Table of contents for Rhodopsins and phototransduction.

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Professor George Wald Memorial Talk (RUTH HUBBARD and ELIJAH WALD). 
 The ecology of visual pigments (J K BOWMAKER). 
 Evolution of visual pigments and related molecules (FUMIO TOKUNAGA). 
 Structure of rhodopsin obtained by electron ryo-microscopy (GEBHARD F X SCHERTLER). 
 Photons, femtoseconds and dipolar interactions: a molecular picture of the primary events in vision (RICHARD A MATHIES). 
 Photoactivation of rhodopsin: interplay between protein and chromophore (WILLEM J DEGRIP). 
 Colour tuning mechanism of visual pigments (STEVEN W LIN). 
 Amino acid residues controlling properties and functions of rod and cone visual pigments (YOSHINORI SHICHIDA). 
 Signalling states of photoactivated rhodopsin (KLAUS PETER HOFMANN). 
 Molecular mechanism of visual transduction (KRZYSZTOF PALCZEWSKI). 
 Calcium-dependent regulation of rhodopsin phosphorylation (SATORU KAWAMURA). 
 Emerging role of mass spectrometry in molecular biosciences: studies of protein phosphorylation in fly eyes as an example (HIROYUKI MATSUMOTO). 
 Cyclic GMP-gated channel and peripherin/rds-rom-1 complex of rod cells (ROBERT S MOLDAY). 
 Non-visual photoreception by a variety of vertebrate opsins (DAISUKE KOJIMA). 

Library of Congress subject headings for this publication: Rhodopsin Congresses