Solid Waste & Illegal Dumps

Illegal Solid Waste Dump

Illegal dumping has been occurring on the BLM public lands for many years. State and Field Offices continue to encounter many illegal dumps within their jurisdictions. Such dump sites often encourage or engender additional illegal dumping in the same area, in what has come to be called “promiscuous dumps”. Illegal dumping involves mainly the dumping of solid waste such as white goods, yard wastes, household trash, vehicles, furniture, construction debris, and household hazardous waste. Illegal dumps are often created along rail roads, dirt roads, routes, and in the deserts.   Illegal dumps also pose a tempting opportunity to dispose of hazardous waste in violation of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). A major type of hazardous waste found in illegal dumps is those generated by clandestine drug labs.
To prevent and reduce the occurrence of illegal waste dumping on the BLM public lands the Division of Engineering and Environmental Services provides the following recommendations for State and Field Offices to assist offices with their illegal waste dumping problems:
  1. Community Outreach, Education, and Involvement, 
  2. Targeted Enforcement,
  3. Creation of Legal Alternatives for Illegal Dumpers, and
  4. Measurement. 

These recommendations have been successful at a number of field offices in preventing illegal waste dumping. 

Abandoned Mine Lands
Law Enforcement
Recreation Opportunities
U.S. Fish & Wild Life Service
U.S. Enviromental Protection Agency
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
USDA Forest Service

Latest News

  1. The Amarillo Field Office Team
    (for Waste Pollution and Prevention Category).

  2. The Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry Visitor Center
    (for Sustainable Design/green Building Category).