FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: NEWS MEDIA CONTACT: September 25, 2000 Michael Balmoris 202-418-0253 Email: FCC RELEASES ANNUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY REVENUE REPORT Wireless Industry and Competitive Local Exchange Carriers See Rapid Growth Washington, D.C. Today, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released its annual summary of Telecommunications Industry Revenues. The report provides a general overview of the revenues of the U.S. telecommunications industry. The telecommunications industry reported $269 billion in revenues for 1999 an increase of 9% over 1998's $246 billion. Other noteworthy data include: § Wireless revenues jumped more than 30%, from $37 billion in 1998 to $48 billion in 1999. § Competitive local telephone companies continued to grow rapidly, with revenues increasing to more than $5 billion, up 60% over 1998, and accounting for almost 5% of the $112 billion of local service revenues. § Toll service revenues increased only slightly from $105 billion to $108 billion reflecting sharp reductions in the price of international calling as the average price per minute for international calls fell from 68 cents in 1998 to 56 cents in 1999. The data presented in the report are based on Telecommunications Reporting Worksheets (FCC Form 499-A). The data is essential to the Commission in administering a variety of programs, and aggregate data are widely used within the industry for planning and investment decisions. Data on individual companies are not publicly available because companies have requested that such data be accorded proprietary treatment. -- more -- The report is available for reference in the FCC's Reference Information Center, Courtyard Level, 445 12th Street, SW, Washington, D.C. 20554. Copies may be purchased by calling International Transcription Services, Inc. (ITS) at (202) 857-3800. The report, including the spreadsheets containing the report's statistical tables and the figures, can be downloaded [file name: TELREV99.PDF or TELREV99.ZIP] from the FCC-State Link Internet site at ( - FCC - For additional information, contact Jim Lande of the Common Carrier Bureau's Industry Analysis Division, (202) 418-0940, or for users of TTY equipment, call (202) 418-0484. News about the Federal Communications Commission can also be found on the Commission's web site