The Federal Bulletin Board (FBB) User's Guide The FBB is a Free Service of the U.S. Government Printing Office MAILING ADDRESS ------------------------------------------------- U.S. Government Printing Office 732 North Capitol Street, NW Mail Stop: SDE Washington, DC 20402 INTERNET ADDRESS ------------------------------------------------- Telnet/FTP: WWW access: USER SUPPORT ------------------------------------------------ Phone: (202) 512-1530 FAX: (202) 512-1262 Help address: ************************************************************************ T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 PUBLIC ACCESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 3 SERVICE AVAILABILITY AND USER ASSISTANCE . . . . . . . . . . . .. .3 ACCESS PRIVILEGES 3 Accessing The Federal Bulletin Board as a New User. . . . . . . 3 Downloading a Copy of This User's Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Calling The Federal Bulletin Board. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 OVERVIEW 5 Standard Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Concatenated Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 GENERAL SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 ORDERING PRODUCTS FROM GPO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 ELECTRONIC MAIL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 The Messaging System: E-Mail Services for Users . .. . . . . . 12 Files Attached to Messages: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 ELECTRONIC MAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 The Default or Next Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 F ... Read messages from you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 W ... Write a message . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 15 A ... Attach a file to this message . . . . . . . . . . . 16 R ... Request return receipt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 P ... Mark message as priority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 M ... Modify the message text or topic . . . . . . . . . . . 16 ACCOUNT INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 USING THE /GO COMMAND TO ACCESS BULLETIN BOARD SERVICES . . . . . . . 16 The Find Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 FILE DOWNLOADING SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 SPECIAL SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 What's New and Hot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 FBB Information Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 USING THE INTERNET TO ACCESS THE FBB . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 WORLD-WIDE WEB AND THE FBB - HYPERTEXT AND GRAPHICS FOR INTERNET USERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 TELNET CLIENT - CONNECTING TO A REMOTE COMPUTER ON THE INTERNET . . . . . . . .19 TELNET AND THE FBB - CONNECTING TO THE FBB FROM THE INTERNET. . . . . .19 File Transfer via Unix Telnet: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 File Transfer via COMt: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 FTP - GETTING FILES FROM, OR PUTTING FILES ON, THE FBB 20 Anonymous FTP access: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Deleting or overwriting files: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 File mode: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 TCP/Connect II: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 FTP Supported commands: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 *********************************************************************** INTRODUCTION ---------------------- The Federal Bulletin Board (FBB) is a free service of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO). This electronic bulletin board service (BBS) enables Federal agencies to provide the public immediate, self-service access to Federal information in electronic form. The BBS permits users to identify, select and transfer electronic files to their own personal computers quickly and easily through the File Library System. It supports direct ordering for a selection of GPO sales items in the Ordering Service. The E-Mail Service allows users to direct their comments or inquiries to GPO and some of the Federal agencies that participate in the BBS. To contact GPO, send your E-Mail message to one of the following designated addresses: Sysop via the FBB or via Internet E-mail. PUBLIC ACCESS Equipment Requirements The Federal Bulletin Board may be accessed in four ways: (1) via telephone in dial-up mode or via the Internet through (2) telnet, (3) FTP, and (4) the World Wide Web. * For dial-in mode, a user needs a personal computer, a modem, a telecommunications software package and a telephone line. The BBS will accommodate baud rates ranging from 300 to 14,400. Modem settings are 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit (8N1). Modems should be set with automatic baud rate adjustment off. A hard disk is recommended for file transfers. * For Internet access a user needs Internet connectivity. Users can telnet or FTP to:; users can access the FBB via the World Wide Web (WWW) at Service Availability and User Assistance The Federal Bulletin Board is available 22 hours each day, seven days a week. It is unavailable from 3:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m., Eastern Time, when routine maintenance is performed. User assistance for The Federal Bulletin Board is available from 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time, Monday through Friday (except Federal holidays) by calling the GPO Office of Electronic Information Dissemination Services (EIDS) at (202) 512-1530, send Email to, or by FAX at (202)512-1262. Access Privileges Access is free. There is no membership or subscription fees required to access The Federal Bulletin Board. There are no charges for time spent browsing, reading or downloading files, or using the E-Mail services. All users can browse in the File Library System and download files from file areas by selecting one of the options from the MAIN MENU. All users can order publications from GPO. All users can send and receive E-Mail. All Users are limited to 60 minutes of free time per session, but there is no limit on the number of times they can call the BBS. Accessing The Federal Bulletin Board as a New User If you have never used a BBS before, this document is intended to help you learn your way around. A few basics to keep in mind: if you want to exit from wherever you are in the system, type X ENTER. Most selections and commands must be followed by ENTER. On menus (and most prompts) you may also type ? ENTER for help. Otherwise, type a letter or number from the list of options provided by menus and prompts. Sometimes you'll type more than one character, such as when entering a filename.ext or writing a message. This document will help you get started using FBB, and will be a reference for later, even after you've found your way around. Downloading a Copy of This User's Guide At the conclusion of the new user registration, you will receive a message that says: You have new E-mail. Do you wish to see it now? (Y/N) All new users receive an E-Mail message with a copy of this User's Guide attached. To read the message now, enter Y and press RETURN. If you enter N, you will go directly to the MAIN MENU. You can read or download the User's Guide when you are ready by selecting J from the MAIN MENU, and then typing 2R at the ELECTRONIC MAIL MENU. If you need another copy of this manual, you may download the USER.DOC file attached to your E-Mail message. Calling The Federal Bulletin Board When you first call into FBB, you're asked to sign up, creating an account for yourself. If you're online reading this document, you must have already signed up, and should now have a User-ID and password that you can use from now on. When you call in, all you have to do is enter in your User-ID and then your password. The system remembers who you are, and starts by telling you if you have any mail waiting (it may also ask you if you want to read it right away). You might also get some other important notices, but you'll eventually be taken to the MAIN menu. The MAIN menu is the first menu on the system. The various selections on this menu go to different areas of the system. Here's what the MAIN menu looks like: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ THE FEDERAL BULLETIN BOARD A service of the U.S. Government Printing Office ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A - What's New at GPO! B - GPO ACCESS - Online Databases; Information ------------------------------------------------ C - Congress and Legislative Agencies D - Federal Register and CFR (Selected) E - White House and Federal Agencies F - U.S. Supreme Court and other Federal Courts G - Miscellaneous File Areas ------------------------------------------------ H - General Information on the Government Printing Office I - Federal Depository Library Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- J - Email, Order Products Online, News Bulletins, etc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- S - Search for a File by Name, Date, or Keyword T - List Files Uploaded 19-JUN-96 X - EXIT (Logoff the Board) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Please enter the selection of your choice: NOTE: Whenever you respond to a BBS question or select a menu option, you must press your RETURN or ENTER key to send your response to the BBS. SERVICES OF THE FEDERAL BULLETIN BOARD Overview This section contains information on the services available from the MAIN MENU. There are three types of services: General Services, File Downloading Services, and Special Services. Special Services include (A) What's New and Hot and (J1) the BBS Information Center. General Services include: Ordering Products from GPO, Electronic Mail, Account/Registry Information, and GO TO hot keys. Since the FBB now also serves an oficial Internet site, there is a section in the manual about using the Internet. File Downloading Services are available through MAIN MENU options (A) through (I). Starting from the MAIN MENU, you can browse the file lists, review file descriptions, and transfer selected files to your own personal computer, quickly and easily. Although full-text searching of the file contents is not available, you can search by file name, date, and keywords. Only ASCII text files can be displayed (listed) to the screen. Other files must be downloaded before they can be read. Standard Commands On each BBS menu you will find letters and numbers that can be used to activate the various features of the BBS. The commands below are constant throughout the program: X Exits to a prior menu or logs off the system from the MAIN MENU. ? Brings up the On-Line Help screens or the full version of a Quick (abbreviated) Menu. CTRL S Suspends temporarily scrolling of information on the screen CTRL R Resumes scrolling of information on the screen WARNING!! The system will automatically disconnect if no commands are typed or carriage returns entered for 10 minutes. Concatenated Commands One of the useful features of the BBS is that you can avoid viewing every menu in a series by using a string of commands, also called concatenated commands. The BBS permits concatenating or stacking up to 16 commands. If you know the sequence of commands that is required to complete an activity, you can type all of the commands on a single line and avoid stopping at each intermediate menu. General Services General Services of the FBB include: Ordering Products from GPO, Electronic Mail, Account Information, and GO TO or "hot keys". Ordering Products from GPO The following GPO Online Ordering services are available: B ... Browse through stores and departments K ... Keyword search through all stores and departments ? ... Help X ... Exit GPO Online Ordering GPO ONLINE ORDERING Select an option: ? HELP - Main Menu You are at the main menu of GPO Online Ordering. Select B to begin browsing products by store and department. Select K to search through all stores and departments by a keyword. Press X to exit GPO Online Ordering. Select an option: B - Browse HELP - Browse Menu You are at the browse menu. You may select a different store with S, and a different department with D. To view products in the selected department, use P. Select K to search through the currently selected store and department (if there are any; if there aren't, it will search all stores and/or departments). 1 will bring up information on the current store, and 2 will bring up information on the current department. Press C to edit your customer registry. Press E to write E-Mail to the store manager of the current store, if one exists. X will bring you back to the main menu. Select an option: X The following GPO Online Ordering services are available: B ... Browse through stores and departments K ... Keyword search through all stores and departments ? ... Help X ... Exit GPO Online Ordering GPO ONLINE ORDER MODULE Select an option: K HELP - Keyword searches You are being asked to input a keyword to search for. Input it here, or enter X to exit to the browse menu. Enter a keyword to search for, or X to exit: GPO Browse Menu Current Store: CD-ROM Products Sold by GPO - CDROM Current Department: Tax Information on CD-ROM - TAX S ... Select a new store D ... Select a new department P ... Product listing K ... Keyword search 1 ... Store information 2 ... Department information C ... Your customer information E ... E-mail store manager ? ... Help GPO BROWSE Select an option: S - Select a Store from the List Below Code Title - --------- ---------- A CDROM CD-ROM Products Sold by GPO B DISKETTE GPO Diskette Products C FILES Downloadable Products (Files) D MAGTAPE Magnetic Tapes for Sales E PAPER GPO Print Publications ? ... Help X ... Exit GPO STORES Select a code or option: ? HELP - Store Selection You are changing the store you are in. Select a store by entering the code from the list. You may also use X to return to the browse menu without selecting any store. Select a code or option: B - Diskette Store GPO Browse Menu Current Store: GPO Diskette Products(Note the change from CD-ROM to Diskette Products) Current Department: GPO ACCESS PRODUCTS S ... Select a new store D ... Select a new department P ... Product listing K ... Keyword search 1 ... Store information 2 ... Department information C ... Your customer registry E ... E-mail store manager ? ... Help GPO BROWSE Select an option: D (to display a list of Departments under the Diskette Store) Code Title - --------- ---------- A ACCESS GPO ACCESS PRODUCTS B BUDGET BUDGET C GOVT U.S. Government Manual D HCFA Health Care Financing Admin. E ITC Intl Trade Commission-HTS F MM Merchant Marine Study Q&A - --------- ---------- ? ... Help X ... Exit GPO DEPARTMENTS Select a code or option: ? HELP - Department Selection You are changing the department you are in. Select a department by entering the code from the list. You may also use X to return to the browse menu without selecting any department. Select a code or option: A (Selects GPO Access Products) GPO Browse Menu Current Store: GPO Diskette Products Current Department: GPO ACCESS PRODUCTS S ... Select a new store D ... Select a new department P ... Product listing K ... Keyword search 1 ... Store information 2 ... Department information C ... Your customer registry E ... E-mail store manager ? ... Help GPO BROWSE Select an option: P (Now you can view Products listed in this department) Code Title - ---------------- ------------------ A MAC CLIENT EINet MacWAIS Client Software;Macintosh B WINDOWS CLIENT EINet WinWAIS Client Software (Windows) - ---------------- ------------------ ? ... Help X ... Exit GPO PRODUCTS Select a code or option: ? HELP - Product Selection You are selecting a product to view. Choose a product with the code from the list. You may also use X to return to the browse menu. Select a code or option: B (WINDOWS CLIENT is selected for purchase) [Information about this product is seen on the next screen:] Store Code: DISKETTE Department Code: ACCESS Product Code: WINDOWS CLIENT Product Title: EINet WinWAIS Client Software (Windows) Windows client software for use with the GPO ACCESS online systems diskette GPO Access download windows WAIS electronic ELECTRONIC ---------- ---------- Diskette Retail price: 15.00 Handling 1st: 0.00 Handling additional: 0.00 A ... Download abstract file O ... Order this product X ... Exit Select an option: O (Order this product; A - Abstract file lists further information about the product) Format -------------- A) Diskette B) Download -------------- ? ... Help X ... Exit Select a format or an option from the list: ? HELP - Ordering a product - format Select a product format at this menu. Most files that can be downloaded can also be sold on a diskette; Users can only download a product when using a credit card (MasterCard or VISA) to purchase the product. Press X to exit to the product format menu. Select an option or code: A (DISKETTE format) How many do you wish to order? 1 This product has been added to your order. Press to continue... (At this point, you are returned to the BROWSE menu in case users want to order other GPO products online. GPO Browse Menu Current Store: GPO Diskette Products Current Department: GPO ACCESS PRODUCTS S ... Select a new store D ... Select a new department P ... Product listing K ... Keyword search 1 ... Store information 2 ... Department information C ... Your customer registry E ... E-mail store manager I ... Your order ? ... Help GPO BROWSE Select an option: C - Your customer registry GPO Online Ordering Customer Registry Editor +Bill to---------------------------------------------------+ Control Panel Company: xxx +-------------+ Name: TAB - Select Address: - Select Address: - Select City: ^F - Insert State: ZIP Code: ^G - Save Country: ^O - Quit Voice Phone: Fax Phone: +-------------+ +----------------------------------------------------------+ +Ship to---------------------------------------------------+ Contact: Company: xxx Address: Address: City: State: ZIP Code: Country: Voice Phone: +----------------------------------------------------------+ Exit: (select (S)ave or (Q)uit and hit enter) GPO Browse Menu Current Store: GPO Diskette Products Current Department: GPO ACCESS PRODUCTS S ... Select a new store D ... Select a new department P ... Product listing K ... Keyword search 1 ... Store information 2 ... Department information C ... Your customer registry E ... E-mail store manager I ... Your order ? ... Help GPO BROWSE Select an option: I (Information about the users order) C ... Clear Order (Clears the order entirely) D ... Remove an item from your order (Remove one or more items) E ... Edit an item on your order (Edit format, payment data, etc.,) V ... View your order (Displays the order) S ... Submit your order (Submit to GPO for processing) X ... Exit to browse menu ? ... Help GPO ORDER Select an option: ? HELP - Order menu The order menu allows you to manipulate your order for the current store. Press V to view your order. Select E to edit an item on your order. Press D to remove an item from the order. Press X to return to the browse menu. Select an option: C ... Clear Order D ... Remove an item from your order E ... Edit an item on your order V ... View your order S ... Submit your order X ... Exit to browse menu ? ... Help GPO ORDER Select an option: S (GPO accepts MasterCard, VISA, and GPO Deposit Account for products ordered on the FBB. When DOWNLOAD is selected as a format, ONLY credit cards are accepted.) No. Payment option --- ---------------- 1 VISA 2 Mastercard --- ---------------- Select one: 1 GPO Online Ordering Payment Options Name on Credit Card: Credit Card billing address: Credit Card billing address ZIP code: Credit Card number: Credit Card expiration date (MMYY): Control Menu +-------------------------------+ TAB - Select ^F - Insert _ - Select ^G - Save _ - Select ^O - Quit _ +-------------------------------+_ _________________________________ Exit: (select SAVE or QUIT and hit Enter) GPO ORDER Select an option: V No. Dept Product Code Format 1 Format 2 Quan UnitPrice TotPrice --- -------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ----- --------- --------- 1 ACCESS WINDOWS CLIENT Diskette 1 15.00 15.00 --- -------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ----- --------- --------- Subtotal 15.00 C ... Clear Order D ... Remove an item from your order E ... Edit an item on your order V ... View your order S ... Submit your order X ... Exit to browse menu ? ... Help GPO ORDER Select an option: X GPO BROWSE Select an option: x You have not submitted your order! Do you want to forget about it? Y ... Yes, forget about current order and exit N ... No, do not exit and keep it S ... Submit the order Pick one: Electronic Mail Choose J2 - Electronic Mail from the MAIN MENU to enter the E-Mail Service. Anyone can read Electronic Mail (E-Mail) addressed to them or write E-Mail messages to the GPO, participating Federal agencies and other known USER_IDs. You can enter /GO EMAIL_LIST at any place that you can enter commands to obtain a list of useful E-Mail addresses. Each time you sign on, you are automatically notified if E-Mail messages are waiting for you. You should read your messages frequently and erase your messages after you read them. The Messaging System: E-Mail Services for Users Messages are the building blocks of one main area of FBB: E-mail:private messages from one user to another For example, when you write an electronic mail message, you can send it to one user, and send a carbon copy to another user. Or you can reply privately to the author of that message, and other users won't see that reply. And one way to erase a message you wrote is to use the E-mail Read command to find it and then erase it. Electronic messages consist of: o Header o Body o File attached (optional) The header contains information like who the message is to, who it's from, what the topic is, and when it was written. Here's the header of a typical e-mail message: Date: Thursday, April 23, 1992 12:37pm Electronic Mail From: MichelleMsg#: 20483 To: Jessica Rodier *RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED* Re: for trade show in Phoenix (Reply to #20461, Reply to #20409) Message Topic, Re: Each time you write a new message, you need to give it a topic. When you reply to a message, you inherit the topic of the original message. Message Body: You can compose the body of a message you're writing using the editor. You'll get the full screen editor if you have an ANSI-compatible terminal. Otherwise you'll use a line-oriented editor. Reading a message displays the message body on your terminal. Whenever you read a message's body, the FBB makes a note not to include that message again when you scan for new messages. Message Number: The FBB issues a new sequential message number each time anyone writes a new message. A private electronic mail message to one user has a unique message number on the FBB. This message number is used to jump directly to a message you want to read or reply to. Files Attached to Messages: When you write an e-mail or forum message, you usually have the option of attaching a file to the message. You upload the file after you write the message. Then, anyone who reads the message gets the option of downloading the file. Electronic Mail Electronic mail is a powerful and efficient way to send detailed messages to individuals who need not be there when the message arrives. Messages can also deliver attached document or program files, a major improvement over transferring files by floppy disk or copying them across a network in hopes that the intended recipient will see them. E-mail has become a common service on local area networks (LANs) in businesses. It is also common on wide area systems such as the Internet and CompuServe. The two areas evolved independently, however, and have only recently started to share messages with each other. Some producers of e-mail products have been slow to acknowledge the value of connecting with each other. The following E-mail services are available: R ... Read messages to you W ... Write a message M ... Modify a message E ... Erase a message F ... Read messages from you X ... Exit from E-mail Select an option (R,W,M,E,F,X to exit, or ? for more info): The FBB keeps track of the messages that were written to you and the messages that you have written to others. In Box messages TO you messages others wrote to you Out Box messages FROM youmessages you wrote to someone else R ... Read messages to you You have these options for where to start your reading: ENTER or period (.) Start with the next message you haven't read yet FStart with the earliest message in your In Box LStart with the very latest message in your In Box Start with a specific message number The Default or Next Message You'll probably call into the FBB regularly to get your latest messages. Some of your messages are not urgent, or they require more work to reply to, or you just want to keep them around for a while. FBB tries to distinguish between new messages and messages you've already read by remembering the highest numbered message you've ever read from your In Box. This isn't perfect, but if you're careful to read your messages in order, you might find it very handy for keeping your urgent mail and your not-so-important mail separated. When you Read messages to you and press ENTER when it asks for a message number, you'll get the message that's one higher than the highest numbered message that you've already read. You can do the same thing in one step by typing R. (R period) from the E-mail menu. Similarly, RF reads the first (oldest) message in your In Box, and RL reads the last (most recent) message. After each message you read, you'll be prompted: (R)eply, (E)rase, (C)opy, (F)orward, (B)acktrack, (P)revious, or (N)ext? (R)eply Write a new message To the person who wrote this message (E)rase Delete this message from the FBB (C)opy Keep this message but send a copy to another User-ID (F)orward Send a copy to another User-ID and delete your copy (B)acktrack Read the message which inspired this message, if available (P)revious Read the message in your In Box immediately below this one (N)ext Read the message in your In Box immediately above this one Power User Tip: If you can't respond to a message immediately, you can make it new again by forwarding it to yourself. F ... Read messages from you Messages from you include all the e-mail and forum messages you've written which are still on the FBB. After each e-mail message you read, you'll be prompted: (M)odify, (E)rase, (C)opy, (P)revious, or (N)ext? (M)odify Edit a message you wrote, even after it's been sent (E)rase Delete a message even after it's been sent (C)opy Leave a message as is but carbon copy it to another User-ID (P)revious Read the message you wrote immediately before this one (N)ext Read the message you write immediately after this one If your Preferences include forum messages in your E-mail In Box, after each forum message you read you'll be prompted: (R)eply, (E)mail reply, (C)lear, (T)hread, (P)rev, or (N)ext? The (C)lear command removes the copy of this message from your E-mail In Box without erasing the original from the forum. See the Forums section below for more details on the other options. Power User Tip: To reply to a message, then forward the original message to a third user, type F R ENTER all on one line. W ... Write a message You can write an electronic mail message To: a specific user ENTER the Sysop When writing to an individual user, if you can't remember his or her exact User-ID, type in the first few letters of your best guess and fBB will try to find a match. Once you finish typing the message, you Save the message. In the Full-Screen Editor (FSE), you save by pressing CTRL+G. In the Line Editor, you save by typing S ENTER from command mode or /S ENTER from entry mode. Either way, you'll next receive this list of options: Before sending this message, you may: A ... Attach a file to this message R ... Request return receipt P ... Mark message as priority M ... Modify the message text or topic Select a write option or press ENTER to send message: IMPORTANT: Typing X ENTER at this prompt ABANDONS your message. It is not sent and is erased from the FBB. All of these choices are circular: once they perform their function, you are returned to this prompt. In order to send your message, you must finally press ENTER at this prompt. Once you do, you'll receive a confirmation such as: <<< CONFIRMED: MESSAGE #1789332 WRITTEN TO DISK >>> A ... Attach a file to this message This will next prompt you for a file transfer protocol (XMODEM, etc.) and will then upload a file from your PC. If the protocol you choose automatically conveys the name of the file (ZMODEM, for example), the FBB will accept that name. If the protocol does not convey a name, the FBB will ask you for a filename.ext once the upload finishes. R ... Request return receipt A return receipt is a brief message that FBB automatically generates when the recipient gets this message. The recipient is told when a return receipt is generated. P ... Mark message as priority You can label a message as priority. This causes it to be slightly more noticeable in a long In Box list on the recipient's side. M ... Modify the message text or topic If you've saved the message only to realize that you needed to make a change, this command will take you back to re-edit the message. Account Information Enter J at the MAIN MENU to review or edit your Account Information. This is the information that you entered when you established your USER-ID. All users can review and edit their own account information. You can change any entry except your USER-ID. Changing your address in the Account information does not automatically alter the information stored in the Online Ordering Service. You can use this feature to change your password. It is a good idea to change your password at least once every 60 to 90 days. Using the /GO Command to Access Bulletin Board Services You can GO directly to certain menus or access certain functions of The Federal Bulletin Board with the /GO command. Choose J5 - GO TO ... from the MAIN MENU to obtain a list of Menu Page Names and a description of their contents. To use the GO command, type /GO followed by a Page Name at any point where the system accepts commands. For example, typing /GO WHITE_HOUSE will take you directly to the menu for the White House file libraries. Typing /GO BYE will take you directly to the system logoff. Below is a sample of some of the Page Names you may use to get directly to the areas that interest you. This list will be continually updated as additional information and new File Libraries are added to The Federal Bulletin Board. To display the most recent list, simply enter 4 at the MAIN MENU or select G at the bottom of many of the File Menus. Page Name Description of Page --------- --------------------------------------- ABOUT_GPO General Information about GPO ACCESS GPO Access Legislation Info ACCOUNT_INFO Edit Account Info (Password) BESTSELLERS Order GPO Bestsellers DEPOSIT_ACCOUNT Opening a GPO Deposit Account BYE QUIT (Logoff the Board) MAIN_MENU Return to the MAIN MENU READ_EMAIL Read E-Mail Messages To You WHITE_HOUSE White House (Menu) WRITE_EMAIL Write an E-Mail Message The Find Command Typing FIND followed by a string will search for all of the PAGES that you can access using the GO command that have the string you specified in the PAGE DESCRIPTION. To use the FIND command, type FIND and your string at any point where the system accepts commands. For example, the command FIND DEPOSIT would retrieve the following: Page Name Description of Page -------------- ---------------------------------------- DEPOSIT_ACCOUNT Opening a GPO Deposit Account DEPOSITORY_LIBS Depository Libraries Program NOTE: On some menus the letter F is already assigned to a menu option. The FIND command cannot be entered at the prompt, since the system will interpret the F in FIND as the menu selection. To use the FIND command, you will need to use X to go to another menu that will accept the FIND command. File Downloading Services Different areas of the FBB that are available through MAIN MENU options (A) through (I), provides you with the the opportunity to transfer files from the FBB to your computer (downloading). You can attach files to e-mail messages, for example, and retrieve files in File Libraries. In order to assure that what arrives on one machine matches what departed the other machine, both computers must first agree on a common file transfer protocol. Files are transferred in the same manner as are all other exchanges of data: through Dynapaks. When dealing with a BBS in terminal mode there there are a number of commonly encountered file transfer protocols: ZMODEM is the best choice for BBS's running on DOS Pcs ZMODEM (resume) can pick up at the point where a previous ZMODEM transfer was interrupted YMODEM Batch is a good alternative if the FBB doesn't have ZMODEM Kermit is useful when contacting FBBs which are not DOS PC-based XMODEM-1K is acceptable on connections with low line noise XMODEM-CRC is tolerable on connections with high line noise XMODEM-Checksum is the weakest of the accuracy-checking methods ASCII has no accuracy checking and should be a last resort The terminal software you're using to call the FBB may not support all of these protocols. Be sure to pick one that your terminal supports. In most terminal programs, press PgUp to get a list of upload protocols, and PgDn to get a list of download protocols. The ASCII and LIST protocols only work with ordinary ASCII text files. The other protocols work on all types of files. Another protocol option will appear automatically when you're about to download a compressed file (.ZIP, .ARC, etc.), files which each contain one or more other files in a compressed form. The V option appear in these cases, allowing you to view what files are compressed into the .ZIP, .ARC, .ZOO, or .LZH file. Another download option that may be available is T to tag a file. This feature allows you to tag up to 10 files for download and then, when you're ready (or when you log off), you can download all your tagged files at once. Another time-saver is the ! suffix. You can put an ! character at the end of your protocol selection to have the FBB automatically log you off when the file transfer is over. This way, if you're not around to disconnect yourself when done transferring a large file, the FBB will disconnect you automatically, possibly saving you connect time charges. Special Services Areas that are considered Special Services of the FBB include, from the MAIN MENU, (A) What's New and Hot and (J1) the FBB Information Center which provides general information about GPO. What's New and Hot GPO maintains two main electronic list of products, CD-ROMs' and Diskettes, on the FBB. Users can scan each list online or download the list to the remote computer. The lists are available in both ASCII text and WordPerfect 5.1 format. FBB Information Center The GPO Information Center contains general information on such subjects as FBB Service Hours and User Assistance; How to Open a GPO Deposit Account; Ordering Products Online via the FBB; and Downloading the FBB User's Guide. There is also information on how to find and contact GPO Bookstores and obtain information about the Federal Depository Library Progam (FDLP). Using the Internet to Access the FBB World-Wide Web and the FBB - Hypertext and graphics for Internet users The FBB is also a WWW site that you can point to with Mosaic, Lynx and other hypertext client programs. Telnet Client - connecting to a remote computer on the Internet Telnet allows you to make a connection to a remote computer across the Internet. The FBB acts as a relay station, ferrying data in both directions between the remote site and your computer. The basic format of the command is: /telnet . Under the MAIN MENU option B - GPO Access, users can select a telnet session from the FBB to the GPO Access WAIS server. Exiting from Telnet (without the -a option): To disconnect from the remote computer and return to the FBB: wait 2 seconds, type "---" (3 dashes); If this doesn't work, wait a little extra longer, and then type 3 dashes again. OR type: QUIT This scheme is used, instead of the traditional "X"-to-exit, in case you need to type X on the remote system for some reason. Telnet and the FBB - Connecting to the FBB from the Internet Telnet is the scheme for connecting terminals to host computers across the Internet. If your telnet client supports ANSI or RIP, you'll be able to use the same terminal-mode features of FBB as if you had called in by modem. If you don't have ANSI, you may be able to use VT100 mode, but this doesn't always work. Use straight ASCII mode if all else fails. File Transfer via Unix Telnet: If you have a "shell" account on a Unix computer that's connected to the Internet (such as one run by your service provider), and you want to call across the Internet to the FBB and transfer files, you may need to disable certain options in Unix's Telnet client program. Here's how: telnet bring up telnet without connecting set flushoutput off don't intercept ^O (0x0F) set escape off don't intercept ^] (0x1D) toggle binary allow client to negotiate binary mode open t o make the connection to a remote host Technical note: The toggling of binary mode is the critical step that allows downloads to work through some SunOS Unix computers. Otherwise, the SunOS Telnet client refuses FBB's attempt to negotiate binary mode. Oddly enough, the "toggle binary" option for Telnet is available in an older version of SunOS, release 4.1, but is not available in the newer SunOS release 5.3. So there doesn't appear to be any way to get a transparent connection through the newer SunOS Telnet client. It appears that there is also no "toggle binary" command in the Telnet client on IBM's RISC/6000 with AIX (version 3.2.5). If you telnet through this computer, tab characters appear to get expanded, making most file transfer protocols infeasible. File Transfer via COMt: COMt allows you to dial across the Internet using a standard terminal emulation package like Telix or PROCOMM PLUS, with, for example the command "ATDT". To transfer files through COMt, you'll want to make these settings: ATS1002=1always request binary connection ATS1005=0no carriage-return padding Leave the other settings default: S1001=2 S1003=1 S1004=1 Even with these settings you may have problems transferring files *through* a Unix computer (telnetting to the Unix computer, then telnetting to the FBB). That problem does not seem to occur when COMt is connected directly to the FBB via the Internet. FTP - Getting files from, or putting files on, the FBB The files in the File Libraries of this FBB are accessible via FTP, with access restrictions that are very similar to those of the File Libraries that you can access via modem or telnet. When you log into the FBB via FTP, all file libraries appear as subdirectories of the "/gpo_bbs" directory: / root /gpo_bbs master directory of all File Libraries /gpo_bbs/main the MAIN library /gpo_bbs/support the SUPPORT library No files are stored at either the root (/) or the library master directories (/gpo_bbs). Anonymous FTP access: This FBB may support anonymous FTP access with restrictions. To log in without having an account on this FBB, type the word "anonymous" in place of a User-ID, then enter your Internet E-mail address in place of a password: User-ID: anonymous Password: Or use "ftp" in place of "anonymous" as a shorthand: User-ID: ftp Password: Deleting or overwriting files: You can't use the FTP "delete" command on a library file. And you can only put a file if it doesn't exist already. To have a file deleted, leave a note to the Sysop or to a library operator and he or she can do it. File mode: Here are the meanings of the mode characters for files and subdirectories: drwxrwxrwx subdirectory, may allow get, put, etc. dr-xr-xr-x subdirectory, may allow get, doesn't allow put d-wx-wx-wx subdirectory, may allow put, doesn't allow get d--x--x--x subdirectory, doesn't allow get, or put -r--r--r-- file, can get ---------- file, can't get TCP/Connect II: To work best with this FTP client from Intercon, turn on the radio button labelled: [X] Don't use extra flags under the Settings pull-down menu, in the Preferences dialog box, under Directory Flags. FTP Supported commands: This FTP site recognizes the following FTP client/FBB commands: USER TYPE DELE HELP PASSSTRU RMD NOOP ACCT MODE MKD MDTM CWD RETR PWD SIZE CDUP STOR LIST QUIT APPEN LST PORT RNFR STAT PASV RNTO SYST