- ------ -- unusual- persistencqremat-kabb insightande~f~ao~dina~y uccucacy or observakxx,Oswc&TJ.Avery has de/ votedthegreafet- paz~ofhiscientific awec totflestLldy offfhepneumococcus. imated byan unsuq3assed infaL+ IectuaL cut-iosityandadesiretoconcper one of he most dead&y enemies OF man, he undertook to elucidafk in Ilo+ catsequence the biologicaLactivifieQhc3 immuno~ogicukha~acfet5stic.s and&e pathogenic p~op~tzties ofthepneunw~ coccus.Inttrishesofa~succ~~~~ tidayifisf&~ti say-thclfmotle is known aboutfhisotlganism t?tanaboutan~ c hut-nun parasite. ~m~~zmmczxm"s, t7e this u1Li-t: wot~k% be auniqw a~ompL;shrne~~,~u~qui~e ea$yint?w course ofhisinvesfigations he became interesfedinseurching foe achemicaC expllanafion for&e type specifici-ty of pneumococci.Jk aconsequence,hedis-- coveredandidentified -the capsu~arpo~y~ saccharides artddewronstcatec%their deteenzining this specificify.zza fiezsmore succeededindl~ow~ 0ntheitnmunoLogical cekrtiow- ships of&eintraceLLCfatz constituenCs , sisinchenzicaMecrns of&e antiaekii constitution of&e wh&neumo&&us. roe the antigenic anuLysis oJ-- 0Cher micro-organislns bothb himseCf and b others who havefoLowec% inkis- i? Y OotsceDs. ,zz?iYE??mmmmomm ong 1-/r. Avery-s many bciLLiant cibutions to scientific knowkdge none has been mote outstctncfLncp dun his studies ontheanticlenic con& heis one of&f?x~nders offfkkcience ofimmunochemistl-y.,?3ecau seoffhem. oue.co~npt-ehension ofth- co~dex peobLems of infkctious diseus~ has