40-km MAPS/RUC variables

40-km MAPS/RUC variables

6/2/97 - updated List of 40km variables now being produced in experimental MAPS

NOTE: These lists may undergo some slight modifications. ----------- maps_data 3-d fields

2-d fields (some available for fcst only; e.g., precip,fluxes)

maps_fcst -- same as for maps_data but also including:

maps_pres -- isobaric fields

maps_spec -- special level fields

maps_mean - mean layer fields

The 3 mean layers are: 0-30 hPa above ground, 60-90 hPa, and 150-180 hPa.

maps_sfc -- surface fields (temp, dewpoint and pressure on minimum topography field

maps_mords -- additional 2-d fields for GCIP MORDS

This page prepared by Stan Benjamin

Last updated: 3 June 97