% This is the bibliographic database in bibtex format. @string{SV = "Springer Verlag"} @string{NH = "North Holland"} @string{NASA = ""} @string{FAA = "{FAA}"} @string{JCSS = "Journal Of Computer And System Sciences"} @string{CR = "{NASA} Contractor Report"} @string{CP = "{NASA} Conference Publication"} @string{TM = "{NASA} Technical Memorandum"} @string{TP = "{NASA} Technical Paper"} @string{CLI = "Computational Logic Inc."} @string{CSDL = "Charles Stark Draper Lab., Inc."} @string{SEN = "ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes"} @string{acm = {Association for Computing Machinery}} @string{acsac = { Aerospace Computer Security Applications Conference}} @string{afips = {AFIPS Conference Proceedings}} @string{agard = {NATO Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (AGARD)}} @string{aiaa = {American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics}} @string{ams = {American Mathematical Society}} @string{annals = {Annals of the History of Computing}} @string{awst = {Aviation Week and Space Technology}} @string{cade = { International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE)}} @string{cav = {Computer-Aided Verification}} @string{cipher = {Cipher (Newsletter of the {IEEE} Technical Committee on Security and Privacy)}} @string{cj = {Computer Journal}} @string{csl = {Computer Science Laboratory, SRI International}} @string{csli = {Center for the Study of Language and Information}} @string{csfw = {Proceedings of the Computer Security Foundations Workshop}} @string{cup = {Cambridge University Press}} @string{dasc = {{AIAA/IEEE} Digital Avionics Systems Conference}} @string{dcca = {IFIP Working Conference on Dependable Computing for Critical Applications}} @string{dcs = { International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems}} @string{dover = {Dover Publications, Inc.}} @string{facs = {Formal Aspects of Computing}} @string{focs = { Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science}} @string{ftcs = {Fault Tolerant Computing Symposium }} @string{gtm = {Graduate Texts in Mathematics}} @string{hpj = {Hewlett-Packard Journal}} @string{icse = {International Conference on Software Engineering}} @string{ieeeaes = {IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine}} @string{ieeecs = {IEEE Computer Society}} @string{ieeecsm = {IEEE Control Systems Magazine}} @string{ieee = {The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers}} @string{ieeepds = {IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems}} @string{ieeesmc = {IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics}} @string{ieeetc = {IEEE Transactions on Computers}} @string{ieeetr = {IEEE Transactions on Reliability}} @string{ieeetse = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering}} @string{ieepe = {IEE Proceedings, Part E: Computers and Digital Techniques}} @string{ieepg = {IEE Proceedings, Part G: Circuits Devices and Systems}} @string{ieepd = {IEE Proceedings, Part D: Control Theory and Applications}} @string{Ipl = "Information Processing Letters"} @string{Jacm = "Journal Of The {ACM}"} @string{jar = {Journal of Automated Reasoning}} @string{jsl = {Journal of Symbolic Logic}} @string{jgcd = {AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics}} @string{larc = {NASA Langley Research Center}} @string{lics = {Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science}} @string{lnai = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence}} @string{lncs = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}} @string{lnm = {Lecture Notes in Mathematics}} @string{mp = {Menlo Park, CA}} @string{naecon = {National Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON)}} @string{ncc = {National Computer Conference}} @string{nist = {National Institute of Standards and Technology}} @string{ny = {New York, NY}} @string{oup = {Oxford University Press}} @string{phiscs = {Prentice Hall International Series in Computer Science}} @string{podc = { ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing}} @string{popl = { ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages}} @string{rts = {Real-Time Systems}} @string{rtss = {Real Time Systems Symposium}} @string{scp = {Science of Computer Programming}} @string{sen = {ACM Software Engineering Notes}} @string{sosp = { ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles}} @string{spe = {Software---Practice and Experience}} @string{srds = { Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems}} @string{srsp = {Proceedings of the Symposium on Research in Security and Privacy}} @string{ssp = {Proceedings of the Symposium on Security and Privacy}} @string{sv = {Springer Verlag}} @string{svwc = {Springer-Verlag Workshops in Computing}} @string{tcs = {Theoretical Computer Science}} @string{toplas = {ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems}} @string{tosem = {ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology}} @string{wiley = {John Wiley and Sons}} @MANUAL{fm-guidebook-1-1, KEY = {NAS}, ORGANIZATION = {NASA Office of Safety and Mission Assurance}, TITLE = {Formal Methods Specification and Verification Guidebook for Software and Computer Systems, Volume I: Planning and Technology Insertion}, MONTH = jul, YEAR = 1995, NOTE = {NASA-GB-002-95, Release 1.0.}, ADDRESS = {Washington, DC} } @MANUAL{fm-guidebook-2-1, KEY = {NAS}, ORGANIZATION = {NASA Office of Safety and Mission Assurance}, TITLE = {Formal Methods Specification and Analysis Guidebook for the Verification of Software and Computer Systems, Volume II: A Practitioner's Companion}, ADDRESS = {Washington, DC}, MONTH = may, YEAR = 1997, NOTE = {NASA-GB-001-97, Release 1.0. Available at {\tt http://eis.jpl.nasa.gov/quality/Formal\_Methods/}.} } @MANUAL{safer-rqmts, KEY = {NAS}, TITLE = {Project Requirements Document for the Simplified Aid for EVA Rescue (SAFER) Flight Test Project}, note = {NASA JSC-24691}, MONTH = dec, YEAR = 1992 } @MANUAL{safer-ops-manual, KEY = {NAS}, TITLE = {Simplified Aid for EVA Rescue (SAFER), Operations Manual}, note = {NASA JSC-26283}, MONTH = sep, YEAR = 1994 } @MANUAL{safer-spec, KEY = {NAS}, TITLE = {Simplified Aid for EVA Rescue (SAFER) Flight Test Project - Flight Test Article Prime Item Development Specification}, note = {NASA JSC-25552}, MONTH = jul, YEAR = 1994 } @article{Owre-prolegomena, AUTHOR = {Sam Owre and John Rushby and Natarajan Shankar and Friedrich von Henke}, TITLE = {Formal Verification for Fault-Tolerant Architectures: Prolegomena to the Design of {PVS}}, JOURNAL = ieeetse, YEAR = 1995, MONTH = feb, volume = 21, number = 2, pages = "107-125" } @inproceedings{Butler-Compass95, author = "Ricky W. Butler and James L. Caldwell and Victor A. Carreno and C. Michael Holloway and Paul S. Miner and Ben L. Di Vito", title = "{NASA} {L}angley's Research and Technology Transfer Program in Formal Methods", month = Jun, days = "26--30", year = 1995, booktitle = "Tenth Annual Conference on Computer Assurance (COMPASS 95)", address = "Gaithersburg, MD"} @techreport{Rushby-FAA, title = "Formal Methods and Digital Systems Validation for Airborne Systems", author = "John Rushby", year = 1993, month = dec, number = 4551, type = CR} @techreport{Rushby-FAA-short, title = "Formal Methods and Their Role in Digital Systems Validation for Airborne Systems", author = "John Rushby", year = 1995, month = aug, number = 4673, institution = NASA, type = CR} @article{Crow-DiVito98, AUTHOR = {Judith Crow and Ben Di Vito}, TITLE = {Formalizing {Space Shuttle} Software Requirements: Four Case Studies}, JOURNAL = tosem, YEAR = 1998, MONTH = jul, volume = 7, number = 3, pages = {296-332} } @article{Srivas-Miller96, AUTHOR = {M.~K. Srivas and S.~P. Miller}, TITLE = {Applying Formal Verification to the {AAMP5} Microprocessor: A Case Study in the Industrial Use of Formal Methods}, JOURNAL = {Formal Methods in Systems Design}, YEAR = 1996, MONTH = mar, volume = 8, number = 2, pages = {153-188} } @inproceedings{Agerholm-Larsen97, author = "Sten Agerholm and Peter Gorm Larsen", title = "Modeling and Validating {SAFER} in {VDM-SL}", month = sep, days = "10--12", year = 1997, booktitle = "Lfm97, Fourth {NASA Langley} Formal Methods Workshop", address = "Hampton, Virgina", note = "{NASA Conference Publication} 3356." } @book{Gordon-Melham93, title = {Introduction to HOL: A Theorem Proving Environment for Higher-Order Logic}, author = {M.~J.~C. Gordon and T.~F. Melham}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, address = {Cambridge, England}, year = 1993 } @book{Paulson87, title = {Logic and Computation: Interactive Proof with Cambridge LCF}, author = {L.~C. Paulson}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, address = {Cambridge, England}, year = 1987 } @article{Harel+90, AUTHOR = {D. Harel and H. Lachover and A. Naamad and A. Pnueli and M. Politi and R. Sherman and A. Shtull-Trauring and M. Trakhtenbrot}, TITLE = {Statemate: A Working Environment for the Development of Complex Reactive Systems}, JOURNAL = ieeetse, YEAR = 1990, MONTH = apr, volume = 16, number = 4, pages = "403-414" } @article{Heitmeyer+96, AUTHOR = {C. L. Heitmeyer and R. D. Jeffords and B. L. Labaw}, TITLE = {Consistency Checking of {SCR}-Style Requirements Specifications}, JOURNAL = tosem, YEAR = 1996, MONTH = jul, volume = 5, number = 3, pages = "231-261" } @article{Leveson+94, AUTHOR = {N. G. Leveson and M. P. E. Heimdahl and H. Hildreth and J. D. Reese}, TITLE = {Requirements Specification for Process-Control Systems}, JOURNAL = ieeetse, YEAR = 1994, MONTH = sep, volume = 20, number = 9, pages = "694-707" } @article{Henzinger+97, AUTHOR = {Thomas A. Henzinger and Pei-Hsin Ho and Howard Wong-Toi}, TITLE = {{\sc HyTech:} A Model Checker for Hybrid Systems}, JOURNAL = {Software Tools for Technology Transfer}, YEAR = 1997, MONTH = dec, volume = 1, number = 1, pages = "110-122" }