~r ; j~ ‚)a.ø~tIpi 3~~dsra1 Writsrs ~r~Q(‘ ~ ~‚ ~ J Slave Aut obiogriiphies Uncle Hainp Kennedy, a farmer, y8 years old, weighs about 13,5 pounds, ~nd is about .5 feet 9 inches high. Hie head je bald with a little gray fuzz over hie ears and growing low toward the nape of his neck. Fie does not wear spec~tec~€e nor smoke a pipe. lus face is clean shaven. ?hysically active, he does not use a crutch or cane and his hearing, eyesight, and mind appear alert. The old Negro cannot read or write, but he has a remarkable memory. He seems very happy in liii little cabin where he and bis wife live alöne, and his eyes beam with interest when he remembers and diacusees slavery times. “I was jes a little nigger when de War broke out ‘bout fo‘ years ol‘, my white folks say. I had a sister an‘ three bruddere. My Ulafl2ULy an‘ peppy was Mary Kennedy an‘ Lon Kennedy. My nian~my was Mary Denhaiu befo‘ 8he mar‘t~.d. I was born an‘ raised at Mahned, Miaeiesippi. Old Mise Bill Griffin was my miseus. D. Yankees ekio‘ come to our house — yes sir, dey did. De Lust time dey kotched our hogs an‘ cutoff de bind part an‘ take bit wid ‘,m. De front part dey hf‘ in de fiel‘. Dey carries cqrn in~ . de saddle begs an‘ thi‘owed hit out to di chickens. Den when