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Sexual Violence Prevention
Scientific Information: Definitions


Sexual violence (SV) is any sexual act that is forced against someone's will. These acts can be physical, verbal, or psychological. There are four types of sexual violence (Basile and Saltzman, 2002); all types involve victims who do not consent, or who are unable to consent or refuse to allow the act.

Why is a Consistent Definition Important?

A consistent definition is needed to monitor the incidence of SV and examine trends over time. In addition, it helps determine the magnitude of SV and compare the problem across jurisdictions. A consistent definition also helps researchers measure risk and protective factors for victimization or perpetration in a uniform manner. This information ultimately assists prevention and intervention efforts.


Basile KC, Saltzman LE. Sexual violence surveillance: uniform definitions and recommended data elements version 1.0. Atlanta: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control; 2002. Available from URL:


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Content Source: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Division of Violence Prevention
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