Minutes of the Jan 3, 2003 Tevatron Dept Meeting 1. Welcome to Andreas Jansson! - he joined the Tev group starting Jan 1 and will work on the Tev diagnostics. As a Peoples Fellow, he may use up to 50% of his time for self-directed research. Andreas thinks it'll be during his sleep time :-) 2. Vladimir announced that Jerry Annala is going to arrange a few-week long MCR training for new Tev Dept members (Amin, Vahid, Andreas?). Goal is to make tham more familiar with Tevatron and eventaully be able to do the Tevatron Coordinator job. 3. Vladimir explained why and how the BBCompensation team is going to replace the TEL e-gun during the shutdown. New "Gaussian" gun has been design, built and tested. It produces smooth e-beam edges and supposed to improve p/pbar lifetime with the TEL. Valery asked whether smooth edges will deteriorate TEL ability to clean the DC beam, but Vladimir responded that they should not. 4. CYTan store summary: luminosity was not that great last week (5 stores with L between 22 and 31.6, only two stores >30e30). Intensities, emittances and lifetimes were kind of usual. There was a 12 (out of 24) house quench last week, Dec.28 (E48 Kicker prefire thought to be the reason, but no hard evidences). Tan gradually (store-by-store) lowered chromaticities on the ramp to straight lines (8 at 150 to 14 at 980) and that led to smaller pbar losses on ramp (about 12% now vs 18-20% a week ago). He also mentioned significant orbit wandering only 3 weeks after smoothing. 5. XLZhang presented preliminary results of EoS studies when TEL was used as noise source to blow up some pbar bunches - emittance growth rate depends quadratically on the e-current fluctuation amplitude (as expected). Pbar tunes were observed during this studies quite well (e.g. for A12 Q_x is 0.004 above the proton tune) 6. Aimin has successfully tried to use new software which allows to vary several ACNET channels while tracking others - she made hor orbit aperture scan with HE42 and HE44 correctors while tracking changes in IBEAM. It did work (till beam lost due to instability). Next step - make it work for a fast straight section aperture scans. 7. Jerry smoothed orbits at flat top down to 0.3 mm rms (before that the rms orbit-"silver orbit" was 1 mm or 3.5 mm peak-to-peak). That immidiately improved tune behavior during squeeze. He also returned coupling corrections back to where they were 3 weeks ago that helped to decouple the Tev. 8. Todd presented plots suggesting that some of the orbit diffusion over last week might be due to quench(es). E.g., roll of some magnets after Dec.28 quench jumped by some 20 microrad. Some magnets recovered back after few days, some (E35-1) did not. Valery raised the question should we try to wrench alignment bolts of the Tev magnet support stands. Todd presented a picture of one really ugly rusted support. During the shutdown Todd will make pictures of all(!) Tev magnet stands. He is also purchasing 10 more tiltmeters to track magnet motion. 9. Valery explained famous sqrt(time) beam loss at injection in a simple scraping model. The scraping/shaving might be in transverse on in longitudinal plane, on hard aperture (e.g. C0) or soft collimator (e.g. beam-beam on protons). It's important to know distribution function at the tails. Alvin will look into dynamics of the Tevatron bunch profile at 150 GeV to get an idea of what's going on in the tails. Andreas was asked to look into raw 2D data from SL and see particle distrubution in the (transverse) tails. 10. Paul made tune tracker working better, tune variations on ramp are seen quite well (need to be compared with expert analysis of VSA color tune spectrogram), synchrotron tune variation on the ramp is reported as well, tune variation during stores is found to be some 0.002 peak-to-peak. Minutes taken by V. Shiltsev, edited by R. Moore.