Table 2-4: Key Provisions of Safety Belt Use Laws: 2002,,,,,, State,Effective1,Enforcement2, Fine,,Seats covered,Vehicles exempted9 Alabama,7/18/1992,Primary,$25 ,,Front,"Designed for >10 passengers; model year <1965. Exemptions for medical reasons, rural mail carriers, and paper delivery." Alaska,9/12/1990,Secondary,$15 ,,All,School bus. Arizona,1/1/1991,Secondary,$10 ,,All,Designed for >10 passengers; model year < 1972. Arkansas,7/15/1991,Secondary,$25 ,,Front,"School, church, or public bus; model year <1968." California,1/1/1986,Primary,$20 ,,All,None. Colorado,7/1/1987,Secondary,$17 ,,Front,"Passenger bus, school bus, farm tractor, implements of husbandry." Connecticut,1/1/1986,Primary,$37 ,,Front,"Truck or bus >15,000 lbs." Delaware,1/1/1992,Secondary,$20 ,,Front,Postal service vehicles. District of Columbia,12/12/1985,Primary,$50 ,5,All,Seating >8 people. Florida,7/1/1986,Secondary,$30 ,,Front,"School bus, public bus, truck >5,000 lbs." Georgia,9/1/1988,Primary,$15 ,,Front,Designed for >10 passengers; pickup truck. Hawaii,2/16/1985,Primary,$45 ,,Front,"Bus or school bus >10,000 lbs." Idaho,7/1/1986,Secondary,$5 ,,Front,">8,000 lbs." Illinois,7/1/1985,Secondary,$25 ,,Front,None. Indiana,7/1/1987,Primary,$25 ,,Front,"Truck, tractor, RV." Iowa,7/1/1986,Primary,$25 ,,Front,None. Kansas,7/1/1986,Secondary,$10 ,,Front,"Designed for >10 people; truck >12,000 lbs." Kentucky,7/13/1994,Secondary,$25 ,,All,Designed for >10 people. Louisiana,7/1/1986,Primary,$25 ,,Front,Designed for >10 people; model year <1981. Maine,12/27/1995,Secondary,$25-$50,,All seats , Maryland,7/1/1986,Primary,$25 ,,Front,Historic vehicle. Massachusetts,2/1/1994,Secondary,$25 ,,All seats,"Truck >18,000 lbs; bus and taxi operators." Michigan,7/1/1985,Primary,$25 ,,Front,"Taxi, bus, school bus." Minnesota,8/1/1986,Secondary,$25 ,,Front,Farm pickup truck. Mississippi,3/20/1990,Secondary,$25 ,,Front,"Farm vehicle, bus; exemptions for medical reasons and letter carriers." Missouri,9/28/1985,Secondary,$10 ,,Front,"Designed for >10 people; truck >12,000 lbs." Montana,10/1/1987,Secondary,$20 ,,All,Specially licensed motor vehicles and vehicles that make frequent stops. Nebraska,1/1/1993,Secondary,$25 ,,Front,Model year <1973. Nevada,7/1/1987,Secondary,$25 ,,All,"Taxi, bus, school bus." New Hampshire,None,No adult law,NA,,NA,"School bus, vehicle for hire; model year <1968." New Jersey,3/1/1985,Primary,$20 ,6,Front,None., New Mexico,1/1/1986,Primary,$25 ,5,All,">10,000 lbs.", New York,12/1/1984,Primary,$50-$100,7,Front,"Bus, school bus, taxi, emergency vehicle.", North Carolina,10/1/1985,Primary,$25 ,,Front,Designed for >10 people., North Dakota,7/14/1994,Secondary,$20 ,,Front,Designed for >10 people., Ohio,5/6/1986,Secondary,$25 ,,Front,None., Oklahoma,2/1/1987,Primary,$20 ,,Front,"Farm vehicle, truck, truck tractor, RV.", Oregon,12/7/1990,Primary,$75 ,,All,"Newspaper, mail, meter, transit vehicle.10", Pennsylvania,11/23/1987,Secondary3,$10 ,,Front,"Truck >7,000 lbs.", Rhode Island,6/18/1991,Secondary,$50 ,,All,"Manufactured before July 1, 1966; letter carriers; persons with physical/medical reasons, with a note from a licensed physician.", South Carolina,7/1/1989,Secondary,$10 ,,All,"School bus, public bus; vehicle with no belts in rear seating areas.", South Dakota,1/1/1995,Secondary,$20 ,,Front,"Passenger bus, school bus.", Tennessee,4/21/1986,Secondary,$10 ,,Front,">8,500 lbs.", Texas,9/1/1985,Primary,$25-$50,,Front,"Designed for >10 people, truck over 15,000 lbs, farm vehicle.", Utah,4/28/1986,Secondary,$45 ,,All,None., Vermont,1/1/1994,Secondary,$10 ,,All,"Bus, taxi.", Virginia,1/1/1988,Secondary,$25 ,,Front,"Designed for >10 people, taxi." Washington,6/11/1986,Primary4,$86 ,,All,Designed for >10 people. West Virginia,9/1/1993,Secondary,$25 ,,Front,Designed for >10 people. Wisconsin,12/1/1987,Secondary,$10 ,,All,"Taxi, farm truck." Wyoming,6/8/1989,Secondary,$25,8,All,Persons with physical/medical exemption documented by physician's signature; postal vehicles; children riding in child seats as required by law. "1Effective date of first belt law in the state; 2Primary enforcement enables police officers to stop vehicles and write citations whenever they observe a violation of the seat belt law. Secondary enforcement allows police officers to write a citation for seat belt infractions only after stopping a vehicle for some other traffic infraction; 3Pennsylvania's fine is $10, but with court, EMS, judicial, and computer costs the ticket total is $51.50; 4Effective June 2002; 5Plus 2 points on license; 6$20 for seat belt violation, $10-$25 for child seat violation; 7Plus 3 points on license. Front seat passengers 16 and older can be fined up to $50 and drivers can be fined up to $100 for each passenger under 16 not wearing a seat belt; 8Fine for driver is $25, fine for passengers over 12 years is $10; 9Most states exempt vehicles not manufactured with seatbelts; 10Police/emergency vehicles exempted in some situations.",,,,,, KEY: NA = not applicable; RV = recreational vehicle.,,,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Traffic Safety Facts 2003 Early Edition, Washington, DC: 2004, available at as of Oct. 27, 2004.",,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,,