air Navigation...  Barrow Airport      Barrow............  AK              99723  Transportation...  103c.............
C FAA--Bettles Station.........  Bettles Airport...  Bettles...........  AK              99726  Transportation...  103c, 3016.......  20A.
O Bettles Field................  Bettles Airport...  Bettles...........  AK              99726  Transportation...  103c, 3016.......
C FAA--Big Delta Station.......  Fort Greely         Delta Junction....  AK              99732  Transportation...  103c, 3016.......  20A, 22, 24.
O Fort Greely..................  Fort Greely         Delta Junction....  AK              99737  Corps of           103c, 3016, 3005.
                                  Airport.                                                       Engineers, Civil.
C FAA--Big Level Island Air      56D27M00SN,         Petersburg........  AK              99833  Transportation...  103c, 3016.......  20A, 23.
 Navigation Station.              133D05M00SW, 75
                                  MI SE of
O FAA--Level Island............  Level Island NAV    Petersburg........  AK              99833  Transportation...  103c.............
C FAA--Cape Yakataga Station...  Cape Yakataga.....  Cape Yakataga.....  AK              99574  Transportation...  3010, 3016, 103c.  20A, 23.

[[Page 34792]]

O FAA--Cape Yakataga Facility..  Cape Yakataga.....  Cape Yakataga.....  AK              99574  Transportation...  3010, 3016.......
C FAA--Chandalar Station.......  67D30M02SN,         Chandalar.........  AK              99740  Transportation...  103c.............  20A.
                                  148D28M00SW, 112
                                  mi NW of Fort
O FAA--Chandalar Station.......  Chandalar Lake NAV  Ft Yukon..........  AK              99740  Transportation...  103c.............
                                  Aids 112M NW of
C FAA--Coghlan Island Station..  58D21M10SN,         Juneau............  AK              99821  Transportation...  3016, 103c.......  20A.
                                  134D42M09SW, 4 mi
                                  W of Juneau.
O FAA--Coughlan Island.........  T40S R65E S32&33    Auke Bay..........  AK              99821  Transportation...  3016, 103c.......  ..................
                                  Copper River ME.
C FAA--Duncan Canal, Kupreanof   56D45M00SN,         Petersburg........  AK              99833  Transportation...  103c.............  20A.
 Island, Indian Point.            133D51M00SW, 10
                                  mi SW of
O FAA--Duncan Canal............  ..................  ..................  AK        ...........  Transportation...  103c.............  ..................
C FAA-Dutch Harbor Station.....  ..................  Dutch Harbor......  AK        ...........  Transportation...  103c, 3010.......  20A, 23.
O FAA--Dutch Harbor............  ..................  Dutch Harbor......  AK        ...........  Transportation...  103c.............  ..................
C FAA--Fire Island Navigation    61D08M00SN,         Anchorage.........  AK              99506  Transportation...  3010, 3016, 103c.  20A.
 Station.                         150D13M00SW, 6 mi
                                  W of Anchorage.
O FAA--Fire Island Air Warning   Cook Inlet Section  Anchorage.........  AK              99506  Transportation...  3010, 3016, 103c.  ..................
 Station.                         7 & 8 Range FAA
                                  Housing Area.
C FAA--Gulkana Station.........  Gulkana Airport...  Gulkana...........  AK              99586  Transportation...  103c.............  20A.
O FAA--Gulkana ANS.............  Gulkana Airport...  Gulkana...........  AK              99586  Transportation...  103c.............  ..................
C FAA--Lake Hood Facility......  T13N R4W S34 NE...  Anchorage.........  AK              99518  Transportation...  103c, 3010.......  23.
O FAA--Lake Hood Facility......  T13N R4W S34 NE...  Anchorage.........  AK              99518  Transportation...  103c.............  ..................
C FAA--McGrath Station.........  Airport N of City,  McGrath...........  AK              99627  Transportation...  103c.............  20A.
                                  Nav Aids.
O FAA--McGrath Airport.........  P.O. Box 110......  McGrath...........  AK              99627  Transportation...  103c.............  ..................
C FAA--Middleton Island Station  59D27M02SN,         Cordova...........  AK              99574  Transportation...  3016, 103c.......  20A.
                                  146D18M24SW, 80
                                  mi S of Cordova.
O FAA--Middleton Island........  Middleton Island--  ..................  AK        ...........  Transportation...  3016, 103c.......  ..................
C FAA--Moses Point Air           Moses Point         Moses Point.......  AK              99762  Transportation...  3010, 3016, 103c.  20A, 23.
 Navigation Station.              Airfield.
O FAA--Moses Point Facility....  Moses Point         Moses Point.......  AK              99762  Transportation...  3010, 3016.......  ..................
                                  Airfield Nav Aids.
C FAA--Point Woronzof RTR        Anchorage           Anchorage.........  AK              99502  Transportation...  103c, 3010.......  23.
 Facility.                        International
                                  Airport Area.
O FAA--Point Woronzof RTR        Anchorage           Anchorage.........  AK              99502  Transportation...  103c.............  ..................
 Facility.                        International
                                  Airport Area.
C FAA--Sitka Station...........  57D03M07SW,         Sitka.............  AK              99835  Transportation...  103c, 3010.......  20A.
                                  Japonski Island
O FAA--Sitka...................  Japonski Island     Sitka.............  AK              99835  Transportation...  103c, 3010.......  ..................
                                  Naval Air Station.
C FAA--Skwentna Air Navigation   Skwentna Airport..  Skwentna..........  AK              99667  Transportation...  3010, 3016, 103c.  20A.
O FAA--Skwentna Facility.......  Skwentna Arprt      Skwentna..........  AK              99667  Transportation...  3010, 3016, 103c.  ..................

[[Page 34793]]

C FAA--Summit Air Navigation     Cantwell Pks Hwy 5  Summit............  AK              99729  Transportation...  3016, 3010, 103c.  20A.
 Station.                         mi S Nav Aids.
O Summit Air Navigation Site...  Cantwell Pks Hwy 5  Summit............  AK              99729  Transportation...  3016, 3010, 103c.  ..................
                                  mi S Nav Aids.
C FAA--Unalakleet Station......  Unalakleet Airport  Unalakleet........  AK              99684  Transportation...  3016, 103c.......  20A.
O FAA--Unalakeet Airport.......  Unalakeet.........  Unalakeet.........  AK              99684  Transportation...  3016, 103c.......  ..................
C FAA--Woody Island Station....  Woody Island......  Kodiak............  AK              99615  Transportation...  3016, 103c.......  20A.
O FAA--Woody Island Navigation   Woody Island......  Kodiak............  AK              99615  Transportation...  3016, 103c.......  ..................
C FAA--Yakutat Air Navigation    Yakutat Airport...  Yakutat...........  AK              99689  Transportation...  103c.............  20A.
O FAA--Yakutat Airport.........  Yakutat Airport...  Yakutat...........  AK              99689  Transportation...  103c.............  ..................
C Gunter Air Force Station.....  US 231 & Dalride    Montgomery........  AL              36112  Air Force........  103c, 3016, 3010.  23.
O Gunter Air Force Station.....  US 231 & Dalride    Montgomery........  AL              36112  Air Force........  103c, 3016.......  ..................
C National Air Radiation         1504 Avenue A.....  Montgomery........  AL         36115-2601  EPA..............  103c, 3010.......  23.
 Environment Laboratory.
O National Air Radiation         1504 Avenue A.....  Montgomery........  AL         36115-2601  EPA..............  103c.............  ..................
 Environment Laboratory.
C Barin Outlying Landing Field.  ..................  Foley.............  AL        ...........  Navy.............  103c.............  20A.
O Nolf Barin Field, Foley......  ..................  Foley.............  AL        ...........  Navy.............  103c.............  ..................
C Mobile Naval Station.........  7411 Lake Road....  Mobile............  AL              36605  Navy.............  3010, 103c.......  23.
O Mobile Naval Station.........  7411 Lake Road....  Mobile............  AL              36605  Navy.............  3010.............  ..................
C Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant...  US Hwy 72.........  Athens............  AL              35611  Tennessee Valley   3010, 103c.......  23.
O Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant...  US Hwy 72.........  Athens............  AL              35611  Tennessee Valley   3010.............
C FHC Regional Office..........  River Road........  Muscle Shoals.....  AL              35661  Tennessee Valley   3010, 103c.......  23.
O FHC Regional Office..........  River Road........  Muscle Shoals.....  AL              35661  Tennessee Valley   3010.............
C Guntersville Hydro Plant.....  Off US Hwy 431, 11  Guntersville......  AL              35976  Tennessee Valley   3010, 103c.......  23.
                                  mi NW of                                                       Authority.
O Guntersville Hydro Plant.....  Off US Hwy 431, 11  Guntersville......  AL              35976  Tennessee Valley   3010.............  ..................
                                  mi NW of                                                       Authority.
C Muscle Shoals Garage.........  TVA Reservation...  Muscle Shoals.....  AL              35660  Tennessee Valley   3010, 103c.......  23.
O Muscle Shoals Garage.........  TVA Reservation...  Muscle Shoals.....  AL              35660  Tennessee Valley   3010.............
C Muscle Shoals Power Service    AL Hwy 133........  Muscle Shoals.....  AL              35660  Tennessee Valley   3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
 Center.                                                                                         Authority.         103a 103c.
O Muscle Shoals Power Service    AL Hwy 133........  Muscle Shoals.....  AL              35660  Tennessee Valley   3005, 3010, 3016,
 Center.                                                                                         Authority.         103a.
C Wheeler Hydro Plant..........  Rt 2..............  Town Creek........  AL              35672  Tennessee Valley   3010, 103a, 103c.  23.
O Wheeler Hydro Plant..........  Rt 2..............  Town Creek........  AL              35672  Tennessee Valley   3010, 103a.......
C Wilson Hydro Plant...........  AL Hwy 133........  Florence..........  AL              35660  Tennessee Valley   3010, 103c.......  23.
O Wilson Hydro Plant...........  AL Hwy 133........  Florence..........  AL              35660  Tennessee Valley   3010.............
C Mobile Coast Guard Base......  South Broad St....  Mobile............  AL              36615  Transportation.    3010, 103a, 103c.  23.

[[Page 34794]]

O Mobile Coast Guard Base......  South Broad St....  Mobile............  AL              36615  Transportation.    3010, 103a.......
C Combustion Research Facility.  NCTR Bldg. 45.....  Jefferson #72070..  AR              72079  EPA..............  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
O Combustion Research Facility.  NCTR BLDG. 45.....  Jefferson #72070..  AR              72079  EPA..............  3005, 3010, 3016.
C Plant #44 (Hughes Aircraft     Old Nogales Road..  Tucson............  AZ              85734  Air Force........  3005, 3016, 103a,  23.
 Co.).                                                                                                              3010, 103c.
O Plant #44 (Hughes Aircraft     Old Nogales Road..  Tucson............  AZ              85734  Air Force........  3005, 3016, 103a.
C Sky Harbor International       2001 S. 32nd St...  Phoenix...........  AZ              85034  Air Force........  3010, 103c.......  23.
O Sky Harbor International       2001 S. 32nd St...  Phoenix...........  AZ              85034  Air Force........  3010.............
C BLM--Peoria Auto Fluff Site..  3707 N. 7th St.,    Peoria............  AZ                     Interior.........  103c, 3010.......  23.
                                  P.O. Box 16563-
O BLM--Peoria Auto Fluff Site..  3707 N. 7th St.,    Peoria............  AZ                     Interior.........  103c.............
                                  P.O. Box 16563-
C BR--Arizona Projects Office..  2636 N. 7th Street  Phoenix...........  AZ              85068  Interior.........  3016, 103c, 3010.  23.
O BR--Arizona Projects Office..  2636 N. 7th Street  Phoenix...........  AZ              85068  Interior.........  3016, 103c.......
C BR--Glen Canyon Dam..........  805 Hemlock.......  Page..............  AZ              86040  Interior.........  3016 3010........  23.
O BR--Glen Canyon Dam..........  805 Hemlock.......  Page..............  AZ              86040  Interior.........  3016.............
C BR--Yuma Desalting Plant.....  7301 Calle Agua     Yuma..............  AZ              85364  Interior.........  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
                                  Salada.                                                                           103c.
O BR--Yuma Desalting Plant.....  7301 Calle Agua     Yuma..............  AZ              85364  Interior.........  3005, 3010, 3016.
C DEA--Phoenix.................  3020 N 2nd Street.  Phoenix...........  AZ              85002  Justice..........  103a, 103c.......  23.
O DEA--Phoenix.................  3020 N 2nd Street.  Phoenix...........  AZ              85002  Justice..........  103a.............
C Prescott Medical Center......  500 Hwy 89 North..  Prescott..........  AZ              86313  Veterans Affairs.  3010, 103c.......  23.
O Prescott Medical Center......  500 Hwy 89 North..  Prescott..........  AZ              86313  Veterans Affairs.  3010.............
C Beale Air Force Base.........  6451 B St.........  Beale.............  CA              95903  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A.
                                                                                                                    103c, 103a.
O Beale Air Force Base.........  9 CSG/CC..........  Beale AFB.........  CA              95903  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,
                                                                                                                    103c, 103a.
C California Air National Guard  5425 McKinley Ave.  Fresno............  CA              93727  Air Force........  3010, 103c.......  23.
O California Air National Guard  5425 McKinley Ave.  Fresno............  CA              93727  Air Force........  3010.............
C Edwards Air Force Base.......  P.O. Box 458......  Edwards...........  CA              93523  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
                                                                                                                    103c 103a.
O Edwards Air Force Base.......  P.O. Box 458......  Edwards...........  CA              93523  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,
C George Air Force Base-         S13 14 24 T305      China Lake........  CA              99999  Air Force........  103c, 3005.......  23.
 Superior Valley Range.           R46E.
O George Air Force Base-         S13 14 24 T305      China Lake........  CA              99999  Air Force........  103c.............
 Superior Valley Range.           R46E.
C Hayward Air National Guard     1525 West Winton    Hayward...........  CA              94545  Air Force........  3010, 103c.......  23.
 Base.                            Ave.
O Hayward Air National Guard     1525 West Winton    Hayward...........  CA              94545  Air Force........  3010.............
 Base.                            Ave.

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C Jet Propulsion Laboratory....  North Base Rd,      Edwards...........  CA              93523  Air Force........  3010, 3016, 3005.  23.
                                  Edwards AFB.
O Jet Propulsion Laboratory....  North Base Rd,      Edwards...........  CA              93523  Air Force........  3010, 3016.......
                                  Edwards AFB.
C McClellan Air Force Base.....  3200 Peacekeeper    Sacramento........  CA              95652  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A.
                                  Way.                                                                              103c 103a.
O McClellan Air Force Base.....  SM-ALC/EM.........  Sacramento........  CA              95652  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,
                                                                                                                    103c 103a.
C Camp Roberts National Guard    Hwy. 101 12 MI N    Paso Robles.......  CA              93446  Army.............  3010, 103c 3016..  23.
 Unit.                            of Paso Robles.
O Camp Roberts National Guard    HWY. 101 12 MI N    Paso Robles.......  CA              93446  Army.............  3010, 103c.......
 Unit.                            of Paso Robles.
C Lawrence Livermore National    Camp Parks........  Pleasanton........  CA              94566  Army.............  3010, 103c.......  23.
 Laboratory-Camp Parks.
O Lawrence Livermore National    Camp Parks........  Pleasanton........  CA              94566  Army.............  3010.............
 Laboratory-Camp Parks.
C Energy Technology Engineering  Santa Susana        Simi Hills........  CA              93063  Energy...........  3005, 3016, 103c.  23.
 Center.                          Mountain.
O Energy Technology Engineering  Santa Susana        Simi Hills........  CA              93063  Energy...........  3005, 3016.......
 Center.                          Mountain.
C Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.  1 Cyclotron Rd....  Berkeley..........  CA              94720  Energy...........  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
                                                                                                                    103a, 103c.
O Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.  1 Cyclotron Rd....  Berkeley..........  CA              94720  Energy...........  3005, 3010, 3016.
C Lawrence Livermore National    Corral Hollow Rd..  Tracy.............  CA              94550  Energy...........  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A.
 Laboratory-Site 300.                                                                                               103c.
O Lawrence Livermore National    Corral Hollow Rd..  San Joaquin/Alam    CA              94550  Energy...........  3005, 3010, 3016,
 Laboratory-Site 300.                                 EDA Counties.                                                 103c.
C Tupman Naval Petroleum         Elk Hills, P.O.     Tupman............  CA              93276  Energy...........  3016, 103c, 3010,  23.
 Reserve #1.                      Box 11.                                                                           3005.
O Tupman Naval Petroleum         Elk Hills, P.O.     Tupman............  CA              93276  Energy...........  3016, 103c, 3010.
 Reserve #1.                      Box 11.
C Casmalia Resources...........  NTU Rd............  Casmalia..........  CA              93429  EPA..............  103a, 3010.......  20A, 23
O Casmalia Resources...........  NTU Road, P.O. Box  CasmaliA..........  CA                EPA  103a.............
C Stockton.....................  Rough & Ready       Stockton..........  CA              95203  General Services   3010, 103c.......  23.
                                  Island Bldg 414.                                               Administration.
O Stockton.....................  Rough & Ready       Stockton..........  CA              95203  General Services   3010.............
                                  Island Bldg 414.                                               Administration.
C BLM--Raintree Pesticide Dump.  S1 R10E T12N......  Georgetown........  CA        ...........  Interior.........  103a, 103c.......  23.
O BLM--Raintree Pesticide Dump.  S1 R10E T12N......  Georgetown........  CA        ...........  Interior.........  103a.............
C BLM--Riverside County Dump...  1000 Midland Rd...  Blythe............  CA              92225  Interior.........  103c.............  20A.
O BLM--Riverside County Dump...  1,000 Midland Rd..  Blythe............  CA        ...........  Interior.........  103c.............
C BR-NAPA......................  5520 Knoxville Rd.  NAPA..............  CA              94558  Interior.........  3010, 103c.......  23.
O BR-NAPA......................  5520 Knoxville Rd.  NAPA..............  CA              94558  Interior.........  3010.............
C Kaiser Eagle Mountain........  N of Hwy 10 8M off  Desert Center.....  CA              92239  Interior.........  103c.............  21.
                                  Kaiser Rd.

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O Kaiser Eagle Mountain........  N of Hwy 10 8M off  Desert Center.....  CA              92239  103c.............
                                  Kaiser Rd.
C NPS--Morning Star Mine.......  15M NE of Cima....  Cima..............  CA              92323  Interior.........  103c.............  20A.
O BLM--Morning Star Mine.......  15M NE of Cima....  Cima..............  CA              92323  Interior.........  103c.............
C NPS--Yosemite................  Yosemite Natl Park  Yosemite..........  CA              95389  Interior.........  3010, 103c.......  23.
O NPS--Yosemite................  Yosemite Natl Park  Yosemite..........  CA              95389  Interior.........  3010.............
C Ames Research Center.........  Environmental       Moffett Field.....  CA              94035  NASA.............  3010, 3016, 103a,  23.
                                  Health & Safety.                                                                  103c.
O Ames Research Center.........  Environmental       Moffett Field.....  CA              94035  NASA.............  3010, 3016, 103a.
                                  Health & Safety.
C Dryden Flight Research         Edwards AFB.......  Edwards...........  CA              93523  NASA.............  103c, 3016 103a,   20A, 23.
 Facility.                                                                                                          3010, 3005.
O DFRF.........................  Bldg 4800 Edwards   Edwards AFB.......  CA              93523  NASA.............  103c, 3016.......
C Goldstone Tracking Facility..  36 mi N of BarstoW  Barstow...........  CA              92311  NASA.............  103c, 3010.......  23.
                                  @ Ft Irwin.
O Goldstone Tracking Facility..  36 mi N of Barstow  Barstow...........  CA              92311  NASA.............  103c.............
                                  @ Ft Irwin.
C Jet Propulsion Laboratory....  4800 Oak Grove Dr.  Pasadena..........  CA              91109  NASA.............  3010, 3016, 103c.  23.
O Jet Propulsion Laboratory....  4800 Oak Grove Dr.  Pasadena..........  CA              91109  NASA.............  3010, 3016.......
C Rockwell International-Rocket  Woolsey Canyon Rd.  Simi Hills........  CA              93063  NASA.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
 Dyne Div (NASA).                                                                                                   103c.
O Rockwell International-Rocket  Woolsey Canyon Rd.  Simi Hills........  CA              93063  NASA.............  3005, 3010, 3016.
 Dyne Div (NASA).
C Azusa Naval Ocean Systems      Hwy 39............  Azusa.............  CA              91702  Navy.............  3010, 3016, 103c.  23.
O Azusa Naval Ocean Systems      Hwy 39............  Azusa.............  CA              91702  Navy.............  3010, 3016.......
C Civil Engineering Laboratory.  NCBC..............  Port Hueneme......  CA              93043  0Navy............  3010, 103a, 103c,  23.
O Civil Engineering Laboratory   NCBC..............  Port Hueneme......  CA              93043  Navy.............  3010, 103a, 103c.
C Crows Landing Naval Air        Nalf Crows Landing  Crows.............  CA              95313  Navy.............  3010, 3016, 103c.  23.
 Logistics Force.
O Crows Landing Naval Air        Nalf Crows Landing  Crows.............  CA              95313  Navy.............  3010, 3016.......
 Logistics Force.
C Fallbrook Annex, Naval         Ammunition Rd.....  Fallbrook.........  CA              92058  Navy.............  103c, 3016, 103a.  20A, 23.
 Weapons Station Seal Beach.
O Fallbrook Naval Weapons        Seal Beach........  Fallbrook.........  CA              92028  Navy.............  103c, 3016.......  ..................
 Station Annex.
C Lemoore Naval Air Station....  700 Avenger Ave...  Lemoore...........  CA              93246  Navy.............  3010, 3016, 103c,  20A.
O Lemoore Naval Air Station....  Naval Air Station.  Lemoore...........  CA              93245  Navy.............  3010, 3016, 103c,
C Long Beach Naval Shipyard....  300 Skipjack Rd...  Long Beach........  CA              90822  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A.
                                                                                                                    103c, 103a.

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O Long Beach Naval Shipyard....  Terminal Island     Long Beach........  CA              90822  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,
                                  Naval Complex.                                                                    103c, 103A.
C Mare Island Naval Shipyard...  695 Walnut Ave....  Vallejo...........  CA              94592  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A.
                                                                                                                    103c, 103a.
O Mare Island Naval Shipyard...  W. End of           Vallejo...........  CA              94592  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,
                                  Tennessee St..                                                                    103c, 103A.
C Moffett Field Air National     129 ARRG/CC.......  Sunnyvale.........  CA              94031  Navy.............  3010 103c 3016...  23.
O Moffett Field Air National     129 ARRG/CC.......  Sunnyvale.........  CA              94031  Navy.............  3010.............
C Monterey Naval Postgraduate    Del Monte Ave.....  Monterey..........  CA              93943  Navy.............  3010, 3016, 103a,  23.
 School.                                                                                                            103c.
O Monterey Naval Postgraduate    Del Monte Ave.....  Monterey..........  CA              93943  Navy.............  3010, 3016.......
C Novato Housing Facility......  Branch HSG Office   Novato............  CA              94939  Navy.............  3010, 3016, 103c.  23.
                                  Bldg. 1000.
O Novato Housing Facility......  Branch HSG Office   Novato............  CA              94939  Navy.............  3010, 3016.......
                                  BLdg. 1000.
C Oakland Naval Regional         8750 Mountain Blvd  Oakland...........  CA              94627  Navy.............  3010, 103c, 3016.  23.
 Medical Center.
O Oakland Naval Regional         8750 Mountain Blvd  Oakland...........  CA              94627  Navy.............  3010, 103c.......
 Medical Center.
C Oakland Naval Supply Center..  7th & Maritime      Oakland...........  CA              94623  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
                                  Building 311--                                                                    103c, 103a.
O Oakland Naval Supply Center..  7th & Maritime      Oakland...........  CA              94623  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,
                                  Building 311--                                                                    103c.
C Oakland Naval Supply Center,   ..................  Alameda...........  CA              94501  Navy.............  103c, 3010, 3005.  23.
 Alameda Annex.
O Oakland Naval Supply Center,   ..................  Alameda...........  CA              94501  Navy.............  103c.............
 Alameda Annex.
C Oakland Naval Supply Center-   End Western Dr.     Richmond..........  CA              94801  Navy.............  3010, 103c, 3016.  23.
 Point Molate Site.               off SR 17.
O Oakland Naval Supply Center-   End Western Dr.     Richmond..........  CA              94801  Navy.............  3010.............
 Point Molate Site.               off SR 17.
C Point Sur Naval Facility.....  Naval Facility      Big Sur...........  CA              93920  Navy.............  3010, 103c.......  23.
                                  Point Sur.
O Point Sur Naval Facility.....  Naval Facility      Big Sur...........  CA              93920  Navy.............  3010.............
                                  Point Sur.
C Port Hueneme Naval             Ventura Road and    Port Hueneme......  CA              93043  Navy.............  103a, 3010, 3005,  23.
 Construction Battalion Center.   Channel Island                                                                    103c.
O Port Hueneme Naval             Ventura Road and    Port Hueneme......  CA              93043  Navy.............  103a, 3010.......
 Construction Battalion Center.   Channel Island
C San Clemente Island..........  Building 60130 San  San Clemente......  CA              92136  Navy.............  103c, 103a, 3010.  23.
                                  Clemente Island.
O San Clemente Island..........  Building 60130 San  San Clemente......  CA              92136  Navy.............  103c, 103a.......
                                  Clemente Island.
C San Diego Naval Medical        34800 Bob Wilson    San Diego.........  CA              92134  Navy.............  103c, 103a.......  20A, 24.
 Center.                          Dr, Suite 1800.
O San Diego Naval Hospital.....  Camp Pendleton      San Diego.........  CA              92055  Navy.............  3010, 103c, 103a.
                                  Naval Station.

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C Seal Beach Naval Weapons       800 Seal Beach      Seal Beach........  CA              90740  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A.
 Station.                         Blvd.                                                                             103c.
O Seal Beach-Fallbrook Naval     600 Fallbrook w/    Fallbrook.........  CA              92028  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,
 Weapons Station.                 Ammunition Rd.                                                                    103c.
C Singer Education Division....  1325 Iris Ave Bldg  Imperial Beach....  CA              92032  Navy.............  3010, 103c.......  23.
O Singer Education Division....  1325 Iris Ave Bldg  Imperial Beach....  CA              92032  Navy.............  3010.............
C Skaggs Island Naval Security   Skaggs Island.....  Sonoma............  CA              95476  Navy.............  3010, 3016, 103c.  23.
 Group Activity.
O Skaggs Island Naval Security   Skaggs Island.....  Sonoma............  CA              95476  Navy.............  3010, 3016.......
 Group Activity.
C Triple A Shipyard-Hunters      Hunter's Point      San Francisco.....  CA              94124  Navy.............  3010, 103c.......  23.
 Point Div.                       Naval Shipyard.
O Triple A Shipyard-Hunters      Hunter's Point      San Francisco.....  CA              94124  Navy.............  3010.............
 Point Div.                       Naval Shipyard.
C Alameda Coast Guard Support    Coast Guard         Alameda...........  CA              94501  Transportation...  3010, 103c.......  23.
 Center.                          Government Island.
O Alameda Coast Guard Support    Coast Guard         Alameda...........  CA              94501  Transportation...  3010.............
 Center.                          Government Island.
C Middletown Coast Guard Loran   Loran C Station...  Middletown........  CA              95461  Transportation...  103c.............  20A.
 C Station.
O Middletown Coast Guard Loran   Loran C Sta.......  Middletown........  CA              95461  Transportation...  103c.............
 C Station.
C San Francisco Camspac........  525 Mesa Road.....  Bolinas...........  CA              94956  Transportation...  3010, 103c.......  23.
O San Francisco Camspac........  525 Mesa Road.....  Bolinas...........  CA              94956  Transportation...  3010.............
C San Francisco Coast Guard      Yerba Buena Island  San Francisco.....  CA              94130  Transportation...  3010, 103c.......  23.
O San Francisco Coast Guard      Yerba Buena Island  San Francisco.....  CA              94130  Transportation...  3010.............
C San Pedro Coast Guard Support  1801 Seaside Ave..  San Pedro.........  CA              90731  Transportation...  3010, 103c.......  23.
O San Pedro Coast Guard Support  1801 Seaside Ave..  San Pedro.........  CA              90731  Transportation...  3010.............
C Los Angeles Medical Center...  11296 Wilshire &    Los Angeles.......  CA        ...........  Veterans Affairs.  103c 3010........  23.
                                  Sawfelle Blvd.
O Los Angeles Medical Center...  11296 Wilshire &    Los Angeles.......  CA        ...........  Veterans Affairs.  103c.............
                                  Sawfelle Blvd.
C Menlo Park Medical Center....  795 Willow Rd.....  Menlo Park........  CA              94025  Veterans Affairs.  3010, 103c.......  23.
O Menlo Park Medical Center....  795 Willow Rd.....  Menlo Park........  CA              94025  Veterans Affairs.  3010.............
C Buckley Air National Guard     Buckley Road and    Aurora............  CO         80011-9599  Air Force........  3016, 103c, 3010.  23.
 Base.                            East 6th Ave.
O Buckley Air National Guard     Buckley Road and    Aurora............  CO         80011-9599  Air Force........  3016, 103c.......
 Base.                            East 6th Ave.
C Plant PJKS Property..........  12250 S. Hwy. 75..  Waterton..........  CO              80120  Air Force........  3016, 103c, 3010,  23.
O Plant PJKS Property..........  12250 S. Hwy. 75..  Waterton..........  CO              80120  Air Force........  3016, 103c.......
C Fitzsimons Army Medical        Corner of Colfax    Aurora............  CO              80045  Army.............  3005, 3010, 103c,  23.
 Center.                          and Peoria.                                                                       3016.
O Fitzsimons Army Medical        Corner of Colfax    Aurora............  CO              80045  Army.............  3005, 3010, 103c.
 Center.                          and Peoria.
C WAPA--Power Operations.......  1800 S. Rio Grande  Montrose..........  CO              81401  Energy...........  103c 3010........  23.

[[Page 34799]]

O WAPA--Power Operations.......  1800 S. Rio Grande  Montrose..........  CO              81401  Energy...........  103c.............
C National Enforcement           DFC...............  Denver............  CO              80225  EPA..............  3010, 103c.......  23.
 Investigation Center.
O National Enforcement           DFC...............  Denver............  CO              80225  EPA..............  3010.............
 Investigation Center.
C BR--Collbra Project..........  RR #1.............  Collbran..........  CO              80631  Interior.........  103a, 103c.......  23.
O BR--Collbran Project.........  RR #1.............  Collbran..........  CO              80631  Interior.........  103a.............
C BR--Taylor Park Reservoir....  T145 R93 W          Gunnison..........  CO              81230  Interior.........  103a, 103c.......  20A, 23.
                                  Gunnison NF Rd
O BR--Taylor Reservoir.........  ..................  ..................  CO        ...........  Interior.........  103a.............
C GS--National Water Quality     5293 Ward Rd......  Denver............  CO              80225  Interior.........  3010, 3016, 103c.  20A, 23.
O GS--Denver, NWQL.............  5293 Ward Rd......  Denver............  CO              80225  Interior.........  3010, 3016.......
C Idaho Springs Mercury........  T35 R73W S36......  Idaho Springs.....  CO              80452  Interior.........  3016, 103c.......  20A, 23.
O Idaho Springs Mercury........  ..................  ..................  CO        ...........  Interior.........  3016.............
C NPS--Rocky Mountain National   Estes Park........  Estes Park........  CO        ...........  Interior.........  103c, 3010.......  23.
O NPS--Rocky Mountain National   Estes Park........  Estes Park........  CO        ...........  Interior.........  103c.............
C Transportation Test Center...  21 Miles NE Pueblo  DOT Test Track Rd.  CO              81001  Transportation...  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
                                  Mem Airport.                                                                      103c.
O Transportation Test Center...  21 Miles NE Pueblo  DOT Test Track Rd.  CO              81001  Transportation...  3005, 3010, 3016.
                                  Mem Airport.
C Stratford Army Engine Plant..  550 South Main      Stratford.........  CT              06497  Army.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A, 23.
                                  Street.                                                                           103c.
O Stratford Engine Plant.......  550 South Main      Stratford.........  CT              06497  Army.............  3005, 3010, 3016.
C Walter Reed Army Medical       6825 16th Street,   Washington........  DC         20307-5001  Army.............  3016, 103c, 103a,  23.
 Center.                          NW.                                                                               3010.
O Walter Reed Army Medical       6825 16th Street,   Washington........  DC         20307-5001  Army.............  3016, 103c, 103a.
 Center.                          NW.
C Avon Park Air Force Base.....  56 Combat Support   Macdill AFB.......  FL              33608  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
                                  Group/DE.                                                                         103c.
O Avon Park Air Force Base.....  56 Combat Support   Macdill AFB.......  FL              33608  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016.
C Homestead Air Force Base.....  360 Coral Sea Blvd  Homestead.........  FL              33049  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A.
O Homestead Air Force Base.....  31 CSG/DE.........  Homestead AFB.....  FL              33039  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,
C Pinellas Plant...............  7887 Bryan Dairy    Largo.............  FL         34649-2900  Energy...........  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
                                  Rd.                                                                               103c.
O Pinellas Plant...............  7887 Bryan Dairy    Largo.............  FL         34649-2900  Energy...........  3005, 3010, 3016.
C NPS--Everglades National Park  Route 9336........  Homestead.........  FL              33030  Interior.........  3010,103c........  23.
O NPS--Everglades National Park  Route 9336........  Homestead.........  FL              33030  Interior.........  3010.............
C Key West Naval Air Station-    Public Works        Key West..........  FL              33040  Navy.............  3005, 3010.......  23.
 Demolition Key.                  Office, Naval Air

[[Page 34800]]

O Key West Naval Air Station--   Public Works        Key West..........  FL              33040  Navy.............  3005.............
 Demolition Key.                  Office Naval Air
C Naval Technical Training       Lillian Highway...  Pensacola.........  FL        ...........  Navy.............  103c, 103a, 3010.  23.
 Center Corry Station.
O Naval Technical Training       Lillian Highway...  Pensacola.........  FL        ...........  Navy.............  103c, 103a.......
 Center Corry Station.
C NRL Underwater Sound           755 Gatlin Ave....  Orlando...........  FL              32806  Navy.............  3010, 103c.......  23.
 Reference Detachment.
O NRL Underwater Sound           755 Gatlin Ave....  Orlando...........  FL              32806  Navy.............  3010.............
 Reference Detachment.
C Panama City Coastal Systems    HWY 98 Code 6310MC  Panama City.......  FL              32407  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
 Station.                                                                                                           103a, 103c.
O Panama City Coastal Systems    Hwy 98 Code 6310MC  Panama City.......  FL              32407  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,
 Station.                                                                                                           103a.
C Pensacola Naval Air Station..  190 Radford Blvd..  Pensacola.........  FL              32508  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,
                                                                                                                    103c, 20A, 103a.
O Pensacola Naval Air Station..  US Naval Air        Pensacola.........  FL              32508  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,
                                  Station.                                                                          103c, 103a.
C Key West Coast Guard Station.  ..................  Key West..........  FL              33040  Transportation...  3010, 103c.......  23.
O Key West Coast Guard Station.  ..................  Key West..........  FL              33040  Transportation...  3010.............
C Miami Beach Coast Guard Base.  100 MacArthur Cswy  Miami Beach.......  FL              33139  Transportation...  3005, 3010, 103c.  23.
O Miami Beach Coast Guard Base.  100 MacArthur Cswy  Miami Beach.......  FL              33139  Transportation...  3005. 3010.......  ..................
C St. Petersburg Coast Guard     600 8th Ave SE....  St Petersburg.....  FL              33701  Transportation...  3010, 103c.......  23.
O St. Petersburg Coast Guard     600 8th Ave SE....  St Petersburg.....  FL              33701  Transportation...  3010.............  ..................
C Dobbins Air Force Base.......  94 CSG/DE.........  Marietta..........  GA              30069  Air Force........  3016, 103c, 3010.  23.
O Dobbins Air Force Base.......  94 CSG/DE.........  Marietta..........  GA              30069  Air Force........  3016, 103c.......
C Plant #6 (Lockheed)..........  86 S Cobb Drive     Marietta..........  GA              30063  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
                                  Zone 54.                                                                          103c.
O Plant #6 (Lockheed)..........  86 S Cobb Drive     Marietta..........  GA              30063  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016.
                                  Zone 54.
C Savannah Air National Guard..  165 ALG, 1401       Garden City.......  GA              31408  Air Force........  3016.............  20A.
                                  Robert B Miller
                                  Jr Dr, Savannah
O Savannah Air National Guard..  165 ALG, 1401       Garden City.......  GA              31408  Air Force........  3016.............  ..................
                                  Robert B Miller
                                  Jr Dr.
C Atlanta Medical Center.......  1670 Clairmont      Decatur...........  GA              30033  Veterans Affairs.  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
                                  Road.                                                                             103c.
O Atlanta Medical Center.......  1670 Clairmont      Decatur...........  GA              30033  Veterans Affairs.  3005, 3010, 3016.  ..................
C Guam Naval Hospital..........  Naval Hosp Guam...  Naval Hosp Guam...  GU              96638  Navy.............  103c, 3010.......  23.
O Guam Naval Hospital..........  Naval Hosp Guam...  Naval Hosp Guam...  GU              96638  Navy.............  103c.............
C Guam Naval Ship Repair         ..................  Agana.............  GU              96630  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
 Facility.                                                                                                          103c.

[[Page 34801]]

O Guam Naval Ship Repair         ..................  Agana.............  GU              96630  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016.
C Santa Rita Naval Magazine....  Rte 5.............  Santa Rita........  GU              96915  Navy.............  3010, 3016, 103c.  23
O Santa Rita Naval Magazine....  Rte 5.............  Santa Rita........  GU              96915  Navy.............  3010, 3016.......
C West Pacific Naval             NAVCAMS WESTPAC...  NAVCAMS WESTPAC...  GU              96630  Navy.............  3016, 103c, 3010.  23.
 Communication Area Master
O West Pacific Naval             NAVCAMS WESTPAC...  NAVCAMS WESTPAC...  GU              96630  Navy.............  3016, 103c.......
 Communication Area Master
C Palehua Solar Observatory....  Det 5, 50 WS/CC,    Hickman AFB.......  HI         96853-5254  Air Force........  3016, 103c.......  20A.
                                  AF Station, 10
O Palehua Solar Observatory....  South Tip of        Ewa Beach.........  HI              96706  Air Force........  3016, 103c.......  ..................
                                  Wainae Mt. Range.
C Waikakalaua Fuel Storage       Off Rt 99,          Honolulu..........  HI              96854  Air Force........  103c.............  20A.
 Annex.                           Kamehameha
O Waikakalaua Fuel Storage       Off Rte 99,         Honolulu..........  HI              96854  Air Force........  103c.............  ..................
 Annex.                           Kamehameba
C Johnston Atoll National        P.O. Box 50167....  Honolulu..........  HI              96850  Army.............  3010, 3016, 103a,  23.
 Wildlife Refuge.                                                                                                   3005, 103c.
O Johnston Atoll National        P.O. Box 50167....  Honolulu..........  HI              96850  Army.............  3010, 3016, 103a.
 Wildlife Refuge.
C Makua Military Reservation     Makua Military      Waianae...........  HI              96792  Army.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A, 23.
 Ordnance Disposal Area.          Reservation.                                                                      103c.
O Makua Military Reservation...  Makua Military      Waianae...........  HI              96792  Army.............  3005, 3010.......
C Schofield Barracks...........  Lyman Rd..........  Wahiawa...........  HI              96786  Army.............  3010, 3016, 103c,  20A, 23.
O Schofield Barracks...........  ..................  Wahiawa...........  HI              96786  Army.............  3010, 3016, 103c.
C Tripler Medical Center.......  Tripler Army        Honolulu..........  HI              96859  Army.............  3010, 3016, 103c.  23.
                                  Medical Center.
O Tripler Medical Center.......  Tripler Army        Honolulu..........  HI              96859  Army.............  3010, 3016.......  ..................
                                  Medical Center.
C Barbers Point Public Works     Public Works        Barbers Point.....  HI              96862  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 103c.  23.
 Center.                          Center.
O Barbers Point Public Works     Public Works        Barbers Point.....  HI              96862  Navy.............  3005, 3010.......  ..................
 Center.                          Center.
C Camp H M Smith...............  Halawa Heights Rd.  Camp Smith........  HI              96861  Navy.............  3010, 3016, 103c.  23.
O Camp H M Smith...............  Halawa Heights Rd.  Camp Smith........  HI              96861  Navy.............  3010, 3016.......  ..................
C Honolulu Naval Computer &      500 Center St.....  Wahiawa...........  HI              96786  Navy.............  3016, 103c.......  20A.
 Telecommunications, EP.
O Honolulu Naval Commuters &     Eastern Pacific     Honolulu..........  HI        ...........  Navy.............  3016, 103c.......  ..................
 Telecommunications Area.         Area.
C Kahoolawe Island.............  20D32M30SN,         Maui..............  HI              96732  Navy.............  103c.............  20A.
O Kahoolawe Island.............  ..................  Maui..............  HI              96732  Navy.............  103c.............  ..................
C Pearl Harbor Fleet Training    1430 South Ave....  Pearl Harbor......  HI              96860  Navy.............  3010, 103c.......  23.
O Pearl Harbor Fleet Training    1430 South Ave....  Pearl Harbor......  HI              96860  Navy.............  3010.............  ..................
C Pearl Harbor Naval Submarine   ..................  Pearl Harbor......  HI              96860  Navy.............  3010, 103a, 103c,  23.
 Base.                                                                                                              3016.

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O Pearl Harbor Naval Submarine   ..................  Pearl Harbor......  HI              96860  Navy.............  3010, 103a.......  ..................
C Shore Intermediate             ..................  Pearl Harbor......  HI              96860  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
 Maintenance Activity.                                                                                              103c.
O Shore Intermediate             ..................  Pearl Harbor......  HI              96860  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016.  ..................
 Maintenance Activity.
C National Animal Disease        2300 Dayton Road    Ames..............  IA              50010  Agriculture......  3010, 3016, 103c.  23.
 Center.                          PO Box 70.
O National Animal Disease        2300 Dayton Road    Ames..............  IA              50010  Agriculture......  3010, 3016.......  ..................
 Center.                          PO Box 70.
C Waverly Wets.................  2 Miles South.....  Waverly...........  IA              50677  Army.............  3016, 103c.......  23.
O Waverly Wets.................  2 Miles South.....  Waverly...........  IA              50677  Army.............  3016.............  ..................
C Ames Laboratory--Applied       109 Office & Lab,   Ames..............  IA              50011  Energy...........  3005, 3016, 103c,  20A, 23.
 Science Center.                  ISU.                                                                              3010.
O Ames Laboratory..............  107 Office & Lab    Ames..............  IA              50011  Energy...........  3005, 3016, 103c.  ..................
C Wapa-Hinton..................  PO Box 1012.......  Hinton............  IA              51024  Energy...........  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
O Wapa-Hinton..................  PO Box 1012.......  Hinton............  IA              51024  Energy...........  3005, 3010, 3016.  ..................
C Urbandale Bulk Mail Center...  4000 NW 109th       Urbandale.........  IA              50395  Postal Service...  3016, 103c, 3005.  23.
O Urbandale Bulk Mail Center...  4000 NW 109th       Urbandale.........  IA              50395  Postal Service...  3016.............  ..................
C Boise NF: Kirby Dam Monarch    T5N R11E S4&5       Atlanta...........  ID              83601  Agriculture......  103c, 3016.......  20A.
 Mine Stamp Mill.                 Boise Meridian.
O Boise NF: Kirby Dam Monarch    750 Front Street..  Boise.............  ID              83702  Agriculture......  103c, 3016.......  ..................
 Stamp Mill Site.
C Boise NF: Missouri Mine......  T8N R5E S27.......  Idaho City........  ID              83631  Agriculture......  3016, 103c.......  20A, 23.
O Boise NF: Missouri Mine......  Idaho City          Idaho City........  ID              83631  Agriculture......  3016.............  ..................
C Caribou NF: Paris Work Center  94 East 100 South.  Paris.............  ID              83261  Agriculture......  3010, 103c.......  23.
O Caribou NF: Paris Work Center  94 East 100 South.  Paris.............  ID              83261  Agriculture......  3010.............  ..................
C Targhee NF: Snake River Work   HWY 26 5 mi W of    Swan Valley.......  ID              83449  Agriculture......  3010, 103c.......  23.
 Center.                          Cy.
O Targhee NF: Snake River Work   HWY 26 5 mi W of    Swan Valley.......  ID              83449  Agriculture......  3010.............  ..................
 Center.                          Cy.
C Boise Air National Guard--     43D33M00SN,         Boise.............  ID              83705  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 103c,  20A, 23.
 Gowen Field.                     116D13M00SW.                                                                      3016.
O Boise Air National Guard--     43 33 N, 116 13 W.  Boise.............  ID              83705  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 103c.  ..................
 Gowen Field.
C BLM--Clarks Air Service        T6S, R9E, SEC27...  Glenns Ferry......  ID              83623  Interior.........  103c, 3016.......  23.
 Airstrip-Jarbridge RA.
O BLM--Clarks Air Service        T6S, R9E, SEC27...  Glenns Ferry......  ID              83623  Interior.........  103c.............  ..................
 Airstrip-Jarbridge RA.
C BLM--HELL'S Half Acre-East     T1S R36E S4, 2.3    Firth.............  ID              83236  Interior.........  103c.............  20A.
 Finger Dump.                     MI From Junction
                                  of Baseline and
                                  Lava Roads.
O BLM--Hell's Half Acre, E.      T1SR36E SEC 4.....  Firth.............  ID              83236  Interior.........  103c.............  ..................
C BLM--Hell's Half Acre-West     TIS R36E S32, 3.5   Firth.............  ID              83236  Interior.........  103c.............  20A.
 Finger Dump.                     MI W of Shelley.

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O BLM--Hell's Half Acre, W.      TISR36E SEC 32....  Firth.............  ID              83236  Interior.........  103c.............  ..................
C BLM--Hoff Road Site..........  T2S R32E Sect 35    Blackfoot.........  ID              83221  Interior.........  3010,103c........  23.
                                  SW OF SW.
O BLM--Hoff Road Site..........  T2S R32E Sect 35    Blackfoot.........  ID              83221  Interior.........  3010.............  ..................
                                  SW of SW.
C BLM--HWS Gold & Silver Mine    T29N R8E S23......  Elk City..........  ID              83525  Interior.........  3016, 103c.......  20A.
 Elk City.
O BLM--Elk City................  T29NR8ESEC23......  Elk City..........  ID              83525  Interior.........  3016, 103c.......  ..................
C BLM--Liberty Dump............  T3S, R33E, Sec      Liberty...........  ID              83221  Interior.........  103c.............  20A.
                                  19E, 20N, 21SWNW;
                                  NWNW 30N.
O BLM--Liberty.................  T3S, R33E, Sec      Liberty...........  ID              83221  Interior.........  103c.              ..................
                                  19E, 20N, 21SWNW;
                                  NWNW 30N.
C BLM--Mud Lake Airport........  T6N R34E Sect 18    Mud Lake..........  ID              83450  Interior.........  3010, 103c.......  23.
                                  NE of NE.
O BLM--Mud Lake Airport........  T6N R34E Sect 18    Mud Lake..........  ID              83450  Interior.........  3010.
                                  NE of NE.
C BLM--National Guard Impact     Sec (all) T2&3S,    Unincorporated....  ID              83709  Interior.........  103c, 3016.......  23.
 Area.                            R2&3E.
O BLM--National Guard Impact     Sec (all) T2&3S,    Unincorporated....  ID              83709  Interior.........  103c.
 Area.                            R2&3E.
C BLM--Pesticide Dump Murphy...  T3S R1W S35.......  Murphy............  ID              83650  Interior.........  103c.............  20A.
O BLM--Pesticide Dumpsite Sec.   Boise Dist Sec. 5.  Murphy............  ID              83650  Interior.........  103c.
C BLM--Wiregrass Reservoir Site  TIIS R36E Sect 13   Downey............  ID              83234  Interior.........  3010, 103c.......  23.
                                  NW of NE.
O BLM--Wiregrass Reservoir Site  TIIS R36E Sect 13   Downey............  ID              83234  Interior.........  3010.
                                  NW of NE.
C BR--Minidoka Dam.............  13 mi NE of CY....  Rupert............  ID              83350  Interior.........  3010, 3016, 103c.  20A, 23.
O BR--Minidoka Dam.............  Rt. 4, Box 292....  Rupert............  ID              83350  Interior.........  3010, 3016.
C Illinois Air National Guard,   Capitol Airport...  Springfield.......  IL              62707  Air Force........  3016, 3005.......  23.
 Capitol Map.
O Illinois Air National Guard,   Capitol Airport...  Springfield.......  IL              62707  Air Force........  3016.
 Capitol Map.
C Elwood 86th Reserve Command..  Hoff Rd, Bldg 705.  Elwood............  IL              60421  Army.............  3010.............  20A.
O Elwood 86th Reserve Command..  Hoff Rd...........  Elwood............  IL              60421  Army.............  3010.
C Peoria Army Maintenance        3523 W Farmington   Peoria............  IL              61604  Army.............  3010, 103c.......  23.
 Support Activity 48G.            Rd.
O Peoria Army Maintenance        3523 W Farmington   Peoria............  IL              61604  Army.............  3010.
 Support Activity 48G.            Rd.
C North Riverside Army           8660 West Cermak    North Riverside...  IL              60546  Corps of           3016.............  22.
 Maintenance Center.              Rd.                                                            Engineers, Civil.
O North Riverside TS...........  8660 West Cermak    North Riverside...  IL              60546  Army.............  3016.
C Region 5, Environmental        536 S. Clark        Chicago...........  IL              60605  EPA..............  3010, 103c.......  23.
 Services Division Lab.           Street, 10th
O Region 5, Environmental        536 S. Clark        Chicago...........  IL              60605  EPA..............  3010.
 Services Division Lab.           Street, 10th
C FWS--Crab Orchard NWR:         Ordill Industrial   Carterville.......  IL              62918  Interior.........  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A.
 Sangamo Electric Dump.           Area, Williamson                                                                  103c.

[[Page 34804]]

O FWS--Sangamo Electric Dump/    P.O. Box J........  Carterville.......  IL              62518  Interior.........  3005, 3010, 3016,
 Crab Orchard NWF.                                                                                                  103c.
C Glenview Naval Air Station...  Naval Air Station.  Glenview..........  IL              60026  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
O Glenview Naval Air Station...  Naval Air Station.  Glenview..........  IL              60026  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016.
C Great Lakes Naval Training     Public Works        Great Lakes.......  IL              60008  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
 Center.                          Center NTC SCE,                                                                   103c.
                                  Bldg 1A.
O Great Lakes Naval Training     Public Works        Great Lakes.......  IL              60008  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016.
 Center.                          Center NTC SCE,
                                  Bldg 1A.
C Libertyville Training Site...  Half Day Rd and     Vernon Hills......  IL              60061  Navy.............  3010.............  21.
                                  Milwaukee Ave.
O Libertyville Training Site...  Half Day Rd and     Vernon Hills......  IL              60061  .................  3010.
                                  Milwaukee Ave.
C Danville Medical Center        1900 E Main St....  Danville..........  IL              61832  Veterans Affairs.  103c, 3010.......  23.
O Danville Medical Center        1900 E Main St....  Danville..........  IL              61832  Veterans Affairs.  103c.
C Hines Supply Depot...........  1st Ave and 21st    Hines.............  IL              60141  Veterans Affairs.  3010, 103c.......  23.
O Hines Supply Depot...........  1st Ave and 21st    Hines.............  IL              60141  Veterans Affairs.  3010.
C Atterbury Reserve Forces       Hospital Rd.......  Edinburgh.........  IN              46124  Army.............  3010, 103c.......  23.
 Training Area.
O Atterbury Reserve Forces       Hospital Rd.......  Edinburgh.........  IN              46124  Army.............  3010.
 Training Area.
C New Haven Defense Logistics    State Rt. 14......  New Haven.........  IN              46774  Defense Logistics  3010, 103c.......  23.
 Agency Depot.                                                                                   Agency.
O New Haven Defense Logistics    State Rt. 14......  New Haven.........  IN              46774  Defense Logistics  3010.
 Agency Depot.                                                                                   Agency.
C Indianapolis Naval Avionics    6000 E. 21st        Indianapolis......  IN              42618  Navy.............  3010, 103c.......  23.
 Center.                          Street.
O Indianapolis Naval Avionics    6000 E. 21st        Indianapolis......  IN              42618  Navy.............  3010.
 Center.                          Street.
C Michigan City East Pier Head   Washington Park     Michigan City.....  IN              46360  Transportation...  3010.............  22.
 Light.                           Site B Pier.
O Michigan City East Phd Light.  Washington Park     Michigan City.....  IN              46360  .................  3010.
                                  Site B Pier.
C Dean D. Mitchell Farm........  Rt 1..............  Liberty...........  KS              67351  .................  3016, 103c.......  23.
O Dean D. Mitchell Farm........  Rt 1..............  Liberty...........  KS              67351  .................  3016.
C Forbes Field Air National      5920 E St.........  Topeka............  KS              66619  Air Force........  103c, 3010.......  20A, 23.
O Forbes Field Air National      5920 E Street,      Topeka............  KS              66619  Air Force........  103c.............  ..................
 Guard.                           190th AREFG/DE
                                  Forbes FIE.
C Kentucky Air National Guard    1019 Old Grade Ln,  Louisville........  KY              40213  Air Force........  103c, 3016.......  20A, 23.
 Standiford Field.                123 AW/EM.
O Kentucky Air National Guard    1019 Old Grade Ln,  Louisville........  KY              40213  Air Force........  103c.............  ..................
 Staniford Field.                 123 AW/EM.
C Armor School and Center at     Hwy 31 W..........  Fort Knox.........  KY              40121  Army.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
 Fort Knox.                                                                                                         103a, 103c.
O Armor School and Center at     Hwy 31 W..........  Fort Knox.........  KY              40121  Army.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  ..................
 Fort Knox.                                                                                                         103a.

[[Page 34805]]

C Lexington Bluegrass Depot      US Hwy 421........  Richmond..........  KY              40475  Army.............  3005, 103c, 3010.  23.
O Lexington Bluegrass Depot      US Hwy 421........  Richmond..........  KY              40475  Army.............  3005, 103c.......  ..................
C USPFO for Kentucky...........  Boone National      Frankfort.........  KY              40601  Army.............  3010, 103c.......  23.
                                  Guard Center, P*.
O USPFO for Kentucky...........  Boone National      Frankfort.........  KY              40601  Army.............  3010.............  ..................
                                  Guard Center, P*.
C Floating Plant--Repair         27th & Canal......  Louisville........  KY              40212  Corps of           3010, 103c.......  23.
 Facility.                                                                                       Engineers, Civil.
O Floating Plant--Repair         27th & Canal......  Louisville........  KY              40212  Corps of           3010.............  ..................
 Facility.                                                                                       Engineers, Civil.
C Paducah Gaseous Diffusion      PO Box 1410 Hobbs   Paducah...........  KY              42001  Energy...........  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
 Plant.                           Road.                                                                             103a, 103c.
O Paducah Gaseous Diffusion      PO Box 1410 Hobbs   Paducah...........  KY              42001  Energy...........  3005, 3010, 3016,  ..................
 Plant.                           Road.                                                                             103a.
C Louisville Naval Ordnance      Southside Dr. MDS   Louisville........  KY              40214  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
 Station.                         42.                                                                               103c.
O Louisville Naval Ordnance      Southside Dr. MDS   Louisville........  KY              40214  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016.  ..................
 Station.                         42.
C Kentucky Hydro Plant.........  Hwy 62 and 641....  Gilbertsville.....  KY              42044  Tennessee Valley   3010, 103c.......  23.
O Kentucky Hydro Plant.........  Hwy 62 and 641....  Gilbertsville.....  KY              42044  Tennessee Valley   3010.............  ..................
C Paradise Fossil Plant........  5 mi E of           Drakesboro........  KY              42337  Tennessee Valley   3010, 103c.......  23.
                                  Drakesboro.                                                    Authority.
O Paradise Fossil Plant........  5 mi E of           Drakesboro........  KY              42337  Tennessee Valley   3010.............  ..................
                                  Drakesboro.                                                    Authority.
C Shawnee Fossil Plant.........  Highway 996.......  West Paducah......  KY              42086  Tennessee Valley   3010, 103a, 103c.  23.
O Shawnee Fossil Plant.........  Highway 996.......  West Paducah......  KY              42086  Tennessee Valley   3010, 103a.......  ..................
C New Orleans Naval Support      2600 Gen Meyer Ave  New Orleans.......  LA        ...........  Navy.............  103c, 3010.......  23.
 Activity.                        Bldg 101.
O New Orleans Naval Support      2600 Gen Meyer Ave  New Orleans.......  LA        ...........  Navy.............  103c.............  ..................
 Activity.                        Bldg 101.
C New Orleans Coast Guard Base.  4640 Urquhart       New Orleans.......  LA              70117  Transportation...  3010, 103c.......  23.
O New Orleans Coast Guard Base.  4640 Urquhart       New Orleans.......  LA              70117  Transportation...  3010.............  ..................
C New Orleans Medical Center...  1601 Perdido        New Orleans.......  LA              70112  Veterans Affairs.  3010, 103c.......  23.
O New Orleans Medical Center...  1601 Perdido        New Orleans.......  LA              70112  Veterans Affairs.  3010.............  ..................
C Watertown Dairy..............  6 Moore Rd........  Wayland...........  MA              01778  Agriculture......  3016, 103c.......  20A.
O Watertown Dairy..............  6 Moore Road......  Wayland...........  MA        ...........  Agriculture......  3016, 103c.......  ..................
C Otis Air Force Base..........  Otis AFB..........  Falmouth..........  MA              02542  Air Force........  3010, 3016, 103c.  20A.
O Otis Air Force Base..........  Mass Military       Falmouth..........  MA              02542  Air Force........  3010, 3016, 103c.  ..................
                                  Reservation 102
C Truro Inst STP...............  Off Aldrich Rd....  N Truro...........  MA              02666  Air Force........  103c, 3010.......  20A.
O Truro Inst STP...............  Off Aldrich Rd....  N Truro...........  MA        ...........  Air Force........  103c, 3010.......  ..................
C Westover Air Force Base......  439 CSG/DE........  Chicopee..........  MA              01022  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A.
O Westover Air Force Base......  439 CSG/CC........  Chicopee..........  MA              01022  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,  ..................
C Boston Defense Support         495 Summer St.....  Boston............  MA              02210  Army.............  103c.............  20A.
 Activity--Barnes Building.

[[Page 34806]]

O Boston Defense Support         495 Summer Street.  South Boston......  MA        ...........  Army.............  103c.............  ..................
 Activity--Barnes Building.
C Fort Devens--Sudbury Training  Hudson Rd.........  Sudbury...........  MA              01776  Army.............  3016, 103c.......  20A.
O Fort Devens Sudbury Annex....  Hudson Rd.........  Sudbury...........  MA              01776  Army.............  3016, 103c.......  ..................
C Hingham Annex................  Leavitte St.......  Hingham...........  MA              02043  Army.............  103c.............  20A.
O Hingham Annex................  Union Street (Adj.  Hingham...........  MA              02043  Army.............  103c.............  ..................
                                  Wompatuck St.
C Materials Technology           405 Arsenal St....  Watertown.........  MA              02172  Army.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A, 23.
 Laboratory.                                                                                                        103c 103a.
O Materials Technology           Arsenal St........  Watertown.........  MA              02172  Army.............  3005, 3010, 3016,
 Laboratory.                                                                                                        103c.
C Rehoboth Nike Battery Missile  Fire Tower Rd,      Rehoboth..........  MA              02769  Army.............  3016, 103c.......  20A, 23.
 Control Area 19.                 Great Meadow Hill.
O Rehobeth Nike 19 TS..........  Fairview Ave......  Rehoboth..........  MA              02769  Army.............  3016.............
C NPS--Provincetown Sanitary     W Off of Race       Provincetown......  MA              02657  Interior.........  103c.............  20A.
 Landfill.                        Point RD.
O NPS--Provincetown Sanitary     West Offrace Point  Provincetown......  MA              02657  Interior.........  103c.............
 Landfill.                        Road.
C South Weymouth Naval Air       NAS S. Weymouth     South Weymouth....  MA              02190  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
 Station.                         PWD Code 72.3.                                                                    103c.
O South Weymouth Naval Air       NAS S. Weymouth     South Weymouth....  MA              02190  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016.
 Station.                         PWD Code 72.3.
C Boston Postal Service........  135 A Street......  Boston............  MA              02210  Postal Service...  3010, 103c.......  23.
O Boston Postal Service........  135 A Street......  Boston............  MA              02210  Postal Service...  3010.............
C Chelsea Postal Service         307 Becham St.....  Chelsea...........  MA              02150  Postal Service...  103c.............  20A.
 Incoming Mail Center.
O Chelsea Postal Service         307 Becham St.....  Chelsea...........  MA              02150  Postal...........  Service..........  103c.
 Incoming Mail Cente.
C Blossom Point Field Test       Blossom Point Rd..  La Plata..........  MD              20646  Army.............  3016, 103c, 3010.  23.
O Blossom Point Field Test       Blossom Point Rd..  La Plata..........  MD              20646  Army.............  3016, 103c.......
C Fort Ritchie.................  603 Lakeside Dr...  Fort Ritchie......  MD              21719  Army.............  3016, 3010,......  20A.
O Fort Ritchie.................  Attn:ANRT-ENE,      Fort Ritchie......  MD              21719  Army.............  3016, 3010.......
                                  Bldg 603.
C Oxford National Marine         US Dept of Marine   Oxford............  MD              21654  Commerce.........  103c, 3010.......  20A, 23.
 Fisheries Service.               Fisheries, Oxford
O Oxford National Marine         US Dept of Marine   Oxford............  MD        ...........  Commerce.........  103c.............
 Fisheries Service.               Fisheries, Oxford
C Central Regional Laboratory..  839 Bestgate Road.  Annapolis.........  MD              21401  EPA..............  3010, 103c.......  23.
O Central Regional Laboratory..  839 Bestgate Road.  Annapolis.........  MD              21401  EPA..............  3010.............
C FWS--Patuxent Wildlife         Rt 197 &            Laurel............  MD              20708  Interior.........  3016, 103c, 3010.  20A.
 Research Center.                 Powdermill Rd.
O FWS--Patuxent Wildlife         Rt. 197 at          Laurel............  MD              20708  Interior.........  3016, 103c, 3010.
 Research Center.                 Powdermill Road.
C Goddard Space Flight Center..  Greenbelt Road....  Greenbelt.........  MD              20771  NASA.............  3010, 103c, 3016.  23.

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O Goddard Space Flight Center..  Greenbelt Road....  Greenbelt.........  MD              20771  NASA.............  3010, 103c.......
C Carderock Division, Naval      Carderock           Bethesda..........  MD              20084  Navy.............  3010, 103c, 103a.  20A.
 Surface Warfare Center.          Laboratory.
O David Taylor Research Center.  Carderock           Bethesda..........  MD              20084  Navy.............  3010, 103c, 103a.
C Patuxent River Naval Air       Dept of the Navy..  Solomons..........  MD              20688  Navy.............  103c, 3010.......  23.
O Patuxent River Naval Air       Dept of the Navy..  Solomons..........  MD              20688  Navy.............  103c.............
 Station Annex.
C Baltimore Coast Guard Yard...  Hawkins PT Rd.....  Baltimore.........  MD              21226  Transportation...  3010, 103c.......  23.
O Baltimore Coast Guard Yard...  Hawkins PT Rd.....  Baltimore.........  MD              21226  Transportation...  3010.............
C Loring Air Force Base........  42 CSG/CC.........  Limestone.........  ME              04751  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A.
                                                                                                                    103c, 103a.
O Loring Air Force Base........  42CSG/CC..........  Limestone.........  ME              04751  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,
                                                                                                                    103c, 103a.
C Cutler Naval Computer &        Off Rt 191........  East Machias......  ME              04630  Navy.............  3010, 3016, 103c.  20A, 23.
 Telecommunications Station.
O Cutler Naval Communications    ..................  Cutler............  ME              04626  Navy.............  3010, 3016.......  ..................
C Winter Harbor Naval Security   RT 186............  Winter Harbor.....  ME              04693  Navy.............  3010, 103c.......  20A.
 Group Activity.
O Winterharbor Naval Security    Route 186.........  Winterharbor......  ME              04693  Navy.............  3010, 103c.......
 Group Activity.
C South Portland Coast Guard     259 High St.......  South Portland....  ME              04106  Transportation...  3010, 103c.......  20A.
O South Portland Coast Guard     High Street.......  South Portland....  ME              04106  Transportation...  3010, 103c.......
C Hiawatha NF: Byers Lake        1.22 mi W & 1.22    W Section of        MI              49829  Agriculture......  103c, 3016.......  20A, 23.
 Resort.                          mi N of Stueben.    Schoolcraft City.
O Hiawatha NF: Byers Lake        1.22 mi West &      W sec of            MI              49829  Agriculture......  103c.............
 Resort.                          1.22 mi North of    Schoolcrart City.
C Hiawatha NF: Grand Island      1 mi off Lake       Grand Island......  MI              49829  Agriculture......  103c, 3016.......  23.
 Site.                            Superior Shore 3
                                  mi NW of.
O Hiawatha NF: Grand Island      1 mi Off Lake       Grand Island......  MI              49829  Agriculture......  103c.............
 Site.                            Superior Shore 3
                                  mi NW of.
C Hiawatha NF: Munising          T46N R18W S19 SW\1/ Munising Township.  MI              49829  Agriculture......  103c, 3016.......  20A.
 Landfill.                        4\.
O Hiawatha NF: Munising          SW\1/4\ of sec 19   Escanaba..........  MI              49829  Agriculture......  103c, 3016.......
 Landfill.                        T46N R18W.
C Hiawatha NF: Nahma Landfill..  3 MI NW of Nahma..  Nahma Township....  MI              49829  Agriculture......  103c, 3016.......  23.
O Hiawatha NF: Nahma Landfill..  3 MI NW of Nahma..  Nahma Township....  MI              49829  Agriculture......  103c.............
C Huron-Manistee NF: Ranger      12 N Charles Ave..  White Cloud.......  MI              49349  Agriculture......  103c, 3010, 3016.  20A.
O Huron--Manistee NF: Ranger     12 N. Charles.....  White Cloud.......  MI              49348  Agriculture......  103c 3010 3016...
C Regional Poultry Research      3606 East Mount     Rd., East Lansing.  MI              48823  Agriculture......  3016, 103c.......  23.
 Laboratory.                      Hope.

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O Regional Poultry Research      3606 East Mount     Rd., East Lansing.  MI              48823  Agriculture......  3016.............
 Laboratory.                      Hope.
C Phelps/Collins Airport.......  Airport Road......  Alpena............  MI              49707  Air Force........  3010, 3016, 103a,  23.
O Phelps/Collins Airport.......  Airport Road......  Alpena............  MI              49707  Air Force........  3010, 3016, 103a.  ..................
C Selfridge Air National Guard.  Detachment 1/Dee..  Mount Clemens.....  MI              48045  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
                                                                                                                    103c, 103a.
O Selfridge Air National Guard.  Detachment 1/Dee..  Mount Clemens.....  MI              48045  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,
C Fort Custer Training Center..  2501 26th St......  Augusta...........  MI              49012  Army.............  3016.............  20A.
O Fort Custer..................  ..................  Battle Creek......  MI              49012  Army.............  3016.............
C Lakeshore Terminal Company,    US Hwy 23.........  Harrisville.......  MI              48740  Defense..........  103c, 3010,......  20A, 23.
 Harrisville DFSP.
O Harrisville Defense Fuel       US Hwy 23.........  Harrisville.......  MI              48740  Defense..........  103c.............
 Support Point.
C Ann Arbor Motor Vehicle        2565 Plymouth Rd,   Ann Arbor.........  MI              48105  EPA..............  3010, 103c.......  20A, 23.
 Emission Laboratory.             Washtenaw County.
O Ann Arbor Motor Vehicle        2565 Plymouth Road  Ann Arbor.........  MI              48105  EPA..............  3010.............
 Emission Laboratory.
C Bay City Cert Site...........  9th St & 18th St W  Bay City..........  MI              48708  EPA..............  3010.............  20A.
                                  of Saginaw St &
                                  Water St.
O Bay City Cert Site...........  9th and 18th W      Bay City..........  MI              48708  EPA..............  3010.............  ..................
                                  Saginaw and Wat.
C Charlevoix Coast Guard         220 Coastguard      Charlevoix........  MI              49720  Transportation...  3010, 103c.......  23.
 Station.                         Road.
O Charlevoix Coast Guard         220 Coastguard      Charlevoix........  MI              49720  Transportation...  3010.............
 Station.                         Road.
C FAA--Peck VOR................  2250 E Peck Rd....  Croswell..........  MI              48422  Transportation...  3010.............  20A.
O FAA--Croswell................  2250 E Peck Rd....  Croswell..........  MI              48422  Transportation...  3010.............
C St. Joseph North Pier Head     18535 Lite List...  St. Joseph........  MI              49417  Transportation...  3010.............  20A.
O St. Joseph North PHD Light...  18535 Lite List...  St. Joseph........  MI              49417  Transportation...  3010.............
C Minneapolis St. Paul Bulk      3165 S. Lexington   St. Paul..........  MN              55121  Postal Service...  3010, 103c.......  23.
 Mail Center.                     Ave.
O Minneapolis St. Paul Bulk      3165 S. Lexington   St. Paul..........  MN              55121  Postal Service...  3010.............
 Mail Center.                     Ave.
C Duluth Coast Guard Station...  1201 Minnesota Ave  Duluth............  MN              55802  Transportation...  3010, 3016, 103c.  23.
O Duluth Coast Guard Station...  1201 Minnesota Ave  MN................  ........        55802  Transportation...  3010, 3016.......  ..................
C Minneapolis Medical Center...  One Veterans Dr...  Minneapolis.......  MN              55417  Veterans Affairs.  3010, 3016, 103c.  23.
O Minneapolis Medical Center...  One Veterans Dr...  Minneapolis.......  MN              55417  Veterans Affairs.  3010, 3016.......  ..................
C Missouri Air National Guard..  Rosecrans Memorial  St Joseph.........  MO              64503  Air Force........  103c, 3010.......  20A, 23.
O St. Joseph Air National Guard  Rosecrans Memorial  St Joseph.........  MO        ...........  Air Force........  103c.............  ..................
C Camp Clark Training Site/Utes  4 Miles SO Hwy 71,  Nevada............  MO              64772  Army.............  3016, 103c.......  23.
                                  PO Box 265.
O Camp Clark Training Site/Utes  4 Miles SO Hwy 71,  NEVADA............  MO              64772  Army.............  3016.............  ..................
                                  PO BOX 265.
C Truman Reservoir T.S.........  P.O. Box 1247.....  Sedalia...........  MO              65302  Army.............  3016, 103c.......  23.
O Truman Reservoir T.S.........  P.O. Box 1247.....  Sedalia...........  MO              65302  Army.............  3016.............

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C Wappapello Training Site.....  Hwy T.............  Wayne City........  MO              63966  Army.............  3016, 103c.......  20A, 23.
O Wappapello Training Site.....  Highway T.........  Wappapello........  MO              63966  Army.............  3016.............
C Weldon Springs Ordnance Works  St Hwy 94 2 mi S    St. Charles.......  MO              63301  Energy...........  3010, 3016, 103c.  20A.
 (Former) (Quarry).               of US 40.
O Weldon Springs Ordnance Works  St Hwy 94 2 mi S    St. Charles.......  MO              63301  Energy...........  3010, 3016, 103c.
 (Former).                        of US 40.
C Mobile Incinerator-Demmry      SE\1/4\NW\1/4\NW\1/ McDowell..........  MO              65769  EPA..............  3010, 103c, 3016.  20A, 23.
 Farm.                            4\ Sec 20.
O Mobile Incinerator...........  SE\1/4\NW\1/4\NW\1/ McDowell..........  MO              65769  EPA..............  3010, 103c.......
                                  4\ Sec 20.
C St. Louis Federal Courthouse   111 S 11th St.....  St. Louis.........  MO              63102  General Services   3010, 103c.......  23.
 Site.                                                                                           Administration.
O St. Louis Federal Courthouse   111 S 11th St.....  St. Louis.........  MO              63102  General Services   3010.............
 Site.                                                                                           Administration.
C DEA--St. Louis...............  120 South Central.  St Louis..........  MO              63105  Justice..........  3010, 103c.......  23.
O DEA--St. Louis...............  120 South Central.  St Louis..........  MO              63105  Justice..........  3010.............
C NIMA--St. Louis..............  8900 S. Broadway..  St. Louis.........  MO              63118  National Imagery   3010, 103c.......  22, 23.
                                                                                                 and Mapping
O Defense Mapping Agency-Fee...  8900 S. Broadway..  St. Louis.........  MO              63118  Defense Mapping    3010.............
C NIMA--St. Louis..............  3200 S. Second      St. Louis.........  MO              63118  National Imagery   3010, 103c.......  22, 23.
                                  Street.                                                        and Mapping
O Defense Mapping Agency-Fee...  3200 S. Second      St. Louis.........  MO              63118  Defense Mapping    3010.............
                                  Street.                                                        Agency.
C Bridgeton Marine Corps.......  10810 Natural       Bridgeton.........  MO              63044  Navy.............  3010, 103c.......  23.
                                  Bridge Rd.
O Bridgeton Marine Corps.......  10810 Natural       Bridgeton.........  MO              63044  Navy.............  3010.............
                                  Bridge Rd.
C John J. Pershing Medical       1500 N Westwood     Poplar Bluff......  MO              63901  Veterans Affairs.  3010, 103c.......  23.
 Center.                          Blvd.
O John J. Pershing Medical       1500 N Westwood     Poplar Bluff......  MO              63901  Veterans Affairs.  3010.............
 Center Affairs.                  Blvd.
C Midway Island Naval Air        FPO...............  San Fransisco.....  MQ         96614-1200  Navy.............  3016, 103a, 103c.  23.
O Midway Island Naval Air        FPO...............  San Fransisco.....  MQ         96614-1200  Navy.............  3016, 103a.......
C Keesler Air Force Base.......  508 L ST..........  Keesler AFB.......  MS              39534  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A.
O Keesler Air Force Base.......  3380 CES/DE.......  Keesler AFB.......  MS              39534  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,
C Yellow Creek Production        1 Nasa Drive......  Iuka..............  MS              38852  NASA.............  3010, 103c.......  23.
O Yellow Creek Production        1 Nasa Drive......  Iuka..............  MS              38852  NASA.............  3010.............
C Meridian Naval Air Station...  Public Works        Meridian..........  MS              39309  Navy.............  3010, 103c.......  23.
O Meridian Naval Air Station...  Public Works        Meridian..........  MS              39309  Navy.............  3010.............
C Lewis & Clark National Forest  Box 871...........  Great Falls.......  MT              59403  Agriculture......  3016, 103c.......  23.
O Lewis & Clark National Forest  Box 871...........  Great Falls.......  MT              59403  Agriculture......  3016.............
C Montana Air National Guard     Bldg 350..........  Great Falls.......  MT              59801  Air Force........  3010, 103c.......  20A, 23.
 OMS #2.
O Montana Air National Guard     Bldg 350..........  Fort Missoula.....  MT              59801  Air Force........  3010.............
 OMS #2.
C Fort Peck Project............  Yellowstone Rd....  Fort Peck.........  MT              59223  Corps of           3010, 103a 103c..  23.
                                                                                                 Engineers, Civil.
O Fort Peck Project............  Yellowstone Rd....  Fort Peck.........  MT              59223  Corps of           3010, 103a.
                                                                                                 Engineers, Civil.

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C Component Development and      Industrial Park...  Bute..............  MT              59702  Energy...........  3016, 3010 103c..  23.
 Integration Facility.
O Component Development and      Industrial Park...  Bute..............  MT              59702  Energy...........  3016.
 Integration Facility.
C Precious Metals Plating......  Star Route Box 85.  Bonner............  MT              59823  Housing and Urban  103c, 3010.......  23.
O Precious Metals Plating......  Star Route Box 85.  Bonner............  MT              59823  Housing and Urban  103c.
C Lyons Station................  45 mi. So of Ennis  Ennis.............  MT              59749  Interior.........  3010, 103c.......  23.
                                  on Hwy 287.
O Lyons Station................  45 mi. So of Ennis  Ennis.............  MT              59749  Interior.........  3010.
                                  on Hwy 287.
C West Fork Ranger Station.....  15 Miles South of   West Fork RS......  MT              59829  Interior.........  3010, 103c.......  23.
                                  Darby Mt on.
O West Fork Ranger Station.....  15 Miles South of   West Fork RS......  MT              59829  Interior.........  3010.
                                  Darby Mt on.
C Pope Air Force Base..........  560 Interceptor Rd  Pope AFB..........  NC              28308  Air Force........  3005, 3010 103c,   20A.
O Pope Air Force Base..........  317 CSG/CC........  Pope AFB..........  NC              28308  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 103c,
C Fort Bragg...................  AFZA-DE-D.........  Fort Bragg........  NC              28307  Army.............  3010, 3016, 103c,  23.
                                                                                                                    103a, 3005.
O Fort Bragg...................  AFZA-DE-D.........  Fort Bragg........  NC              28307  Army.............  3010, 3016, 103c,
C Sunny Point Military Ocean     Attn: MTE SU-FE...  Southport.........  NC              28461  Army.............  103c, 103a, 3016.  23.
O Sunny Point Military Ocean     Attn: MTE SU-FE...  Southport.........  NC              28461  Army.............  103c, 103a.
C Technology Center............  Hwy 54 & Alexander  Research Triangle   NC              27711  EPA..............  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
                                  Drive.              Park.                                                         103c.
O Technology Center............  Hwy 54 & Alexander  Research Triangle   NC              27711  EPA..............  3005, 3010, 3016.
                                  Drive.              Park.
C Elizabeth City Coast Guard     Hwy 34 S/4 mi. S     Elizabeth City...  NC              27909  Transportation...  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
 Support Center.                  of Elizabeth City.                                                                103c.
O Elizabeth City Coast Guard     Hwy 34 S/4 mi. S    Elizabeth City....  NC              27909  Transportation...  3005, 3010, 3016.
 Support Center.                  of Elizabeth City.
C Lynn Keller Property.........  Sec 6 T16N R8E....  Cedar Bluffs......  NE              68015  Agriculture......  3016, 103c.......  23.
O Lynn Keller Property.........  Sec 6 T16N R8E....  Cedar Bluffs......  NE              68015  Agriculture......  3016.
C Roman L. Hruska Meat Animal    P.O. Box 166,       Clay Center.......  NE              68933  Agriculture......  3010, 3016, 103c,  23.
 Research Center.                 State Spur 18D.                                                                   3005.
O Roman L. Hruska Meat Animal    P.O. Box 166,       Clay Center.......  NE              68933  Agriculture......  3010, 3016, 103c.  ..................
 Research Center.                 State Spur 18D.
C Ehrling Bergquist Strategic    Capehart Rd. and    Bellevue..........  NE              68113  Air Force........   3010, 103c......  23.
 Hospital.                        25th Street.
O Ehrling Bergquist Strategic    Capehart Rd. and    Bellevue..........  NE              68113  Air Force........  3010.............  ..................
 Hospital.                        25th Street.
C Camp Ashland.................  Camp Ashland......  Ashland...........  NE              68003  Army.............  3016, 103c.......  23.
O Camp Ashland.................  Camp Ashland......  Ashland...........  NE              68003  Army.............  3016.............  ..................
C Hastings Training Site.......  R.R. 2, P.O. Box    Hastings..........  NE              68901  Corps of           3016, 103c.......  23.
                                  178.                                                           Engineers, Civil.
O Hastings Training Site.......  R.R. 2, P.O. Box    Hastings..........  NE              68901  Corps of           3016.............  ..................
                                  178.                                                           Engineers, Civil.

[[Page 34811]]

C FWS--Rainwater Basin Wetlands  P.O. Box 1686.....  Kearney...........  NE              68847  Interior.........  103c.............  20A.
 Management District.
O FWS--Rainwater Basin Wetlands  P.O. Box 1686.....  Kearney...........  NE              68933  Interior.........  103c.............  ..................
 Management District.
C Cold Regions Research and      Route 10..........  Hanover...........  NH              03755  Army.............  103c, 3016, 103a.  23.
 Engineering Laboratory.
O Cold Regions Research and      Route 10..........  Hanover...........  NH              03755  Army.............  103c, 3016.......  ..................
 Engineering Laboratory.
C Bomarc/McGuire MSL...........  Rt 539............  New Egypt.........  NJ              08533  Air Force........  103c.............  20A.
O Bomarc/McGuire MSL...........  438 ABG/CC........  McGuire AFB.......  NJ              08533  Air Force........  103c.............  ..................
C McGuire Air Force Base.......  Wrightstown-        Wrightstown.......  NJ              08562  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A.
                                  Cookstown Rd.                                                                     103c.
O McGuire Air Force Base.......  438 ABG/CC........  McGuire AFB.......  NJ              O8641  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,  ..................
C Britton Army Reserve Center..  39th St & Federal   Camden............  NJ              08105  Army.............  3010, 103c.......   20A, 23.
O SFC NV Brittan Army Reserve    39th and Federal    Camden............  NJ              08105  Army.............  3010.............  ..................
 Center.                          Street.
C Caven Point Army Reserve       1 Chapel Avenue...  Jersey City.......  NJ              07305  Army.............  3010, 103c.......  20A, 23.
O Caven Point Reserve Center...  1 Chapel Avenue...  Jersey City.......  NJ              07305  Army.............  3010.............  ..................
C Kilmer Army Reserve Center...  Bldg 1007.........  Edison............  NJ              08817  Army.............  3010.............  20A.
O Sgt. Joyce Kilmer Army         Bldg 1007 Kilmer    Edison............  NJ              08817  Army.............  3010.............  ..................
 Reserve Center.                  USAR Center.
C Storch Army Reserve Center...  Shore Rd & Dolphin  Northfield........  NJ              08225  Army.............  3010, 103c.......  20A, 23.
O Storck Army Reserve Center...  Shore Road........  Northfield........  NJ              08225  Army.............  3010.............  ..................
C Stryker Army Reserve Center..  2150 Nottingham     Trenton...........  NJ              08619  Army.............  3010, 103c.......  20A, 23.
O Stryker Reserve Center.......  2150 Nottingham     Trenton...........  NJ              08619  Army.............  3010.............  ..................
C NOAA/NMFS/NEFC...............  Sandy Hook          Highlands.........  NJ              07732  Commerce.........  3005, 3010, 103c.   23
O NOAA/NMFS/NEFC...............  Sandy Hook          Highlands.........  NJ              07732  Commerce.........  3005, 3010.......  ..................

C Middlesex Sampling Plant.....  239 Mountain Ave..  Middlesex Borough.  NJ              08846  Energy...........  3010, 3016, 103c.  20A.
O MIddlesex Sampling Plant.....  239 Mountain        Middlesex.........  NJ              08846  Energy...........  3010, 3016, 103c.  ..................
C Princeton Plasma Physics       Forrestal Campus..  Princeton.........  NJ              08544  Energy...........  103c, 3010, 3016.  20A.
O Princeton Plasma Physics       Forrestal Campus..  Princeton.........  NJ        ...........  Energy...........  103c, 3010, 3016.  ..................
C Wayne Interim Storage Site     868 Black Oak       Wayne.............  NJ              07470  Energy...........  3016, 103c.......  20A.
 (WR Grace and Co).               Ridge Rd.
O Wayne Interim Storage Site     868 Black Oak       Wayne.............  NJ              07444  Energy...........  3016, 103c.......  ..................
 (WR Grace and Co).               Ridge.
C Belle Mead Supply Depot......  #1 Rt 206.........  Belle Mead........  NJ              08502  General Services   3010, 103c, 103a.  20A.
O Belle Mead Supply Depot......  Belle Mead #1       Belle Mead........  NJ              08502  General Services   3010, 103c, 103a.  ..................
                                  Route 206.                                                     Administration.
C Somerville Depot.............  Route 206.........  Somerville........  NJ              08876  General Services   103c, 3010.......  23.

[[Page 34812]]

O Somerville Depot.............  Route 206.........  Somerville........  NJ              08876  General Services   103c.............  ..................
C Earle Naval Weapons Station..  201 Hwy 34 S......  Colts Neck........  NJ              07722  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A.
O Earle Naval Weapons Station..  Tylerlane and       Wall Twp..........  NJ              07722  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  ..................
                                  Texas Road.                                                                       103c.
C Trenton Naval Air Warfare      Parkway Ave.......  Trenton...........  NJ              08628  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A.
 Center, Aircraft Div.                                                                                              103c, 103a.
O Trenton Naval Air Propulsion   Parkway Avenue, PO  Trenton...........  NJ         08628-0176  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  ..................
 Center.                          Box 7176.                                                                         103c, 103a.
C FAA-Technical Center.........  Routes 563 and 575  Pomona............  NJ              08405  Transportation...  3016, 103c, 103a.  20A.
O FAA-NAFEC....................  Routes 563 and 575  Pomona............  NJ              08405  Transportation...  3016, 103c, 103a.  ..................
C East Orange Medical Center...  Tremont Ave.......  East Orange.......  NJ              07019  Veterans Affairs.  3010, 103c.......  23.
O East Orange Medical Center...  Tremont Ave.......  East Orange.......  NJ              07019  Veterans Affairs.  3010.............  ..................
C Lyons Hospital...............  Knollcraft Road...  Lyons.............  NJ              07939  Veterans Affairs.  3010 103c........  20A.
O Lyons Medical Center.........  Knollcraft Road...  Lyons.............  NJ              07939  Veterans Affairs.  3010, 103c.......
C Kirtland Air Force Base......  2000 Wyoming Blvd   Kirtland AFB......  NM              87117  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A.
                                  SE.                                                                               103c.
O Kirtland Air Force Base......  1606 ABW/CC.......  Kirtland AFB......  NM              87117  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,
C Fort Bliss Air Defense Center  McGregor Range FAW  McGregor Range....  NM              88003  Army.............  3010, 3005.......  23.
O Fort Bliss Air Defense Center  McGregor Range FAW  McGregor Range....  NM              88003  Army.............  3010.............
C Carlsbad Waste Isolation       PO Box 207........  Carlsbad..........  NM        ...........  Energy...........  103a.............  20A.
O Carlsbad.....................  PO Box 207........  Carlsbad..........  NM        ...........  Energy...........  103a.............
C BR--Monterey Construction      12 mi. N of         Carlsbad..........  NM              88220  Interior.........  3010, 103c.......  23.
 Company.                         Carlsbad off Hwy
O BR--Monterey Construction      12 mi. N of         Carlsbad..........  NM              88220  Interior.........  3010.............
 Company.                         Carlsbad off Hwy
C Rio Tinto Copper Mine........  Sec 10 & 11 T45N    Mountain City.....  NV              89831  Agriculture......  103c.............  22.
                                  R53E MDM.
O BLM-RIO Tinto Copper Mine....  Sec 10 & 11 T45N    Mountain City.....  NV              89831  Interior.........  103c.............
                                  R53E MDM.
C Hawthorne Army Ammunition      Hwy 95............  Hawthorne.........  NV              89416  Army.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A.
 Plant.                                                                                                             103c.
O Hawthorne Army Ammunition      ..................  Hawthorne.........  NV              89416  Army.............  3005, 3010, 3016,
 Plant.                                                                                                             103c.
C Tonopah Test Range...........  PO Box 10359......  Tonopah...........  NV              89049  Energy...........  3005, 3010, 103c,  20A.
                                                                                                                    103a, 3016.
O Tonopah Test Range (Sandia     PO Box 10359......  Tonopah...........  NV              89049  Energy...........  3005, 3010, 103c,
 National Laboratory).                                                                                              103a, 3016.
C BLM--Silverado Mill Site.....  T18N R55E S19, 20   Eureka............  NV              89316  Interior.........  3016, 103c.......  20A, 23.
                                  mi N of Eureka.
O BLM--Silverado Mill Site.....  ..................  ..................  NV        ...........  Interior.........  3016.............
C Griffiss Air Force Base......  153 Brooks Rd.....  Rome..............  NY              13441  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A.

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O Griffiss Air Force Base......  Griffiss A.F.B....  Rome..............  NY              13440  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,
C Amherst Army Reserve Center..  100 N Forest Rd...  Buffalo...........  NY              14221  Army.............  3010, 103c.......  23.
O Amherst Army Reserve Center..  100 N Forest Rd...  Buffalo...........  NY              14221  Army.............  3010.............
C Bellmore Maintenance Facility  2755 Maple Ave....  Bellmore..........  NY              11710  Army.............  3010, 3016, 103c.  23.
O Bellmore Maintenance Facility  2755 Maple Ave....  Bellmore..........  NY              11710  Army.............  3010, 3016.......
C Elihu Root Army Reserve        96 Burrstone Rd...  Utica.............  NY              13502  Army.............  3010, 103c.......  20A, 23.
O Elihu Root Army Reserve        Burrstone Road....  Utica.............  NY              13502  Army.............  3010.............  ..................
C Farmingdale Organizational     25 Baiting Place    Farmingdale.......  NY              11735  Army.............  3010, 103c.......  23.
 Maintenance Shop #43.            Road.
O Farmingdale Organizational     25 Baiting Place    Farmingdale.......  NY              11735  Army.............  3010.............
 Maintenance Shop #43.            Road.
C Floyd Annex Site.............  Koening Road......  Floyd.............  NY              13440  Army.............  103c.............  21.
O Floyd Annex Site.............  Koening Road......  Floyd.............  NY              13440  Air Force........  103c.............
C Fort Hamilton................  Ft Hamilton.......  Brooklyn..........  NY              11252  Army.............  3010, 103c, 3016.  23.
O Fort Hamilton................  Ft Hamilton.......  Brooklyn..........  NY              11252  Army.............  3010, 103c.......
C Fort Totten..................  Bayside...........  Queens............  NY              11359  Army.............  3010, 103c, 3016.  23.
O Fort Totten..................  Bayside...........  Queens............  NY              11359  Army.............  3010, 103c.......
C PFC Charles Deglopper Army     2393 Colvin Blvd..  Tonawanda.........  NY              14150  Army.............  3010, 103c.......  23.
 Reserve Center.
O PFC Charles Deglopper Army     2393 Colvin Blvd..  Tonawanda.........  NY              14150  Army.............  3010.............
 Reserve Center.
C Roosevelt Army Reserve Center  101 Oak St........  Hempstead.........  NY              11550  Army.............  3010, 103c.......  23.
O Roosevelt Army Reserve Center  101 Oak St........  Hempstead.........  NY              11550  Army.............  3010.............
C Sage Complex.................  510 Stewart Dr W..  North Syracuse....  NY              13212  Army.............  3010, 103c.......  23.
O Sage Complex.................  510 Stewart Dr W..  North Syracuse....  NY              13212  Army.............  3010.............
C Stewart Annex/Subpost........  USMA Newburg        Newburg...........  NY              12550  Army.............  3016.............  20A.
                                  Landfill, Stewart
                                  Airport, RT 17.
O West Point Military Academy..  Stewart Army        West Point........  NY              10996  Army.............  3016.............
C TSG H.C. Lockwood Army         111 Finney Blvd...  Malone............  NY              12953  Army.............  3010, 103c.......  23.
 Reserve Center.
O TSG H.C. Lockwood Army         111 Finney Blvd...  Malone............  NY              12953  Army.............  3010.............
 Reserve Center.
C Watervliet Arsenal...........  Broadway..........  Watervliet........  NY              12189  Army.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
                                                                                                                    103a, 103c.
O Watervliet Arsenal...........  Broadway..........  Watervliet........  NY              12189  Army.............  3005, 3010, 3016,
C Brookhaven National            53 Bell Ave.......  Upton.............  NY              11973  Energy...........  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
 Laboratory.                                                                                                        103a, 103c.
O Brookhaven National            53 Bell Ave.......  Upton.............  NY              11973  Energy...........  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
 Laboratory.                                                                                                        103a.
C Colonie Interim Storage Site.  1130 Central Ave..  Colonie...........  NY              12205  Energy...........  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
O Colonie Interim Storage Site.  1130 Central Ave..  Colonie...........  NY              12205  Energy...........  3005, 3010, 3016.

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C Brooklyn Information Agency..  29th & 3rd Ave,     Brooklyn..........  NY              11232  General Services   3010 103c........  23.
                                  Door 15.                                                       Administration.
O Brooklyn Information Agency..  29th & 3rd Ave,     Brooklyn..........  NY              11232  General Services   3010.............
                                  Door 15.                                                       Administration.
C Emmanuel Cellard Federal       225 Cadman Plaza..  Brooklyn..........  NY              11201  General Services   3010, 103c.......  23.
 Building.                                                                                       Administration.
O Emmanuel Cellard Federal       225 Cadman Plaza..  Brooklyn..........  NY              11201  General Services   3010.............
 Building.                                                                                       Administration.
C Federal Building.............  252 7th Ave.......  New York..........  NY              10001  General Services   3010, 103c.......  23.
O Federal Building.............  252 7TH Ave.......  New York..........  NY              10001  General Services   3010.............
C Merchandise Control Sales      6 World Trade       New York..........  NY              10048  General Services   3010, 103c.......  23.
 Section.                         Center.                                                        Administration.
O Merchandise Control Sales      6 World Trade       New York..........  NY              10048  General Services   3010.............
 Section.                         Center.                                                        Administration.
C New York.....................  201 Varick St.....  New York..........  NY              10014  General Services   3010 103c 23.....
O New York.....................  201 Varick St.....  New York..........  NY              10014  General Services   3010.............
C NPS--Fire Island National      120 Laurel Street.  Patchogue.........  NY              11772  Interior.........  3016, 3010, 103c.  23.
O NPS--Fire Island National      120 Laurel Street.  Patchogue.........  NY              11772  Interior.........  3016, 3010.......
C NPS--Saratoga National         648 Rt 32.........  Saratoga Springs..  NY              12170  Interior.........  103c.............  20A.
 Historical Park.
O NPS--Saratoga National         Rd #2, P.O. Box 33  Stillwater........  NY              12170  Interior.........  103c.............
 Historical Park.
C Pennsylvania Ave/Fountain Ave  Pennsylvania Ave,   Brooklyn..........  NY              11207  Interior.........  3010, 103c.......  23.
 Landfills.                       Shore Pkwy.
O Pennsylvania Ave/Fountain Ave  Pennsylvania Ave,   Brooklyn..........  NY              11207  Interior.........  3010.............
 Landfills.                       Shore Pkwy.
C Fisher's Island Naval          Fisher's Island...  Fisher's Island...  NY              06380  Navy.............  3010, 3016, 103c.  23.
 Underwater Systems Center.
O Fisher's Island Naval          Fisher's Island...  Fisher's Island...  NY              06380  Navy.............  3010, 3016.......
 Underwater Systems Center.
C Mitchel Field Housing          NAVSTA New York     Garden City.......  NY              11530  Navy.............  103c, 3010.......  23.
 Facility.                        Housing Office,
                                  Bldg. 19, West
                                  Road, Mitchel
O Mitchel Field Housing          NAVSTA New York     Garden City.......  NY              11530  Navy.............  103c.............
 Facility.                        Housing Office,
                                  Bldg. 19, West
                                  Road, Mitchel
C Stapleton Naval Station......  Stapleton.........  Staten Island.....  NY              10304  Navy.............  3010, 103c.......  23.
O Stapleton Naval Station......  Stapleton.........  Staten Island.....  NY              10304  Navy.............  3010.............
C Aids to Navigation Team......  7063 Lighthouse     Saugerties........  NY              12477  Transportation...  3010, 103c.......  23.
O Aids to Navigation Team......  7063 Lighthouse     Saugerties........  NY              12477  Transportation...  3010.............
C Moriches Coast Guard Group...  100 Moriches        East Moriches.....  NY              11940  Transportation...  3010, 103c.......  23.
                                  Island Rd.
O Moriches Coast Guard Group...  100 Moriches        East Moriches.....  NY              11940  Transportation...  3010.............
                                  Island Rd.
C Shinnecock Coast Guard         Shinnecock Station  Hampton Bays......  NY              11946  Transportation...  3010, 103c.......  20A, 23.
O Shinnecok Coast Guard Station  ..................  Hampton Bays......  NY              11946  Transportation...  3010.............
C West Sayville IFS Transmitter  Cherry Ave........  West Sayville.....  NY              11796  Transportation...  3010, 3016, 103c.  23.

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O West Sayville IFS Transmitter  Cherry Ave........  West Sayville.....  NY              11796  Transportation...  3010, 3016.......
C Newark Air Force Base........  AGMC/EM...........  Newark AFB........  OH              43057  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
O Newark Air Force Base........  AGMC/EM...........  Newark AFB........  OH              43057  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016.
C Toledo Air National Guard....  2660 South Eber     Swanton...........  OH              43558  Air Force........  3016, 3010.......  23.
O Toledo Air National Guard....  2660 South Eber     Swanton...........  OH              43558  Air Force........  3016.............
C Lima Army Tank Center........  1155 Buckeye Rd,    Lima..............  OH         45804-1898  Army.............  3010, 3016, 103c.  20A.
                                  Allen County.
O Lima Defense Plant             1155 Buckeye Rd,    Lima..............  OH         45804-1898  Army.............  3010, 3016, 103c.
 Representative Office.           Allen County.
C Rickenbacker Air National      Rickenbacker ANG    Columbus..........  OH              43217  Army.............  103c, 3005, 3010,  20A, 23.
 Guard Base.                      Base.                                                                             3016.
O Rickenbacker Air National      Rickenbacker ANGB.  Rickenbacker......  OH              43217  Army.............  103c.............
 Guard Base ANGB.
C Caesar Creek Lake Bridge.....  Bridge at Caesar    Waynesville.......  OH              45068  Corps of           3010.............  20A.
                                  Creek Lake.                                                    Engineers, Civil.
O Caesar Creek Lake Bridge.....  Bridge at Caeser    Waynesville.......  OH              45068  Corps of           3010.............
                                  Creek Lake.                                                    Engineers, Civil.
C Shenango Disposal Site, ORP..  Ohio Rt. 88 County  Vernon Township...  OH              44428  Corps of           3010, 3016, 103c.  23.
                                  Road 225 Shenango                                              Engineers, Civil.
                                  Disposal Site.
O Shenango Disposal Site, ORP..  Ohio Rt. 88 County  Vernon Township...  OH              44428  Corps of           3010, 3016.......
                                  Road 225 Shenango                                              Engineers, Civil.
                                  Disposal Site.
C Dayton Defense Electronic      1507 Wilmington     Dayton............  OH              45444  Defense..........  3010, 3016, 103c.  20A.
 Supply Center.                   Pike Montgomery
O Electronic Supply Center.....  1507 Wilmington     Dayton............  OH              45444  Defense..........  3010, 3016, 103c.  ..................
                                  Pike Montgomery
C Andrew W. Breidenbach          26 W Martin Luther  Cincinnati........  OH              45268  EPA..............  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A, 23.
 Environmental Research CTR.      King Dr..                                                                         103c.
O Andrew W. Breidenbach          26 W. St. Clair     Cincinnati........  OH              45268  EPA..............  3005, 3010, 3016.
 Environmental Research CTR.      Street.
C Center Hill Hazardous Waste    5595 Center Hill    Cincinnati........  OH              45268  EPA..............  3005 3010 3016     23.
 Engrg Research Lab.              Road.                                                                             103c.
O Center Hill Hazardous Waste    5595 Center Hill    Cincinnati........  OH              45268  EPA..............  3005, 3010, 3016.  ..................
 Engrg Research Lab.              Road.
C Testing and Evaluation         1600 Gest St......  Cincinnati........  OH              45204  EPA..............  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A, 23.
 Facility.                                                                                                          103c.
O Testing and Evaluation         1600 Gest Street..  Cincinnati........  OH              45203  EPA..............  3005, 3010, 3016.
C NPS-Cuyahoga Valley National   15610 Vaughn Road.  Brecksville.......  OH              44141  Interior.........  3010, 3016, 103c.  23.
 Recreation Area.
O NPS-Cuyahoga Valley National   15610 Vaughn Road.  Brecksville.......  OH              44141  Interior.........  3010, 3016.......
 Recreation Area.
C Lewis Research Center          21000 Brookpark     Cleveland.........  OH              44135  NASA.............  3010, 3016, 103a,  23.
 Cleveland.                       Road.                                                                             103c.

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O Lewis Research Center          21000 Brookpark     Cleveland.........  OH              44135  NASA.............  3010, 3016, 103a.
 Cleveland.                       Road.
C Plum Brook Station...........  Taylor & Columbus   Sandusky..........  OH              44870  NASA.............  3010, 3016, 103c,  20A.
                                  Roads, Erie                                                                       103a.
O Plum Brook...................  Taylor & Columbus   Sandusky..........  OH              44870  NASA.............  3010, 3016, 103c,
                                  Roads, Erie                                                                       103a.
C Dayton Medical Center........  4100 West 3rd       Dayton............  OH              45428  Veterans Affairs.  103a, 3010.......  23.
                                  Street, Building
O Dayton Medical Center........  4100 West 3rd       Dayton............  OH              45428  Veterans Affairs.  103a.............
                                  Street, Building
C Plant #3 (McDonnell-Douglas    2000 N. Memorial    Tulsa.............  OK              74101  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
 Corp).                           Avenue.                                                                           103c.
O Plant #3 (McDonnell-Douglas    2000 N. Memorial    Tulsa.............  OK              74101  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016.
 Corp).                           Avenue.
C Fort Gibson Lake.............    ................  Pryor.............  OK              74361  Corps of           3016, 103c.......  23.
                                                                                                 Engineers, Civil.
O Fort Gibson Lake.............    ................  Pryor.............  OK              74361  Corps of           3016.............
                                                                                                 Engineers, Civil.
C Robert S. Kerr Lock Dam &      Star Route 4......  Sallisaw..........  OK              74063  Corps of           3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
 Resevoir.                                                                                       Engineers, Civil.  103c.
O Robert S. Kerr Lock Dam &      Star Route 4......  Sallisaw..........  OK              74063  Corps of           3005, 3010, 3016.
 Resevoir.                                                                                       Engineers, Civil.
C FWS--Wichita Mountains         Rt 1..............  Indiahoma.........  OK              73552  Interior.........  3016, 103c.......  20A.
 National Wildlife Refuge.
O FWS--Wichita Mountains         Route 1, Box 448..  Indiahoma.........  OK        ...........  Interior.........  3016, 103c.......
 National Wildlife Refuge.
C Fremont NF: White King/Lucky   524 North G Street  Lakeview..........  OR              97630  Agriculture......  3016, 103c.......  20A.
 Lass Mine.
O Fremont National Forest......  524 North G Street  Lakeview..........  OR              97630  Agriculture......  3016, 103c.......
C FS--Lowell Ranger Station....  RD 1806-433 On      Lowell............  OR              97452  Agriculture......  3010, 103c.......  23.
                                  Spur 447.
O FS--Lowell Ranger Station....  RD 1806-433 On      Lowell............  OR              97452  Agriculture......  3010.............
                                  Spur 447.
C Ochoco NF: Crooked River        T12S R14E S34....  Madras............  OR              99741  Agriculture......  3010, 103c.......  23.
O Ochoco NF: Crooked River       T12S R14E S34.....  Madras............  OR              99741  Agriculture......  3010.............
C Willamette NF: Shiny Rock      Highway 126 35 mi   Eugene............  OR              97440  Agriculture......  3016, 103c.......  20A.
 Mine.                            E OF City.
O Willamette National Forest...  Highway 126 35 mi   Eugene............  OR              97440  Agriculture......  3016, 103c.......
                                  E OF City.
C Keno Air Force Station.......  Haymaker Mt Road    Keno..............  OR              97627  Air Force........  3010, 103c.......  23.
                                  Peak End of Road.
O Keno Air Force Station.......  Haymaker Mt Rd      Keno..............  OR              97627  Air Force........  3010.............
                                  Peak End of Road.
C Kingsley Field...............  Joe Wright Road, 5  Klamath Falls.....  OR              97603  Air Force........  3010, 3016, 103c.  20A.
                                  mi S of City.
O Kingsley Field...............  114 TFTS/CC.......  Klamath Falls.....  OR              97601  Air Force........  3010, 3016, 103c.
C COE--Astoria Field Office....  Hwy 30 & Maritime   Astoria...........  OR              97103  Army.............  3010 3016 103c...  22, 23.
O Astoria Field Office.........  Hwy 30 & Maritime   Astoria...........  OR              97103  Corps of           3010, 3016.......
                                  Road.                                                          Engineers, Civil.
C COE--Bonneville Dam..........  I84 N of Exit 40..  Bonneville........  OR              97014  Army.............  3010, 103a, 3016,  20A, 22, 23.

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O Bonneville Dam Air             N of City on Riv..  Bonneville........  OR              97008  Corps of           3010, 103a, 3016.
 Enforcement Division.                                                                           Engineers, Civil.
C COE--John Day Dam Air          Rufus Exit........  Rufus.............  OR              97050  Army.............  3010, 103c.......  22, 23.
 Enforcement Division.
O John Day Dam Air Enforcement   Rufus Exit........  Rufus.............  OR              97050  Corps of           3010.............
 Division.                                                                                       Engineers, Civil.
C COE--North Pacific Division-   1491 NW Graham Ave  Troutdale.........  OR              97050  Army.............  3010, 103c.......  22, 23.
 Materials Laboratory.
O North Pacific Division-        1491 NW Graham Ave  Troutdale.........  OR              97050  Corps of           3010.............
 Materials Laboratory.                                                                           Engineers, Civil.
C COE--Portland 3 Mile Canyon    I84 1.2 Mi W of     Arlington.........  OR              97812  Army.............  3010, 103c.......   22, 23.
 Site.                            Exit 147.
O Portland 3 Mile Canyon Site..  I84 1.2 Mi W of     Arlington.........  OR              97812  Corps of           3010.............
                                  Exit 147.                                                      Engineers, Civil.
C COE--Portland Moorings Usaed.  8010 NW St Helens   Portland..........  OR              97210  Army.............  3010, 103c.......  22, 23.
O Portland Moorings USAED......  8010 NW St Helens   Portland..........  OR              97210  Corps of           3010.............
                                  Rd.                                                            Engineers, Civil.
C COE--The Dalles Dam Air        Exit 88...........  The Dalles........  OR              97058  Army.............  3010, 103c, 22...  23.
 Enforcement Division.
O The Dalles Dam Air             Exit 88...........  The Dalles........  OR              97058  Corps of           3010.............
 Enforcement Division.                                                                           Engineers, Civil.
C BPA--Celilo Converter Station  3920 Columbia View  The Dalles........  OR              97058  Energy...........  3010, 103c.......  23.
                                  Drive E.
O BPA--Celilo Converter Station  3920 Columbia View  The Dalles........  OR              97058  Energy...........  3010.............
                                  Drive E.
C BPA-Oregon City Substation:    16885 Eaden Road..  ORegon City.......  OR              97045  Energy...........  103a, 103c.......  20A, 23.
O BPA-Oregon City..............  16885 Eaden Road..  Oregon City.......  OR              97045  Energy...........  103a.............
C Corvallis Environmental        200 SW 35th St....  Corvallis.........  OR              97333  EPA..............  3010 103c........  23.
 Research Laboratory.
O Corvallis Environmental        200 SW 35th St....  Corvallis.........  OR              97333  EPA..............  3010.............
 Research Laboratory.
C BM--Albany Laboratory........  1450 SW Queen Ave.  Albany............  OR              97321  Interior.........  3010, 3016 103c..  23.
O BM--Albany Laboratory........  1450 SW Queen Ave.  Albany............  OR              97321  Interior.........  3010, 3016.......
C Astoria Coast Guard Base.....  Hwy 30 at Tongue    Astoria...........  OR              97103  Transportation...  3010, 103c.......  23.
O Astoria Coast Guard Base.....  Hhy 30 at Tongue    Astoria...........  OR              97103  Transportation...  3010, 103c.......
C CG--Coos Bay ANT.............  4333 Boat Basin     Charleston........  OR              97420  Transportation...  3010, 103c.......  20A, 23.
O Coos Bay ANT.................  4333 Boat Basin     Charleston........  OR              97420  Transportation...  3010.............
C Portland Marine Safety Coast   6767 N Basin......  Portland..........  OR              97217  Transportation...  3010 103c........  23.
 Guard Station.
O Portland Marine Safety Coast   6767 N Basin......  Portland..........  OR              97217  Transportation...  3010.............
 Guard Station.
C Wyndmoor.....................  600 E Mermaid LN..  Wyndmoor..........  PA              19118  Agriculture......  3010, 103c, 3016.  23.
O Wyndmoor.....................  600 E Mermaid LN..  Wyndmoor..........  PA              19118  Agriculture......    ...............  3010, 103c.
C Philadelphia Defense           2800 S 20th St....  Philadelphia......  PA              19101  Army.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
 Personnel Support Center.                                                                                          103c.
O Philadelphia Defense           2800 S 20TH ST....  Philadelphia......  PA              19101  Army.............  .................  3005 3010 3016
 Personnel Support Center.

[[Page 34818]]

C FWS--John Heintz Natl          Scott Plaza 2,      Philadelphia......  PA              19113  Interior.........  3016, 103c.......  20A.
 Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum.      Suite 104.
O FWS--John Heinz NATL Wildlife  Scott Plaza 2,      Philadelphia......  PA              19032  Interior.........  3016, 103c.......
 Refuge at Tinicum.               Suite 104.
C Camp Santiago................  Route 1...........  Salinas...........  PR              00751  Army.............  103c, 3010, 3016.  23.
O Camp Santiago................  Route 1...........  Salinas...........  PR              00751  Army.............  103c 3010........
C Center for Energy and          Road 108 km 1.1...  Mayaquez..........  PR              00708  Energy...........  3016, 103c, 3010.  23.
 Environmental Research.
O Center for Energy and          Road 108 km 1.1...  Mayaquez..........  PR              00708  Energy...........  3016 103c........
 Environmental Research.
C Roosevelt Roads Naval Station  Villa Verde Street  Miramar...........  PR              00903  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016   23.
                                  Drydock & Repair                                                                  103c.
O Roosevelt Roads Naval Station  Villa Verde Street  Miramar...........  PR              00903  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016.
                                  Drydock & Repair
C Sabana Seca Naval Security     Route 866.........  Sabana Seca.......  PR              00952  Navy.............  3010, 3016, 103c.  23.
 Group Activity.
O Sabana Seca Naval Security     Route 866.........  Sabana Seca.......  PR              00952  Navy.............  3010, 3016.......
 Group Activity.
C North Kingstown Army Air       Quonset State       North Kingstown...  RI              02852  Army.............  3016.............  20A.
 Support Facility.                Airport.
O North Kingston Army Air        Quonset State       North Kingstown...  RI              02852  Army.............  3016.............
 Support Facility.                Airport.
C Davisville Naval               Off Sanford Road..  North Kingstown...  RI              02871  Navy.............  3016, 103c, 103a,  23.
 Construction, Battalion Center.                                                                                    3010.
O Davisville Naval               Off Sanford Road..  North Kingstown...  RI              02871  Navy.............  3016, 103c, 103a.
 Construction, Battalion Center.
C Newport Naval Education and    61 Capodanno Dr...  Newport...........  RI              02840  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A.
 Training Center.                                                                                                   103c, 103a.
O Newport Naval Education and    Defence Highway     Middletown........  RI              02841  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,
 Training Center.                 (Burma Road).                                                                     103c, 103a.
C McEntire Air National Guard    Mailstop 8........  Eastover..........  SC              29044  Air Force........  103c, 3016.......  23.
O McEntire Air National Guard    Mailstop 8........  Eastover..........  SC              29044  Air Force........  103c.............
C Myrtle Beach Air Force Base..  354 CSG/DE........  Myrtle Beach......  SC              29577  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
                                                                                                                    103a, 103c.
O Myrtle Beach Air Force Base..  354 CSG/DE........  Myrtle Beach......  SC              29577  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,
C Fort Jackson and Training      Jackson Blvd......  Fort Jackson......  SC              29207  Army.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
 Center.                                                                                                            103a, 103c.
O Fort Jackson and Training      Jackson Blvd......  Fort Jackson......  SC              29207  Army.............  3005, 3010, 3016,
 Center.                                                                                                            103a.
C Charleston Defense Fuel        N Rhett Ave.......  Hanahan...........  SC              29406  Defense Logistics  3010, 3016, 103c.  23.
 Supply Point.                                                                                   Agency.
OCharleston Defense Fuel Supply  N Rhett Ave.......  Hanahan...........  SC              29406  Defense Logistics  3010, 3016.......
 Point.                                                                                          Agency.

[[Page 34819]]

C Charleston Naval Weapons       2316 Red Bank Road  Charleston........  SC              29445  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A.
 Station.                                                                                                           103c, 103a.
O Charleston Naval Weapons       Redbank Road......  Charleston........  SC              29408  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,
 Station.                                                                                                           103c, 103a.
C Parris Island Marine Corps     PO Box 19001......  Parris Island.....  SC         29905-9001  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A, 23.
 Recruit Depot.                                                                                                     103a, 103c.
O Parris Island Marine Corps     Marine Corps        Parris Island.....  SC              29905  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,
 Recruit Depot.                   Recruit Depot.                                                                    103a.
C Black Hills NF: Custer Ranger  647 North 3rd St..  Custer............  SD              57730  Agriculture......  3010, 3016, 103c.  23.
O Black Hills NF: Custer Ranger  647 North 3rd St..  Custer............  SD              57730  Agriculture......  3010, 3016.......
C Fort Randall Projects........  Box 19............  Pickstown.........  SD              57367  Corps of           3010, 103a, 103c.  23.
                                                                                                 Engineers, Civil.
O Fort Randall Project.........  Box 19............  Pickstown.........  SD              57367  Corps of           3010, 103a.......
                                                                                                 Engineers, Civil.
C Oahe Dam.....................  Oahe Power Plant..  Pierre............  SD              57501  Corps of           103a, 3010, 103c.  23.
                                                                                                 Engineers, Civil.
O Oahe Dam.....................  Oahe Power Plant..  Pierre............  SD              57501  Corps of           103a.............
                                                                                                 Engineers, Civil.
C McGhee Tyson Air National      McGhee Tyson        Knoxville.........  TN              37901  Air Force........  103c, 3010, 3016.  23.
 Guard Base.                      Airport.
O McGhee Tyson Air National      McGhee Tyson        Knoxville.........  TN              37901  Air Force........  103c, 3010.......
 Guard Base.                      Airport.
C Bull Run Fossil Plant........  Edgemoor Rd., 6 mi  Oak Ridge.........  TN              37930  Tennessee Valley   3010, 103c.......  23.
                                  SE of Oak Ridge.                                               Authority.
O Bull Run Fossil Plant........  Edgemoor Rd., 6 mi  Oak Ridge.........  TN              37930  Tennessee Valley   3010.............
                                  SE of Oak Ridge.                                               Authority.
C Cumberland Fossil Plant......  815 Cumberland      Cumberland City...  TN              37050  Tennessee Valley   3010, 103a, 103c.  A20a, 23.
                                  City Rd.                                                       Authority.
O Cumberland Fossil Plant......  TN Highway 149      Cumberland City...  TN              37050  Tennessee Valley   3010.............
                                  South.                                                         Authority.
C Hartsville Site..............  TN Hwy 25.........  Hartsville........  TN              37050  Tennessee Valley   3010, 103a, 103c.  23
O Hartsville Site..............  TN Hwy 25.........  Hartsville........  TN              37050  Tennessee Valley   3010, 103a.......
C John Sevier Fossil Plant.....  TN Hwy 70E........  Rogersville.......  TN              37134  Tennessee Valley   3005, 3010, 103c,  23
                                                                                                 Authority.         103a.
O John Sevier Fossil Plant.....  TN Hwy 70E........  Rogersville.......  TN              37134  Tennessee Valley   3005, 3010, 103c.
C Subtropical Agriculture        FM 1015, South      Weslaco...........  TX              76115  Agriculture......  3010, 3016, 103c.  23.
 Research Laboratory.             Expressway 83.
O Subtropical Agriculture        FM 1015, South      Weslaco...........  TX              76115  Agriculture......  3010, 3016.......
 Research Laboratory.             Expressway 83.
C 147th Wing at Ellington Field  Clothier Avenue...  Houston...........  TX              77209  Air Force........  103c, 3016, 3010.  23.
O 147th Wing at Ellington Field  Clothier Avenue...  Houston...........  TX              77209  Air Force........  103c, 3016.......
C Bergstrom Air Reserve Station  2502 Hwy 71E......  Austin............  TX              78719  Air Force........  3010.............  20A.
O Bergstrom Air Reserve Station  2502 Hwy 71E Bldg.  Austin............  TX              78719  Air Force........  3010.............
                                  Bldg 635.
C Galveston Federal Armory.....  5301 Avenue South.  Galveston.........  TX              77550  Army.............  3016, 103c.......  23.
O Galveston Federal Armory.....  5301 Avenue South.  Galveston.........  TX              77550  Army.............  3016.............

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C Lake Lavon--North Gully Site   Highway 380.......  Wylie.............  TX              75077  Corps of           3016, 103c.......  23.
 1.                                                                                              Engineers, Civil.
O Lake Lavon--North Gully Site   Highway 380.......  Wylie.............  TX              75077  Corps of           3016.............  ..................
 1.                                                                                              Engineers, Civil.
C Lake Lavon--St Paul Site 2...  S End Rolling       Wylie.............  TX              75098  Corps of           103c, 3010.......  23.
                                  Meadows St.                                                    Engineers, Civil.
O Lake Lavon--St Paul Site 2...  S End Rolling       Wylie.............  TX              75098  Corps of           103c.............
                                  Meadows St.                                                    Engineers, Civil.
C Fort Worth Federal Center 7FS  501 Felix Street..  Fort Worth........  TX              78753  General Services   3010, 103c.......  23.
O Fort Worth Federal Center 7FS  501 Felix Street..  Fort Worth........  TX              78753  General Services   3010.............
C FWS--Laguna Atascosa National  P.O. Box 450......  Rio Hondo.........  TX              78583  Interior.........  103c.............  20A.
 Wildlife Refuge.
O FWS--Laguna Atascosa National  P.O. Box 450......  Rio Hondo.........  TX        ...........  Interior.........  103c.............
 Wildlife Refuge.
C Bastrop Federal Correctional   Hwy 95 8mi NE of    Bastrop...........  TX              78602  Justice..........  3010, 3016, 103c.  23.
 Institution.                     Bastrop.
O Bastrop Federal Correctional   Hwy 95 8mi NE of    Bastrop...........  TX              78602  Justice..........  3010, 3016.......
 Institution.                     Bastrop.
C L.B. Johnson Space Center....  2101 Nasa Road....  Houston...........  TX              77058  NASA.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  23.
                                                                                                                    103a, 103c.
O L.B. Johnson Space Center....  2101 Nasa Road....  Houston...........  TX              77058  NASA.............  3005, 3010, 3016,
C Fort Worth Naval Air Station,  1510 Chenault Ave.  Fort Worth........  TX              76127  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A, 22, 23.
 Joint Reserve Base.                                                                                                103c, 103a.
O Carswell Air Force Base......  7 CSG/CC..........  Fort Worth........  TX              76127  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,
C Corpus Christi Coast Guard     1201 Navigation     Corpus Christi....  TX              78407  Transportation...  3010, 103c.......  23.
 Depot.                           Blvd..
O Corpus Christi Coast Guard     1201 Navigation     Corpus Christi....  TX              78407  Transportation...  3010.............
 Depot.                           Blvd..
C Galveston Coast Guard Base...  Ferry Road........  Galveston.........  TX              77550  Transportation...  3010, 103c.......  23.
O Galveston Coast Guard Base...  Ferry Road........  Galveston.........  TX              77550  Transportation...  3010.............
C Houston Medical Center.......  2002 Holcombe       Houston...........  TX              77030  Veterans Affairs.  103a, 3010.......  23.
O Houston Medical Center.......  2002 Holcombe       Houston...........  TX              77030  Veterans Affairs.  103a.............
C Hill Air Force Base..........  7274 Wardleigh Rd.  Ogden.............  UT              84056  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A.
                                                                                                                    103c, 103a.
O Hill Air Force Base..........  OC-ALC/EM.........  Ogden.............  UT              84056  Air Force........  3005, 3010, 3016,
                                                                                                                    103c, 103a..
C Dugway Proving Ground........  45 mi. W. of        Dugway............  UT              84022  Army.............  3010, 3016, 103c,  23.
                                  Tooele.                                                                           3005.
O Dugway Proving Ground........  45 mi. W. of        Dugway............  UT              84022  Army.............  3010, 3016, 103c.
C Ogden Defense Depot..........  500 West 12th       Ogden.............  UT         84407-5000  Defense Logistics  3016, 103c, 3010,  23.
                                  Street.                                                        Agency.            103a, 3005.

[[Page 34821]]

O Ogden Defense Depot..........  500 West 12th       Ogden.............  UT         84407-5000  Defense Logistics  3016, 103c, 3010,
                                  Street.                                                        Agency.            103a.
C Virginia Air National Guard..  Richmond            Sandston..........  VA              23150  Air Force........  103c, 3010.......  23.
O Virginia Air National Guard..  Richmond            Sandston..........  VA              23150  Air Force........  103c.............
C Vint Hill Farms Station......  Bldg 2470, Vint     Warrenton.........  VA              22186  Army.............  3010, 3016, 103c.  20A.
                                  Hill Farms
O Vint Hill....................  Vint Hill Farms     Warrenton.........  VA         22186-5013  Army.............  3010, 3016, 103c.
C Warrenton Training Center....  Fauquier Springs    Warrenton.........  VA              22186  Army.............  3010, 103c, 103a.  23.
O Warrenton Training Center....  Fauquier Springs    Warrenton.........  VA              22186  Army.............  3010, 103c.......
C FWS--Eastern Shore of          RFD 1, Box 122B...  Cape Charles......  VA              23310  Interior.........  3016, 103c, 3010,  20A.
 Virginia Natl Wildlife Refuge.
O FWS--Eastern Shore Virginia    RFD 1, Box 122B...  Cape Charles......  VA              23310  Interior.........  3016, 103c, 3010.
 Natl Wildlife Refuge.
C FWS--Fishermans Island         RFD 1, Box 122B...  Cape Charles......  VA              23310  Interior.........  103c.............  20A.
 National Wildlife Refuge.
O FWS--Fisherman's Island        RFD 1 Box 122B....  Cape Charles......  VA              23310  Interior.........  103c.............
 National Wildlife Refuge.
C FWS-Plumtree Island National   P.O. Box 6286.....  Virginia Beach....  VA              23456  Interior.........  103c.............  20A.
 Wildlife Refuge.
O FWS--Plumtree Island National  P.O. Box 6286.....  Virginia Beach....  VA              23662  Interior.........  103c.............
 Wildlife Refuge.
C Wallops Flight Center........  Rte 175...........  Wallops Island....  VA              23337  NASA.............  3010, 103a, 103c,  23.
                                                                                                                    3016, 3005.
O Wallops Flight Center........  Rte 175...........  Wallops Island....  VA              23337  NASA.............  3010, 103a, 103c,
C Okanogan NF: Alder Creek.....  T33N R21E S24 QS    Twisp.............  WA              98856  Agriculture......  103c.............  20A.
                                  SE WM.
O Okanogan NF: Alder Creek.....  ..................  Twisp.............  WA              98856  Agriculture......  103c.............  ..................
C Okanogan NF: Bonaparte.......  T39N R30E S10 WM..  Chesaw............  WA              98844  Agriculture......  103c.............  20A.
 Okanogan NF: Bonaparte........  ..................  Chesaw............  WA              98844  Agiculture.......  103c.............
C Okanogan NF: Eight Mile Ranch  T36N R21E S23 QSSE  Winthrop..........  WA              98862  Agriculture......  103c.............  20A.
O Okanogan NF: Eight Mile Ranch  ..................  Winthrop..........  WA              98862  Agriculture......  103c.............
C Okanogan NF: KERR............  T35 R24E S23 WM...  Conconully........  WA              98819  Agriculture......  103c.............  20A.
O Okanogan NF: KERR............  ..................  Conconully........  WA              98819  Agriculture......  103c.............
C Okanogan NF: Lost Lake.......  T39N R30E S28&29    Orville...........  WA              98844  Agriculture......  103c.............  20A.
                                  QSNE WM.
O Okanogan NF: Lost Lake.......  ..................  Chesaw............  WA              98844  Agriculture......  103c.............
C Okanogan NF: Minnie Mine.....  T32N R22E S23, 8    Twisp.............  WA              98856  Agriculture......  3016, 103c.......  20A.
                                  mi S of Twisp.
O Okanogan NF: Minnie Mine.....  T32N, R22E, S-23 8   Twisp............  WA              98856  Agriculture......  3016, 103c.......
                                  MI S of Twisp.
C Okanogan NF: Tonasket........  T37N R27E S16 WM,   Tonasket..........  WA              98855  Agriculture......  103c.............  20A.
                                  Okanogan River
O Okanogan NF: Tonasket........  T37N R27E WM S16    Tonasket..........  WA              98855  Agriculture......  103c.............
                                  Okanogan Riv Vly.

[[Page 34822]]

C Okanogan NF: Twisp...........  T33N R22E S17 SW1/  Twisp.............  WA              98856  Agriculture......  103c.............  20A.
                                  4 NW\1/4\ WM.
O Okanogan NF: Twisp...........  T33N R22E WM S17    Twisp.............  WA              98856  Agriculture......  103c.............
                                  SW\1/4\ NW\1/2\.
C Wenatchee NF: Holden Mine....  T31N R17E S7 Wm...  Holden............  WA              98816  Agriculture......  3016, 103c.......  20A.
O Wenatchee NF: Holden Mine....  T31N R17E WM SEC7.  Wenatchee.........  WA              98807  Agriculture......  3016 103c........
C Wenatchee NF: Steliko........  T26N R20E S20 NW\1/ Ardenvoir.........  WA              98811  Agriculture......  103c.............  20A.
                                  4\ NW\1/4\ WM.
O Wenatchee NF: Steliko........  ..................  Ardenvoir.........  WA              98811  Agriculture......  103c.............
C Spokane Air National Guard     W 8700 Electric     Spokane...........  WA              99204  Air Force........  3016, 103c.......  20A, 22, 23.
 Station, CBCS.                   Ave, Spokane Intl
O Spokane Army Air Support       Spokane Intl        Spokane...........  WA              99219  Army.............  3016.............
 Facility #2.                     Airport.
C Kent National Guard Bureau...  24410 Military      Kent..............  WA              98032  Army.............  103c 3016........  23.
O Kent National Guard Bureau...  24410 Military      Kent..............  WA              98032  Army.............  103c.............
C Vancouver National Guard       HQ, Vancouver       Vancouver.........  WA              98661  Army.............  3016, 103c.......  20A, 23.
 Barracks.                        Barracks B-638.
O Vancouver Barracks...........  HQ, Vancouver       Vancouver.........  WA              98661  Army.............  3016.............
                                  Barracks B-638.
C Watercraft Support             321 E. Alexander..  Tacoma............  WA              98421  Army.............  3016, 103c.......  23.
 Maintenance Center.
O Watercraft Support             321 E. Alexander..  Tacoma............  WA              98421  Army.............  3016.............
 Maintenance Center.
C BPA--Olympia Substation......  5240 Trosper St SW  Olympia...........  WA              98512  Energy...........  3010, 3016, 103c,  20A.
O BPA--Olympia Substation......  5340 Trosper Road   Olympia...........  WA              98502  Energy...........  3010 3016 103c
                                  SW.                                                                               103a.
C BPA--Port Angeles............  1400 E Park Street  Port Angeles......  WA              98362  Energy...........  103a, 3010, 103c.  23.
O BPA--Port Angeles............  1400 E Park Street  Port Angeles......  WA              98362  Energy...........  103a.............
C Old Navy Dump/Manchester       7411 Beach Dr E...  Manchester........  WA              98353  EPA..............  3010, 3016, 103c.  23.
O Old Navy Dump/Manchester       7411 Beach Dr E...  Manchester........  WA              98353  EPA..............  3010, 3016.......
C BR--Columbia Basin Project     Hanford 100-Area..  Richland..........  WA              99352  Interior.........  3016, 103c,......  20A, 22, 23.
 2,4-D Burial Site LF.
O Columbia Basin Project AEC     321 C St. NW......  Ephrata...........  WA              98823  Energy...........  3016.............
 Zone 2,4-D Site.
C BR--Fort Simcoe Job Corps      W End of Hwy 220    White Swan........  WA              98952  Interior.........  3010, 103c.......  23.
 Center.                          T10N R16E S21.
O BR--Fort Simcoe Job Corps      W End of Hwy 220    White Swan........  WA              98952  Interior.........  3010.............
 Center.                          T10N R16E S21.
C BR--Grand Coulee Dam Project.  Hwy 155 N of Jct    Coulee Dam........  WA              99116  Interior.........  3010, 3016, 103c.  20A, 23.
                                  Hwy 174.
O BR--Grand Coulee Dam Project.  Po Box 620........  Grand Coulee......  WA              99133  Interior.........  3010, 3016.......
C Bangor Naval Submarine Base..  1101 Tautog Circle  Silverdale........  WA              98315  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A.
                                                                                                                    103c, 103a.
O Bangor Submarine Base........  Clear Creek Rd....  Bremerton.........  WA         98315-5000  Navy.............  3005, 3010, 3016
                                                                                                                    103c 103a.

[[Page 34823]]

C Jackson Park Housing.........  Austin Drive at     Bremerton.........  WA              98312  Navy.............  3010, 3016, 103c.  23.
                                  Shore Drive.
O Jackson Park Housing.........  Austin Drive at     Bremerton.........  WA              98312  Navy.............  3010, 3016.......
                                  Shore Drive.
C Jim Creek Naval Radio Station  4 Miles East of     OSO...............  WA              98223  Navy.............  103c, 3010.......  23.
 T.                               State Highway 530
                                  at OSO.
O Jim Creek Naval Radio Station  4 Miles East of     OSO...............  WA              98223  Navy.............  103c.............  ..................
 T.                               State Highway 530
                                  at OSO.
C Port Hadlock Detachment/Naval  100 Indian Island   Port Hadlock......  WA              98339  Navy.............  3010, 3016, 103c,  20A, 23.
 Ordnance Ctr Pac Div.            Rd.                                                                               3005, 103a.
O Indian Island Naval Undersea   Indian Island.....  Hadlock...........  WA         98339-5000  Navy.............  3010, 3016, 103c,  ..................
 Warfare Eng Station.                                                                                               3005.
C Puget Sound Naval Station....  7500 Sand Point     Seattle...........  WA              98115  Navy.............  3010, 103a, 103c.  20A, 23.
                                  Way NE.
O Seattle Naval Station........  7500 Sand Point     Seattle...........  WA              98115  Navy.............  3010, 103a.......  ..................
C Seattle Coast Guard Support    1519 Alaskan Way S  Seattle...........  WA              98134  Transportation...  3010, 3016, 103c.  23.
O Seattle Coast Guard Support    1519 Alaskan Way S  Seattle...........  WA              98134  Transportation...  3010.............  ..................
C Seattle Coast Guard Support    2700 W Commodore    Seattle...........  WA              98119  Transportation...  3010, 103c.......  23.
 Center Annex.                    Way.
O Seattle Coast Guard Support    2700 W Commodore    Seattle...........  WA              98119  Transportation...  3010.............  ..................
 Center Annex.                    Way.
C Forest Products Laboratory...  1 Gifford Pinchot   Madison...........  WI              53705  Agriculture......  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A, 23.
                                  Dr, Dane County.                                                                  103c.
O Forest Products Laboratory...  One Gifford         Madison...........  WI              53705  Agriculture......  3005, 3010, 3016.  ..................
                                  Pinchot Drive.
C FS--North Central Forest       5985 County         Rhinelander.......  WI              54501  Agriculture......  103a, 3010.......  23.
 Experiments Station.             Highway K.
O FS--North Central Forest       5985 County         Rhinelander.......  WI              54501  Agriculture......  103a.............  ..................
 Experiments Station.             Highway K.
C Nicolet NF: Laona Sanitary     Section 11 T35N     Blackwell.........  WI              54541  Agriculture......  103c, 103a, 3016.  23.
 Landfill.                        R15E.
O Nicolet NF: Laona Sanitary     Section 11 T35N     Blackwell.........  WI              54541  Agriculture......  103c, 103a.......  ..................
 Landfill.                        R15E.
C Fort McCoy Military            Fort McCoy........  Sparta............  WI              54656  Army.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  20A.
 Reservation.                                                                                                       103c, 103a.
O Fort McCoy Military            HQ Fort McCoy       Sparta............  WI              54656  Army.............  3005, 3010, 3016,  ..................
 Reservation.                     Monroe County.                                                                    103c, 103a.
C Manitowoc Army Reserve Center  3125 S 10th St....  Manitowoc.........  WI              54220  Army.............  3010, 103c.......  23.
O Manitowoc Army Reserve Center  3125 S 10th St....  Manitowoc.........  WI              54220  Army.............  3010.............  ..................
C Rusk County Veterans Memorial  819 W Summit Ave..  Lady Smith........  WI              54848  Army.............  3010.............  20A.
 Army Reserve Center.
O Lady Smith Reserve Center....  819 W Summit Ave..  Lady Smith........  WI              54848  Army.............  3010.............  ..................
C FWS--St. Croix Wetland         1618 220th Ave      New Richmond......  WI              54017  Interior.........  3010.............  20A.
 Management District.             (Rural Area), St.
                                  Croix County.

[[Page 34824]]

O FWS--St. Croix Wetland         146 West 2nd        New Richmond......  WI              54017  Interior.........  3010.............  ..................
 Management District.             Street.
C Milwaukee Coast Guard Group    2420 Lincoln        Milwaukee.........  WI              53207  Transportation...  3010, 103c.......  23.
 Base.                            Memorial Dr.
O Milwaukee Coast Guard Group    2420 Lincoln        Milwaukee.........  WI              53207  Transportation...  3010.............  ..................
 Base.                            Memorial Dr.
C Morgantown Energy Technology   3610 Collins Ferry  Morgantown........  WV              26505  Energy...........  3010, 103c.......  20A.
 Center.                          Rd.
O Morgantown...................  3610 Collins Ferry  Morgantown........  WV              26505  Energy...........  3010, 103c.......  ..................
C BLM--N.W. Pipeline Barrel SP.  SE \1/4\ NW \1/4\   Carbon............  WY              82324  Interior.........  3010, 103c.......  23.
                                  Sec 18 T16N R92W.
O BLM--N.W. Pipeline Barrel SP.  SE \1/4\ NW \1/4\   Carbon............  WY              82324  Interior.........  3010.............  ..................
                                  SEC 18 T16N R92W.

                               Federal Facilities Docket, NFRAP Status Facilities
    State            Agency             Facility name                Facility address              mechanism
AK...........  Agriculture.......  Chugach NF: Kenai Lake   Mi 23.5 Seward Highway, Seward,    103c 3010 3016
                                    Work Center.             AK 99664.
AK...........  Air Force.........  Anvil Mountain White     6.5 mi N of Nome, Nome, AK 99762.  103c 3016
                                    Alice Communications
AK...........  Air Force.........  Bear Creek Air Force     Yukon River on N Shore, Tanana,    103c 3010 3016
                                    Station.                 AK 99777.
AK...........  Air Force.........  Bethel Air Force         Airport--W End of Main Road,       3010 3016 103c
                                    Station.                 Bethel, AK 99559.
AK...........  Air Force.........  Big Mountain Air Force   S Shoure Iliamna/s Side Big Mtn,   3010 103c 3016
                                    Station.                 Big Mountain AFS, AK 99501.
AK...........  Air Force.........  Campion Air Force        4 miles NE of Galena, Galena, AK   3016 3010 103c
                                    Station.                 99765.
AK...........  Air Force.........  Canyon Creek Radio       T7S R7E S27 FM, Big Delta, AK      3010 103c 3016
                                    Relay Station.           99737.
AK...........  Air Force.........  Cape Romanzof Air Force  20 mi N of Hooper Bay, Yukon       3010 103c 3016
                                    Station.                 Delta NWR, Hooper Bay, AK 99604.
AK...........  Air Force.........  Clear Air Force Station  Hwy 3 & Nenana Rd, Anderson, AK    3010 103c 3005
AK...........  Air Force.........  Dewline Site LIZ-2.....  Kasegalik Lagoon-Chukchi Sea,      3010 103c 3016
                                                             Point Lay, AK 99766.
AK...........  Air Force.........  Dewline Site LIZ-3.....  Kuk River & Chukchi Sea,           3010 103c 3016
                                                             Wainwright, AK 99782.
AK...........  Air Force.........  Dewline Site POW-1: Pt.  Pitt Point, 85 mi SE of Barrow,    3010 103c 3016
                                    Lonely.                  Barrow, AK 99723.
AK...........  Air Force.........  Dewline Site POW-2:      40 mi W of Deadhorse, Oliktok, AK  3010 103c 3016
                                    Oliktok.                 99599.
AK...........  Air Force.........  Dewline Site Pow-Main:   Between N Salt Lagoon & Imikpuk    3010 103c 3016
                                    Point Barrow.            Lake, Barrow, AK 99723.
AK...........  Air Force.........  Driftwood Bay Air Force  N Coast Unalaska Island,           103c 3016
                                    Station.                 Driftwood Bay, AK 99553.
AK...........  Air Force.........  Fort Yukon Air Force     N of Yllota Slough, Fort Yukon,    3010 103c 3016
                                    Station.                 AK 99740.
AK...........  Air Force.........  Gold King Creek Radio    T8S R2W Sec 22,27, Valdez, AK      103c 3010 3016
                                    Relay Station.           99686.
AK...........  Air Force.........  Granite Mountain Air     14 mi NW of Cy, Haycock, AK 99762  103c 3010 3016
                                    Force Station.
AK...........  Air Force.........  Indian Mountain Air      NW Source of Indian River,         3010 103c 3016
                                    Force Station.           Bettles, AK 99720.
AK...........  Air Force.........  Kalakaket Creek........  S Shore of Kala Creek, Galena, AK  3010 103c 3016
AK...........  Air Force.........  Murphy Dome Air Force    Chatinika River, Murphy Dome, AK   3010 3016 103c
                                    Station.                 99701.
AK...........  Air Force.........  Nikolski Air Force       W Coast of Umnak Is, Nikolski, AK  103c 3016
                                    Station.                 99638.
AK...........  Air Force.........  North River White Alice  8 mi E of Unalakleet, Unalakleet,  3016
                                    Communications (WAC)     AK 99684.
AK...........  Air Force.........  Pillar Mountain White    T27S R20W S36 SM, Kodiak, AK       103c
                                    Alice Communications     99615.
AK...........  Air Force.........  Port Heiden Air Force    NW Shore of Heiden Bay, Port       103c 3016 3010
                                    Station.                 Heiden, AK 99549.
AK...........  Air Force.........  Port Moller Air Force    55 59'22'' N 160 34' 29.374'' W    3010 103c 3016
                                    Station.                 Alaska Peninsula, Port Moller,
                                                             AK 99999.
AK...........  Air Force.........  Sparrevohn Air Force     Hook Creek, 18 mi SW of City,      3010 103c 3016
                                    Station.                 Lime Village, AK 99557.
AK...........  Air Force.........  Tatalina Air Force       9 mi SW of McGrath, McGrath, AK    3010 103c 3016
                                    Station.                 99627.
AK...........  Air Force.........  Tin City Air Force       1 mi NE of Tin City, Tin City, AK  3010 103c 3016
                                    Station.                 99783.
AK...........  Army..............  Gerstle River Test Site  T13S R14E Sec 9,15,16, Fort        3005 3010 3016
                                                             Greely, AK 98733.                  103c
AK...........  Army..............  Haines Petroleum, Oil,   Lutek Point, Haines, AK 99827....  103c
                                    & Lubricants (pol)
AK...........  Army..............  Noatak National Guard    55 mi N of Kotzebue, Noatak, AK    103c 3016
                                    Armory.                  99761.
AK...........  Commerce..........  NOAA--National Marine    Pribilof Island, St Paul Islands,  103c 3010
                                    Fisheries Service.       AK 99660.
AK...........  Defense...........  Anchorage Defense Fuel   1217 Anchorage Port Road,          3016 3010 103c
                                    Support Point.           Anchorage, AK 99501.

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AK...........  Defense...........  Whittier Tank Farm.....  \3/4\ mi N of Town, Whittier, AK   103c 3016 3010
AK...........  Interior..........  BLM--Chandalar Dump....  T16S R11E S9 UM, 155 mi SE of      103c
                                                             Barrow, Barrow, AK 99723.
AK...........  Interior..........  BLM--Feather River       T7S R37W S34&35 & T8S R37W S2&3,   103c
                                    Airstrip.                Nome, AK 99762.
AK...........  Interior..........  BLM--Maclaren Glacier    Fairbanks Mer T19S R6E Sec14NE     103c
                                    Mine.                    Sec11, Paxson, AK 99737.
AK...........  Interior..........  BLM--O'Brian Creek Dump  T7S R32E S9 NW\1/4\, 50 mi S of    103c
                                                             City, Eagle, AK 99738.
AK...........  Interior..........  BLM--Old Man Camp Site.  T19N, R14W, Sec19 and T19N, R15W,  103c
                                                             Sec24, Fairbanks Meridian, AK
AK...........  Interior..........  BLM--Paxson Dump.......  T22S, R12E, Sec31, Fairbanks       103c
                                                             Meridian, AK 99737.
AK...........  Interior..........  BLM--Peard Bay Dewline   Barrow, 50 mi SW, Barrow, AK       103c
                                    Site.                    99723.
AK...........  Interior..........  BLM--Pump Station 12     T4S, R1E, Sec26, Copper Center,    103c
                                    Dump Site NWSW.          AK 99573.
AK...........  Interior..........  BLM--Red Devil Mine      L61-10-12 L149-56-48, Bethel, AK   3016 103c
                                    Waste Ponds.             99656.
AK...........  Interior..........  BLM--Sag River Dump....  T8S, R14E, Sec8, Umiat Meridian,   103c
                                                             AK 99740.
AK...........  Interior..........  BLM--Sagwon Airstrip     T5R4E Sec10-11, Sagwon, AK 99513.  3016 103c
AK...........  Interior..........  BLM--Skull Cliff Loran   23 miles SW of Barrow On Coast,    103c
                                    Station.                 Barrow, AK 99723.
AK...........  Interior..........  BLM--Slana Dump Site...  Mile 67 of Denali Hwy, AK 99729..  103c
AK...........  Interior..........  BLM--Tanacross Airfield  Lat 63 Degrees 22' N, Long 143     103c
                                                             Degrees 20' W, Tanacross, AK
AK...........  Interior..........  BLM--Tangle Lakes Dump   Mile 22 Denali Hwy, Paxson, AK     103c
                                    Site.                    99737.
AK...........  Interior..........  BLM--Walker Fork Dump..  T26N R22E S4 N\1/2\ N\1/2\, 49 mi  103c
                                                             N of City, Chicken, AK 99732.
AK...........  Interior..........  FWS--Alaska Maritime     Milviksaaqaq Dr, Point Hope, AK    103c
                                    NWR: Cape Thompson.      99766.
AK...........  Interior..........  FWS--Alaska Maritime     25 mi NE of Adak, Adak, AK 99500.  103c
                                    NWR: Great Sitkin
AK...........  Interior..........  FWS--Arctic NWR:         70 mi E of Deadhorse/Prudhoe Bay,  103c 3016
                                    Brownlow Point Dewline   Deadhorse, AK 99740.
AK...........  Interior..........  FWS--Arctic NWR:         65 mi SE of Kaktovik, Kaktovik,    103c 3016
                                    Demarcation Point        AK 99747.
                                    Dewline Site.
AK...........  Interior..........  FWS--Kenai NWR: Skilak   Skilak Lake Rd, Mi 4.5,            103c 3016
                                    Guard Station.           60D31M00SN, 150D28M00SW,
                                                             Sterling, AK 99672.
AK...........  Interior..........  FWS--Kenai NWR: Swan     Swan Lake Rd, 15 mi S of Swanson   103c
                                    Lake Moose Research      River Rd, 60D44M30SN,
                                    Station.                 150D28M00SW, Soldotna, AK 99619.
AK...........  Interior..........  FWS--Kenai NWR: Swanson  Swanson Lake Rd, 60D43M00SN,       3016 103c
                                    River Oil Field.         150D51M00SW, Kenai, AK 99611.
AK...........  Interior..........  NPS--Bering Land Bridge  45 mi SW of Deering, Deering, AK   103c 3016 3010
                                    NP: Lava Lake.           99762.
AK...........  Interior..........  NPS--Denali National     mi 237, George Parks Hwy, Denali   3016 103c
                                    Park and Preserve.       Park, AK 99755.
AK...........  Interior..........  NPS--Denali National     Denali National Park, Denali       103c
                                    Park: Red Top Mine.      Park, AK 99755.
AK...........  Interior..........  NPS--Glacier Bay         Bartlett Cove, Gustavus, AK 99826  3016 103c
                                    National Park and
AK...........  Interior..........  NPS--Katmai NP&P:        Katmai National Park & Preserve,   103c
                                    Naknek Recreation Site   King Salmon, AK 99613.
AK...........  Interior..........  NPS--Naglatuk Hill.....  Cape Krusenstern National          3016 103c 3010
                                                             Monument, Kotzebue, AK 99752.
AK...........  Navy..............  Barrow Naval Arctic      Main St, 4 Mi N of Cy, Barrow, AK  103c 3010
                                    Research Laboratory.     99723.
AK...........  Navy..............  Cape Prince of Wales     0.3 mi S of Airstrip, 65D36M30SN,  103c 3010
                                    Station.                 168D03M50SW Wales, AK 99783.
AK...........  Navy..............  Cape Sabine Dew Line     55 mi SW of Point Lay, Mouth of    103c
                                    Site.                    Kahkatak Creek, 69D01M00SN,
                                                             163D51M00SW Point Lay, AK 99759.
AK...........  Navy..............  Northeast Cape St.       70 mi E of Savoonga St. Lawrence,  3010 3016 103c
                                    Lawrence Island.         Northeast Cape, AK 99769.
AK...........  Navy..............  Point McIntyre Dew       12M NW of Cy, Deadhorse, AK 99740  103c
AK...........  Navy..............  Tin City White Alice     1.25 mi N of Airport, Tin City,    103c
                                    Site.                    AK 99783.
AK...........  Postal Service....  Fairbanks Vehicle        5400 Mail Trail Way, Fairbanks,    3010 103c
                                    Maintenance Facility.    AK 99709.
AK...........  Transportation....  CG--Cape Sarichef......  Unimak Island, W Coast Unimak, AK  103c
AK...........  Transportation....  CG--Loran Station on     Sitkinak Island, Sitkinak Island,  103c
                                    Sitkinak.                AK 99615.
AK...........  Transportation....  CG--St Paul Island       St Paul Island Loran Station, St   3010 103c
                                    Loran Station.           Paul Island, AK 99660.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--Air Route Traffic   5400 Davis Highway, Anchorage, AK  103c 3010
                                    Center.                  99506.

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AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--Aniak Station.....  Aniak Airport, Aniak, AK 99557...  103c
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--Annette Island....  Annette Airport Nav Aids,          103c
                                                             Annette, AK 99926.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--Barrow Air          Barrow Airport Area, Barrow, AK    103c 3010
                                    Navigation Station.      99723.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--Bethel Station....  T8N R72W S13 Seward Meridian,      103c
                                                             Bethel, AK 99559.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--Bettles Station...  Bettles Airport, Bettles, AK       103c 3016
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--Big Lake Vortac     Big Lake, Big Lake, AK 99687.....  103c
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--Big Level Island    56D27M00SN, 133D05M00SW, 75 mi SE  103c 3016
                                    Air Navigation Station.  of Petersburg, Petersburg, AK
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--Biorka Island.....  6 mi W of Sitka, Sitka AK 99835..  3010 3016 103c
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--Cape Yakataga       Cape Yakataga, Cape Yakataga, AK   3010 3016 103c
                                    Station.                 99574.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA-Chandalar Station..  67d30m02sn, 148d28m00sw, 112 Mi    103c
                                                             NW of Fort Yukon, Chandalar, AK
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA-Coghlan Island       58d21m10sn,134d42m09sw, 4 Mi W of  3016 103c
                                    Station.                 Juneau, Juneau, AK 99821.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA-Cold Bay Station...  Cold Bay Airport, Cold Bay, AK     103c
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA-Cordova Station....  Copper River Highway 10 M S of     103c
                                                             Cy, Cordova, AK 99574.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA-Deadhorse Station..  Deadhorse Airport Nav Aids,        103c
                                                             Deadhorse, AK 99740.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA-Dillingham Airport.  Dillingham, Dillingham, AK 99576.  3016 103c
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA-Duncan Canal,        56d45m00sn, 133d51m00sw, 10 Mi SW  103c
                                    Kupreanof Island,        of Petersburg, Petersburg, AK
                                    Indian Point.            99833.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA-Dutch Harbor         Dutch Harbor, AK.................  103c 3010
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA-Fairbanks Station..  5640 Airport Way, Fairbanks, AK..  103c
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA-Farewell Facilities  Farewell Airport Area, Farewell,   3010 103c 3016
                                                             AK 99695.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA-Fire Island          61d08m00sn, 150d13m00sw, 6 Mi W    3010 3016 103c
                                    Navigation Station.      of Anchorage, Anchorage, AK
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA-Fort Yukon Airport.  Fort Yukon Airport, Fort Yukon,    3016 103c
                                                             AK 99740.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA-Gulkana Station....  Gulkana Airport, Gulkana, AK       103c
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA-Gustavus...........  Gustavus Airport Nav Aids,         103c
                                                             Gustavus, AK 99826.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA-Haines Air           Haines-Faa Road, Haines, AK 99827  103c
                                    Navigation Site.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA-Homer Airport......  Homer, Homer, AK 99603...........  3016 103c
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA-Iliamna Site.......  Iliamna, Iliamna, AK 99606.......  3016 103c
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA-Johnstone Point Air  Johnstone Point Nav Aids,          3016 103c
                                    Naval Station.           Cordova, AK 99574.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA-Juneau Station.....  9341 Glacier Highway Nav Aids,     103c
                                                             Juneau, AK 99801.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA-Kenai Station......  Kenai Municipal Airport, Kenai,    3010 103c
                                                             AK 99611.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA-King Salmon Station  103c.............................
                                    Airport S of Cy Nav
                                    Aids King Salmon, AK
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA-Kotzebue Airport...  Kotzebue Airport, Kotzebue, AK     3016 103c
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA-Lake Hood Facility.  T13n R4w S34 Ne, Anchorage, AK     103c 3010
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA-Lake Minchumina      Ramp At Lk Minchumina Arpt, 3010   3016 103c 3005
                                    Airport.                 Lake Minchumina, AK 99757.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA-Mcgrath Station....  Airport N of City, Nav Aids,       103c
                                                             Mcgrath, AK 99627.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA-Middleton Island     59d27m02sn, 146d18m24sw, 80 Mi S   3016 103c
                                    Station.                 of Cordova, Cordova, AK 99574.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA-Moses Point Air      Moses Point Airfield, Moses        3010 3016 103c
                                    Navigation Station.      Point, AK 99762.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--North Nenana        Nenana, Nenana, AK 99760.........  3016 103c
                                    Vortac Site.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--Northway Staging    Northway Village, Northway         3016 103c 3010
                                    Field.                   Village, AK 99764.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--Petersburg          Unmanned Site Mitkof Island,       103c
                                    Facility.                Petersburg, AK 99833.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--Point Woronzof Rtr  Anchorage International Airport    103c 3010
                                    Facility.                Area, Anchorage, AK 99502.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--Puntilla Air        Puntilla Lake, Puntilla Lake, AK   3016 103c
                                    Navigation Site.         99999.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--Sand Point Station  On Peninsula Towards Aleutian      103c
                                                             Island Chain, Sandpoint, AK
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--Shuyak Station....  Shuyak Island 60m N of Kodiak,     103c 3010
                                                             Kodiak, AK 99615.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--Sisters Island....  Sisters Island Nav Aids, Juneau,   103c
                                                             AK 99803.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--Sitka Station.....  57D03M07SW, 135D21M45SW, Japonski  103c 3010
                                                             Island Airport, Sitka, AK 99835.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--Skwentna Air        Skwentna Airport, Skwentna, AK     3010 3016 103c
                                    Navigation Station.      99667.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--Slana Facility....  Slana Arprt Copper Rv Lowland      103c 3010
                                                             Slana, AK 99586.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--St. Mary's Air      Yukon Delta National Wildlife      103c
                                    Navigation.              Refuge, St. Mary's, AK.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--Summit Air          Cantwell Pks Hwy 5 mi S Nav Aids,  3016 3010 103c
                                    Navigation Station.      Summit, AK 99729.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--Talkeetna Airport.  Talkeetna Airport, Talkeetna, AK   3016 103c
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--Tanana Air Field    Tanana Airport Nav Aids, Tanana,   103c
                                    Station.                 AK 99777.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--Umiat Airstrip      N Bank Colville River, Umiat, AK   103c
                                    Staging Area.            99723.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--Unalakleet Station  Unalakleet Airport, Unalakleet,    3016 103c
                                                             AK 99684.
AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--Woody Island        Woody Island, Kodiak, AK 99615...  3016 103c

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AK...........  Transportation....  FAA--Yakutat Air         Yakutat Airport, Yakutat, AK       103c
                                    Navigation Station.      99689.
AK...........  Transportation....  FRA--Arctic Cooperage..  932 Whitney Road, Anchorage, AK    103c
AL...........  Tennessee Valley    Bellefonte Nuclear       Off US Hwy 72, Hollywood, AL       3005 3010 103c
                Authority.          Plant.                   36401.
AL...........  Tennessee Valley    Browns Ferry Nuclear     US Hwy 72, Athens, AL 35611......  3010 103c
                Authority.          Plant.
AL...........  Tennessee Valley    Colbert Fossil Plant...  Off US Hwy 72, W, Tuscumbia, AL    3005 3010 103c
                Authority.                                   35674.                             103a
AL...........  Tennessee Valley    Guntersville Hydro       Off US Hwy 431, 11 mi NW of        3010 103c
                Authority.          Plant.                   Guntersville, Guntersville, AL
AL...........  Tennessee Valley    Muscle Shoals Power      AL Hwy 133, Muscle Shoals, AL      3005 3010 3016
                Authority.          Service Center.          35660.                             103a 103c
AL...........  Tennessee Valley    National Fertilizer and  Wilson Dam Road, Muscle Shoals,    3005 3010 3016
                Authority.          Environmental Research   AL 35660.                          103c
AL...........  Tennessee Valley    Windows Creek Fossil     Off US Hwy 72 W, Stevenson, AL     3005 3010 103c
                Authority.          Plant.                   35772.
AL...........  Tennessee Valley    Wilson Hydro Plant.....  Al Hwy 133, Florence, AL 35660...  3010 103c
AQ...........  Navy..............  Guam Naval Magazine....  Apra Hbr Hts Area By Fena Resv,    103c
                                                             Apra Harbor, Aq 96910.
AR...........  Agriculture.......  South Central Family     Rt. 2, Box 144a Hwy 23 South,      3016
                                    Farm Research Center.    Booneville, AR.
AR...........  Army..............  Fort Chaffee...........  Building 239, Fort Chaffee, AR     3005 3010 3016
                                                             72905.                             103c
AR...........  Corps of            Millwood Resident        Route 1, Ashdown, AR.............  103c
                Engineers, Civil.   Engineers Office.
AR...........  EPA...............  Combustion Research      NCTR Bldg. 45, Jefferson #72070,   3005 3010 3016
                                    Facility.                AR 72079.                          103c
AZ...........  Air Force.........  Sky Harbor               2001 S. 32nd St., Phoenix, AZ      3010 103c
                                    International Airport.   85034.
AZ...........  Army..............  Douglas Range..........  1401 Eighth St, Douglas, AZ 85607  3016
AZ...........  Army..............  Fort Huachuca..........  Rcra Units, Fort Huachuca, AZ      3010 3016 103c
                                                             85613.                             103a
AZ...........  Army..............  Safford Range..........  4001 First Ave, Safford, AZ 85546  3016
CA...........  Agriculture.......  Sierra NF: Bass Lake     1130 O St. Room 3017, Fresno, CA   103c 3016
                                    Landfill.                93721.
CA...........  Air Force.........  Plant #19..............  4297 Pacific Coast Hwy., San       103c 3016 3010
                                                             Diego, CA 92101-5001.
CA...........  Defense Logistics   Norwalk Defense Fuel     15306 Norwalk Blvd., Norwalk, CA   3010 3016 103c
                Agency.             Supply Center.           90650.
CA...........  Energy............  Lawrence Berkeley        1 Cyclotron Rd., Berkeley, CA      3005 3010 3016
                                    Laboratory.              94720.                             103a 103c
CA...........  Energy............  Stanford Linear          2575 Sandhill Rd., Menlo Park, CA  3010 3016 103c
                                    Accelerator Center.      94305.                             103a
CA...........  Energy............  Texaco Section 8         T32S/R24E MBD&M, Taft, CA 94268..  103c
                                    Central Solid Waste
CA...........  Energy............  Texaco Section 8 Gas     T32S/R24E MDB&M, Taft, CA 93268..  103c
CA...........  Interior..........  BLM--A&W Smelter.......  Rosamund, CA.....................  103c
CA...........  Interior..........  BLM--AfterThought Mine.  T35N, R2W, Sec. 10&11,             103c
                                                             Bellavista, CA 96008.
CA...........  Interior..........  BLM--Afton Canyon/Union  T10-11R4-6SEC4-22, Afton, CA       3016 103c
                                    Pacific Railroad.        92365.
CA...........  Interior..........  BLM--Blackrock Mine....  T3S, R31E, Sec 13 & 14 MDM,        103c 3016
                                                             Bishop, CA 93514.
CA...........  Interior..........  BLM--Blue Rock Millsite  T8SR37ESEC8SESE, Big Pine, CA      103c
CA...........  Interior..........  BLM--Bodie Mine........  T4N, R21E, Sec 9&8 Mdm,            103c 3016
                                                             Bridgeport, CA 93517.
CA...........  Interior..........  BLM--Brawley Drug Lab..  Near Brawley, Brawley, CA........  103c
CA...........  Interior..........  BLM--California Desert   T10NR2WSEC7, Barstow, CA 92311...  103c
CA...........  Interior..........  BLM--Cuyama Drug         T10N,R28W,SEC15,NESE, Santa        3016
                                    Laboratory.              Barbara, CA.
CA...........  Interior..........  BLM--Desert Site.......  9 mi. West of Yuma, AZ, CA.......  103c
CA...........  Interior..........  BLM--Duck Flat.........  T36NR19ESEC7NWSE, CA.............  103c 3016
CA...........  Interior..........  BLM--El Capitan Quarry.  T15SR7ESEC1, Lakeside, CA 92040..  3016 103c
CA...........  Interior..........  BLM--Fort Soda Disposal  T12NR8ESEC11, Bakersfield, CA      103c
                                    Site.                    92390.
CA...........  Interior..........  BLM--Indio Hills.......  1 mi. E. of Dillon Rd., CA.......  103c
CA...........  Interior..........  BLM--Klau Mine.........  S\1/2\, Sec 33, T26S, R10E, MT     103c
                                                             Diablo, San Luis, County CA.
CA...........  Interior..........  BLM--Lassen College      Hwy 139 PO-Box 3000, Susanville,   3016
                                    Site.                    CA 96130.
CA...........  Interior..........  BLM--Osage Industries..  60th West, Rosamond, CA 93560....  103c
CA...........  Interior..........  BLM--Riverside County    1000 Midland Rd, Blythe, CA 92225  103c
CA...........  Interior..........  BLM--Salambo Mine......  T25, R15E, Sec 32, NE\1/4\, Mdm,   103c 3016
                                                             Coulterville, CA 95311.
CA...........  Interior..........  BLM--Shell Oil Co. of    T31SR22ESEC21, Taft CA...........  103c
                                    California Gore B.
CA...........  Interior..........  BLM--Simcal Chemical     50 W. Dannenberg Rd. El Centro,    103c 3010
                                    Corporation.             CA.
CA...........  Interior..........  BLM--Stateline Dump      N/A, CA..........................  3016

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CA...........  Interior..........  BLM--Susanville Horse    T29NR15ESEC9 6 mi NW of            103c 3016
                                    Corrals Site.            Susanville, Susanville, CA 96130.
CA...........  Interior..........  BLM--Swansea Site......  T 16S, R. 37E., SEC 24, SE SW, MT  103c 3016
                                                             Diablo M, Keeler, CA.
CA...........  Interior..........  BLM--Union Carbide, Joe  T18SR12ESEC24&25, Coalinga, CA     103c
                                    Mine.                    93210.
CA...........  Interior..........  BLM--Upper Middle Park   T22 S., R.45E., Sec 27, Ballarat,  103c
                                    Canyon Trespass Dump.    CA 93562.
CA...........  Interior..........  BLM--Vallecitos          T16S R11E Sec 25, Hollister, CA    103c
                                    Oilfield.                95023.
CA...........  Interior..........  BLM--Victory Millsite..  T11NR12WSEC32, Silver Queen Road,  103c
                                                             Mojave, CA 93501.
CA...........  Interior..........  NPS-El Portal Rr Flat..  Hwy 140, El Portal, CA 95318.....  103c
CA...........  Interior..........  NPS-Sequoia & Kings      Ash Mountain, Three Rivers, CA     3005 3010 3016
                                    Canyon National Park.    93271.                             103c
CA...........  Navy..............  Civil Engineering        NCBC, Port Hueneme, CA 93043.....  3010 103a 103c
                                    Laboratory.                                                 3016
CA...........  Navy..............  Crows Landing Naval Air  Nalf Crows Landing, Crows          3010 3016 103c
                                    Logistics Force.         Landing, CA 95313.
CA...........  Navy..............  Fallbrook Annex, Naval   Ammunition Rd, Fallbrook, CA       103c 3016 103a
                                    Weapons Station Seal     92058.
CA...........  Navy..............  Imperial Beach Naval     Outlying Landing Field Bldg 162    3005 3010 103c
                                    Communication Station.   Rt 75 & Palm Ave., Imperial        103a
                                                             Beach, CA 92032.
CA...........  Navy..............  Monterey Naval           1 Grace Hopper Avenue, Monterey,   3010
                                    Postgraduate School      CA 93940.
CA...........  Navy..............  Oakland Naval Regional   8750 Mountain Blvd Oakland, CA     3010 103c 3016
                                    Medical Center.          94627.
CA...........  Navy..............  Point Sur Naval          Naval Facility Point Sur, Big      3010 103c
                                    Facility.                Sur, CA 93920.
CA...........  Navy..............  Salton Sea Test Base...  Hwy 86, Salton City, CA 92275....  103c
CA...........  Navy..............  San Diego Naval          Western Division, San Diego, CA    103c
                                    Facilities Engineering   92136.
CA...........  Navy..............  San Nicolas Island       San Nicolas Island, CA 93042.....  3010
                                    Outlying Landing Field.
CA...........  Navy..............  Santa Cruz Naval         16020 Empire Grade Rd., Santa      103c
                                    Industrial Reserve       Cruz, CA 95060.
                                    Ordnance Plant.
CA...........  Navy..............  Skaggs Island Naval      Skaggs Island, Sonoma, CA 95476..  3010 3016 103c
                                    Security Group
CA...........  Transportation....  Alameda Coast Guard      Coast Guard Government Island,     3010 103c
                                    Support Center.          Alameda, CA 94501.
CA...........  Transportation....  Fort MacArthur.........  Pacific Avenue, San Padro, CA      103c
CA...........  Transportation....  Middletown Coast Guard   Loran C Station, Middletown, CA    103c
                                    Loran C Station.         95461.
CA...........  Transportation....  San Francisco Coast      Yerba Buena Island, San            3010 103c
                                    Guard Base.              Francisco, CA 94130.
CO...........  Air Force.........  Buckley Air National     Buckley Road and East 6th Ave.,    3016 103c, 3010
                                    Guard Base.              Aurora, CO 80011-9599.
CO...........  Air Force.........  Colorado Springs         AFA/DE, Colorado Springs, CO       3010 103c
                                    Academy.                 80840.
CO...........  Air Force.........  Lowry Air Force Base...  3415 CES/DDE Lowry AFB, CO 80230.  3005 3010 3016
                                                                                                103c 103a
CO...........  Air Force.........  Peterson Air Force Base  1003 SSG/CC, Peterson AFB, CO      3005 3010 103c
CO...........  Energy............  Grand Junction Projects  3597 B-3/4 Rd PO2567, Grand        3016 103c
                                    Office.                  Junction, CO 81502-5504.
CO...........  Energy............  Solar Energy Research    1617 Cole Blvd., Golden, CO 80401  3005 3010 3016
                                    Institute.                                                  103c
CO...........  Energy............  WAPA--Power Operations.  1800 S. Rio Grande Ave.,           103c 3010
                                                             Montrose, CO 81401.
CO...........  EPA...............  National Enforcement     DFC, Denver, CO 80225............  3010 103c
                                    Investigation Center.
CO...........  Interior..........  BLM--Bookcliff Landfill  T1NR101WSEC6,UTEPM, 4 mi E. of     103c
                                                             Grand Junction, Grand Junction
                                                             CO 81501.
CO...........  Interior..........  BLM--Chaffee County      T.51.N.R.8.E.SEC.21, US Hwy 285    103c
                                    Landfill.                10M North of Salida, Salida, CO.
CO...........  Interior..........  BLM--Delta County        T14NR95WSEC10, 6THPM, Eckert, CO   3010 103c
                                    Landfill.                81418.
CO...........  Interior..........  BLM--Eagle County        T4NR83WSEC10&11, CO..............  103c
CO...........  Interior..........  BLM--Fremont...........  T48NR12ESEC19, Cata Paxi, CO.....  103c
CO...........  Interior..........  BLM--Montrose County     T48NR19WSEC22, Montrose, CO......  103c
CO...........  Interior..........  BLM--Orchard Mesa        T2SR1ESEC4,5 Hwy 50-SW of 29 3/4   103c
                                    Landfill.                Rd, Grand Junction, CO 81506.
CO...........  Interior..........  BLM--San Miguel          T44NR15WSEC26, Nataurita, CO.....  103c
                                    Landfill #1.
CO...........  Interior..........  BLM--San Miguel          T44NR17WSEC18, Slick Rock, CO....  103c
                                    Landfill #2.
CO...........  Interior..........  BLM--Sawpit Tram Site    T43NR10WSEC18, Saw Pit CO, 81435.  103c
                                    (Ore Storage).
CO...........  Interior..........  BLM--Town of Mesa        T10S, R96W, SEC22, Molina, CO....  103c
CO...........  Interior..........  BR--Loveland...........  910 Van Buren, Loveland, CO 80537  3010, 103c.

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CO...........  Interior..........  GS--National Water       5293 Ward Rd., Denver, CO 80225..  3010, 3016, 103c.
                                    Quality Laboratory.
CO...........  Interior..........  NPS--Denver Service      755 Parfet St., Box 25287,         3016, 103c.
                                    Center.                  Denver, CO 80225.
CO...........  Interior..........  NPS--Rocky Mountain      Estes Park, Estes Park, CO.......  103c, 3010.
                                    National Park.
CO...........  Postal Service....  Denver Bulk Mail Center  7755 E. 56th Ave., Denver, CO      3016, 103c.
CO...........  Transportation....  Central Direct Fed.      6th St., Bldg. 52, Dfc, Denver,    3005, 3010, 103c,
                                    DivIsion Materials--     CO 80225.                          3016.
CO...........  Transportation....  Transportation Test      21 Miles NE Pueblo Mem Airport,    3005, 3010, 3016,
                                    Center.                  Dot Test Track Rd, CO 81001.       103c.
CT...........  Army..............  Stratford Army Engine    550 South Main Street, Stratford,  3005, 3010, 3016,
                                    Plant.                   CT 06497.                          103c.
CT...........  Energy............  Knolls Atomic Power      Prospect Hill Road, Windsor, CT    3005, 3010, 3016,
                                    Laboratory--Windsor      06095.                             103c, 103a.
CT...........  Navy..............  New London Naval         New London Laboratory, New         3010, 103c, 103a.
                                    Underwater Systems       London, CT 06320.
DC...........  Army..............  Fort McNair............  350 P Street, S.W., Washington,    3010, 103c, 103a.
                                                             DC 20319.
DC...........  Defense...........  U.S. Soldiers and        Michigan Ave. N.E., Washington,    3010, 3016, 103c.
                                    Airmens Home.            DC 20317.
DC...........  General Services    Customs Field Office...  1200 Pennsylvania Avenue,          3010 103c
                Administration.                              Washington, DC 20004.
DC...........  Navy..............  Washington Naval         4555 Overlook Ave., Washington,    3005, 3010, 3016,
                                    Research Laboratory.     DC 20375.                          103c, 103a.
DC...........  Treasury..........  Bureau of Engraving &    14th & C Sts SW, Washington, DC    3005, 3010, 103c,
                                    Printing.                20228.                             103a.
DE...........  Corps of            Canal Site.............  Main St., North St Georges,        3016, 103c.
                Engineers, Civil.                            Newcastle, DE 19733.
FL...........  Agriculture.......  Wildlife Research Field  2820 E University Ave,             103c.
                                    Station.                 Gainesville, FL 32601.
FL...........  Air Force.........  Avon Park Air Force      56 Combat Support Group/DE,        3005, 3010, 3016,
                                    Base.                    MacDill AFB, FL 33608.             103c.
FL...........  Air Force.........  MacDill Air Force Base.  56 Combat Support Group/DE,        3005, 3010, 3016,
                                                             MacDill, AFB, FL 33608.            103c.
FL...........  Defense Logistics   Lynn Haven Defense Fuel  W End of 10th Street, Lynn Haven,  3010, 3016, 103c.
                Agency.             Support Point.           FL 32444.
FL...........  Defense Logistics   Tampa Defense Fuel       Box 13736, Tampa, FL 33611.......  3010, 3016, 103c.
                Agency.             Support Point.
FL...........  Navy..............  Key West Naval Air       Naval Air Station, Key West, FL    3005, 3010, 3016,
                                    Station--Boca Chica.     33042.                             103c, 103a.
FL...........  Navy..............  NRL Underwater Sound     755 Gatlin Ave, Orlando, FL 32806  3010 103c
                                    Reference Detachment.
FL...........  Navy..............  Panama City Coastal      Hwy 98 Code 6310MC, Panama City,   3005, 3010, 3016,
                                    Systems Station.         FL 32407.                          103a, 103c.
FL...........  Transportation....  Key West Coast Guard     Key West, FL 33040...............  3010, 103c.
FL...........  Transportation....  Mayport Coast Guard      PO Box 385, Mayport, FL 32267....  3010, 103c.
FL...........  Transportation....  Miami Beach Coast Guard  100 Macarthur Cswy, Miami Beach,   3005 3010 103c
                                    Base.                    FL 33139.
FL...........  Transportation....  St. Petersburg Coast     600 8th Ave SE, St Petersburg, FL  3010 103c
                                    Guard Station.           33701.
FL...........  Transportation....  Tamiami International    West of Chrome Avenue, Miami, FL.  103a
                                    Flight Service
GA...........  Air Force.........  Dobbins Air Force Base.  94 CSG/DE, Marietta, GA 30069....  3016 103c 3010
GA...........  Air Force.........  Moody Air Force Base...  347 CSG/DE, Moody AFB, GA 31669..  3005 3010 3016
GA...........  Air Force.........  Plant #6 (Llockheed)...  86 S Cobb Drive Zone 54,            3005 3010 3016
                                                             Marietta, GA 30063.                103c
GA...........  Army..............  Fort Benning...........  Ga. Hwy 1 & US 27, Fort Benning,   3005 3010 3016
                                                             GA 31905.                          103c 103a
GA...........  Army..............  Fort Gillem............  Attn AFZK-EH-C, Forest Park, GA    3005 3010 3016
                                                             30330.                             103c
GA...........  Army..............  Fort Gordon And          ATZHFE EC, Fort Gordon, GA 30905.  3005 3010 3016
                                    National Signal Center.                                     103c 103a
GA...........  Army..............  Fort Stewart...........  24th Infantry Div AFZP-DEN-E,      3005 3010 3016
                                                             Fort Stewart, GA 31314.            103c
GA...........  Army..............  Hunter Army Airfield...  24th Infantry Div AFZP-DEN-E,      3005 3010 3016
                                                             Fort Stewart, GA 31314.            103c
GA...........  Justice...........  Atlanta Penitentiary...  615 McDonough Blvd, Atlanta, GA    3016 103c
GA...........  Navy..............  Kings Bay Naval          Ga State Hwy Spur, Kings Bay, GA   3005 3010 3016
                                    Submarine Base.          31547.                             103c
GA...........  Veterans Affairs..  Atlanta Medical Center.  1670 Clairmont Road, Decatur, GA.  3005 3010 3016

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GU...........  Navy..............  Guam Naval Hospital....  Naval Hosp Guam, Naval Hosp Guam,  103c 3010
                                                             GU 96638.
HI...........  Interior..........  FWS--Howland Island      300 Ala Moana Blvd, Honolulu, HI   3016 103c
                                    National Wildlife        96813.
IA...........  Energy............  Wapa-Hinton............  PO Box 1012, Hinton, IA 51024....  3005 3010 3016
IA...........  Postal Service....  Urbandale Bulk Mail      4000 NW 109th Street, Urbandale,   3016 103c 3005
                                    Center.                  IA 50395.
ID...........  Agriculture.......  Boise NF: Kirby Dam      T5N R11e S4&5 Boise Meridian,      103c 3016
                                    Monarch Mine Stamp       Atlanta, ID 83601.
ID...........  Agriculture.......  Clearwater NF: Clayton   T 39N, R 11E, Sec 21,              103c 3016
                                    Creek Dump.              Headquarters, ID 83534.
ID...........  Agriculture.......  Idaho Panhandle NF: Big  FS Rd 2354, 8 mi SE of City,       3010 103c
                                    Creek Bridge.            Kellogg, ID 83837.
ID...........  Agriculture.......  Idaho Panhandle NF:      FS Rd 392, 30 mi NNE of City,      3016 103c
                                    Hudlow Camp Dump.        Coeur D'Alene, ID 83814.
ID...........  Agriculture.......  Idaho Panhandle NF:      SR 57, 4 Mi S of City, Nordman,    103c
                                    Priest Lake Rs Dump.     ID 83848.
ID...........  Agriculture.......  Idaho Panhandle NF:      Fs Rd 208, 25 mi N of City,        103c
                                    Shoshone Work Center     Kingston, ID 83839.
ID...........  Agriculture.......  Sheep Experiment         HC 62, Box 2010, Dubois, ID 83423  3016 103c
ID...........  Agriculture.......  Soil And Water           Route 1, Box 186, 3600 East,       3016 103c
                                    Management Research      Kimberly, ID 83341.
ID...........  Air Force.........  Boise Air National       43D33M00SN, 116D13M00SW, Boise,    3005 3010 103c
                                    Guard-Gowen Field.       ID 83705.                          3016
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Black Mesa Dump     T6S, R10E, Sec 13................  103c
                                    Glenns Ferry,id 83623.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Blue Dome           T10NR30ESEC30, Blue Dome, ID       103c 3016
                                    Unauthorized Dump.       83464.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Browns Gulch......  T6S, R7E, Sec 10, W\1/2\,          103c
                                                             Bruneau, ID 83604.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Bruneau Open Dump.  T9S, R5E, Sec 4, Bruneau ID 83604  3016 103c
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Butte North         T12S, R21E, Sec 5, Burley, ID      103c
                                    Isolated Tract           83318.
                                    Hazardous Site.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Cassia County #1..  T 13S, R 21E, Sec 13, Oakley, ID   103c
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Cassia County #2..  T 12S, R 21E, Sec 32, Oakley, ID   103c
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Cassia County #3..  T 12S, R 21E, Sec 31, Oakley, ID   103c
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Castleford Butte..  T10S, R12E, Sec 23, Castleford     103c
                                                             Id, 83321.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Cedar Butte S. End  T22 SR32E Sec 15, Rockford, ID     103c
                                    Dumpsite.                83221.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Central Cove        T3N, R4W, Sec 8 and 9, Caldwell,   3016 103c
                                    Landfill.                ID 83605.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Clarks Air Service  T6S, R9E, Sec 27, Glenns Ferry,    103c 3016
                                    Airstrip-Jarbridge Ra.   ID 83623.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Clover Hollow       T5S R7E Sec 7 SESW 8 Mi S of Cy,   103c
                                    Illegal Airstrip.        Mountain Home, ID 83647.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Courier Gulch.....  0.3 mi N of City, Triumph, ID      103c
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Cow Hollow          T.14.S.R.31.E. Sec 34, Juniper,    103c
                                    Hazardous Waste Dump.    ID 83706.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Delamar Silver      T15S, R35E, Owyhee, ID 83650.....  103c
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Dry Lakes Air       T1N, R3W, Sec 26, Canyon, ID       103c
                                    Service Airstrip-        83650.
                                    Cascade RA.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Edmonds             T7NR38ESEC 24 & 25, Edmonds, ID    103c
                                    Unauthorized Dump.       83445.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Gem County          Dewey Lane, 10m East of Emmett,    103c
                                    Landfill.                Emmett ID 83617.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--German Lake.......  T7SR25ESEC.10, Minidoka, ID 83343  103c 3016
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Grace Illegal Dump  T10S,R39E, Sec 24, Grace, ID       103c
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Hammett Dump......  T5S,R9E, Sec 28, Hammett, ID       103c
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Hell's Half Acre-   T1s R36e S4, 2.3 Mi From Junction  103c
                                    East Finger Dump.        of Baseline And Lava Roads,
                                                             Firth, ID 83236.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Hell's Half Acre-   TIS R36E S32, 3.5 Mi W of          103c
                                    West Finger Dump.        Shelley, Firth, ID 83236.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Hoff Road Site....  T2S R32E Sect 35 SW of SW,         3010 103c
                                                             Blackfoot, ID 83221.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Hulet Dump........  T.35.R.IW. Sec. 15, Murphy, ID     103c 3016
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Hws Gold & Silver   T29N R8E S 23, Elk City, ID 83525  3016 103c
                                    Mine Elk City.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Jerome County       Jerome County, ID 83338..........  103c
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Leslie Dump Site-1  T 7N, R25E,SEC34, Leslie, ID       103c
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Leslie Dump Site-4  T 6N, R24E,SEC18, Leslie, ID       103c
                                    SW.                      83249.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Liberty Dump......  T3S, R33E, Sec 19E, 20N,           103c
                                                             21SWNW;NWNW 30N, Liberty, ID
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Menan Unauthorized  T6N, R38E, SEC26 And 27, Madison,  103c
                                    Dump.                    ID 83440.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Montview..........  T8N, R34E, SEC22 NWNW E of City,   103c
                                                             Montview, ID 83435.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Morgan's Pasture..  T1N R35E SEC 33 & 34, 3010         103c
                                                             Shelly, ID 83274.

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ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Mud Lake Airport..  T6N R34E Sect 18 NE of NE, Mud     3010 103c
                                                             Lake, ID 83450.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--National Guard      Sec (all) T2&3S, R2&3E             103c 3016
                                    Impact Area.             Unincorporated, ID 83709.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--North Creek Mill..  T6NR29ESEC6 Howe, ID 83244.......  103c
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Owyhee Co.          T6SR4ESEC14 Bruneau, ID 83604....  103c
                                    Grandview Landfill.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Owyhee Co. Marsing/ Johnson Rd. T4N R5W S32 SW \1/4\,  103c
                                    Homedale Landfill.       Marsing-Homedale, ID 83639.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Owyhee Co. Wilson   T1SR34ESEC13, Marsing, ID 83639..  103c
                                    Creek Landfill.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Pesticide Dump      T3S R1W S35 Murphy, ID 83650.....  103c
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Pesticide Dump      T2SR3W SEC31, Reynolds, ID 83650.  103c
                                    Site, Reynolds.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Pickles Butte       T2NR3WSEC28 Missouri Av 2.5mi W-   103c
                                    (Davidson's Air          Mora Canal, Nampa, ID 83651.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Pullman Mine......  T29N R4W S14, Cottonwood, ID       103c
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Reeder Flying       T6SR12ESEC33 Glenns Ferry, ID      103c
                                    Service Airstrip #1.     83623.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Reeder Flying       T9SR12ESEC13 Buhl, ID 83316......  103c
                                    Service Airstrip #2.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Reeder Flying       T8S, R13E, Sec6, Glenns Ferry, ID  103c 3010 3005
                                    Service Airstrip #3.     83623.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Shoshone (Gwinn     T4S R17E S14, Shoshone, ID 83352.  3016 103c
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Springfield         T3SR32ESEC12 Springfield, ID       103c
                                    Dumpsite.                83277.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Springfield         T35NR32ESEC15 Springfield, ID      103c
                                    Unauthorized Dumpsite.   83277.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Twin Falls CO #4..  T12S, R 19E, Sec 12, Murtaugh, ID  103c
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Twin Falls CO #5..  T12S, R 19E, Sec 11, Murtaugh, ID  103c
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Twin Falls CO       T11SR19ESEC10, Twin Falls, ID      103c 3016
                                    Murtaugh (east)          83301.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Upper Little Lost   T11NR26ESEC10 12 Mi NW of Cy/      103c
                                    Unauthorized Dump.       I11N,R26E,SEC10, Clyde, ID 82349.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Warrior Road......  T35n, R1w, Sec 11, Nearest City    103c
                                                             Kona, Kona, ID 83634.
ID...........  Interior..........  BLM--Wiregrass           TIIS R36E Sect 13, NW of NE,       3010 103c
                                    Reservoir Site.          Downey, ID 83234.
ID...........  Interior..........  BR--Minidoka Dam.......  13 mi NE of Cy, Rupert, ID 83350.  3010 3016 103c
ID...........  Interior..........  BR--Minidoka Landfill..  Rupert, ID 83350.................  103c
ID...........  Interior..........  NPS--Craters of The      15 mi SW of City On Hwy 93, Arco,  103c
                                    Moon Nm: Martin Mine.    ID 83213.
IL...........  Corps of            Chicago Site...........  Calumet Harbor, Chicago, IL 60606  3010
                Engineers, Civil.
IL...........  Corps of            North Riverside Army     8660 West Cermak Rd, North         3016
                Engineers, Civil.   Maintenance Center.      Riverside, IL 60546.
IL...........  Energy............  Fermi National           Route 16 & 59 Kane County,         3005 3010 3016
                                    Accelerator Laboratory.  Batavia, IL 60510.                 103c
IL...........  Veterans Affairs..  Danville Medical Center  1900 E Main St, Danville, IL       103c 3010
                                    Hospital.                61832.
IN...........  Army..............  Newport Army Ammunition  State Rte 63, 2 Miles S. of        3005 3010 3016
                                    Plant.                   Newport, Vermillion County,        103c
                                                             Newport, IN 47966.
IN...........  Defense Logistics   New Haven Defense        State Rt. 14, New Haven, IN 46774  3010 103c
                Agency.             Logistics Agency Depot.
KS...........  Army..............  Atchison Defense         Old Rte 1, Atchison, KS 66002....  103c
                                    Industrial Plant
                                    Equipment Facil.
KS...........  EPA...............  Region 7, Environmental  25 Funston Road, Kansas City, KS   3005 3010 3016
                                    Services Division Lab.   66115.                             103c
KY...........  Army..............  Armor School And Center  Hwy 31 W, Fort Knox, KY 40121....  3005 3010 3016
                                    At Fort Knox.                                               103a 103c
KY...........  Army..............  Lexington--Bluegrass     Haley Rd, Lexington, KY 40511....  3005 3010 3016
                                    Army Depot.                                                 103c 103a
KY...........  Navy..............  Louisville Naval         Southside Dr. MDS 42, Louisville,  3005 3010 3016
                                    Ordnance Station.        KY 40214.                          103c
LA...........  Agriculture.......  Southern Regional        1100 Robert E. Lee Blvd, New       3010 3016 103c
                                    Research Center.         Orleans, LA 70124.
LA...........  Air Force.........  England Air Force Base.  23 CSG/DE, England AFB, LA 71311.  3005 3010 3016
LA...........  Army New Orleans    4400 Dauphine St, New    103c.............................
                Military Ocean      Orleans, LA 70145.
LA...........  Energy............  SPR--Weeks Island......  2 Mi NW of Cypremont, Cypremont,   103c
                                                             LA 70560.
LA...........  Energy............  SPR--West Hackberry....  3.8 Mi W of Hackberry, Hwy 390     103c
                                                             Hackberry, LA.
LA...........  Interior..........  FWS--Lacassine National  HCR 63, Box 186, Lake Arthur, LA   103c
                                    Wildlife Refuge.         70549.

[[Page 34832]]

LA...........  Navy..............  New Orleans Naval        2600 Gen Meyer Ave Bldg 101, New   103c 3010
                                    Support Activity.        Orleans, LA.
LA...........  Transportation....  New Orleans Coast Guard  4640 Urquhart Street, New          3010 103c
                                    Base.                    Orleans, LA 70117.
LA...........  Veterans Affairs..  New Orleans Medical      1601 Perdido Street, New Orleans,  3010 103c
                                    Center.                  LA 70112.
MA...........  Postal Service....  Boston Postal Service..  135 A Street, Boston, MA 02210...  3010 103c
MA...........  Transportation....  Woods Hole Coast Guard   Little Harbor Road, Falmouth, MA   3010 103c
                                    Base.                    02543.
MD...........  Army..............  Adelphi Laboratory       2800 Powder Mill Rd, Adelphi, MD   3005 3010 3016
                                    Center.                  20783.                             103c
MD...........  Commerce..........  National Institute of    Quince Orchard Rd, Gaithersburg,   3005 3010 103c
                                    Standards And            MD 20760.
MD...........  Commerce..........  National Marine          South Morris Street Ext., Oxford,  103c 3010
                                    Fisheries Service.       MD 21654.
MD...........  Commerce..........  Oxford National Marine   US Dept of Marine Fisheries,       103c 3010
                                    Fisheries Service.       Oxford Laboratory, Oxford, MD
MD...........  Defense Logistics   Defense National         710 Ordnance Road, Baltimore, MD   3005 3010 3016
                Agency.             Stockpile Center.        21226.                             103c
MD...........  Health And Human    NIH--Bethesda..........  9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD  3005 3010 3016
                Services.                                    20892.                             103c 103a
MD...........  NASA..............  Goddard Space Flight     Greenbelt Road Greenbelt, MD       3010 103c 3016
                                    Center.                  20771.
MD...........  Navy..............  Annapolis Naval Academy  Annapolis Naval Complex,           3005 3010 3016
                                                             Annapolis, MD 21402.               103c
MD...........  Navy..............  National Naval Medical   8901 Wisconsin Ave, Bethesda, MD   3005 3010 3016
                                    Center.                  20814.                             103c 103a
ME...........  Defense Logistics   Casco Bay Defense Fuel   Rt 123 South Harpswell Neck, ME    3010 3016 103c
                Agency.             Support Point.           04079.
ME...........  Defense Logistics   Searsport Defense Fuel   Trundy Road Box 112, Searsport,    3010 3016 103c
                Agency.             Support Point.           ME 04974.
ME...........  Interior..........  FWS--Seal Island         P.O. Box 1077, Calais, ME 04619..  103c
                                    National Wildlife
ME...........  Navy..............  Gouldsboro Naval         Bldg 41 (operations Site),         103c
                                    Security Group           Gouldsboro, ME 04624.
ME...........  Navy..............  Winter Harbor Naval      Rt 186, Winter Harbor, ME 04693..  3010 103c
                                    Security Group
MI...........  Agriculture.......  Hiawatha NF: Munising    T46NR18WS19SW\1/4\, Munising       103c 3016
                                    Landfill.                Township, MI 49829.
MI...........  Agriculture.......  Huron--Manistee NF:      12 N Charles Ave, White Cloud, MI  103c 3010 3016
                                    Ranger Station.          49349.
MI...........  Air Force.........  Phelps/Collins Airport.  Airport Road, Alpena, MI 49707...  3010 3016 103a
MI...........  Army..............  Tank Automotive Command  6501 E. 11 Mile Rd Macomb County,  3005 3010 3016
                                                             Warren, MI 48090.                  103c 103a
MI...........  Defense...........  Lakeshore Terminal       US Hwy 23, Harrisville, MI 48740.  103c 3010
                                    Company, Harrisville
MI...........  EPA...............  Ann Arbor Motor Vehicle  2565 Plymouth Rd, Washtenaw        3010 103c
                                    Emission Laboratory.     County, Ann Arbor, MI 48105.
MI...........  Transportation....  FAA--Peck Vor..........  2250 E Peck Rd, Croswell MI 48422  3010
MI...........  Veterans Affairs..  Battle Creek Medical     5600 Armstrong Rd, Battle Creek    3010
                                    Center.                  MI 49016.
MN...........  Postal Service....  Minneapolis St. Paul     3165 S. Lexington Ave, St. Paul    3010 103c
                                    Bulk Mail Center.        MN 55121.
MN...........  Transportation....  Duluth Coast Guard       1201 Minnesota Ave, Duluth MN      3010 3016 103c
                                    Station.                 55802.
MO...........  Agriculture.......  Schuster Farm..........  Sec58 S17T55NR33W, Gower, MO.....  103c
MO...........  Army..............  Mo Aviation              2501 Lester Jones Ave,             103c 3010
                                    Classification &         Springfield MO 65803.
                                    Repair Activity Depot.
MO...........  EPA...............  Mobile Incinerator--     SE\1/4\NW\1/4\NW\1/4\ Sec 20,      3010 103c 3016
                                    Demmry Farm.             Mcdowell, MO 65769.
MO...........  General Services    St. Louis..............  1222 Spruce, St Louis, MO 63103..  3005 3010 103a
MO...........  Interior..........  BM--Rolla Research       1300 Bishop Ave, Rolla, MO 65401.  103c
MO...........  National Imagery    NIMA--St. Louis........  3200 S. Second Street, St. Louis,  3010 103c
                and Mapping                                  MO 63118.
MO...........  National Imagery    NIMA--St. Louis........  8900 S. Broadway, St. Louis, MO    3010 103c
                and Mapping                                  63118.
MS...........  Air Force.........  Columbus Air Force Base  14 ABG/DE, Columbus AFB, MS 39701  3005 3010 3016
MS...........  Army..............  Engineering              PO Box 631, Vicksburg, MS 39180..  3005 3010 3016
                                    Environmental Waterway                                      103c
MS...........  Corps of            Grenada................  Youngs Landing, Grenada, MS 38901  103a
                Engineers, Civil.
MS...........  Navy..............  Gulfport Naval           33rd Ave, Gulfport, MS 39501.....  3010 103c 103a
                                    Construction Battalion
MT...........  Agriculture.......  Fort Keogh Livestock     Route 1, Box 2021, Miles City, MT  3016 103c
                                    and Range Research       59301.

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MT...........  Air Force.........  Malmstrom Air Force      Facility 1501 Perimeter Rd.,       3005 3010 3016
                                    Base.                    Great Falls, MT 59402.             103c 103a
MT...........  Energy............  BPA--Hot Springs         Hwy 28, S. of Hot Springs, Sec14   103c
                                    Substation Tlm Complex.  T21N RW, Hot Springs, MT 59845.
MT...........  Energy............  Component Development    Industrial Park, Butte, MT 59702.  3016 3010 103c
                                    And Integration
MT...........  Interior..........  BLM--Ermont Mill         T6SR11WSEC35, Argenta, MT 59725..  103c
MT...........  Interior..........  BLM--High Ore Mine.....  T6NR4WSEC36, MT..................  103c
MT...........  Interior..........  BLM--Illegal Airstrip    Section 6 T11N R27E, Flatwillow    103c
                                    John Greytak.            MT.
MT...........  Interior..........  BLM--Jet Fuel Refinery   T14NR31E 4 mi E of Mosby, Mosby    103c
                                    Site.                    MT.
MT...........  Interior..........  BLM--Roundup Landfill..  1.5 miles Northwest of Roundup,    103c
                                                             Roundup, MT.
MT...........  Interior..........  BLM--Sluice Gulch        T6SR15WSEC5,ADIT MT..............  103c
MT...........  Interior..........  BLM--Steamboat Point...  T25NR10ESEC18PMM, Loma, MT.......  103c
MT...........  Interior..........  BLM--Thorium City Waste  T105R15WSEC21,22,27,28, 3016       103c
                                    Dump.                    Grant, MT 59734-3016.
MT...........  Interior..........  BLM--Tungsten Mill       T45W9WSEC4,5,9, Glen MT 59732....  103c
MT...........  Interior..........  FWS--Charles M. Russell  P.O. Box 110 Lewistown, MT 59457.  3010 103c
                                    National Wildlife
MT...........  Interior..........  FWS--National Bison      Cnty Rd 212 IN Moiese, Moiese MT   3010 103c
                                    Range.                   59824.
MT...........  Interior..........  Lyons Station..........  45 mi. So of Ennis on Hwy 287,     3010 103c
                                                             Ennis, MT 59749.
MT...........  Interior..........  West Fork Ranger         15 miles South of Darby MT on,     3010 103c
                                    Station.                 West Fork Rs MT 59829.
NC...........  Air Force.........  Pope Air Force Base....  560 Interceptor Rd, Pope Afb, NC   3005 3010 103c
                                                             28308.                             3016
NC...........  Army..............  Albemarle Army Reserve   1816 E Main St, Albemarle, NC      3010 103c
                                    Center.                  28001.
NC...........  Army..............  Asheville Army Reserve   224 Louisiana, Asheville, NC       3010 103c
                                    Center.                  28806.
NC...........  Army..............  Brevard Army Reserve     E. French Broad St, Brevard NC     3010 103c
                                    Center.                  28712.
NC...........  Army..............  Charlotte #1 Army        1300 Westover Dr, Charlotte, NC    3010 103c
                                    Reserve Center.          28205.
NC...........  Army..............  Durham #1 Army Reserve   1228 Carrol St, Durham, NC 27701.  3010 103c
NC...........  Army..............  Durham #2 Army Reserve   724 Foster St, Durham, NC 227701.  3010 103c
NC...........  Army..............  Garner Army Reserve      2017 Garner St., Garner, NC 27529  3010 103c
NC...........  Army..............  Greensboro Army Reserve  1120 Church St, Greensboro, NC     3010 103c
                                    Center.                  27405.
NC...........  Army..............  Greenville Army Reserve  1391 N Mem Dr., Greenville, NC     3010 103c
                                    Center.                  27834.
NC...........  Army..............  Hickory Army Reserve     1500 12th Street Nw, Hickory, NC   3010 103c
                                    Center.                  28601.
NC...........  Army..............  High Point Army Reserve  156 Parris Ave., High Point, NC    3010 103c
                                    Center.                  28307.
NC...........  Army..............  Lumberton Army Reserve   1400 Carthage Rd, Lumberton, NC    3010 103c
                                    Center.                  28358.
NC...........  Army..............  Morehead City Army       405 Fisher St, Morehead City, NC   3010 103c
                                    Reserve Center.          28557.
NC...........  Army..............  Raleigh Army Reserve     3115 Western Blvd., Raleigh, NC     3005 3010 103c
                                    Center.                  27606.
NC...........  Army..............  Rocky Mount Army         804 Fairview Rd, Rocky Mount, NC   3010 103c
                                    Reserve Center.          28701.
NC...........  Army..............  Salisbury Army Reserve   1825 Woodleaf Rd, PO Box 1927,     3010 103c
                                    Center.                  Salisbury, NC 28114.
NC...........  Army..............  Tarheel Army Missile     204 Graham--Hopedale Road,         103c
                                    Plant.                   Burlington, NC 27215.
NC...........  Army..............  Wilmington Army Reserve  2144 Lakeshore Dr, Wilmington, NC  3010 103c
                                    Center.                  28401.
NC...........  Health And Human    National Institute of    S on Alexander Dr, Research        3005 3010 103c
                Services.           Environmental Health     Triangle Park, NC 27709.
NC...........  Navy..............  Bogue Burn Pit Marine    MCALF Bogue, Morehead City, NC     3016 103c
                                    Corps Auxilary Landing   28557.
NC...........  Transportation....  FAA--Raleigh Durham      Raleigh, NC......................  103a
                                    International Airport.
NC...........  Transportation....  Fort Macon Coast Guard   PO Box 237, Atlantic Beach, NC     3010 103c
                                    Station.                 28512.
ND...........  Agriculture.......  North Dakota             1605 W. College St., Fargo, ND     3010 3016 103c
                                    Agriculture Experiment   58105.
ND...........  Agriculture.......  Northern Great Plains    PO Box 459, Hwy 6s, Mandan, ND     3016 103c
                                    Research Laboratory.     58554.
ND...........  Air Force.........  Minot Air Force Base...  41 CSg/cc, Minot AFB, ND 58705...  3005 3010 3016
ND...........  Army..............  Concrete Missile Early   DEt 1 57 AD/de, Concrete, ND       103c 3010 3005
                                    Warning Station.         58221.
ND...........  Defense Logistic    Grand Forks Defense      Grand Forks AFB 42nd Street,       3010 3016 103c
                Agency.             Fuel Support Point.      Grand Forks, ND 58201.
NE...........  Agriculture.......  Section 5 Impoundment..  SW\1/4\ NW\1/4\SE\1/4\ of Sec 5,   103c
                                                             Glenvil Township, NE.
NH...........  Defense Logistic    Newington Defense Fuel   Patterson Lane, Newington, NH      3010 3016 103c
                Agency.             Support Point.           03801.
NJ...........  Army..............  Bayonne Military Ocean   Foot of 32nd Street, Bayonne, NJ   3005 3010 3016
                                    Terminal.                07002.                             103c 103a
NJ...........  Army..............  Britton Army Reserve     39th St & Federal St, Camden, NJ   3010 103c
                                    Center.                  08105.
NJ...........  Army..............  Fort Monmouth..........  Tinton & Pinebrook, Tinton Falls,  3010 3016 103c
                                                             NJ 07724.                          103a
NJ...........  Army..............  Fort Monmouth Evans      Marconi Road, Wall Township, NJ    3010 3016 103c
                                    Area #1.                 07719.

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NJ...........  Army..............  Pedricktown Support      Route 130 Siever Sandberg USARC,   3010 103c
                                    Facility.                Pedricktown, NJ 08067.
NJ...........  Army..............  Storch Army Reserve      Shore Rd & Dolphin Northfield,     3010 103c
                                    Center.                  Northfield, NJ 08225.
NJ...........  Army..............  Stryker Army Reserve     2150 Nottingham Way, Trenton, NJ   3010 103c
                                    Center.                  08619.
NJ...........  Commerce..........  NOAA/NMFS/NEFC.........  Sandy Hook Laboratory Highlands,   3005 3010 103c
                                                             NJ 07732.
NJ...........  Energy............  New Brunswick            986 Jersey Avenue, New Brunswick,  3016 103c
                                    Laboratory--ERDA.        NJ 08903.
NJ...........  General Services    Somerville Depot.......  Route 206, Somerville, NJ 08876..  103c 3010
NJ...........  Interior..........  FWA--Great Swamp         RD 1, Box 152, Basking Ridge, NJ   3016 103c
                                    National Wildlife        07920.
NJ...........  Interior..........  NPS--Gateway National    Fort Hancock, Sandy Hook,          3010 3016 103c
                                    Recreational Area.       Brooklyn, NJ 07732.
NJ...........  Interior..........  NPS--Morristown          Washington Place, Morristown, NJ   103c
                                    National Historical      07960.
NJ...........  Navy..............  Trenton Naval Air        Parkway Ave, Trenton, NJ 08628...  3005 3010 3016
                                    Warfare Center,                                             103c 103a
                                    Aircraft Div.
NJ...........  Transportation....  Sandy Hook Coast Guard   Hartshorne Drive, Highlands, NJ    3010 103c
                                    Station.                 07732.
NJ...........  Veterans Affairs..  East Orange Medical      Tremont Ave., East Orange, NJ      3010 103c
                                    Center.                  07019.
NJ...........  Veterans Affairs..  Hillsborough Supply      Route 206, Hillsborough Twp, NJ    103c 3010
                                    Depot.                   08853.
NJ...........  Veterans Affairs..  Lyons Hospital.........  Knollcraft Road, Lyons, NJ 07939.  3010 103c
NM...........  Agriculture.......  Cibola NF: Cobb          Cibola National Forest,            103c 3016
                                    Resources Corporation.   Magdalena, NM 87825.
NM...........  Agriculture.......  Jornada Experimental     1700 Jornada Road, Las Cruces, NM  3016
                                    Range.                   88001.
NM...........  Agriculture.......  Lincoln NF: High Rolls   3.3 m S of Inter. of W US 82,      103c 3016
                                    Mining Distrct.          High Rolls, NM 88325.
NM...........  Agriculture.......  Santa Fe NF: LA Bajada   1.25 mi Upstream From LA Bajada,   103c
                                    Mine.                    LA Bajada, NM.
NM...........  Air Force.........  Melrose Range..........  25 mi W of Cannon Afb, Melrose,    3005 3010 3016
                                                             NM 88124.
NM...........  Army..............  Fort Wingate Depot       10 miles East of Gallup On I-10,   3005 3010 3016
                                    Activity.                Gallup, NM 87310.                  103c
NM...........  Energy............  Gasbuggy...............  T29N, R4W S36; 55 m E. of          103c
                                                             Farmington, Dulce (near), NM.
NM...........  Energy............  Lovelace Inhalation      Bldg. 9200, Kirtland AFB East,     103c 3016
                                    Toxicology Research      Albuquerque, NM 87185.
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--Amax Chemical       Eddy County, Artesia, NM 88201...  103c 3016
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--Anthony Landfill..  T26S R4E Sec30 NW\1/4\ + E\1/2\    103c 3016
                                                             of Lot 2, Anthony, NM 88021.
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--Artesia Landfill..  T17SR25ESEC10, Artesia, NM 88210.  103c 3016
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--Blanco Landfil....  T29NR10WSEC13, Blanco, NM 87412..  103c 3016
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--Bloomfield          T29N, R11W, SSEC4, Bloomfield, NM  3016 103c
                                    Landfill.                87413.
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--Blue Canyon         T20SR5WSEC8, Hatch, NM 87937.....  103c 3016
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--Carlsbad Landfill.  T21SR27ESEC27NMPH, Carlsbad, NM..  103c 3016
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--Chaparral Landfill  T26SR5ESEC14, Chaparral, NM......  103c 3016
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--Eddy Potash         3071 Potash Mine Road, Carlsbad,   103c 3016
                                    Company.                 NM 88220.
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--Espanola Landfill.  T20N R9E SEC 6N MPH, Espanola, NM  103c 3016
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--Hatch Landfill....  T19S, R3W, SEC4, Lot1, Hatch, NM   103c 3016
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--Hill Landfill.....  T22SR1ESECS3&4NMPH, Hill, NM.....  103c 3016
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--Hyde Mine.........  35/32/46 & 108/41/26, Gallup, NM   103c 3016
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--International       P.O. Box 71, Carlsbad, NM 88220..  103c 3016
                                    Mineral And Chemical.
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--Kerr McGee Laguna   Lee County, Hobbs, NM 88240......  103c 3016
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--Kerr McGee Potash   Lee County, Hobbs, NM 88240......  103c
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--Kirtland Landfill.  T30NR14WSEC31, Kirtland, NM 87412  3016 103c
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--La Mesa Landfill..  T25S, R2E, SEC34, La Mesa, NM      103c 3016
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--La Union Landfill.  T27SR3ESEC18, Dona Ana Co, La      3016 103c
                                                             Union, NM 88021.
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--Las Cruces          T23SR2ESEC11, Las Cruces, NM       3016 103c
                                    Landfill.                88001.
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--Lemitar Landfill..  T2SR1WSECS13&24, Lemitar, NM.....  103c 3016
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--Mesilla Dam         T24W, R1E, SEC14, Mesilla, NM      103c 3016
                                    Landfill.                88046.
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--Mesquite Landfill.  T24SR3ESEC29NMPH, Mesquite, NM...  103c 3016
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--National Potash     Eddy & Lea Counties, Carlsbad, NM  103c 3016
                                    Company.                 88220.
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--Orogrande Landfill  T22SR8ESEC14SWSESW, Orogrande, NM  103c 3016
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--San Antonio         T5SR1ESEC6NMPH, San Antonio, NM..  103c 3016
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--South Farmington    T29N, R13W, SEC20, Farmington, NM  3016 103c
                                    Landfill.                87401.
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--Standard Transpipe  So. of Alamogordo, NM On Hwy 54,   103c 3016
                                    Corp.                    Alamogordo, NM 88310.
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--Thoreau Landfill..  T14NR13WSEC20NMPH, Thoreau, NM...  103c 3016
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--UNM Hazardous       T23S, R2E, SEC23, Las Cruces, NM   3005 3010 3016
                                    Waste Storage Facility.  88001.                             103c
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--Velarde Landfill..  T22NR9ESEC20NMPH, Velarde NM       103c 3016
NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--Waste Elec.         T4SR1WSEC17,20, Socorro, NM 87801  103c
                                    Transformer Site No.1.

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NM...........  Interior..........  BLM--Waterflow Landfill  T30 NR 16W SEC35, Waterflow, NM    103c 3016
NM...........  Veterans Affairs..  Albuquerque Hospital...  2100 Ridgecrest, Albuquerque, NM   3005 3010 3016
                                                             87106.                             103c
NV...........  Energy............  Tonopah Test Range.....  PO Box 10359, Tonopah, NV 89049..  3005 3010 103c
                                                                                                103a 3016
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Aaron Mining......  T28NR47ESEC9, Esmerelda, NV 89421  103c
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--All Minerals Inc..  T12NR46ESEC10, NYE, NV 89045.....  103c
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--American Borate     T18SR49ESEC1, NYE, NV 89020......  103c
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Antelope Valley     T25NR42ESEC18, Lander NV 89310...  103c 3016
                                    Pesticide Site.
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Argentum Mill.....  NE \1/4\ Sec 17 T3N R36E,          103c
                                                             Esmerelda County, NV 89010.
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Austin Well.......  T40NR35ESEC32, Numboldt NV 98445.  103c
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Bar Resources Inc.  T26NR49ESEC30, Carlin, NV 89822..  103c
                                    Buckhorn Mine.
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Bunker Hill         T1NR67ESEC29, Lincoln, NV 89043..  103c 3016
Nv             Interior..........  BLM--Candelaria          T34NR35ESEC2233435, Mina, NV       3010 103c
                                    Partners Omc.            89422.
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Carlin Gold Mine..  T35NR50ESEC14, Carlin, NV 89822..  103c
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Chromalloy Mining   T42NR62ESEC17, Elko, NV 89801....  103c
                                    & Milling.
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Chromalloy Mining   T42NR63ESEC11, Elko NV 89801.....  103c
                                    & Milling.
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Closed Caliente     T3S, R67E, SEC28, Lincoln County,  103c
                                    Landfill.                NV 89008.
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Cortez Joint        T27NR47ESEC13, Beowawe NV 89821..  3010 103c
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Crescent Mining     T28SR1ESEC31, Searchlight, NV      103c
                                    Ltd (rest Mine).         89046.
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Crescent Valley     T29NR48ESEC24, Crescent Valley,    103c
                                    Mill.                    NV 89821.
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Cyprus Mining       T13NR46ESEC18, NYE NV 89045......  103c
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--D&z Exploration     T28NR34ESEC32,...................  103c
                                    Company Lovelock, NV
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Dee Gold Mining     T37NR50ESEC6.....................  103c
                                    Company Elko, NV 89801.
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Double Eagle        T28NR34ESEC18....................  103c
                                    Inc.,lower Rochester
                                    Lovelock, NV 89419.
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Douglas County      T12NR21ESEC18, Gardnerville, NV    103c
                                    Landfill.                89410.
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Dresser Minerals,   T28NR46ESEC16, Battle Mountain NV  103c 3010
                                    Greyston Mine.           89820.
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Duval Corp. Mine    T31NR43ESEC23,24,25, Battle        103c
                                    Site.                    Mountain, NV 89820.
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Eisman Chemical     T34NR62ESEC32, Carlin, NV 89822..  103c
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Ely Crude Oil       T9NR57ESEC35, Ely, NV 89301......  103c
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Imco Services Inc.  T28NR44ESEC4 And T28NR46ESEC32,    103c
                                                             Battle Mountain, NV 89620.
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Intermountain       T26SR64ESEC9, Boulder City, NV     103c
                                    Exploration.             89005.
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Jupiter Gold        T33NR37ESEC1, Winnemucca, NV       103c
                                    Company.                 89445.
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Kemco Buster Mine.  T5SR39ESEC25,26, Goldfield, NV     103c
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Mcdermitt Mine....  T47NR37ESEC20212729, Mcdermitt,    103c 3010
                                                             NV 89421.
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Minerals            T35NR37ESEC12, Humboldt, NV 89445  103c
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Minerals            T3NR365SSEC65--between Hwy 6 &     103c
                                    Management, Inc.-        95, Columbus Marsh, NV 89010.
                                    Argentum Mill.
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Montello Shellite.  T40NR69ESEC34, Montello, NV 89830  103c
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Mt. Hope Mine.....  T22NR51ESEC12, Ely, NV 89301.....  103c
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Multi-Metallics     T37NR1ESEC25, Winnemucca, NV       103c
                                    Inc..                    89445.
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--New Pass Resources  T20NR40ESEC10, Austin, NV 89310..  103c
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Ormsby Landfill...  T15NR20-21ESEC1,12, 7700 Hwy 50e,  103c
                                                             Carson City, NV 89701.
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Osage Mill Site...  T24s R57e S27 Ne\1/4\ Sw\1/4\,     103c
                                                             Sandy Valley, NV 89019.
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Quinn River Valley  T43NR36ESEC18, Humboldt County,    103c 3016
                                                             NV 89445.
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Searchlight         T29S R63E S12, Searchlight, NV     103c
                                    Landfill.                89046.
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Silverado Mill      T18N R55E S19, 20 Mi N of Eureka,  3016 103c
                                    Site.                    Eureka, NV 89316.
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Smokey Valley       T10NR44ESEC18-20,29, Round         103c
                                    Mining Company.          Mountain, NV 89045.
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Standard Gold Mine  T30NR33ESEC1, Imlay, NV 89418....  103c
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Union Carbide Corp  T3SR56ESEC26, Lincoln, NV 89001..  103c
                                    (emerson Mine).
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Union Pacific R/w.  T8SR67ESEC23, Lincoln, NV 89008..  3016 103c
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Universal Gas Inc.  R35NR50ESEC10, Eureka, NV 89316..  103c
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Utah International  T34NR34ESEC35,36, Imlay, NV 89418  103c
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Veta Grande Mining  T11NR21ESEC3,4,9, Hwy 395s,        103c
                                    Company.                 Gardnerville, NV 89410.
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--West Coast Oil &    T19NR22ESEC26,36, 20 Mi E of Reno  3010 103c
                                    Gas Corp.                Off Hwy 80, Storey County, NV
NV...........  Interior..........  BLM--Western Windfall    T18NR53ESEC1,2, Eureka, NV 89316.  103c

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NY...........  Agriculture.......  Plum Island Animal       Plum Island, Orient Point, NY      3016 103c
                                    Disease Center.          11957.
NY...........  Air Force.........  Hancock Field..........  Taft And Thompson Roads, North     3010 3016 103c
                                                             Syracuse, NY 13212.
NY...........  Air Force.........  Niagara Falls Air Force  914 Tag/De PO Box F Lasalle        3005 3010 3016
                                    Reserve Facility.        Station, Niagara Falls IAP, NY     103c
NY...........  Air Force.........  Plant #38..............  Porter & Balmer Rds, Porter Twp,   3005 3010 3016
                                                             NY 14131.                          103c
NY...........  Air Force.........  Plant #59..............  600 Main Street, Johnson City, NY  3016 103c 3010
NY...........  Air Force.........  Stewart Air National     Stewart International Airport,     103c 3010 3016
                                    Guard Base.              Newburgh, NY 12550.
NY...........  Air Force.........  Youngstown Test Annex..  Balmer Rd, Porter Center, NY       103c 3016
NY...........  Army..............  Amherst Army Reserve     100 N Forest Rd, Buffalo, NY       3010 103c
                                    Center.                  14221.
NY...........  Army..............  Bellmore Maintenance     2755 Maple Ave, Bellmore, NY       3010 3016 103c
                                    Facility.                11710.
NY...........  Army..............  Elihu Root Army Reserve  96 Burrstone Rd, Utica, NY 13502.  3010 103c
NY...........  Army..............  Fort Hamilton..........  Ft Hamilton, Brooklyn, NY 11252..  3010 103c 3016
NY...........  Army..............  Fort Totten............  Bayside, Queens, NY 11359........  3010 103c 3016
NY...........  Army..............  Pfc Charles Deglopper    2393 Colvin Blvd, Tonawanda, NY    3010 103c
                                    Army Reserve Center.     14150.
NY...........  Army..............  Roosevelt Army Reserve   101 Oak St, Hempstead, NY 11550..  3010 103c
NY...........  Army..............  TSg H.C. Lockwood Army   111 Finney Blvd, Malone, NY 12953  3010 103c
                                    Reserve Center.
NY...........  Army..............  Watervliet Arsenal.....  Broadway, Watervliet, NY 12189...  3005 3010 3016
                                                                                                103a 103c
NY...........  Army..............  Webster Army             517 Old Ridge Road, Webster, NY    3010 103c
                                    Maintenance Support      14580.
NY...........  Army..............  West Point Military      Rt 9w--Bldg 733, West Point, NY    3005 3010 3016
                                    Academy.                 10996.                             103c 103a
NY...........  Defense Logistics   Verona Defense Fuel      Main St., Verona, NY 13478.......  3010 3016 103c
                Agency.             Support Point.
NY...........  Energy............  Colonie Interim Storage  1130 Central Ave, Colonie, NY      3005 3010 3016
                                    Site.                    12205.                             103c
NY...........   Energy...........  Knolls Atomic Power      Atomic Project Road West Milton,   3005 3010 3016
                                    Laboratory-Kesselring    NY 12020.                          103c 103a
NY...........  Energy............  Knolls Atomic Power      River Rd, Niskayuna, NY 12301-     3005 3010 3016
                                    Laboratory-Knolls Site.  1072.                              103c
NY...........  Energy............  Niagara Falls Storage    East of Route 18, North of         3016 103c
                                    Site.                    Pletcher, Lewistown, NY 14092.
NY...........  General Services    Brooklyn Information     29th & 3rd Ave, Door 15,           3010 103c
                Administration.     Agency.                  Brooklyn, NY 11232.
NY...........  General Services    Emmanuel Cellard         225 Cadman Plaza, Brooklyn, NY     3010 103c
                Administration.     Federal Building.        11201.
NY...........  General Services    Federal Building.......  252 7th Ave, New York, NY 10001..  3010 103c
NY...........  General Services    Merchandise Control      6 World Trade Center, New York,    3010 103c
                Administration.     Sales Section.           NY 10048.
NY...........  General Services    New York...............  201 Varick St, New York, NY 10014  3010 103c
NY...........  Interior..........  FWS--Iroquois National   PO Box 517, Alabama, NY 14003....  3016 103c
                                    Wildlife Refuge.
NY...........  Interior..........  FWS--Montezuma National  3395 Route 5 & 20 East, Seneca     3010 3016 103c
                                    Wildlife Refuge.         Falls, NY 13148.
NY...........  Interior..........  NPS--Fire Island         120 Luarel Street, Patchogue, NY   3016 3010 103c
                                    National Seashore.       11772.
NY...........  Interior..........  NPS--Gateway National    Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, NY  103c
                                    Recreational Area.       11234.
NY...........  Interior..........  NPS--United Nuclear....  Old Rte. 55, Pawling, NY 12564...  103c 3010
NY...........  Interior..........  Pennsylvania Ave/        Pennsylvania Ave, Shore Pkwy,      3010 103c
                                    Fountain Ave Landfills.  Brooklyn, NY 11207.
NY...........  Navy..............  Brooklyn Naval and       Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, NY  103c
                                    Marine Corps Reserve     11234.
NY...........  Navy..............  Fort Wadsworth.........  Ft. Wadsworth, Staten Island, NY   3010 103c
NY...........  Navy..............  Mitchel Field Housing    Navsta New York Housing Office,    103c 3010
                                    Facility.                Bldg. 19, West Road, Mitchel
                                                             Field, Garden City, NY 11530.
NY...........  Navy..............  Mitchel Manor Housing    Navsta New York Housing Office,    103c
                                    Facility.                85 A, Mitchel Avenue, East
                                                             Meadow, NY 11554.
NY...........  Navy..............  New York Naval Station.  207 Flushing Ave, Brooklyn, NY     3010 103c
NY...........  Navy..............  Rochester Naval          121 Lincoln Avenue, Rochester, NY  103c
                                    Industrial Reserve       14653.
                                    Ordinance Plant.
NY...........  Navy..............  Stapleton Naval Station  Stapleton, Staten Island, NY       3010 103c
NY...........  Postal Service....  Binghampton Post Office  111 Henry Street, Binghampton, NY  3010 103c
NY...........  Postal Service....  Manhattan General Mail   West 29th St and 9th Ave, New      3010 103c
                                    Facility.                York, NY 10001.
NY...........  Transportation....  Aids to Navigation Team  7063 Lighthouse Drive,             3010 103c
                                                             Saugerties, NY 12477.

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NY...........  Transportation....  Moriches Coast Guard     100 Moriches Island Rd, East       3010 103c
                                    Group.                   Moriches, NY 11940.
NY...........  Transportation....  Shinneock Coast Guard    Shinnecock Station, Hampton Bays,  3010 103c
                                    Station.                 NY 11946.
NY...........  Transportation....  Support Center           C/O US Coast Guard Group,          3010 103c
                                    Governor's Island.       Governor's Island, NY 10004.
NY...........  Transportation....  West Sayville IFS        Cherry Ave, West Sayville, NY      30310 3016 103c
                                    transmitter.             11796.
NY...........  Veterans Affairs..  Castle Point Hospital..  Rte. 9D, Castle Pt., NY 12511....  3010 103c
OH...........  Army..............  Columbus Defense         390 E. Broad St. Franklin County,  3005 3010 3016
                                    Construction Supply      Columbus, OH 43215.                103c
OH...........  Army..............  Lima Army Tank Center..  1155 Buckeye Rd, Allen County,     3010 3016 103c
                                                             Lima, OH 45804-1898.
OH...........  Corps of            Caesar Creek Lake        Bridge at Caesar Creek Lake,       3010
                Engineers, Civil.   Bridge.                  Waynesville, OH 45068.
OH...........  Corps of            West Fork Lake Bridge..  Bridge at West Fork Lake,          3010
                Engineers, Civil.                            Cincinnati, OH 45240.
OH...........  Defense...........  Dayton Defense           1507 Wilmington Pike, Montgomery   3010 3016 103c
                                    Electronic Supply        County, Dayton, OH 45444.
OH...........  Defense Logistics   Cincinnati Defense Fuel  4820 River Rd, Hamilton County,    3010 3016 103c
                Agency.             Support Plant.           Cincinnati, OH 45233.
OH...........  EPA...............  Andrew W. Breidenbach    26 W Martin Luther King Dr.,       3005 3010 3016
                                    Environmental Research   Cincinnati, OH 45268.              103c
OH...........  EPA...............  Center Hill Hazardous    5595 Center Hill Road,             3005 3010 3016
                                    Waste Engrg Research     Cincinnati, OH 45268.              103c
OH...........  EPA...............  Testing And Evaluation   1600 Gest St, Cincinnati, OH       3005 3010 3016
                                    Facility.                45204.                             103c
OH...........  NASA..............  Plum Brook Station.....  Taylor & Columbus Roads, Erie      3010 3016 103c
                                                             County Sandusky, OH 44870.         103a
OK...........  Agriculture.......  Grazinglands Research..  P.O. Box 1199, El Reno, OK 73036.  3016 103c
OK...........  Agriculture         Plant Sciences And       1301 N. Western Rd, Stillwater,    3016 103c
                Conservation        Water.                   OK 74076.
OK...........  Agriculture.......  Range And Pasture        2000 18th Street, Woodward, OK     103c 3016
                                    Research.                73801.
OK...........  Air Force.........  137th Tactical Airlift   Will Rogers World Airport,         103c
                                    Wing.                    Oklahoma City, OK.
OK...........  Air Force.........  Vance Air Force Base...  71 ABG/DE, Enid, OK 73702........  3005 3010 3016
OK...........  Army..............  Fort Sill Field          Bldg 1950, Fort Sill, OK 73503...  3005 3010 3016
                                    Artillery.                                                  103c
OK...........  Corps of            Fort Gibson Lake.......  Pryor, OK 74361..................  3016 103c
                Engineers, Civil.
OK...........  Corps of            Robert S. Kerr Lock Dam  Star Route 4, Sallisaw, OK 74063.  3005 3010 3016
                Engineers, Civil.   & Resevoir.                                                 103c
OK...........  Interior..........  BIA--Caddo County        SE/4 Sec7 T5N R11W SW/4 Sec8,      103c
                                    Landfill #1.             Apache, OK.
OK...........  Interior..........  FWS--Wichita Mountains   Rt 1, Indiahoma, OK 73552........  3016 103c
                                    National Wildlife
OR...........  Agriculture.......  FS--Lowell Ranger        Rd 1806-433 On Spur 447, Lowell,   3010 103c
                                    Station.                 OR 97452.
OR...........  Agriculture.......  Ochoco NF: Crooked       T12S R14E S34, Madras, OR 99741..  3010 103c
                                    River Grasslands.
OR...........  Agriculture.......  Siuslaw NF: Mt. Hebo     8 mi E. of Hwy 22, Hebo, OR 97122  103c 3010 3016
                                    Air Force Station.
OR...........  Agriculture.......  Willamette NF: Shiny     Highway 126 35 mi E of Cy,         3016 103c
                                    Rock Mine.               Eugene, OR 97440.
OR...........  Agriculture.......  Willamette NF: Sweet     4431 Hwy 20, Sweet Home, OR 97386  103c
                                    Home Work Center.
OR...........  Air Force.........  Keno Air Force Station.  Haymaker MT Rd Peak End of Rd,     3010 103c
                                                             Keno, OR 97627.
OR...........  Air Force.........  Kingsley Field.........  Joe Wright Rd, 5 Mi S of City,     3010 3016 103c
                                                             Klamath Falls, OR 97603.
OR...........  Air Force.........  North Bend Air National  T25S R13W Sec9, North Bend, OR     103c
                                    Guard Station.           97459.
OR...........  Army..............  COE--Astoria Field       Hwy 30 & Maritime Rd, Astoria, OR  3010 3016 103c
                                    Office.                  97103.
OR...........  Army..............  COE--North Pacific       1491 NW Graham Ave, Laboratory     3010 103c
                                    Division-Materials.      Troutdale, OR 97050.
OR...........  Army..............  COE--Portland 3 mile     I84 1.2 Mi W of Exit 147,          3010 103c
                                    Canyon Site.             Arlington, OR 97812.
OR...........  Army..............  COE--Portland Moorings   8010 NW St Helens Rd, Portland,    3010 103c
                                    Usaed.                   OR 97210.
OR...........  Army..............  COE--The Dalles Dam Air  Exit 88, The Dalles, OR 97058....  3010 103c
                                    Enforcement Division.
OR...........  Corps of            Willamette Falls Locks.  West Linn, West Linn, OR 97068...  103c 3016
                Engineers, Civil.
OR...........  Energy............  BPA--Alvey Substation..  86000 Franklin, Eugene, OR 97405.  3010 103c
OR...........  Energy............  BPA--Celilo Converter    3920 Columbia View Dr E, The       3010 103c
                                    Station.                 Dalles, OR 97058.
OR...........  Energy............  BPA--Oregon City         16885 Eaden Road, Oregon City, OR  103a 103c
                                    Substation: Ostrander.   97045.
OR...........  Energy............  BPA--Troutdale           Sundial Rd, Troutdale, OR 97060..  3010 103c

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OR...........  EPA...............  Corvallis Environmental  200 SW 35th St, Corvallis, OR      3010 103c
                                    Research Laboratory.     97333.
OR...........  Interior..........  BLM--Lytle Boulevard     T19SR46ESEC31T20R46, Vale, OR      3010 103c
                                    Dump.                    97918.
OR...........  Interior..........  BLM--Merlin Landfill...  T35SR62sec27, Merlin, OR 97532...  3016 103c
OR...........  Interior..........  BLM--Minexco Millsite..  T9SR42ESEC8, Baker, OR 97814.....  3016 103c
OR...........  Interior..........  BLM--Slides Dump Site..  T15SR46ESEC35, Lots 1, 2,          3016 103c
                                                             Ontario, OR 97914.
OR...........  Interior..........  BLM--Vale City Dumpsite  T18SR45ESEC32, Vale, OR 97918-     3010 103c
OR...........  Interior..........  BM--Albany Laboratory..  1450 SW Queen Ave, Albany OR       3010 3016 103c
OR...........  Interior..........  NPS--Crater Lake         Hwy 62, Crater Lake, OR 97604....  3010 103c
                                    National Park.
OR...........  Labor.............  Tongue Point Job Corps   Betwn Mp 95 & 96 Hwy 30, Astoria,  3010 103c
                                    Center.                  OR 97103.
OR...........  Transportation....  Astoria Coast Guard      Hwy 30 At Tongue Point, Astoria,   3010 103c
                                    Base.                    OR 97103.
OR...........  Transportation....  CG--Coos Bay Ant.......  4333 Boat Basin Rd, Charleston,    3010 103c
                                                             OR 97420.
OR...........  Transportation....  Portland Marine Safety   6767 N Basin, Portland, OR 97217.  3010 103c
                                    Coast Guard Station.
PA...........  Air Force.........  Greater Pittsburgh       911 TAG/DE, Pittsburgh, PA 15321.  3016 103c
                                    International Airport.
PA...........  Army..............  Charles E. Kelly         US Army, Oakdale, PA 15071.......  3010 103c
                                    Support Center.
PA...........  Army..............  Philadelphia Defense     2800 S 20th St, Philadelphia, PA   3005 3010 3016
                                    Personnel Support        19101.                             103c
PA...........  Energy............  Bettis Atomic Power      PO Box 109 Bettis Rd, West         3005 3010 3016
                                    Laboratory.              Mifflin, Borough, PA 15122-0109.   103c
PA...........  Interior..........  NPS--Gettysburgh         RD 1, Gettysburg, PA 17325.......  103c
                                    National Military Park.
PA...........  Interior..........  NPS--Valley Forge        Rte 23, Valley Forge, PA 19481...  103c 3010
                                    National Historic Park.
PR...........  Army..............  Camp Santiago..........  Route 1, Salinas, PR 00751.......  103c 3010 3016
PR...........  Army..............  Fort Buchanan..........  Route 28, San Juan, PR 00934.....  3005 3010 103c
PR...........  Energy............  Center For Energy And    Road 108 Km 1.1, Mayaquez, PR      3016 103c 3010
                                    Environmental Research.  00708.
PR...........  Navy..............  Ceiba Naval Station....  Roosevelt Roads, Ceiba, PR 00635.  3005 3010 3016
PR...........  Navy..............  Roosevelt Roads Naval    Villa Verde Street Drydock &       3005 3010 3016
                                    Station.                 Repair Facility Miramar, PR        103c
PR...........  Navy..............  Vieques East...........  Vieques, Vieques, PR 00765.......  103c 3005 3010
PR...........  Transportation....  Borinquen Coast Guard    Ramey Air Force Base, Aquadilla,   3010 103c
                                    Air Station.             PR 00604.
SC...........  Navy..............  Beaufort Naval Hospital  SC Highway 280, Beaufort, SC       3010
SC...........  Navy..............  Charleston Naval         Viaduct Road, Charleston, SC       3005 3010 3016
                                    Shipyard.                29408.
SD...........  Agriculture.......  Black Hills NF: Custer   647 North 3rd St, Custer, SD       3010 3016 103c
                                    Ranger District.         57730.
SD...........  Agriculture.......  Black Hills NF:          Spokane R6E, T25, SW\1/4\, SEC26,  103c 3016
                                    Munitions.               Spokane, SD.
SD...........  Tennessee Valley    Silver King Mines Inc..  US Hwy. 18, Edgemont, SD 57735...  3010 103c
TN...........  Army..............  Holston Army Ammunition  West Stone Drive, Kingsport, TN    3005 3010 3016
                                    Plant.                   37660.                             103c 103a
TN...........  Navy..............  Memphis Naval Air        Millington--Arlington Road,        3005 3010 3016
                                    Station.                 Millington, TN 38054.              103c
TN...........  Tennessee Valley    Allen Fossil Plant.....  2574 Plant Rd., Memphis, TN 38109  3005 3010 3016
                Authority.                                                                      103c 103a
TN...........  Tennessee Valley    Boone Hydro Plant......  TN Hwy 75/ 8 mi SE of Kingsport,   103a
                Authority.                                   TN 37662.
TN...........  Tennessee Valley    Bull Run Fossil Plant..  Edgemoor Rd., 6 mi SE of Oak       3010 103c
                Authority.                                   Ridge, Oak Ridge, TN 37930.
TN...........  Tennessee Valley    Cumberland Fossil Plant  815 Cumberland City Rd,            3010 103a 103c
                Authority.                                   Cumberland City, TN 37050.
TN...........  Tennessee Valley    Hartsville Site........  TN Hwy 25, Hartsville, TN 37050..  3010 103a 103c
TN...........  Tennessee Valley    John Sevier Fossil       TN Hwy 70E, Rogersville, TN 37134  3005 3010 103c
                Authority.          Plant.                                                      103a
TN...........  Tennessee Valley    Kingston Fossil Plant..  Off I-40 East, Kingston, TN 37763  3005 3010 103c
TN...........  Tennessee Valley    Sequoyah Nuclear Plant.  Hixson Pike Rd., Daisys, TN 37319  3005 3010 103c
                Authority.                                                                      103a
TN...........  Tennessee Valley    Watauga Hydro Plant....  Wilbur Dam Rd 5 mi E of            3010
                Authority.                                   Elizabethton, TN 37643.
TN...........  Tennessee Valley    Watts Bar Nuclear Plant  TN Hwy 68, Spring City, TN 37381.  3005 3010 103c
TX...........  Agriculture.......  Conservation and         \1/2\ mile W., T-40 S., Bushland,  3016 103c
                                    Production Research      TX 79012.
TX...........  Agriculture.......  Cotton Insects Research  Brownsville, TX 78520............  103c

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TX...........  Agriculture.......  Honey Bee Research       Weslaco, TX 78520................  103c
TX...........  Agriculture.......  Knipling--Bushland       Intersection SH 16 and IH 10,      3016
                                    Livestock Insects.       Laboratory, Kerrville, TX 78028.
TX...........  Agriculture.......  Subtropical Agriculture  Fm 1015, South Expressway 83,      3010 3016 103c
                                    Research Laboratory.     Weslaco, TX 76115.
TX...........  Air Force.........  147th Wing at Ellington  Clothier Avenue, Houston, TX       103c 3016 3010
                                    Field.                   77209.
TX...........  Air Force.........  Bergstrom Air Force      67 CSG/DE, Bergstrom AFB, TX       3005 3010 3016
                                    Base.                    78743.                             103c 103a
TX...........  Air Force.........  Dyess Air Force Base...  96 CSG/CC, Abilene, TX 79607.....  3005 3010 3016
                                                                                                103c 103a
TX...........  Air Force.........  Nederland Air National   Highway 69, Nederland, TX 77627..  103c
TX...........  Air Force.........  Sheppard Air Force Base  3750 ABG/DE, Wichita Falls, TX     3005 3010 3016
                                                             76311.                             103c
TX...........  Army..............  Canyon Lake Recreation   North Side of Canyon Lake (by      103c
                                    Area.                    Dam), San Antonio, TX 78234.
TX...........  Army..............  Corpus Christi Army      2022 Saratoga, Corpus Christi, TX  3005 3010 103c
                                    Maintenance Support      78415.                             103a
TX...........  Army..............  Fort Bliss Air Defense   Pershing Drive, Fort Bliss, TX     3005 3010 3016
                                    Center.                  79916.                             103c 103a
TX...........  Army..............  Fuels & Lubricant        6220 Cuevra, San Antonio, TX       103c
                                    Research Laboratory.     78284.
TX...........  Army..............  Saginaw Aircraft Plant.  Blue Mound Road Highway 156,       3010 103c
                                                             Saginaw, TX 76131.
TX...........  Army..............  Terrell Nike Missile     \1/2\ Mi E.of Hwy 205, Terrell,    103c
                                    Site.                    TX 75160.
TX...........  Corps of            Lake Lavon--North Gully  Highway 380, Wylie, TX 75077.....  3016 103c
                Engineers, Civil.   Site 1.
TX...........  Corps of            Lake Lavon--St Paul      S End Rolling Meadows St, Wylie    103c 3010
                Engineers, Civil.   Site 2.                  Tx, 75098.
TX...........  EPA...............  Houston Laboratory.....  6608 Hornwood Dr, Houston, TX      3010 103c
TX...........  Interior..........  FWS--Laguna Atascosa     P.O. Box 450, Rio Hondo, TX 78583  103c
                                    National Wildlife
TX...........  Interior..........  NPS--Padre Island        Park Road 22, Corpus Christi, TX   3010 3016 103c
                                    National Seashore Bone   78418.
TX...........  Justice...........  Bastrop Federal          Hwy95 8 mi NE of Bastrop,          3010 3016 103c
                                    Correctional             Bastrop, TX 78602.
TX...........  NASA..............  L.B. Johnson Space       2101 Nasa Road, Houston, TX 77058  3005 3010 3016
                                    Center.                                                     103a 103c
TX...........  Navy..............  Chase Field Naval Air    Sw 202 5 mi E. of Beeville,        3005 3010 103c
                                    Station.                 Beeville, TX 78103.
TX...........  Navy..............  Kingsville Naval Air     Military Highway, Kingsville, TX   3010 103c 103a
                                    Station.                 78363.
UT...........  Air Force.........  Plant #78..............  35 mi. NW of Brigham City, Mail    3010 3016 103c
                                                             Stop 250, Brigham City, UT 84302.
UT...........  Interior..........  BLM--Chevron Red Wash    T7SR7ESec22, Vernal, UT 84078....  3016 103c 103a
UT...........  Interior..........  BLM--Desert Mound Mine.  T35NR13WSec35, Cedar City, UT      3016 103c
UT...........  Interior..........  BLM--East Summit Mining  T31WR20WSec11,14, UT.............  3016 103c
UT...........  Interior..........  BLM--Frye Canyon         T36SR16ESec34, Hite, UT 84511....  3016 103c
UT...........  Interior..........  BLM--Mercur Canyon       Highway 73, East of Tooele Army    3016 103c
                                    Outwash.                 Depot, Tooele, UT 84074.
UT...........  Interior..........  BLM--Silver Maple        T2SR4ESec3,4 Utah Hwy 248, Park    3016 103c
                                    Claims.                  City, UT 84060.
UT...........  Interior..........  BLM--Snowville Landfill  T14N, R9W, Sec32, Snowville, UT    103c
UT...........  Interior..........  BLM--Wendover Landfill.  T1S, R19W, Sec3, Lots 1 And 2, 3   103c 3016
                                                             Mi E of Wendover, Wendover, UT
UT...........  Interior..........  Cottonwood Canyon......  T37SR21ESec3, Hite, UT 84511.....  3016 103c
UT...........  Interior..........  Ore Buying Station-Moab  T26SR22ESec6ParclABC, Moab, UT     3016 103c
VA...........  Air Force.........  Oyster Point             610 Thimble Shoals Blvd., Newport  103c
                                    Development Corp..       News, VA 23601.
VA...........  Army..............  Arlington Hall Station.  US Army, Warrenton VA 22186......  3010 103c
VA...........  Navy..............  Arlington Marine Corps   Henderson Hall, Arlington VA       103c
                                    Battalion Headquarters   22214.
VA...........  Navy..............  Roanoke Navy and Marine  5301 Barnes Ave, Roanoke VA 24019  3010 103c
                                    Corps Reserve.
WA...........  Agriculture.......  Okanogan NF: Alder       T33N R21E S24 QS SE Wm, Twisp, WA  103c
                                    Creek.                   98856.
WA...........  Agriculture.......  Okanogan NF: Bonaparte.  T39N R30E S10 Wm, Chesaw, WA       103c
WA...........  Agriculture.......  Okanogan NF: Eight Mile  T36N R21E S23 QSSE Wm, Ranch       103c
                                                             Winthrop WA 98862.
WA...........  Agriculture.......  Okanogan NF: Kerr......  T35 R24E S23 Wm, Conconully WA     103c
WA...........  Agriculture.......  Okanogan NF: Lost Lake.  T39N R30E S28&29 QSNE Wm, Orville  103c
                                                             WA 98844.
WA...........  Agriculture.......  Okanogan NF: Minnie      T32N R22E S23, 8 mi S of Twisp,    3016 103c
                                    Mine.                    Twisp, WA 98856.
WA...........  Agriculture.......  Okanogan NF: Tonasket..  T37N R27E S16 Wm, Okanogan River   103c
                                                             Valley, Tonasket WA 98855.
WA...........  Agriculture.......  Okanogan NF: Twisp.....  T33N R22E S17 SW\1/4\ NW\1/4\ Wm,  103c
                                                             Twisp, WA 98856.
WA...........  Agriculture.......  Pacific N.W. Forest      3625 93rd Ave S., Tumwater, WA     3016 103c
                                    Range Experiment         98501.

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WA...........  Agriculture.......  Wenatchee NF: Steliko..  T26N R20E S20 NW\1/4\ NW\1/4\ Wm,  103c
                                                             Ardenvoir WA 98811.
WA...........  Agriculture.......  Wenatchee NF: Vehicle    600 Sherbourne St, Leavenworth,    103c
                                    Wash Sump.               WA 98826.
WA...........  Air Force.........  Paine Field Air          2701 112th St SW, Everett, WA      103c 3010
                                    National Guard Station.  98204.
WA...........  Air Force.........  Seattle Air National     6736 Ellis Ave S, King Cnty Int'l  103c
                                    Guard Station.           Airprt, Seattle, WA 98108.
WA...........  Army..............  Redmond National Guard   17230 NE 95th Street, Redmond WA   103c
                                    Bureau.                  98052.
WA...........  Army..............  Yakima Firing Center...  Yakima Firing Center, Yakima, WA   3005 3010 3016
                                                             98901.                             103c
WA...........  Commerce..........  Economic Development--   Columbia Gardens, Pasco, WA......  103c 3016
                                    Columbia Gardens.
WA...........  Energy............  BPA--Bell Substation...  E 2400 Hawthorne Rd, Mead WA       3010 3016 103c
                                                             98021.                             103a
WA...........  Energy............  BPA--Columbia            St Hwy 28 6 mi S of Cy, Rock       3016 103c
                                    Substation.              Island, WA 98850.
WA...........  Energy............  BPA--Midway Substation.  Priest Rapids off Hwy 24,          3010 3016 103c
                                                             Sunnyside, WA 98944.
WA...........  Energy............  BPA--Olympia Substation  5240 Trosper St SW, Olympia, WA    3010 3016 103c
                                                             98512.                             103a
WA...........  Energy............  BPA--Port Angeles......  1400 E Park Street, Port Angeles,  103a 3010 103c
                                                             WA 98362.
WA...........  Energy............  BPA--Snohomish           10th & Avenue D, Snohomish WA      3010 3016 103c
                                    Substation.              98290.                             103a
WA...........  Interior..........  BLM--Enlo Powerhouse     T40NR27ESEC13, Oroville, WA 98844  103c
                                    Aka Similkameen.
WA...........  Interior..........  BLM--Oroville Landfill.  T40NR27ESEC18, Oroville, WA 98844  103c 3016
WA...........  Interior..........  BR--Chandler Power &     Old Inland Empire Hwy, Benton      103c
                                    Pumping Plant.           City, WA 99320.
WA...........  Interior..........  BR--Fort Simcoe Job      W end of Hwy 220 T10N R16E S21,    3010 103c
                                    Corps Center.            White Swan, WA 98952.
WA...........  Interior..........  BR--Grand Coulee Dam     Hwy 155 N of Jct Hwy 174, Coulee   3010 3016 103c
                                    Project.                 Dam, WA 99116.
WA...........  Interior..........  BR--Smith Wasteway.....  5 mi. E. of Pasco, Pasco, WA.....  3016 103c
WA...........  Navy..............  Camp Wesley Harris       Seabeck Hwy 3 mi W of Cy,          103c
                                    Marine Facility.         Bremerton, WA 98310.
WA...........  Navy..............  Jim Creek Naval Radio    4 miles East of State Highway 530  103c 3010
                                    Station T.               at Oso, Oso, WA 98223.
WA...........  Navy..............  Puget Sound Naval        7500 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle,   3010 103a 103c
                                    Station.                 WA 98115.
WA...........  Transportation....  FAA--Mica Peak.........  T24N, R45E, S14, Mica, WA 99023..  103c 3016
WA...........  Transportation....  Seattle Coast Guard      1519 Alaskan Way S, Seattle, WA    3010 3016 103c
                                    Support Center.          98134.
WA...........  Transportation....  Seattle Coast Guard      2700 W Commodore Way, Seattle, WA  3010 103c
                                    Support Center Annex.    98119.
WI...........  Agriculture.......  Forest Products          1 Gifford Pinchot Dr, Dane         3005 3010 3016
                                    Laboratory.              County, Madison, WI 53705.         103c
WI...........  Agriculture.......  Nicolet NF: Tipler Dump  0.51 mi E on Shannon Rd & Hwy      103c
                                                             139, Tipler Township, WI 54542.
WI...........  Army..............  Pewaukee Army Reserve    619 W Wisconsin Ave, Pewaukee, WI  3010 103c
                                    Center.                  53072.
WI...........  Interior..........  FWS--St. Croix Wetland   1618 220th Ave (rural area), St.   3010
                                    Management District.     Croix County, New Richmond, WI
WI...........  Transportation....  Milwaukee Coast Guard    2420 Lincoln Memorial Dr,          3010 103c
                                    Group Base.              Milwaukee, WI 53207.
WY...........  Agriculture.......  High Plains Grassland    8408 Hildreth Road, Cheyenne, WY   3016 103c
                                    Research Station.        82009.
WY...........  Energy............  Hoe Creek..............  Gillette, WY.....................  103c
WY...........  Energy............  WAPA--Casper Field Br..  W of Mt View on Spider Rd, Mills,  103c
                                                             WY 82644.
WY...........  Interior..........  BLM--Baroil Landfill...  T26NR90WSEC26, Baroil, WY........  103c
WY...........  Interior..........  BLM--Birch Creek Site..  T27NR113WSEC34, Worland, WY......  103c
WY...........  Interior..........  BLM--Boulder Landfill..  T31NR108WSEC3, Boulder, WY.......  103c
WY...........  Interior..........  BLM--Cody Landfill.....  T52NR101WSEC20, Cody, WY.........  103c
WY...........  Interior..........  BLM--N.W. Pipeline       SE\1/4\ NW\1/4\ Sec 18 T16N R92W,  3010 103c
                                    Barrel Sp.               Carbon, WY 82324.
WY...........  Interior..........  BLM--Old Lysite          T30NR91WSEC1, WY.................  103c
WY...........  Interior..........  BLM--Riverton Landfill.  T34NR96WSEC26, 1/2 mi E of         103c
                                                             Riverton, Riverton, WY 82501.
WY...........  Interior..........  BLM--South Bighorn       T52NR93WSEC20, WY................  103c
                                    County Landfill.
WY...........  Interior..........  BLM--Worland Landfill..  T47NR93WSEC23, Worland, WY.......  103c

[FR Doc. 97-16517 Filed 6-26-97; 8:45 am]


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