% Compute finite difference approximation to solution of ODE BVP % -d^2u/dx^2 = f(x), 0 < x < 1, % u(0) = 1, % u(1) = 0. % Test the code by taking f(x) = 9*pi^2/4 * cos(3*pi*x/2), with % exact solution u_exact = cos(3*pi*x/2). % % Approximate solutions are computed on a sequence of grids. % For each grid the solution error is computed. A log-log % plot of solution error vs. grid spacing is generated. nlevels = input(' No. of grid levels = '); nvec = zeros(nlevels,1); for k = 1:nlevels N = 2 * 2^k - 1 % No. of unknowns = no. of interior grid points. nvec(k) = N; % Save no. of unknowns. h = 1/(N+1) % Grid spacing. x = [0:h:1]'; % Grid points, including boundary. x_interior = x(2:N+1); % Interior grid points. % Set up N-by-N matrix A_h = tridiag(-1,2,-1). Use sparse % storage mode. First set up main diagonal and subdiagonal of A_h. % Since A_h is symmetric, the sub- and superdiagonals are the same. Ah_diag = 2 * ones(N,1); Ah_sub = -1 * ones(N-1,1); A_h = spdiags([[Ah_sub;0],Ah_diag,[0;Ah_sub]],[-1 0 1],N,N); % Set up right-hand-side vector b_h. First evaluate r.h.s function f(x) % at interior grid points. Then add contribution from boundary conditions. rhs_function = WHAT IS IT? u_left = 1; % Left BC u_right = 0; % Right BC b_h = h^2 * rhs_function; b_h(1) = WHAT IS IT? b_h(N) = WHAT IS IT? % Solve linear system A_h*uh_interior = b_h and append boundary values. uh_interior = A_h\b_h; uh = [u_left; uh_interior; u_right]; % Evaluate exact solution and compute discrete solution error. u_exact = cos(3*pi*x/2); Eh = norm(uh - u_exact,'inf'); % Save error and mesh spacing. Ehvec(k) = Eh; hvec(k) = h; % Plot true and approximate solutions in figure 1. figure(1) plot(x,u_exact,";exact solution;g*-", x,uh,";FDE solution;ro-") xlabel('x axis') ylabel('u(x)') title_str = ['Grid spacing h = ', num2str(h)]; title(title_str) disp(' Hit any key to continue.'); pause end % Plot error vector Eh vs. h on a log-log scale. figure(2) loglog(hvec,Ehvec,"bo-") xlabel('mesh size h') ylabel('E_h = max |u_h - u_{exact}|') title('Log-log plot of solution error E_h vs. mesh size h') % Estimate rate of convergence. conv_rate = mean( diff(log(Ehvec)) ./ diff(log(hvec)) ); fprintf('Estimated rate of convergence is h^p, where p = %4.3e\n',conv_rate);