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Details for Candidate SN18549

Initial RA (deg)-58.915859
Initial Dec (deg)0.984680
Averaged RA (deg)
Averaged Dec (deg)
Averaged RA (hh:mm:ss)0:0:0.00
Averaged Dec (dd:mm:ss)+0:0:0.0
IUAC Name---
Time weight-1.000
Crowding weight-1.000
Dust weight-1.000
Entry date/time2007-10-04 22:17:40


Fit type  Best  Criterion ACriterion B
z fit
z constrained

SN typeChisqDays
Past Peak
dm_15*zAvPk g MagPk r Magg magr mag
Ia (noz)54905.38
Ibc (noz)54905.38
II (noz)54905.38
Ia (z)54905.38
Ibc (z)54905.38
II (z)54905.38

*Explanation of dm15 codes for SNIbc and SNII
type II: 0.6->Nugent's II-L; 0.7->Nugent's II-P; 0.8->Nugent's IIn; 0.9->SN1999em (II-P); 1.0->SN1998S (IIn); 1.1->SN1993J (IIb)
type Ibc: 0.6->Nugent's normal Ibc; 0.7->Nugent's Ibc hypernova; 0.8->SN2002ap (another Ic hypernova); 0.9->1999ex (normal Ic)


Clicking on the links in the ID# column will give you access to the r-band fits format finding charts. You may be able to get your browser to display the files with ds9. But Your browser may try to display the fits file as text unless you right click on the link and save the file to a local disk.

ID #RankScannerRaDec G MagR MagI MagObs DateObs MJD SRunSFieldrrccTRunTField Flags

Information on Nearby Galaxy(s)

RADecz del_zgmagrmagimag
5.59-58.918980.98932 -1.00000 99.9000025.756 24.58621.262
0.03-58.915830.98469 -1.00000 99.9000018.448 17.93017.848

Imaging Followup

Report #RequestedTelescope PriorityObservedgmagrmag DatagifComment


Report #RequestedTelescopePriority ObservedEvaluationZ gifComment

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