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Title Applications of fluid dynamics
Creator/Author Round, G.R. ; Garg, V.K.
Publication Date1986 Jan 01
OSTI IdentifierOSTI ID: 6031026
Resource TypeBook
Subject420400 -- Engineering-- Heat Transfer & Fluid Flow; FLUID MECHANICS-- MANUALS;FLUID MECHANICS-- REVIEWS; FLUID FLOW
Description/Abstract This book describes flexible and practical approach to learning the basics of fluid dynamics.^ Each chapter is a self-contained work session and includes a fluid dynamics concept, an explanation of the principles involved, an illustration of their application and references on where more detailed discussions can be found.
PublisherEdward Arnold,Baltimore, MD
Country of PublicationUnited States
FormatPages: 416
AvailabilityEdward Arnold Publishers, 300 North Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21201.
System Entry Date2001 May 13
