/* -*-Mode: C;-*- * Module: LATS GRIB functions * * Copyright: 1996, Regents of the University of California * This software may not be distributed to others without * permission of the author. * * Authors: Bob Drach, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory * drach@llnl.gov * * Mike Fiorino, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory * fiorino@pcmdi.llnl.gov * * Version: $Id: latsgrib.c,v 2002/06/27 19:44:14 cvsadmin Exp $ * * Revision History: * * $Log: latsgrib.c,v $ * Revision 2002/06/27 19:44:14 cvsadmin * initial GrADS CVS import - release 1.8sl10 * * Revision 2001/10/18 02:00:56 Administrator * Initial repository: v1.8SL8 plus slight MSDOS mods * * Revision 1.22 1997/10/15 17:53:16 drach * - remove name collisions with cdunif * - only one vertical dimension with GrADS/GRIB * - in sync with Mike's GrADS src170 * - parameter table in sync with standard model output listing * * Revision 1.21 1996/12/18 22:06:22 fiorino * initialize fltpnt in gagmap.c to cover c90 compiler problem * added support for climatological and 365-day calendars in GrADS * * Revision 1.20 1996/12/12 18:39:45 fiorino * 961212 * * Mike's changes to parm table * GraDS updated source * and improvements in GrADS output to handle yearly data and 365-day calendars * added gaprnt routine in latsfort.c to aid link with straight GraDS source * * Revision 1.19 1996/10/22 19:05:07 fiorino * latsgrib bug in .ctl creator * * Revision 1.18 1996/10/16 22:10:00 drach * - Added automatic gribmap generation * - Restricted LATS_GRADS_GRIB convention to one grid per file * * Revision 1.17 1996/10/10 23:15:44 drach * - lats_create filetype changed to convention, with options LATS_PCMDI, * LATS_GRADS_GRIB, and LATS_COARDS. * - monthly data defaults to 16-bit compression * - LATS_MONTHLY_TABLE_COMP option added to override 16-bit compression * - AMIP II standard parameter file * - parameter file incorporates GRIB center and subcenter * - if time delta is positive, check that (new_time - old_time)=integer*delta * * Revision 1.16 1996/09/30 18:57:26 drach * - Relax test for GrADS/GRIB equal-spacing * * Revision 1.15 1996/09/25 23:16:04 fiorino * added grib map code * corrected convertions of lat/lon dx/dy to ints in the GDS * * Revision 1.14 1996/08/20 18:34:08 drach * - lats_create has a new argument: calendar * - lats_grid: longitude, latitude dimension vectors are now double * precision (double, C). * - lats_vert_dim: vector of levels is now double precision (double, * C). lats_vert_dim need not be called for single-value/surface * dimensions, if defined in the parameter table. Multi-valued vertical * dimensions, such as pressure levels, must be defined with * lats_vert_dim. * - lats_var: set level ID to 0 for implicitly defined surface * dimension. * - lats_write: level value is double precision (double, C). * - lats_parmtab: replaces routine lats_vartab. * - FORTRAN latserropt added: allows program to set error handling * options. * - The parameter file format changed. * * Revision 1.13 1996/08/12 19:19:47 drach * - various bug fixes (fiorino) * * Revision 1.12 1996/07/20 01:23:26 drach * - Restored compatible amip2.parms * - Provide default file comments for GrADS control file title * * Revision 1.11 1996/07/17 18:17:26 fiorino * outout long_name and units to var description in .ctl file * * Revision 1.10 1996/07/17 01:04:33 fiorino * bug in .ctl file for ydef * * Revision 1.9 1996/07/12 00:36:25 drach * - (GRIB) use undefined flag only when set via lats_miss_XX * - (GRIB) use delta when checking for missing data * - (GRIB) define maximum and default precision * - fixed lats_vartab to work correctly. * - Added report of routine names, vertical dimension types * * Revision 1.8 1996/06/27 01:12:27 drach * - Added setting timestat entry (removed from latsint.c) * * Revision 1.7 1996/06/11 21:43:33 fiorino * version 0.1 -- first version for Bob D to test * * Revision 1.6 1996/05/31 18:58:06 fiorino * v0.0 * before the new stuff from Bob * * Revision 1.5 1996/05/10 23:06:22 fiorino * - test of commit * * Revision 1.4 1996/05/10 22:44:40 drach * - Initial version before GRIB driver added: * - Made grids, vertical dimensions file-independent * * Revision 1.3 1996/05/03 18:59:24 drach * - Moved vertical dimension definition from lats_var to lats_vert_dim * - Changed lats_miss_double to lats_miss_float * - Made time dimension file-dependent, revised lats_write accordingly * - Added lats_var_nc, lats_vert_dim_nc * - Allow GRIB-only compilation * - Added FORTRAN interface * * Revision 1.2 1996/04/25 23:32:05 drach * - Added checks for correct number of times, levels written * - Stubbed in statistics routines * * Revision 1.1 1996/04/25 00:53:00 drach * Initial repository version * * */ #define _POSIX_SOURCE 1 #include #include #include #include "fgrib.h" #include "fgrib_init.h" #include "latsint.h" #include "grads.h" #define GRADS_CLIM_YEAR 2 /*mf 961205 --- expose Mike Fiorino's global struct to these routines for 365 day calandars mf*/ extern struct gamfcmn mfcmn; /*mf 961205 --- expose Mike Fiorino's global struct to these routines for 365 day calandars mf*/ #define LATS_VERT_UNDEF 99 typedef struct latsgribfile { FILE *gfi; FILE *cfi; latsCompTime time; /* beginning time */ int gbmode; char ctlname[256]; } latsGribFile; /*--- prototypes ---*/ int lats_pds_set(latsFile *file, latsVar *var, int levindex, int timeindex, latsCompTime time, grib_pds *); int lats_gds_set(latsFile *file, latsVar *var, int levindex, int timeindex, latsCompTime time, grib_gds_ll *); void lats_flt2int(float *, int *, int); /* Generate a time statistic for a GRIB file. Return a pointer to the entry on success, * 0 on failure. */ latsTimeStatEntry* latsTimeStatLookup(latsTimeFreq frequency, int delta, latsTimeStat statistic){ latsTimeStatEntry *stat; if((stat = (latsTimeStatEntry *)malloc(sizeof(latsTimeStatEntry)))==(latsTimeStatEntry *)0) return 0; stat->frequency = frequency; stat->delta = delta; stat->stat = statistic; switch(frequency){ case LATS_YEARLY: stat->grib_unit = 4; break; case LATS_MONTHLY: stat->grib_unit = 3; break; case LATS_WEEKLY: stat->grib_unit = 2; break; case LATS_DAILY: stat->grib_unit = 2; break; case LATS_HOURLY: stat->grib_unit = 1; break; case LATS_FORECAST_HOURLY: stat->grib_unit = 1; break; case LATS_FIXED: stat->grib_unit = 1; break; default: latsError("GRIB (latsgrib.c) --> Invalid frequency: %d",frequency); return 0; } stat->grib_p3 = stat->grib_p2 = stat->grib_p1 = 0; switch(statistic){ case LATS_AVERAGE: stat->grib_p2 = delta; stat->grib_timerange = 3; break; case LATS_INSTANT: stat->grib_timerange = 0; break; case LATS_ACCUM: stat->grib_p2 = delta; stat->grib_timerange = 4; break; case LATS_OTHER_TIME_STAT: default: latsError("GRIB (latsgrib.c) --> Invalid time statistic: %d", statistic); return 0; } if(frequency == LATS_WEEKLY) stat->grib_p2 *= 7; if(frequency == LATS_FORECAST_HOURLY) stat->grib_timerange=10; return stat; } /*------------- Close a GRIB file. Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure. --------------*/ int lats_close_grib(latsFile *file){ FILE *cfi; FILE *gfi; latsVar *var; latsVar *vara[LATS_MAX_PARMS]; latsGribFile *gbfile; char gmppath[LATS_MAX_PATH]; char gmpfile[LATS_MAX_PATH]; char grbfile[LATS_MAX_PATH]; char *mons[12] = {"jan","feb","mar","apr","may","jun","jul","aug", "sep","oct","nov","dec"}; char grads_options [3][50]; int i,j,k,j1,j2,ik; int ni,nj,nk,nt; int nvara; float dx,dy,dum1; float lonb,latb,lone,late; int tv; float *glon,*glat; int nlev,ntype,l1,l2; float undef; int xdir=0,ydir=0,zdir=0; int options_set=0; int notaucheck; gbfile = (latsGribFile *)file->depend; gfi=gbfile->gfi; if(file->convention != LATS_GRIB_ONLY) { /*-----------------!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Force gribmap to match by the base DTG ALWAYS appropriate for AMIP II, but will have to be changed for NWP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-----------*/ if(file->frequency == LATS_FORECAST_HOURLY) { notaucheck=0; } else { notaucheck=1; } /*--- set the calendar to support 365 day calendars in LATS_GRADS_GRIB ---*/ mfcmn.cal365=1; if( !(file->calendar & cdHasLeap) == 0) mfcmn.cal365=0; cfi=stdout; cfi=gbfile->cfi; if(VERB) { printf("cccccccc nvertdim %d\n",file->nvertdim); printf("cccccccc nvar %d\n",file->nvar); printf("cccccccc ngrid %d\n",file->ngrid); printf("cccccccc ntimewriten %d\n",file->ntimewritten); } /*--- calc the grid from the first variable ----*/ var = file->varlist; ni=var->grid->nlon; nj=var->grid->nlat; latb=var->grid->lats[0]; late=var->grid->lats[nj-1]; lonb=var->grid->lons[0]; lone=var->grid->lons[ni-1]; /*--- check if uniform --- */ /* --- single value check, set dx to 0 ---- */ if(ni == 1) { dx=0.0; } else { /* * 970517 - add fuzz to check of constant grid increment ; for cray */ dx=fabs(var->grid->lons[1]-var->grid->lons[0]); for(i=2;igrid->lons[i]-var->grid->lons[i-1]) - (double)dx )) > LATS_LINEAR_GRID_DELTA*dx) { dx=-1.0; break; } } } if(nj == 1) { dy=0.0; } else { dy=fabs(var->grid->lats[1]-var->grid->lats[0]); for(j=2;jgrid->lats[j]-var->grid->lats[j-1]) - (double)dy )) > LATS_LINEAR_GRID_DELTA*dy) { dy=-1.0; break; } } } /*----- undef is anything you like in GRIB ----*/ undef=1e20; /*--- pull out the GRIB file name ---*/ j=strlen(file->path)-5; while( (size_t)j > 0 ) { if( ( *(file->path+j) == '/' ) || ( *(file->path+j) == '\\' ) ) { break; } j--; } if(j==0) { j1=0; } else { j1=j+1; } for(j=j1;jpath);j++) { j2=j-j1; *(grbfile+j2)=*(file->path+j); } *(grbfile+j2+1)='\0'; /*--- pull out the gribmap file name ---*/ strcpy(gmppath, file->path); strcpy(gmppath+strlen(gmppath)-4, ".gmp"); j=strlen(file->path)-5; while( (size_t)j > 0 ) { if( ( *(gmppath+j) == '/' ) || ( *(gmppath+j) == '\\' ) ) { break; } j--; } if(j==0) { j1=0; } else { j1=j+1; } for(j=j1;jcomments); fprintf(cfi,"undef %g\n",undef); fprintf(cfi,"dtype grib\n"); fprintf(cfi,"index ^%s\n",gmpfile); /*--- options ---*/ strcpy(grads_options[0]," "); strcpy(grads_options[1]," "); strcpy(grads_options[2]," "); strcpy(grads_options[3]," "); if(latb>late) { ydir=1; latb=late; options_set=1; strcpy(grads_options[0],"yrev"); } if(mfcmn.cal365) { options_set=1; strcpy(grads_options[1],"365_day_calendar"); } if(options_set) { fprintf(cfi,"options %s %s %s %s\n",grads_options[0], grads_options[1],grads_options[2],grads_options[3]); } /*---------- xdef ------------ */ if(dx > 0.0) { fprintf(cfi,"xdef %d linear %f %f\n",ni,lonb,dx); } else { if(ni == 1) { fprintf(cfi,"xdef %d levels % 7.3f\n",ni,var->grid->lons[0]); } else { fprintf(cfi,"xdef %d levels\n",ni); if(xdir) { for (i=ni-1;i>=0;i--) { fprintf(cfi,"% 7.3f ",var->grid->lons[i]); if((i-ni)%10 == 0) fprintf(cfi,"\n"); } } else { for (i=0;igrid->lons[i]); if((i-1)%10 == 0) fprintf(cfi,"\n"); } } if(ni%10 != 0) fprintf(cfi,"\n"); } } /*---------- ydef ------------ */ if(nj == 1) { fprintf(cfi,"ydef %d levels % 7.3f\n",nj,var->grid->lats[0]); } else { if(dy > 0.0) { fprintf(cfi,"ydef %d linear %f %f\n",nj,latb,dy); } else { fprintf(cfi,"ydef %d levels\n",nj); if(ydir) { for (j=nj-1;j>=0;j--) { fprintf(cfi,"% 7.3f ",var->grid->lats[j]); if((j-nj)%10 == 0) fprintf(cfi,"\n"); } } else { for (j=0;jgrid->lats[j]); if((j-1)%10 == 0) fprintf(cfi,"\n"); } } if(nj%10 != 0) fprintf(cfi,"\n"); } } /*---------- zdef ---------- */ nk=0; k=0; ik=0; for(i=0;invertdim;i++) { if(file->vertlist[i].nlev > k) { k=file->vertlist[i].nlev; ik=i; } } if(k == 0) { fprintf(cfi,"zdef 1 levels 1013\n"); } else { nk=file->vertlist[ik].nlev; /* * * round the level vealues to ints because GRIB 1 does not * support storing of floats in the PDS for levels * */ if(nk == 1) { dum1=(float)file->vertlist[ik].levs[0]+0.5; fprintf(cfi,"zdef %d levels %d\n",nk,(int)dum1); } else { fprintf(cfi,"zdef %d levels\n",nk); if(file->vertlist[ik].levs[0] <= file->vertlist[ik].levs[nk-1]) zdir=1; if(zdir) { for (k=nk-1;k>=0;k--) { dum1=(float)file->vertlist[ik].levs[k]+0.5; fprintf(cfi,"%d ",(int)dum1); if((k-nk)%10 == 0) fprintf(cfi,"\n"); } } else { for (k=0;kvertlist[ik].levs[k]+0.5; fprintf(cfi,"%d ",(int)dum1); if((k+1)%10 == 0) fprintf(cfi,"\n"); } } if(nk%10 != 0) fprintf(cfi,"\n"); } } /*---------- tdef ------------ */ if(file->frequency == LATS_FIXED) { fprintf(cfi,"tdef 1 linear 00Z1jan0001 1dy\n"); } else { /*--- COARDS convention for climo -> my convention for climo year ---*/ if( !(file->calendar & cdStandardCal) ) { gbfile->time.year = GRADS_CLIM_YEAR; } fprintf(cfi,"tdef %d linear %dZ%d%s%04d ",file->ndelta, (int)gbfile->time.hour, gbfile->time.day, mons[gbfile->time.month-1], gbfile->time.year ); if(file->frequency == LATS_HOURLY) fprintf(cfi," %dhr\n",file->delta); if(file->frequency == LATS_FORECAST_HOURLY) fprintf(cfi," %dhr\n",file->delta); if(file->frequency == LATS_DAILY) fprintf(cfi," %ddy\n",file->delta); if(file->frequency == LATS_WEEKLY) fprintf(cfi," %ddy\n",file->delta*7); if(file->frequency == LATS_MONTHLY) fprintf(cfi," %dmo\n",file->delta); if(file->frequency == LATS_YEARLY) fprintf(cfi," %dyr\n",file->delta); } /*----------- vars ------------ */ fprintf(cfi,"vars %d\n",file->nvar); /* * * save var struct so we can reverse order (the way we defined the vars) * to the ctl file * */ nvara=file->nvar-1; for(var = file->varlist; var; var = var->next){ vara[nvara]=var; nvara--; } /* * original version * * for(var = file->varlist; var; var = var->next){ * * write out the vars the way we defined them */ for( nvara=0 ; nvara < file->nvar ; nvara++ ){ var=vara[nvara]; /* If the vertical dimension was declared explicitly via lats_vert_dim ...*/ if(var->vertdim != NULL){ ntype=var->vertdim->type->gribid; l1=var->vertdim->type->grib_p1; l2=var->vertdim->type->grib_p2; } /* Else if the vertical dimension is implicit, via the leveltype of the variable in the parameter table ...*/ else if(var->parm->levelset == 1){ ntype=var->parm->verttype->gribid; if(var->parm->verttype->grib_p3 != 0) { l1=var->parm->verttype->grib_p3; l2=0; } else { l1=var->parm->verttype->grib_p1; l2=var->parm->verttype->grib_p2; } } /* Else no vertical dimension */ else{ ntype=LATS_VERT_UNDEF; l1=0; l2=0; } if(var->parm->levelset == 1 ) { nlev=0; if(var->parm->verttype->grib_p3 != 0) { fprintf(cfi,"%-8s %2d %3d,%3d,%3d %s [%s]\n", var->name,nlev,var->parm->id, ntype,l1, /*----- set above -----*/ var->parm->title,var->parm->units); } else { fprintf(cfi,"%-8s %2d %3d,%3d,%3d,%3d %s [%s]\n", var->name,nlev,var->parm->id, ntype,l1,l2, var->parm->title,var->parm->units); } } else { fprintf(cfi,"%-8s %2d %3d,%3d %s [%s]\n", var->name,var->nlev,var->parm->id,ntype, var->parm->title,var->parm->units); } } fprintf(cfi,"endvars\n"); /*------ close ------*/ fclose(gfi); fclose(cfi); /*----- run gribmap ----*/ latsgribmap(gbfile->ctlname,notaucheck); return 1; /*--- only create GRIB data ---- */ } else { fclose(gfi); return 1; } } /*---------------------------------------- * * Create a GRIB file. Returns the file ID, or 0 on error * ---------------------------------------*/ int lats_create_grib(latsFile *file){ FILE *gfi; FILE *cfi; latsGribFile *gbfile; char *gname; int j; gname = (char *)malloc(strlen(file->path)+5); if(gname == NULL) { latsError("GRIB (latsgrib.c) --> Allocating memory for GRIB file name %s", file->path); return 0; } j=0; while( (size_t)j < strlen(file->path) ) { *(gname+j) = *(file->path+j); j++; } *(gname+j) = '\0'; if((gbfile = (latsGribFile *)malloc(sizeof(latsGribFile)))==0){ latsError("GRIB (latsgrib.c) --> Allocating memory for GRIB file name %s", file->path); return 0; } gfi=fopen(gname,"wb") ; if(gfi == NULL) { latsError("GRIB (latsgrib.c) --> lats_create create .grb failed for %s\n",gname); return 0; } if(file->convention != LATS_GRIB_ONLY) { /* Make sure that GrADS control file has a title */ if(strlen(file->comments)==0) strcpy(file->comments, file->center); j=0; while( (size_t)j < strlen(file->path) ) { *(gname+j) = *(file->path+j); j++; } *(gname+j) = '\0'; strcpy(gname+strlen(gname)-4,".ctl"); cfi=fopen(gname,"w") ; if(cfi == NULL) { latsError("GRIB (latsgrib.c) --> lats_create create .ctl failed for %s\n",gname); return 0; } } else { cfi=NULL; } /*------ initialize the first time flag in gbfile struct */ gbfile->gbmode=1; gbfile->gfi=gfi; gbfile->cfi=cfi; strcpy(gbfile->ctlname,gname); free(gname); file->depend = (void *)gbfile; return file->id; } /*---------------------------------------- * Define a grid for a GRIB 'file'. * Return 1 on success, 0 on failure; * * Note: this routine is called by lats_var for the * first variable which is defined on this grid. * * Note: This routine is a no-op -----------------------------------------*/ int lats_grid_grib(latsFile *file, latsGrid *grid){ if(file->ngrid > 1 && file->convention==LATS_GRADS_GRIB){ latsError("GRIB (latsgrib.c) --> Only one grid per file supported in the GrADS/GRIB convention; file: %s, grid: %s", file->path, grid->name); return 0; } return 1; } /* Define a variable to be written to a GRIB file. * 'grid' is the grid structure. * 'vertdim' is the vertical dimension structure, or 0 no level. * Return the variable ID on success, 0 on failure. */ int lats_var_grib(latsFile *file, latsVar *var, latsGrid *grid, latsVertDim *vertdim){ return var->id; } /*---------------------------------------- * * Write a vertical dimension 'vertdim' to GRIB 'file'. * Return dimension ID on success, 0 on failure. * -----------------------------------------*/ int lats_vert_dim_grib(latsFile *file, latsVertDim *vertdim) { if(file->latsmode != LATS_MODE_DEFINE){ latsError("GRIB (latsgrib.c) --> lats_vert_dim calls must precede any lats_write call"); return 0; } return file->nvertdim; } /*---------------------------------------- * * Write a horizontal lon-lat section 'data' for variable 'var' to GRIB 'file'. * 'levindex' is the 0-origin index, into var->levs, of the level value, or -1 if there are no levels. * 'timeindex' is the 0-origin index of the time value, or -1 if there are no times. * Return 1 on success, 0 on failure. * -----------------------------------------*/ int lats_write_grib(latsFile *file, latsVar *var, int levindex, int timeindex, latsCompTime time, void *data) { FILE *gfi; int i,j,k; float undef, undef_delta; int rc,rcp,rcg,rcb; int glen; float *dataf; latsGribFile *gbfile; /*--- GRIB section pointers ---*/ grib_is *is; grib_pds *pds; grib_gds_ll *gds; grib_bms *bms; grib_bds *bds; grib_es *es; /*--- point to the default static GRIB section structs ---*/ is=&FGRIBAPI_is; pds=&FGRIBAPI_pds; gds=&FGRIBAPI_gds; bms=&FGRIBAPI_bms; bds=&FGRIBAPI_bds; es=&FGRIBAPI_es; pds->pds=(unsigned char *) malloc(pds->len); /*--- initial checks ---*/ if(var->parm->datatype == LATS_INT) { lats_flt2int(data,data,(var->grid->nlon*var->grid->nlat)); /* return 100; */ } /*--- point to the GRIB file struct ---*/ gbfile = (latsGribFile *)file->depend; gfi=gbfile->gfi; if(VERB) { printf("vvv %s\n",var->name); if(var->parm->datatype == LATS_FLOAT) printf("vvv DATA TYPE is float\n"); if(var->parm->datatype == LATS_INT) printf("vvv DATA TYPE is int\n"); printf("vvv GRIB id = %d\n",var->parm->id); printf("vvv GRIB dsf = %d\n",var->scalefac); printf("vvv GRIB bits per grid point = %d\n",var->precision); } /*--- * undef values ---*/ if(var->hasmissing) { if(var->parm->datatype == LATS_FLOAT) { if(VERB) { printf("vvv %g missing float\n",var->missing.f); printf("vvv %g missing delta float\n",var->missingdelta); } undef=var->missing.f; undef_delta = var->missingdelta; } if(var->parm->datatype == LATS_INT) { if(VERB) { printf("vvv %d missing integer\n",var->missing.i); printf("vvv %g missing delta integer\n",var->missingdelta); } undef=(float)var->missing.i; undef_delta = 0.0; } } else { if(VERB) printf("vvv NO MISSING DATA\n"); } /*--- * create the PDS, GDS and BDS (BMS) ---*/ rcp=lats_pds_set(file,var,levindex,timeindex,time,pds) ; rcg=lats_gds_set(file,var,levindex,timeindex,time,gds) ; rcb=bds_set(data,pds,bds,bms,undef,gds->ni*gds->nj,pds->nbits,var->hasmissing,undef_delta); if(rcp) { latsError("GRIB (latsgrib.c) --> bds_set failed rc = %d\n",rcp); return 0; } else if(rcg) { latsError("GRIB (latsgrib.c) --> gds_set failed rc = %d\n",rcg); return 0; } else if(rcb) { latsError("GRIB (latsgrib.c) --> bds_set failed rc = %d\n",rcb); return 0; } glen=is->len + pds->len + gds->len + bms->len + bds->len + es->len ; if(VERB) printf("vvv glen %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", glen,is->len,pds->len,gds->len,bms->len,bds->len,es->len); rc=is_set(is,glen) ; if(rc) { latsError("GRIB (latsgrib.c) --> is_set failed rc = %d\n",rc); return 0; } /*--- * write out the sections ---*/ rc=fwrite(is->is,sizeof(char),is->len,gfi) ; rc=fwrite(pds->pds,sizeof(char),pds->len,gfi) ; rc=fwrite(gds->gds,sizeof(char),gds->len,gfi) ; if(bms->len) rc=fwrite(bms->bms,sizeof(char),bms->len,gfi) ; rc=fwrite(bds->bds,sizeof(char),bds->len,gfi) ; rc=fwrite(es->es,sizeof(char),es->len,gfi) ; if(gbfile->gbmode) { gbfile->time=time; gbfile->gbmode=0; } free(pds->pds); free(gds->gds); return 1; } int is_set(grib_is *is, unsigned int glen) { set_int3(&is->is[4],glen); is->is[7]=1; return 0; } /*----------------------------------- * * LATS GRIB PDS routine * -------------------------------------*/ int lats_pds_set(latsFile *file, latsVar *var, int levindex, int timeindex, latsCompTime time, grib_pds *pds) { unsigned char cent,yr,mo,da,hr,mn; float dum1; /*--- time processing ---*/ if(file->frequency == LATS_FORECAST_HOURLY) { cent=(unsigned char)(((int)((float)(file->btime.year*0.01)+0.001))+1); yr=(unsigned char)(((float)file->btime.year-((float)cent-1.0)*100.0)+0.1); mo=(unsigned char)(file->btime.month); da=(unsigned char)(file->btime.day); hr=(unsigned char)((int)file->btime.hour+0.1); mn=0; /* set minute to 0 */ } else { cent=(unsigned char)(((int)((float)(time.year*0.01)+0.001))+1); yr=(unsigned char)(((float)time.year-((float)cent-1.0)*100.0)+0.1); mo=(unsigned char)(time.month); da=(unsigned char)(time.day); hr=(unsigned char)((int)time.hour+0.1); mn=0; /* set minute to 0 */ } /*mf 970820 --- correct coding for last year of the century is: year=100 century=century-1 mf*/ if(yr == 0) { yr=100; cent=cent-1; } /*--- case with 0 start year -- set to 1776 ---*/ /*DDDD 970122 disable because lats.c should prevent this */ /* if(yr == 0 && cent == 0) { cent=( GRADS_CLIM_YEAR / 100 ) + 1; yr=GRADS_CLIM_YEAR - ( ( GRADS_CLIM_YEAR / 100 ) * 100 ) ; } */ /*--- set time to the default for fixed data irregardless of the input time ---*/ /*DDDD 970122 disable because lats.c should prevent this */ /* if(file->frequency == LATS_FIXED ) { cent=1; yr=1; mo=1; da=1; hr=0; } */ /*--- set time to the default for climo data irregardless of the input time ---*/ if( !(file->calendar & cdStandardCal) && !(file->frequency == LATS_FIXED) ) { cent=( GRADS_CLIM_YEAR / 100 ) + 1; yr=GRADS_CLIM_YEAR - ( ( GRADS_CLIM_YEAR / 100 ) * 100 ) ; } if(VERB) { printf("------- %d %d %d %d %d\n",cent,yr,mo,da,hr) ; printf("ttt %d %d %d %f\n",time.year,time.month,time.day,time.hour); } /* ------------ set the pds */ pds->ver=128; /* our own table version */ pds->ctr=file->grib_center; /* from table */ pds->sctr=file->grib_subcenter; /* subcenter is AMIP II */ pds->proc=file->centerid; /* dummy model */ pds->parm=var->parm->id; /* Note: Get scalefac, precision from var->..., */ /* since these have correct values if parameter */ /* table has been overridden (e.g., for monthly data) */ pds->dsf=var->scalefac; pds->nbits=var->precision; if(pds->dsf == -999 && pds->nbits == -999) pds->nbits = DEFAULT_NBITS; /* If no precision or decimal scale factor set, use default number of bits. */ /* ----------- vertical defintion */ /* If the vertical dimension was declared explicitly via lats_vert_dim ...*/ if(var->vertdim != NULL){ pds->ltyp=var->vertdim->type->gribid; dum1=(float)var->vertdim->levs[levindex]+0.5; pds->l12=(int)dum1; /* if(pds->ltyp == 100) { pds->l12=var->vertdim->levs[levindex]; } else { pds->l1=var->vertdim->type->grib_p1; pds->l2=var->vertdim->type->grib_p2; pds->l12=var->vertdim->type->grib_p3; } */ } /* Else if the vertical dimension is implicit, via the leveltype of the variable in the parameter table ...*/ else if(var->parm->levelset == 1){ pds->ltyp=var->parm->verttype->gribid; pds->l1=var->parm->verttype->grib_p1; pds->l2=var->parm->verttype->grib_p2; pds->l12=var->parm->verttype->grib_p3; } /* Else no vertical dimension */ else { pds->ltyp=LATS_VERT_UNDEF; pds->l1=0; pds->l2=0; } pds->cent=cent; pds->yr=yr; pds->mo=mo; pds->da=da; pds->hr=hr; pds->mn=mn; if(var->timestat == NULL ) { printf("Sayoonara, where out of here, timestat not properly set\n"); printf("contact fiorino@llnl.gov\n"); exit (6969); } /*--- -------- the time is defined in latsTimeStatLookup ---*/ pds->ftu=var->timestat->grib_unit; pds->p1=var->timestat->grib_p1; pds->p2=var->timestat->grib_p2; pds->p12=var->timestat->grib_p3; pds->tri=var->timestat->grib_timerange; /* * forecast hour uses time range of of 10 from latsTimeStatLookup * set the forecast hour in p12 */ if(file->frequency == LATS_FORECAST_HOURLY) { pds->p12=file->fhour; } /*---- if climo set time range indicator to 51 ---*/ if( (file->calendar & cdClimCal) ) pds->tri=51; /*--- CREATE THE PDS ----*/ set_int3(&pds->pds[0],pds->len); pds->pds[3]=pds->ver; pds->pds[4]=pds->ctr; pds->pds[5]=pds->proc; pds->pds[6]=pds->grid; pds->pds[7]=0; if(pds->gflg) SETBIT(pds->pds[7],7); /* By default, no bit map section pds->bflg is set in bds_set. */ /* if(pds->bflg) SETBIT(pds->pds[7],6); */ pds->pds[8]=pds->parm; pds->pds[9]=pds->ltyp; /* * * strict GRIB standard - Gospel according to John * */ /* if( (pds->ltyp == 100) || (pds->ltyp == 103) || (pds->ltyp == 107) || (pds->ltyp == 105) || (pds->ltyp == 109) || (pds->ltyp == 111) || (pds->ltyp == 113) || (pds->ltyp == 115) || (pds->ltyp == 125) || (pds->ltyp == 160) ) { */ /* * * looser LATS standard * */ if(var->vertdim != NULL || (var->parm->levelset==1 && var->parm->verttype->grib_p3 != 0)){ set_int2(&pds->pds[10],((int)pds->l12+0.5)); } else { pds->pds[10]=pds->l1; pds->pds[11]=pds->l2; } pds->pds[12]=pds->yr; pds->pds[13]=pds->mo; pds->pds[14]=pds->da; pds->pds[15]=pds->hr; pds->pds[16]=pds->mn; pds->pds[17]=pds->ftu; if( (pds->tri == 10) ) { set_int2(&pds->pds[18],pds->p12); } else { pds->pds[18]=pds->p1; pds->pds[19]=pds->p2; } pds->pds[20]=pds->tri; set_int2(&pds->pds[21],pds->nave); pds->pds[23]=pds->nmis; pds->pds[24]=pds->cent; pds->pds[25]=pds->sctr; set_int2(&pds->pds[26],(unsigned int)abs(pds->dsf)); if(pds->dsf<0) SETBIT(pds->pds[26],7); if(VERB) { printf("PPP (1-3) %d\n",pds->len); printf("PPP 4 %d %d\n",pds->pds[3],pds->ver); printf("PPP 5 %d %d\n",pds->pds[4],pds->ctr); printf("PPP 6 %d %d\n",pds->pds[5],pds->proc); printf("PPP 7 %d %d\n",pds->pds[6],pds->grid); printf("PPP 8 B1 %d %d\n",pds->pds[7],pds->gflg); printf("PPP 8 B2 %d %d\n",pds->pds[7],pds->bflg); printf("PPP 9 %d %d\n",pds->pds[8],pds->parm); printf("PPP 10 %d %d\n",pds->pds[9],pds->ltyp); printf("PPP (11-12) %d %d %d %d %d\n", pds->pds[10],pds->pds[11],pds->l1,pds->l2,pds->l12); printf("PPP 13 %d %d\n",pds->pds[12],pds->yr); printf("PPP 14 %d %d\n",pds->pds[13],pds->mo); printf("PPP 15 %d %d\n",pds->pds[14],pds->da); printf("PPP 16 %d %d\n",pds->pds[15],pds->hr); printf("PPP 17 %d %d\n",pds->pds[16],pds->mn); printf("PPP 18 %d %d\n",pds->pds[17],pds->ftu); printf("PPP (19-20) %d %d %d %d %d\n", pds->pds[18],pds->pds[19],pds->p1,pds->p2,pds->p12); printf("PPP 21 %d %d\n",pds->pds[20],pds->tri); printf("PPP (22-23) %d\n",pds->nave); printf("PPP 24 %d %d\n",pds->pds[23],pds->nmis); printf("PPP 25 %d %d\n",pds->pds[24],pds->cent); printf("PPP 26 %d %d\n",pds->pds[25],pds->sctr); printf("PPP (27-28) %d\n",INT2(pds->pds[26],pds->pds[27])); } return 0; } /*----------------------------------- * * LATS GRIB GDS routine * -------------------------------------*/ int lats_gds_set(latsFile *file, latsVar *var, int levindex, int timeindex, latsCompTime time, grib_gds_ll *gds) { int i,j,k; int ni,nj; float dx,dy, dtmp; float lonb,latb,lone,late; int tv; double *glon,*glat; int ndx; float undef; /*--- grid type ---*/ ni=var->grid->nlon; nj=var->grid->nlat; latb=var->grid->lats[0]; late=var->grid->lats[nj-1]; lonb=var->grid->lons[0]; lone=var->grid->lons[ni-1]; /*--- check if uniform --- */ /* Note: lats[], lons[] were checked for strict monotonicity in lats_grid/latsCheckMono */ dx=fabs(var->grid->lons[1]-var->grid->lons[0]); dy=fabs(var->grid->lats[1]-var->grid->lats[0]); for(i=2;igrid->lons[i]-var->grid->lons[i-1]); if(dtmp<=(1.0-LATS_LINEAR_GRID_DELTA)*dx || dtmp>=(1.0+LATS_LINEAR_GRID_DELTA)*dx){ dx=-1.0; break; } } for(j=2;jgrid->lats[j]-var->grid->lats[j-1]); if(dtmp<=(1.0-LATS_LINEAR_GRID_DELTA)*dy || dtmp>=(1.0+LATS_LINEAR_GRID_DELTA)*dy){ dy=-1.0; break; } } /*--- * check if grid OK *--*/ if(lonb>lone) { latsError("GRIB (latsgrib.c) --> has longitude DECREASING with increasing index"); return 999; } if( (var->grid->type == LATS_LINEAR) && ( (dx < 0.0) || (dy < 0.0) ) ) { latsError("GRIB (latsgrib.c) --> grid classified as LATS_LINEAR but dx and dy are NOT constant"); return 999; } if(VERB) { if(var->grid->type == LATS_GAUSSIAN) { printf("ggg TYPE a gauss grid\n"); printf("ggg dx = %g\n",dx); } if(var->grid->type == LATS_LINEAR) { printf("ggg TYPE uniform lat/lon grid\n"); printf("ggg dx, dy = %g %g\n",dx,dy); } if(var->grid->type == LATS_GENERIC) printf("ggg TYPE generic grid\n"); } /*--- drt=0 ---- data representation type for equidistant lon/lat grid ---*/ if(var->grid->type == LATS_LINEAR) { gds->nv=0; gds->pv=255; gds->drt=0; gds->ni=ni; gds->nj=nj; gds->len=32; /*--- drt=4 ---- Gaussian Grids ---*/ } else if(var->grid->type == LATS_GAUSSIAN) { gds->nv=0; gds->pv=255; gds->drt=4; gds->len=32; gds->ni=ni; gds->nj=nj; dy=(int)(((gds->nj)/2)); /*--- drt=220 ---- PCMDI CONVENTION FOR generic lon/lat grids ---*/ } else if(var->grid->type == LATS_GENERIC) { gds->nv=0; gds->pv=255; gds->drt=220; gds->ni=ni; gds->nj=nj; gds->len=24 + ((ni)*3) + ((nj)*3); /* printf("generic lat/lon GRID gds len = %d\n",gds->len); */ } /*---- * CREATE THE GDS ----*/ gds->gds=(unsigned char *) malloc(gds->len); set_int3(&gds->gds[0],gds->len); gds->gds[3]=gds->nv; gds->gds[4]=gds->pv; gds->gds[5]=gds->drt; set_int2(&gds->gds[6],gds->ni); set_int2(&gds->gds[8],gds->nj); gds->lat1=(int)(fabs(latb*1000.0)+0.5); gds->lon1=(int)(fabs(lonb*1000.0)+0.5); if(latb<0) gds->lat1=-gds->lat1; if(lonb<0) gds->lon1=-gds->lon1; set_int3(&gds->gds[10],(unsigned int)abs(gds->lat1)); if(latb<0) SETBIT(gds->gds[10],7); set_int3(&gds->gds[13],(unsigned int)abs(gds->lon1)); if(lonb<0) SETBIT(gds->gds[13],7); gds->gds[16]=0; gds->rcdi=1; /* dx and dy will be specfied for this grid */ if(gds->rcdi) SETBIT(gds->gds[16],7); if(gds->rcre) SETBIT(gds->gds[16],6); if(gds->rcuv) SETBIT(gds->gds[16],3); gds->lat2=(int)(late*1000+0.5); gds->lon2=(int)(lone*1000+0.5); set_int3(&gds->gds[17],(unsigned int)abs(gds->lat2)); if(late<0) SETBIT(gds->gds[17],7); set_int3(&gds->gds[20],(unsigned int)abs(gds->lon2)); if(lone<0) SETBIT(gds->gds[20],7); if(gds->drt != 220) { gds->dx=(int)(dx*1000+0.5); gds->dy=(int)(dy*1000+0.5); set_int2(&gds->gds[23],(unsigned int)abs(gds->dx)); if(dx<0) SETBIT(gds->gds[23],7); set_int2(&gds->gds[25],(unsigned int)abs(gds->dy)); if(dy<0) SETBIT(gds->gds[25],7); /*--- scan mode flags (lon,lat) grids only (lone > lonb ) (xrev not supported) ----*/ gds->gds[27]=0; if(latb < late) gds->smj=1 ; if(gds->smi) SETBIT(gds->gds[27],0); if(gds->smj) SETBIT(gds->gds[27],1); if(gds->smdir) SETBIT(gds->gds[27],2); } else { /*--- * code the lon and lats ---*/ glon=var->grid->lons; glat=var->grid->lats; ndx=23; for(i=0;igds[ndx],(unsigned int)abs((int)(*(glon+i)*1000+0.5))); if(*(glon+i)<0) SETBIT(gds->gds[ndx],7); if(VERB) printf("lon....... gggg %d %d %f\n",i,ndx,*(glon+i)); ndx+=3; } for(j=0;jgds[ndx],(unsigned int)abs((int)(*(glat+j)*1000+0.5))); if(*(glat+j)<0) SETBIT(gds->gds[ndx],7); if(VERB) printf("lat....... gggg %d %d %f\n",j,ndx,*(glat+j)); ndx+=3; } } if(VERB) { printf("GGG (1-3) %d\n",gds->len); printf("GGG 4 %d\n",gds->gds[3]); printf("GGG 5 %d\n",gds->gds[4]); printf("GGG 6 %d\n",gds->gds[5]); printf("GGG (7-8) %d\n",gds->ni); printf("GGG (9-10) %d\n",gds->nj); printf("GGG (11-13) %d\n",INT3(gds->gds[10],gds->gds[11],gds->gds[12])); printf("GGG (14-16) %d\n",INT3(gds->gds[13],gds->gds[14],gds->gds[15])); printf("GGG 17 %d\n",gds->gds[16]); printf("GGG (18-20) %d\n",INT3(gds->gds[17],gds->gds[18],gds->gds[19])); printf("GGG (21-23) %d\n",INT3(gds->gds[20],gds->gds[21],gds->gds[22])); if(gds->drt != 220) { printf("GGG (24-25) %d\n",INT2(gds->gds[23],gds->gds[24])); printf("GGG (26-27) %d\n",INT2(gds->gds[25],gds->gds[26])); printf("GGG 28 %d\n",gds->gds[27]); } else { } } return 0; } void lats_flt2int(float *dataf, int *datai, int npts) { float f1; int i1; int i; for(i=0;i