World POPClock Projection

According to the International Programs Center, U.S. Census Bureau, the total population of the World, projected to 02/16/09 at 22:19 GMT (EST+5) is


Monthly World population figures:

07/01/08    6,710,926,117
08/01/08    6,717,647,265
09/01/08    6,724,368,413
10/01/08    6,730,872,750
11/01/08    6,737,593,898
12/01/08    6,744,098,235
01/01/09    6,750,819,383
02/01/09    6,757,540,531
03/01/09    6,763,611,245
04/01/09    6,770,332,394
05/01/09    6,776,836,730
06/01/09    6,783,557,879
07/01/09    6,790,062,216

World POPClock notes

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, International Data Base.

Note: Data updated 12-15-2008 (Release notes).

More POPClocks.

World Population Information