April 2l, 1931 Dear Nanuyt To answer your question about "large bodies" and recombination in E. coli- the thought has oaaurred to a good many people. Diener gave a paper at Cold Spring Harbor in 1946 on the formation of large bodies at the intersection of different etrains of roteus This engendered a good deal more o xcitalasnt than turned out & be w&ranted, at lead as far aa recombination or sexuality evidence is concerned. So far, we have found no indication of the participation of any but ordinary bacterial aellr in recombination in K-12. However, Norton Zinder is running into something in Salmonella typhimrium which arguer mite differently, and which will probably put some aubstanoe into the mooted questions of filtrable forms of bacteria. He hae some evidenoe of the occurrenoe of reduced cells which are more reristant to heat and antiseptics, and which remain dormant in apparently sterile filtrates. These po8sibly originate from the disruption of slarge bodies". They may aa t as "g~tee", or may initiate clones with the genetic markers of the original bacteria, when stimulated to grow by the pre- eence of other growing cells. Rhat ia, the filtrability situation in Azotobac ter ? 2 Siace this is bueinese stationery, I can`t lgery well give Alan' and you our beat, nor our ootiserationa about the Okio Oath. What are your latest plane for your vieit? To uhange the subject again, the UW Press is fairly sure the reprint oollection won't be out in BUe for coursee #is summer, but we hope to have it out for the fall. I'm sorry about this, but there are the usual shortages and delay%, Sincere$y, Joshua Lederberg