Parameter and Level Information for sgpruc20hybrX1.c1 and sgpruc20isobX1.c1

Note: The following is information is from the Forecast Systems Laboratory's RUC/MAPs website: .

RUC-20 GRIB table

Updated 7 March 2002

A few differences between this GRIB parameter table and that for RUC-2: a few new variables, some precision changes, some variable parameter changes.

See following links for GRIB parameter definitions

See GRIB inventory of all RUC files from NCEP at

WARNING: Most (but not all) of these variables are available somewhere, and this file shows the GRIB parameters used if they are written.

       RUC Table variable definitions for GRIB
      (note: * indicates NCEP needs to permanently assign number)
                                                                                                 GRIB      GRIB
                                                          iparm ztype   iz1   iz2  itr iscale  ABBREV     UNITS

u-component of wind - b                                      33   109                       1   U GRD       m/s 
v-component of wind - b                                      34   109                       1   V GRD       m/s 
height - b                                                    7   109                       1     HGT       gpm 
pressure - b                                                  1   109                       0    PRES        Pa  
virtual potential temperature - b                           189   109                       2   VPTMP         K
water vapor mixing ratio - b                                 53   109                       8               
vertical velocity - b                                        39   109                       1   V VEL      Pa/s
cloud water mixing ratio - b                                153   109                       6   CLWMR     Kg/Kg
rain water mixing ratio - b                                 170   109                       6             Kg/Kg
ice mixing ratio - b                                        178   109                       6             kg/kg
snow mixing ratio - b                                       171   109                       6             kg/kg
graupel mixing ratio - b                                    179   109                       6             kg/kg
number concentration for ice particles - b                  198   109                      -5   NCIP    /m**3
turbulent kinetic energy - b                                158   109                       1     TKE      J/kg
MAPS mean sea level pressure                                129   102                       0   MSLMA        Pa  
soil temperature at surface                                  85     1                       2   TSOIL         K 
sensible heat flux                                          122     1                       1   SHTFL    W/m**2
latent heat flux                                            121     1                       1   LHTFL    W/m**2
net longwave radiation at surface                           112     1                       1   NLWRS    W/m**2
precipitation rate                                           59     1                       4   PRATE kg/m**2/s
resolvable scale precipitation                               62     1                       1   NCPCP   kg/m**2
sub-grid scale precipitation                                 63     1                       1   ACPCP   kg/m**2
precipitable water                                           54   200                       1    PWAT   kg/m**2  
pressure at tropopause                                        1     7                      -1    PRES
potential temperature at tropopause                          13     7                       1     POT         K  
temperature at tropopause                                    11     7                       1     TMP         K
u-component of wind at tropopause                            33     7                       1   U GRD       m/s
v-component of wind at tropopause                            34     7                       1   V GRD       m/s
convective available potential energy                       157     1                       0    CAPE      J/kg
convective inhibition                                       156     1                       0     CIN      J/Kg
soil temperature at level 1 below surface                    85   111           5           2   TSOIL         K
soil temperature at level 2 below surface                    85   111          20           2   TSOIL         K 
soil temperature at level 3 below surface                    85   111          40           2   TSOIL         K  
soil temperature at level 4 below surface                    85   111         160           2   TSOIL         K
soil temperature at the bottom                               85   111         300           2   TSOIL         K 
soil volumetric moisture content at surface                 144     1                       4  SOILW   fraction
soil volumetric moisture content at level 1                 144   111           5           4  SOILW   fraction
soil volumetric moisture content at level 2                 144   111          20           4  SOILW   fraction
soil volumetric moisture content at level 3                 144   111          40           4  SOILW   fraction
soil volumetric moisture content at level 4                 144   111         160           4  SOILW   fraction
soil volumetric moisture content at the bottom              144   111         300           4  SOILW   fraction
soil moisture content at surface                             86     1                       4  SOIL M   kg/m**2
soil moisture content at level 1                             86   111           5           4  SOIL M   kg/m**2
soil moisture content at level 2                             86   111          20           4  SOIL M   kg/m**2
soil moisture content at level 3                             86   111          40           4  SOIL M   kg/m**2
soil moisture content at level 4                             86   111         160           4  SOIL M   kg/m**2
soil moisture content at the bottom                          86   111         300           4  SOIL M   kg/m**2
direct evaporation from bare soil                           224*    1                       1  
evaporation of canopy water                                 225*    1                       1  
canopy water                                                223     1                       2   C WAT   kg/m**2
evapotranspiration flux                                     186*    1                       1           
water condensation rate near surface                        187*    1                       2           
rate of water dropping from canopy to ground                188*    1                       2           
net longwave radiation at surface                           112     1                       1   NLWRS    W/m**2
net shortwave radiation at surface                          111     1                       1   NSWRS    W/m**2
snow accumulation                                            65     1                4      6   WEASD   kg/m**2  
snow accumulation - 3h                                       65     1                4      3   WEASD   kg/m**2  
snow depth                                                   66     1                       4   SNO D         m
surface runoff                                              235     1                       2   SSRUN   kg/m**2
sub-surface runoff                                          234*  111         300           2   BGRUN   kg/m**2
height - p                                                    7   100                       1    HGHT       gpm
temperature - p                                              11   100                       1     TMP         K
relative humidity - p                                        52   100                       3       *       R H
u-component of wind - p                                      33   100                       1   U GRD       m/s
v-component of wind - p                                      34   100                       1   V GRD       m/s
vertical velocity - p                                        39   100                       2   V VEL      Pa/s
cloud water mixing ratio - p                                153   100                       6   CLWMR     Kg/Kg
rain water mixing ratio - p                                 170   100                       6             Kg/Kg
ice mixing ratio - p                                        178   100                       6             kg/kg
snow mixing ratio - p                                       171   100                       6             kg/kg
graupel mixing ratio - p                                    179   100                       6             kg/kg
number concentration for ice particles - p                  198   100                      -5   
turbulent kinetic energy - p                                158   100                       1     TKE      J/kg
temperature - m1                                             11   116    30     0           1     TMP         K
relative humidity - m1                                       52   116    30     0           2     R H         %
u-component of wind - m1                                     33   116    30     0           1   U GRD       m/s
v-component of wind - m1                                     34   116    30     0           1   V GRD       m/s
vertical velocity - m1                                       39   116    30     0           2   V VEL      Pa/s
temperature - m2                                             11   116    60    30           1     TMP         K
relative humidity - m2                                       52   116    60    30           2     R H         %
u-component of wind - m2                                     33   116    60    30           1   U GRD       m/s
v-component of wind - m2                                     34   116    60    30           1   V GRD       m/s
vertical velocity - m2                                       39   116    60    30           2   V VEL      Pa/s
temperature - m3                                             11   116    90    60           1     TMP         K
relative humidity - m3                                       52   116    90    60           2     R H         %
u-component of wind - m3                                     33   116    90    60           1   U GRD       m/s
v-component of wind - m3                                     34   116    90    60           1   V GRD       m/s
vertical velocity - m3                                       39   116    90    60           2   V VEL      Pa/s
temperature - m4                                             11   116   120    90           1     TMP         K
relative humidity - m4                                       52   116   120    90           2     R H         %
u-component of wind - m4                                     33   116   120    90           1   U GRD       m/s
v-component of wind - m4                                     34   116   120    90           1   V GRD       m/s
vertical velocity - m4                                       39   116   120    90           2   V VEL      Pa/s
temperature - m5                                             11   116   150   120           1     TMP         K
relative humidity - m5                                       52   116   150   120           2     R H         %
u-component of wind - m5                                     33   116   150   120           1   U GRD       m/s
v-component of wind - m5                                     34   116   150   120           1   V GRD       m/s
vertical velocity - m5                                       39   116   150   120           2   V VEL      Pa/s
temperature - m6                                             11   116   180   150           1     TMP         K
relative humidity - m6                                       52   116   180   150           2     R H         %
u-component of wind - m6                                     33   116   180   150           1   U GRD       m/s
v-component of wind - m6                                     34   116   180   150           1   V GRD       m/s
vertical velocity - m6                                       39   116   180   150           2   V VEL      Pa/s
u-component of wind - s                                      33   105          10           1   U GRD       m/s 
u-component of wind, 10m fixed height                        33   105          10           1   U GRD       m/s  
v-component of wind - s                                      34   105          10           1   V GRD       m/s 
v-component of wind, 10m fixed height                        34   105          10           1   V GRD       m/s 
u-component of wind                                          33     1                       1   U GRD       m/s 
v-component of wind                                          34     1                       1   V GRD       m/s 
3-hr pressure tendency - s                                    3     1                       3   PTEND      Pa/s 
3-hr pressure tendency                                        3     1                       3   PTEND      Pa/s 
potential temperature                                        13   105           2           1     POT         K
potential temperature, 2m fixed height                       13   105           2           1     POT         K
temperature - s                                              11   105           2           1     TMP         K
temperature, 2m fixed height                                 11   105           2           1     TMP         K
relative humidity - s                                        52   105           2           2     TMP         K
relative humidity, 2m fixed height                           52   105           2           2     TMP         K
temperature                                                  11     1                       1     TMP         K
specific humidity                                            51   105           2           6   SPF H         %
specific humidity, 2m fixed height                           51   105           2           6   SPF H         %
water vapor mixing ratio, 2m fixed height                    53   105           2           6                  
dew point temperature                                        17   105           2           1     DPT         K
dew point temperature, 2m fixed height                       17   105           2           1     DPT         K
dew point depression                                         18   105           2           1    DEPR         K
dew point depression, 2m fixed height                        18   105           2           1    DEPR         K
MAPS mean sea level pressure                                129   102                      -1   MSLMA        Pa
altimeter setting                                           128     1                      -1   MSLSA        Pa
equivalent potential temperature                             14     1                       1    EPOT         K
lifted index                                                131     1                       1   LFT X         K
best lifted index                                            77     1                       1   4LFTX         K
resolvable scale precipitation - 1h                          62     1     9*         4      1   NCPCP   kg/m**2   see writgg on iz1 value  
sub-grid scale precipitation - 1h                            63     1     9*         4      1   ACPCP   kg/m**2
resolvable scale precipitation - 3h                          62     1                4      1   NCPCP   kg/m**2
sub-grid scale precipitation - 3h                            63     1                4      1   ACPCP   kg/m**2 
resolvable scale precipitation - acc                         62     1                4      1   NCPCP   kg/m**2
sub-grid scale precipitation - acc                           63     1                4      1   ACPCP   kg/m**2
categorical rain                                            140     1                       0   CRAIN   non-dim
categorical freezing rain                                   141     1                       0   CFRZR   non-dim
categorical ice pellets                                     142     1                       0   CICEP   non-dim
categorical snow                                            143     1                       0   CSNOW   non-dim
helicity                                                    190     1     0  3000           0    HLCY m**2/s**2
storm-relative helicity                                     190     1     0  3000           0    HLCY m**2/s**2
u-component of storm motion                                 196     1                       1   USTM        m/s
v-component of storm motion                                 197     1                       1   VSTM        m/s
pressure - frz                                                1     4                      -2    PRES        Pa
height - frz                                                  7     4                       0     HGT       gpm
relative humidity - frz                                      52     4                       2     R H         %
pressure at max wind level                                    1     6                      -2    PRES        Pa
u-component of wind at max wind level                        33     6                       1   U GRD       m/s
v-component of wind at max wind level                        34     6                       1   V GRD       m/s
soil moisture availability                                  207     1                       2                 %
montgomery stream function / gravity                        171   109                       2 
condensation pressure                                        53   109                      -2
earth surface pressure                                        1     1                       1
earth surface height                                          7     1                       0
total soil moisture content                                  86   112   300     0           1
maximum possible total soil moisture content                 86   111                       1
water equivalent of snow depth                               65     1                       5
temperature inside snow or top soil level                   239   111          10           2
water vapor mixing ratio at surface                          53     1                       8
snow density                                                 89   111           5           2
2 meter temperature                                          11   105           2           1  
2 meter specific humidity                                    51   105           2           4  
10 meter component u-wind                                    33   105          10           1  
10 meter component v-wind                                    34   105          10           1
total precipitation accumulated                              61     1                4      2  
total convective precipitation accumulated                   63     1                4      2
snow melt accumulated                                        99     1                4      2  
surface runoff accumulated                                  235     1                4      2  
time averaged soil heat flux                                122   111                3      0  
time averaged latent heat flux                              121     1                3      0  
time averaged sensible heat flux                            122     1                3      0  
time averaged momentum flux                                 172     1                3      0  
time averaged top-of-atmosphere net longwave rad. flux      114     1                3      0  
time averaged top-of-atmosphere net shortwave rad. flux     113     1                3      0  
time averaged snow phase change heat flux                   229     1                3      0  
time averaged downward short wave rad. flux                 204     1                3      0  
time averaged downward long wave rad. flux                  205     1                3      0  
time averaged upward short wave rad. flux                   211     1                3      0  
time averaged upward long wave rad. flux                    212     1                3      0  
surface drag coefficient                                    252     1                       3  
surface albedo                                               84     1                       2  
low-level cloud cover percentage                             73     0                       2  
mid-level cloud cover percentage                             74     0                       2  
high-level cloud cover percentage                            75     0                       2  
surface pressure at mini topography                           1     1                      -1  
surface pressure                                              1     1                      -1  
700 hPa vertical velocity                                    39   100         700           5  
height                                                        7   100                       0  
temperature                                                  11   100                       1  
relative humidity                                            52   100                       2  
u-component of wind                                          33   100                       1  
v-component of wind                                          34   100                       1  
pressure vertical velocity                                   39   100                       2  
potential vorticity                                         149   100                       5  
mean temperature                                             11   116                       1  
mean relative humidity                                       52   116                       2  
mean u-component of wind                                     33   116                       1  
mean v-component of wind                                     34   116                       1  
mean pressure vertical velocity                              39   116                       2  
geopotential height at freezing level                         7     4                       0  
pressure at freezing level                                    1     4                      -2  
relative humidity at freezing level                          52     4                       2  
geopotential height at top freezing level                     7   204                       0  
pressure at top freezing level                                1   204                      -2  
relative humidity at top freezing level                      52   204                       2  
pressure at max wind level                                    1     6                      -2  
u-component of wind at max wind level                        33     6                       1  
v-component of wind at max wind level                        34     6                       1  
250 hPa height                                                7   100         250           0  
250 hPa u-wind component                                     33   100         250           1   
250 hPa v-wind component                                     34   100         250           1   
500 hPa height                                                7   100         500           0 
500 hPa absolute vorticity                                   41   100         500           5  
850 hPa height                                                7   100         850           0  
850 hPa temperature                                          11   100         850           1  
850 hPa specific humidity                                    51   100         850           4  
850 hPa u-wind component                                     33   100         850           1  
850 hPa v-wind component                                     34   100         850           1   
1000 hPa height                                               7   100        1000           0  
mean temperature in 1st 30hPa layer above ground             11   116    30     0           1  
spec hum in 1st 30hPa layer above ground                     51   116    30     0           4  
u-wind component in 1st 30hPa layer above ground             33   116    30     0           1  
v-wind component in 1st 30hPa layer above ground             34   116    30     0           1  
snow temperature - snow or top soil level                   239   111           5           2
horizontal moisture convergence                             135   200                       1
PBL height                                                  221     1                       0
gust wind speed                                             180     1                       0
cloud base height                                             8     2                       0
cloud top height                                              8     3                       0
visibility                                                   20     1                       0
maximum equivalent potential temperature pressure             1   246                       2
convective cloud top height                                   7   243                       1
equilibrium level height                                      7   247                       1
convective cloud mass flux                                  231     1                       2

This page prepared by Stan Benjamin