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Details for Candidate SN4360

Initial RA (deg)19.655977
Initial Dec (deg)0.915853
Averaged RA (deg)19.655972
Averaged Dec (deg)0.915859
Averaged RA (hh:mm:ss)1:18:37.43
Averaged Dec (dd:mm:ss)+0:54:57.1
IUAC Name---
Time weight0.000
Crowding weight-1.000
Dust weight-1.000
Entry date/time2005-09-28 08:15:37


Fit type  Best  Criterion ACriterion B
z fitIa????
z constrained

SN typeChisqDays
Past Peak
dm_15*zAvPk g MagPk r Magg magr mag
Ia (noz)0.841273.88 1.300.3631-0.5000 21.73221.435 99.99999.999
Ibc (noz)2.351273.58 1.000.1514-0.5000 21.89421.286 99.99999.999
II (noz)1.371275.38 0.600.1995-0.5000 21.25320.996 99.99999.999
Ia (z)54905.38
Ibc (z)54905.38
II (z)54905.38

*Explanation of dm15 codes for SNIbc and SNII
type II: 0.6->Nugent's II-L; 0.7->Nugent's II-P; 0.8->Nugent's IIn; 0.9->SN1999em (II-P); 1.0->SN1998S (IIn); 1.1->SN1993J (IIb)
type Ibc: 0.6->Nugent's normal Ibc; 0.7->Nugent's Ibc hypernova; 0.8->SN2002ap (another Ic hypernova); 0.9->1999ex (normal Ic)


Clicking on the links in the ID# column will give you access to the r-band fits format finding charts. You may be able to get your browser to display the files with ds9. But Your browser may try to display the fits file as text unless you right click on the link and save the file to a local disk.

ID #RankScannerRaDec G MagR MagI MagObs DateObs MJD SRunSFieldrrccTRunTField Flags
508102 6Frieman 19.6559540.915875 21.97621.808 ---05/09/14 53627.34 5607562 1163325238    
564925 5Frieman 19.6559700.915863 21.90721.421 21.69805/09/25 53638.37 5637280 106826002471    
583155 102Dilday 19.6559770.915853 22.27121.618 21.65705/09/27 53640.33 5646574 106826002471    

Forced Photometry

Runu magg magr mag i mag z mag
5582 99.999 23.24722.97 23.29499.999
5607 99.999 22.12321.792 22.23625.338
5619 99.999 22.22521.532 22.14521.571
5637 26.388 21.86921.396 21.67321.952
5646 23.249 22.23221.634 21.64621.456
5713 23.22 23.21422.103 22.46299.999
5754 99.999 23.089Fail Fail99.999
5776 25.954 23.97922.801 22.80621.545
5786 22.862 23.76722.96 22.26521.7
5797 99.999 24.28723.198 22.63799.999
5807 99.999 24.23923.077 22.76722.66
5820 99.999 24.41722.918 22.57921.837
5836 99.999 24.41523.457 22.41822.822
5895 99.999 99.99923.084 99.99999.999
5905 99.999 99.99928.871 99.99923.687
5924 99.999 23.98523.067 24.46126.401

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