52 Dibble, Fred, P.W., Grey, Bernice, V.L, Beaumont, Jefferson, Dist. #3. logs, and moss and clay was stuff‘ twixt de logs. Dere was boards on de outside and it was all cell‘ nice on de inside. He lived in a mansion.“ “t~e~ was plenty rich. 01‘ marster he had a ai‘ wait— in‘ man all dress up nice and clean. Now if you wanter talk to cl‘ marster you hafter eau for dat cl‘ waitin‘ man. He come and you tell him what you want and den he Co and tell ol‘ marster and den he say, ‘Brliig him in, ‚ and den you go in and see de ol ‚ . marster and talk your bus î— ness ‚ but you had to be nie e and hoi ‚ your ha t under your arm»‘ “Dey‘s big rich people. Sometimet dey have parties what las‘ a week. Dey was havin‘ dore fi~n in dere way. Dey come in kerridges and hacks.“ “My father was de hostler and he hafter keep de hosses and see ‘bout feedin‘ ‘eni. Dey had a sep‘raj~e li‘l house for de saddles. 01‘ marster he kep‘ good hosses. He warn‘t mean.“ “He had a great big pasture and lots of times people go camp :1.n it. You see it was disaway, de Yankees dey got rushin‘ de ~inerioan people, dat de Confed‘rates, dey kep‘ COiIIin‘ furder arid furder wes‘, ‘till dey come to Texas and