

TOP LEFT. Survey of the hind foot. The claws are simple, unlobed, hollow hooks fringed with (probably sensory) hairs. (x 100)

TOP RIGHT. Arolium (from the hind foot) showing its hirsute medial surface and glabrous, grooved exterior (compare with Plate 1.34, the queen forefoot and hind foot). Three long spines hang down from the median sclerite above. ( x 400)

MIDDLE. Higher magnification of the hairs lining the medial surface of the arolium. (x 4,250)

BOTTOM. Forefoot (prothoracic foot). In the foreground is the median sclerite, from which extend four stout, slightly curved spines. The basal portions of the right and left claws are on either side of the median sclerite. The ventrodistal margin of the fifth tarsal segment arises over the claw bases and median sclerite. Left and right sensory hair plates are evident above the claws; when the claws are raised they contact these putative mechanoreceptors to inform the drone whether its claws are extended or flexed. (x 510)