Laboratory for Extraterrestrial Physics
Brown Bag Seminar

About the Seminar

The Laboratory for Extraterrestrial Physics (LEP) at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center conducts weekly science seminars. The seminars are held on Fridays at noon in the Conference Room (Room 8) in Building 2 (map) at Goddard. The topics cover the interests of the Laboratory, including astrochemistry, interplanetary physics, planetary systems, planetary magnetospheres, and electrodynamics. Since the seminar is conducted during the lunch hour, the audience often brings their lunch, hence the moniker "Brown Bag."

Have an Idea for a Speaker?

The seminar organizers are always appreciative of ideas for seminar speakers. Please contact them EARLY to avoid scheduling conflicts. Contact information is located below.


The current schedule for the Fall 1998 is:





Wish List - Unconfirmed - Hopefully next "semester"

Information for Speakers

Speakers interested in speaking at the Brown Bag Seminar are encouraged to contact one of the organizers below. The duration of the seminar is an hour, but the informal nature of the seminar often elicits questions from the audience. Speakers are therefore asked to expect interruptions to take up part of the hour. The audience generally includes scientists with interests ranging throughout the heliosphere. (See above list of interests of the Laboratory.) Therefore it is beneficial to include some background material for those who may not be familiar with your topic.

Seminar Organizers

The seminar is organized by Code 692 under the direction of Dr. Thomas E. Moore. Michael R. Collier (301-286-5256) [me] is the "Master of the Horse" for Dr. Tom Moore. Please contact me for further information or to provide suggestions about the seminar because Tom has enough to keep him busy.

Other Web Sites

LENA hardware (restricted access)
Spring 1999 LEP Seminar Schedule
The SOHO Science Club Seminar Series-Wednesdays at 3:30 in Building 26 Basement Room G-10.