MARCH, 1911. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 477 SPECIAL PAPERS ON GENERAL METEOROLOGY. RECENT ADDITIONS TO THE WEATHER BUREAU LIBRARY. C. FITZHUQH TALYAN, Llbrarian. The following have been selected from among the titles of books recently received, tis representing those most likely to be useful to Weather Bureau officials in their meteorological work and stuclies. Anonynious publications are indicated by a -. Biographical press agency. Bonacini, C., & Nicolis, U. William Napier Shaw, M. A., Sc. D., F. R. S. [with portrait]. [London.] [1904.] 2Op. So. Ricerche sulla conducibilith elettrica dell' aria. Modena. 1908. Sop. 4". (Pubbl. R. mserv. geoh. Modena. No. 33.) Misure di conducibilita elettrica dell' aria eseguite sul Monte Cimone nell' estate del 190s. Modena. 190s. 2-1~. 4". (Pubbl. R. werv. geofis. Modena. No. 24.) Bulletin annuel . . . 1909. Marseille. 1910. x, 105p. 4'. MBmoire sur lea halos et sur lea ph6nomenes opti ues qui lee accompagnent. Paris. 1547. p. 1-270. 4O. ?E&. Jour. 1'Bcole roy. polytech. t. 18.) Ffoods and flood protection References to books and magazine articles. Pittsburg. 1906. 4Sp. So. (Reprinted: hlo. bul. Carnegie library. July, 190s.) Observaciones meteorol6gicaa de 1909. Santiago de Chile. 1910. Bouches-du-Rh8ne. Commission mbtborologique. Bravais, Auguste. Came ie library of Pittsburg. Chile. Observatorio astron6mico. 241). f". Chumle - James. Bibtogra hy of limnological literature compiled at the Chal- lenger 8fhce. Edinburgh. 1910. p. 659-753. So. Clements, E. Verein ftir Wetterkunde. Cob%resbericht . . . 1910. [Coburg.] [1910.] 1Sp. 8'. Comitb international des poids et mesures. Craig, J. I. On mrges of atmospheric pressure. [Belgaum.] n. d. 14p. fo. Travaux et m6moirea . . . t. 14. Paris. 1910. v. p. -1". Theory of map-projections, with special reference to the projec- tions used in the Survey department,. Cairo. 1910. iv, Sop. 4O. (Egypt. Survey department. Paper 13.) Croppi, Giorgio. Segnali dei piroscafi in tempo di nebbia. Roma. 1911. Ilp. So. Denmark. Danske meteorologiske institut. Meteorologisk aarbog, 1909. Pt. I. K$benhavn. 1910. vi, 144p. f". E t Surveyde artment. Ekaterinburg. Magnetical and meteorological observatory. (Estr.: Riv. marit., gennaio, 1911.) %eteorologicaP report . . . 1908. Cairo. 1910. v. p. f O . Curven des Magnetographen . . . 1910. n. p. n. d. 9 sheets Nablfildenm . . . 1907. n. p. n. d. xi, 2-2Op. 4". NabliTidenEi . . . 1908. n. p. n. d. xi, 2-2Op. 4". Climate of Porto Rico. [Richmond, Va.] [1911.] 12 p. 4". Meteorological observations . . . 1909-10. Georgetown. 1911. Das Erdbeben vom 22. Januar 1910. Sankt Petemburg. 1910. 211-216p. 4O. (S.-Abdr.: Acad. imp. sci., St.. PBtembourg, Bull. 1910.) 25x 45cm. Fassig, Oliver Lanard. Georgetown (British Guiana). Botanic Gardens. Golitsyn, B. (U. 5. Weather bureau.) v. p. f". Great Britain. Meteorological office. London. 1910. x, 159p. f". $4. 0.205.) Hamburg. Deutsche Seewarte. Hamburg. 1910. vii, 199p. f". Haute-Garonne. Commission mbtborologique. Hautreux, A. Hbrault. Comrmssion mbtkbrologique. Holland. Koninklijk nelerlandsch meteorologisch instituut. hfeteorological observations at station of the !?d order, 1907. Deutsches meteorologiwhes Jahrbuch-Deutsclle Seewarte, 1909. Bulletin . . t. 2, fasc. 3 . . . 1908. Toulouae. 1910. Tenip6ratures de l'btlantique nord (surface et profondeurs). Monaco. [l O l l .] 23 . 80. (Bull. Instit. ochnogr. No. 201.) Bulletin m6tCorologi ue, 1909. Montpellier. 1910. 50p. 4O. Jaarboek, 1909. Utrecht. 1910. fo. Onwedem, opt.ische verschijnselen, etc., . . . 1908. Amster- China coast meteorological register, 1908. [Hongkong.] [1908.] (Same), 1909. [Hongkong. 1909 n. p. to. (Same), 1910. [Hongkong.] [1910:] n. p. to. India. Meteorological department. Rainfall of India, 1909. Calcutta. 1910. v. p. P. Internationale seismologische association. Katalog . . . 1906 Wtrierten . . . SMrungen. 11. Teil. Italy. Ufficio centrale di meteoroyogia e di geodinamica. Annali . . . v. 19, pt. 3, 1897. Roma. 1910. 126p. e. Anmli . . . v. 24,pt. 1,1902. Roma. 1909. 1 0 3 ~. f?. Annali . . . v. 27, pt. 2, 1905. Roma. 1910. viii, 293p. fo. Annualreport, 1908. pt. 2. Tokio. 1910. 48p. 4 O . Annual report, 1909. pt. J. Tokio. 1910. 38613. 4O. Bulletin . . . 1910. St. HBlier. 1911. 4 O . ZurTheorie der Niedemchllge. Pra . 1910. 7 . 8O. (€ 3.-Abdr.: Sitzber. k. bohm. Gesell. Wise., I!. KI., 19105 Zur Reduktion kliniatologischer Elemente. I. Mitteilung. Prag. 1910. 35p. So. (R.-Abdr.: Sitzber. k. b6hm. Gesell. W k ., 11. v. p. 4;. dam. 1910. v. p. So. Hongkong observatory. n. p. fo. Straseburg. 1910. viii, 85 . 4O. Japan. Central meteorological Observatory. Jersey. Observatoire Saint Louis. LPska, v. Kl., 19103 Le Conte, Joseph N. Snowfall in the Sierra Nevada. (In Sierra club bull., San Fran- cisco, 1905, No. 5, p. 310-314.) ' Die Radioakt,ivitiit der Atmosphiire in Kiel und ihre Abhiingig- keit von meteorologkhen Faktaren. n. p. n. d. p. 9S126. SO. (S.-Abdr. : Schriften Nat.-wies. Ver. Schleswig-Holstein, Bd. 15.) Linke, Franz. Aeronautische Meteorologie. I. Teil. Frankfurt a. M. 1911. viii, Maine!3%at~storage commission. Annual report . . . v. 1. 1911. Augusta, Me. 1911. X, 37313. 80. Meinardus, Wilhelm. Meteorologische Ergebnisse der Winterstation des "Gauw," 1902- 1903. [Continuation of Bd. 3.1 [Berlin.] [1910-11.1 p. 127- 339. 80. Syllabus of a course on meteorology. 2d. ed. Willbatown, Osservazioni meteorologiche, 1906 e 1907. Modena. 1909. 139p. Osservazione meteorologiche, 1908. Modena. 1910. 53p. 4O. New York. Meteorological observatory, Central park. Annualreport . . . 1910. New York. 1910. 155p. 4 O . Lindemann, Max. Milham, Willis Isbister. Modena. Universitl. Osservatorio geoiisico. Mass. 1909. 19p. SO. f0. 9162!&11-11 478 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. MARCEI, 1911 Nigeria. Medial department. Annual report, 1909. [Zungeru.] 1910. 14p. to. Norway. Norges landbrugshoiskole. 6as, aorway. Veiret . . . 1909. Kristiania. 1910. 2Op. 8 O . Odessa. University. Meteorological observatory. Annuaire . . . 1909. [Rus~ian.] Odeew. 1911. 105p. do. Olla (Spain). Colegio maxim0 de la CompallLla de Jestis. Observacionea meteorolbgicae, 1910. Oiia. 1911. 32p. fo. Philippine Islands. Weather bureau. Report of the director . . . 1906, pt. 1. Manila. 1910. 4 0 4 ~. -10. Polis, Peter. Die Wetterlage bei der Strandung des Luftschiffes DerctsdZmid [28. Juni, 1910.1 n. p. n. d. sheet 32 x P4cni. Das Aachener meteorologiache Obeervatorium. n. p. n. d. p. 172-179. 8O. Die Methode der Pilotballonmemungen fur Aerologie uiid Luft- echiffahrt, insbesondere ihre Ergebnisse am Aacheiier Observa- torium. [Aachen.] [1910.] 12". Pyrendes-orientahs. commission 2iorologique. Quervain, Alfred de. Bulletin , . . 1908. Perpignan. [1910.] 52p. 4O. Die Erdbeben der Schweiz im Jtthre 190s und die Schallverbreitung der Dynamitexplosion an der Jungfraubahii, 15. November. Zurich. 1909. 9p. fo. (S.-Abdr.: Ann. Schweiz. Net. Anehlt, 1908.) Preliminary determination of the absorption of light by the earth's atmosphere. n. p. [1910.] 7p. 8O. (Reprinted: Trans. roy. SOC. So. Africa, 1910. v. 2, pt.. 1.) Sands-, J. W: 1910. 20p. to. (Handl., Kungl. Svenska Vetensk. Ili. 45, No. 10.) Roberts, A. W. Uber die Beaiehung awischen Luftdruck und Wind. Up =la. et(*. Bd. Southern Rhodesia. Weather bureau. Stonyhurst college. Observatory. Trappes. Observatoire de mdtdorologie dynamique. Report on meteorology, 1908. London. 1909. 24p. f". Results of meteorolqgical and magnetical observations, 1910. Travaux scientifiques, Tome 1. Paris. 1903. v. p. fo. Travaux scientifiques, Tome 3. Paris. 190s. v. p. fo. Travaux scientifiques, Tome 4. Paris. 1909. 34lp. fo. Ergebnisse . . . 1904. Tokio. 1905. 158p. 4O. Ergebnisse . . . 1905. Tokio. 1909. 131p. 4O. Ergebnisse . . . 1906. Tokio. 1910. 139p. 4O. Turin. UniversitB. Osservatorio. Osservaaioni meteorologiche. 1909. Torino. 1910. 55p. So. United Provinces of Agra and Oudh. Meteorologist. Administration report. 1909-10. Allahabad. 1910. 4p. fo. Brief sketchof themeteorology. 1909. Allahabad. 1910. 7p. fo. Upsala. K. Universitet. Meteorologiske observatorium. Bulletin mensuel mPtbrologiqne, 1910. Upmla. 1911. 7-11>. fo. Vaucluse. Commission m€ t€ orologique. Compte rendu, 1909. Avignon. 1910. 30p. fo. Venice. Osservatorio patriarcale. Osservaaione meteomlogiche e geodinamiche . . . 1907. Vene- zm. 1909. 64p. 4 O . Osservaaione meteorologiche e geodinamiche . . . 1908. Vene- Liv- erpool. 1911. xiv, 62p. 12O. Tsukubasan. Observatory. zia. 1910. 62p. do. Sur la marche.des minima baroniCtriques rlane la rGgion pcilaire arctique du moisde septembre 188'2 au moied'aott 1ES3. [Hru- xellea.] 3. d. 2Op. do. (R e p .: MBm. roy. acad. Belg.. C1. sc. 2me. aerie. T. 3. 1910.) Voorhees, J. F. Relation of temperature and rainfall to crop systemsaiicl production. Knoxville. 1911. 23p. 80. (Agr. esp. ski. Univ. Tenii.. Bull. 91.) Memorandum on recent weather and on the probable rliaracter nf that of Januarv and February, 1911. Calcutta. 1911. 3p. fo. Jahrbuch, 1903. Jhg. 3, Teile 1 & 2. Zhgreb. 1910. v. p. fo. Jahrbuch, 1907. Jhg. 7, Teil 3. ZBgeh. 1910. d7p. fo. Jahrbuch, 1908. Jhg. 8. Teil 3. Zhgreb. 1910. 5Op. fo. Jahrbuch, 1905. Jhg. 8, Teil 4. Seismologie. Zkgreb. 1910. Jahrbuch, 1909. Jhg. 9, Teil-1. Abschn. 1. Zhgreb. 1910. 63p. Vincent, Bdouard. Walker, Gilbert T. Zagreb (Agram). Meteorologisches Observatorium. xvi, 55p. 80. I l O Zi-ka-&i. Observatoire magndtique et mdt€ orologi ue. Bulletin, 1907. Tome33, fasc. B-MCthologie. :hang-Hai. 1910. B xix, 153p. fo. RECENT PAPERS BEARING ON METEOROLOGY AND SEISMOLOGY. C. FITZEUGE TALMAN. Llbrarlm. The subjoined tit,les have been selected from the con- t>ents of the periodicals and serials recently received in the library of the Weather Bureau. The titles selected are of 11apers or other communications bearing on meteor- o1og.y and ot>lier cognate brsnclies of science. This is not a complete index of the meteorological contents of all the journals from which it has been compiled; it shows only the articles that! appear to the compiler likely to be of )art.icular iiiterest in connection with the work of the beather Bureau. Unsigned articles are indicated by a -. Journal of the Franklin Institute. Ph,iMlphiu. v. 171. April, 1911. Kimball, Herbert H. Some cauees'of variation in the polarizat,ion of sky light. p. 333-344: h k w l e d y t . London. ~i e i v series. v. 8. April, 1911. Murray, James. Some works referring to red snow. p. 152-153. Nature. London. v. 86. 1911. Harger, John. ( lollierv warnings. p. 12-13. (Mar. 2.) [Wit,h comments by W. Cfal~oway.1 - Insurance against rain. p. 144. (Mar. 30.) [States several objections to rainfall insurance, btwed on the character of the reborde, etc.] Kowalski, J. v. Reflection of ultra-violet rays by enow. p. 144. (Nu. 30.) Bartrum, C. 0. Insurance @net rain. p. 179. (Apr. 6.) [Calculation of the average risks.] Clark, J. Edmund. Relatione of phenological and climatic varia- tion. p. 192. (Apr. 6.) [Review of memoir by Vanderlinden.] hgstr6m, A. K[nuts]son. A eimple I method for determining nocturnal radiation proposed by K. Angetriim. p. 211-214. Guthe, K. E., k Worthing, A. G. A new formula for the vapor tension of water between 0' and 200' C. p. 226-228. Popular science inoiithly. New 1k-k. v. 78. May, 1911. Humphreys, W[illiam] J[ackson]. Some weather proverbs and their justification. 1. 428-444. Royal society of Loiidon. Jroceediiqs. London. 6er. A . v. 85. No. Sir Charles Todd, K. C. M. G., 1836-1910, p. xiii-xvii. Seieritijc A i m k a n . Nezo Ybrk. v. 104. 1911. An automatic humidifier for workshops. . 329. (Apr. 1.) Some effecta of the fohn wind. p. 405. (A)pr. 22.) Syiiiona'i nwteorologinrl nragazine. London. v. 46. March, 1911. - Sir Francis Galton, P. R. S. 16th February, 1822-17th Janu- Koch, Felix J. A visit to Medicine Hat. p. 2932. Tcrrtsfrial mynetisas. Baltimore. 11. 16. March, 1911. Thompson, Arthur. On a variation in the inteneity of the pene- trating radiation at the earth's surface observed May 19 and 21, 1910. p. 35-30. Bauer, L. A. The physical theory of t.he earth's magnetic and electric henomena, No. 111: The external electric cufrents and the earz7e magnetization. p. 33-53. Cosms. Paris. 60 anii2e. 11 ?#tars 1911. - Effets d'un coup de foudre sur une antenne de tBl6graphie ~I I E fil. p. 255. [Describes case of ball lightning apparently due to a bend in a conductor.] France. Acadhie dcs sciences. Comptes rendus, Paria. Tmne 152. 20 nmrs 1911. Guilbert, G. Sur la temp6te du 13 mare 1911. p. 804-806. Baldit, A. Observations eur lee chargea BlectriqueN de la pluie en Nature. Puris. 59 ann&. 11 nmrs 1911. Besson, Louis. Le halo du 21 d6cenibre 1910; un arc tangent qui Animlcn der Hydrogmphk und nucritimen Meteorologie. Berlin. S9. Physical reaierv. Laiicaster. v. 82. February, 1911. A 576. B., W. H. ary, 1911. p. 21. [Obituary.]. 1910, au Puye-en-Velay. p. 807-809. n'est pas tangent. p. 247-248. Jahrgang. Miirz 1911. K6 pen, W[ladimir]. Wodurch iet die hohe Wiirme Europaa und DRL.?SC~ Zeitschrift f u r Luftschiflahrt. Berlin. 15. Jahrgang. 7 . Miirz Jes nordatlantischen Oaeans bedingt? p. 113-119. 1911. .~~. - Ein verbesserter Ballonapparat, daa Vertikal-Doppel-Anemo- __ __ meter. . 2%23. Geographisclre &t.sch~t. Lei Eis. 17. Jahrgang. S. Heft. 1911. Wrzer. Albert. Die 'fenweraturverhaltnisse der schwiibisch- bayehhen Hochebene G d des Alpenvorlandea. p. 121-134.