

TOP Pretarsus of the metathoracic (hind) leg. Its two main features are the paired claws surrounding the toung like like arolium. About a half dozen long, large, curved hairs project backward from the median sclerite. At the base of the arolium, and projecting proximally (leftward), is the planta, which is covered with spines that extend distally. The unguitractor, which is not well displayed in this field, is located to the left of the planta. The medial surface of each bilobed claw has several ranks of fine hairs and a few chaeticalike sensilla. (x270) Metathoracic pretarsus facing the viewer, dorsal side up.

BOTTOM RIGT The median sclerite is visible, along with the stout spines that issue from it. Several different forms of hair are present on the base of the last tarsal segment (top). (x 168)

BOTTOM LEFT Spiny arolium. As the claws relax, the arolium assumes the pursed shape. When the claws are active and extended, the arolium is drawn upward and spreads out between the claws. The bee uses this fleshy lobe to grip surfaces that cannot be penetrated or grasped by the claws. (x 378)