« Project Status: 25 Feb 2007 (IOP7; mid-day Sunday) | Main | Project Status: 26 Feb 2007 (IOP7; Monday Evening) »

Project Status: 25 Feb 2007 (IOP7; Sunday Evening)

Precipitation rates throughout the region have slowed over the evening. Alta still hovering a couple of tenths of a degree C above freezing, whereas Blue Canyon is nearly -3C. Total snow depth at BLU is ~21 inches since the beginning of the IOP. Some updated liquid equivalent totals: 2-3 inches at Big Bend, Norden and Onion Creek, 2.4 inches at Alta, 1.6 inches at Colfax, 2.1 inches at Foresthill, 0.6 inches at Sloughhouse and 0.5 inches at Truckee.

Steve Vasilov relayed that Les Showell has reported 3 periods of 50+ dBZ echoes over Foresthill and "pea size hail, probably graupel." Gordon Carrie passed along the following image from earlier this evening as the intense band of precip approached the ARB (image from 21:25 UTC, 25 Feb 07):

SR2.20070225.212616.DBZ copy.tiff

No change in status with respect to the Sloughhouse profiler.

T. Schneider


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