PMEL ImmersaDesk tours NOAA Research

Boulder Laboratories Image Gallery

MM5 run of the LAPS (Local Analysis and Predition
System) for June 18th.
It shows state boundaries, a transparent
temperature color slice at 4,000m AGL, and isosurfaces of cloud water (white), cloud ice (green), and graupel (purple, ). The vectors are winds at 10,000m AGL. The enhanced convection over central Colorado may be due to the Hayman fire. Click on the image to animate. Click here for an ImmersaDesk fly-through. From Dr. Ed Szoke at the Forecast Systems Laboratory.

Legan Island Radar Reflectivity.
This is radar reflectivity from an experiment on Legan Island in the South Pacific Click on the image to animate. Click here for an ImmersaDesk fly-through. From Dr. Christopher Williams at the Aeronomy Laboratory.

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