76 LITERATURE OF LOUISIANA TERRITORY. none. So I took care to know all about the road, and the country, and the place, before I left home." '• And who told you all about it? " " Suppose I should tell you," answered the young man, " that Van Courtland had a map of the country made, and gave it to me." " I should say you were a traitor to him, or a spy upon us," was the stern reply. At the same moment, a startled hum was heard from the crowd, and the press moved and swayed for an instant, as if a sort of spasm had pervaded the whole mass. " You are a good hand at questioning," said the youth, with a smile, " but without asking a single question, I have found out all I wanted to know." " And what was that? " asked the other. " Whether you were friends to the Yorkers and Yankees, or to poor old Virginia." " And which are we for? " added the laconic moun- taineer. " For old Virginia forever," replied tbe youth * » • It was echoed in a shout, * * * their proud war-cry of *' old Virginia forever."