8/12/98 subject:ham radio 5 to 4 classes To FCC: I am sending this in regards to the changing of the license system in Amateur radio. I am against anymore changes in the different ham license classes. I feel the no code license has hurt the Amateur band enough without making it easier for people to get on the HF bands. Lets leave something that works alone. If anything I think the code requirements should be raised not reduced. Morse code is still a very important part of Amateur radio. There are times with bad band conditions or times when you need to run a long time on low power and cw is the best way to go with the lowest power for the longest and most dependable time. We are already allowing these cheat books to give people the entire question pool with the answers for people to get a license. Have you ever wonder how the education of our young people would be if we let them have the teachers tests for the entire year in advance. Lets quit making things easier and damaging the hobby any further. Thank you for your time. I could name 50 hams here that feel the same way. It's just ridiculous to continue giving our hobby away...... Morris J. Burr From : Quincy Graham ckk5bd@iamerica.net> To: A4 .A4 (PCCINFO) Date: 8/12/98 subject: Proposal to change rules as pertains to Ham Radio Dear Sirs, I would like the rules to remain as they currently are now... The rules now provide something for everyone. I am afraid any "relaxing" of the rules will tend to compromise the fraternity and send it down the "CB" road.....Thank you. Quincy Graham KKSBD RR 9, Box 1050 Lufkin, TX 75901 Phone 409 632 7902 AUG 12 1998 From : cWISYA@aol.com> To: A4.A4(fccinfo) Date: a/12/98 subject: FCC streamlining amateur part 97 As a general class amateur of some 48 years and active on all bands from 160 thru 2 meters I would like to share my views on any propose changes. I can really only speak to my class of license, in the early days when the FCC gave the exams it took a great deal of effort to pass the CW and the theory exams. I would not like to see novice/techs groupings with our class of ability. Also since the majority of communication is by phone vrs CW and where the CW can use any portion of the operating band I would like the phone operators to have the same privileges. I don't think that changes should be made just to reduce paperwork testing. The amateur radio hobby as a long and proud history. Thank you Redmond Sheets WlSYA WlSYA@aol.com I am a VE and am liking what I hear-KEEP TBE CODE at 13 words per minute for General and 20 for Extra. CW sets us apart as an elite group and we like it. It works well and requires some skill and practice which enhances the quality of our operators and their level of dedication. Once we get bad operators on the air, it is very hard to get them off. We can well do without the Novice and Tech-plus classes. Take away my computer, my phone, my access to satellite communication, my AC power(you can even take my microphone) and I will still get through given time and a "real" radio operator, I will get through.What is a ham for? Keep the CODE or make it all CB because it ultimately will be if you do not!... ..Ronald Grayeon In the beginning was the WORD!!!! KBsDKW /QRV from DX to yo sweet marmny From: "Gary Fryer'!