H.2.10 Ortho_Diffusion Class Unit Test Program

This lightly commented program performs a unit test on the Ortho_Diffusion Class.

program Unit_Test

  use Caesar_Linear_Algebra_Module
  use Caesar_Multi_Mesh_Class
  use Caesar_Ortho_Diffusion_Class
  use Caesar_Monomial_Class
  use Caesar_Numbers_Module, only: zero, half, one, two, three, four, &
                                   six, eight, twelve, sixteen
  implicit none

  type(Communication_type) :: Comm
  type(Status_type) :: status
  type(integer) :: c, NRows

  ! Mesh variables.

  type(real,2) :: Coordinates_Cells        ! Coordinates of the cell centers.
  type(real,1) :: Lengths                  ! Physical extent of the 
                                           ! domain in each direction.
  type(Multi_Mesh_type) :: Mesh            ! Mesh object.
  type(integer) :: NDimensions             ! Number of dimensions.
  type(integer) :: NCells_X                ! Number of cells in X.
  type(integer) :: NCells_Y                ! Number of cells in Y.
  type(integer) :: NCells_Z                ! Number of cells in Z.
  type(integer) :: Faces_per_Cell          ! Number of local faces per cell.
  type(integer,2) :: Flag_Faces_of_Cells   ! Mesh boundary flags.
  type(real,3) :: Coordinates_Faces_of_Cells ! Coordinates of face centers.
  type(real) :: X                          ! Local X coordinate.

  ! Physics variables.

  type(real,1) :: Diffusion_Coefficient       ! Diffusion Coefficient.
  type(Mathematic_Vector_type) :: Phi_MV      ! Diffused Quantity (MV).
  type(real,1) :: Phi                         ! Diffused Quantity (BNV).
  type(real,2) :: Gradient_Cells              ! Gradient vectors at the cells.
  type(real) :: Phi_0, Phi_1                  ! Dirichlet BC constants.
  type(real,1) :: Sigma_a                     ! Absorption cross-section.
  type(real,1) :: Source                      ! Source term.
  type(integer,2) :: BC_Faces_of_Cells        ! Boundary condition flags.
  type(real,2) :: Phi_BC_Faces_of_Cells       ! Boundary condition constants.
  type(real) :: Extrapolation          ! Boundary condition factor.
  type(real) :: D0, D1, D2, Q0

  ! Equation variables.

  type(Ortho_Diffusion_type) :: Ortho_Diff_Term ! Diffusion term.
  type(Monomial_type) :: Linear_Term                 ! Absorption term.
  type(Monomial_type) :: Constant_Term               ! Source term.
  type(real) :: Exponent             ! Exponent used in setting Monomial terms.

  ! Matrix variables.

  type(ELL_Matrix_type) :: Matrix_ELLM  ! Diffusion equation matrix.
  type(integer) :: MaxNonzeros    ! Maximum number of nonzero entries per row.
  type(Mathematic_Vector_type) :: RHS_MV ! Right-hand side of diffusion eqn.
  type(Mathematic_Vector_type) :: Error_MV    ! Error Vector (MV).
  type(real,1) :: Exact                       ! Exact Vector (BNV).
  ! Base structures for the matrix.
  type(Base_Structure_type), pointer :: Row_Structure, Column_Structure
  type(Solver_type) :: Solver


  ! Initializations.

  call Initialize (Comm)
  call Output (Comm)
  call Initialize (status)

  ! Create a mesh.

  NCells_X = 10
  NCells_Y = 2
  NCells_Z = 12
  !NCells_X = 2
  !NCells_Y = 1
  !NCells_Z = 1
  NDimensions = 3
  call Initialize (Lengths, NDimensions)
  Lengths = (/ 1.d0, 1.d0, 1.d0 /)

  call Initialize (Mesh, NDimensions, Lengths, NCells_X, NCells_Y, NCells_Z, &
                   'Uniform Mesh', status)
  call Initialize (Coordinates_Cells, NDimensions, NCells_PE(Mesh), &
  call Get_Coordinates_Cells (Coordinates_Cells, Mesh)

  ! Set Diffusion Coefficient for every face of each cell.
  !  Faces_of_Cells way -- for later:
  !Faces_per_Cell = two*NDimensions
  !call Initialize (Diffusion_Coefficient, NCells_PE(Mesh), Faces_per_Cell, &
  !                 status(4))
  !do lf = 1, Faces_per_Cell
  !  where (Coordinates_Cells(1,:) < 0.5)
  !    Diffusion_Coefficient(:,lf) = Diff_Coeff(1)
  !  elsewhere
  !    Diffusion_Coefficient(:,lf) = Diff_Coeff(2)
  !  end where
  !end do

  ! Set Boundary Conditions.
  ! (Should do by face, but doing by faces_of_cells is easier for now.)
  ! call Initialize (Boundary_Conditions, NFaces_PE(Mesh), status)

  Faces_per_Cell = Get_Faces_per_Cell (Mesh)
  call Initialize (BC_Faces_of_Cells, NCells_PE(Mesh), Faces_per_Cell, &
  call Initialize (Flag_Faces_of_Cells, NCells_PE(Mesh), Faces_per_Cell, &
  call Initialize (Phi_BC_Faces_of_Cells, NCells_PE(Mesh), Faces_per_Cell, &
  call Get_Flag_Faces_of_Cells (Flag_Faces_of_Cells, Mesh)
  ! Extrapolation Factor is set to the default value -- cannot leave it out of 
  ! the initialize call because it appears before the status variable.
  Extrapolation = half  

  ! Get Cell Face Coordinates. 

  call Initialize (Coordinates_Faces_of_Cells, NDimensions, &
                   NCells_PE(Mesh), Faces_per_Cell)
  call Get_Coordinates_Faces_of_Cells (Coordinates_Faces_of_Cells, Mesh)

  ! Physics initializations.

  call Initialize (Sigma_a, NCells_PE(Mesh), status)
  call Initialize (Source, NCells_PE(Mesh), status)
  call Initialize (Diffusion_Coefficient, NCells_PE(Mesh), status)
  call Initialize (Phi, NCells_PE(Mesh), status)
  call Initialize (Gradient_Cells, NDimensions, NCells_PE(Mesh), status)
  call Initialize (Exact, NCells_PE(Mesh), status)

  ! Set up Matrix Equation.

  MaxNonzeros = 2*NDimensions + 1
  Row_Structure => Cell_Structure(Mesh)
  Column_Structure => Cell_Structure(Mesh)
  call Initialize (Matrix_ELLM, MaxNonzeros, Row_Structure, Column_Structure, &
                   'Coefficients', status)
  call Initialize (RHS_MV, Row_Structure, 'Right-Hand Side', &
  call Initialize (Phi_MV, Column_Structure, 'Phi_Cells', status)
  call Initialize (Error_MV, Column_Structure, 'Error = Solution - Exact', &

  ! Problem X.1: 1-D Linear Solution with Dirichlet BCs

  if (this_is_IO_PE) then
    write (6,100) 'Problem X.1: 1-D Linear Solution with Dirichlet BCs'
  end if
100 format (/,a)

  ! Problem parameters.

  Phi_0 = 47.d0
  D0 = one/3.d0
  Q0 = zero

  ! Set Absorption (Removal) cross-section for each cell.

  Sigma_a = zero

  ! Set Source term for each cell.

  Source = -Q0

  ! Set Diffusion Coefficient for each cell.

  Diffusion_Coefficient = D0

  ! Set Boundary Conditions.

  where (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 1)      ! Left (-x) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Dirichlet_BC
    Phi_BC_Faces_of_Cells = Phi_0
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 2) ! Right (+x) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Homogeneous_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 3) ! Front (-y) Face. 
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Reflective_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 4) ! Back (+y) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Reflective_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 5) ! Bottom (-z) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Reflective_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 6) ! Top (+z) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Reflective_BC
  end where

  ! Set Phi to an initial guess to avoid division by zero error in 
  ! LAMG in the stopping test.

  Phi = one
  Phi_MV = Phi

  ! Define Steady State Diffusion Equation.

  call Initialize (Ortho_Diff_Term, Diffusion_Coefficient, BC_Faces_of_Cells, &
                   Phi_BC_Faces_of_Cells, Phi_MV, 'Cells', Mesh, &
                   'Diffusion Term', Extrapolation, status)
  Exponent = one
  call Initialize (Linear_Term, Sigma_a, Exponent, Phi_MV, &
                   'Cells', Mesh, 'Absorption Term', status)
  Exponent = zero
  call Initialize (Constant_Term, Source, Exponent, Phi_MV, &
                   'Cells', Mesh, 'Source Term', status)

  ! Output Terms.

  NRows = NCells_PE(Mesh)
  !call Output ( Constant_Term,  MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  !call Output (   Linear_Term,  MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  !call Output (Ortho_Diff_Term, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))

  ! Check state of Equation Terms.

  VERIFY(Valid_State(  Constant_Term),0)
  VERIFY(Valid_State(    Linear_Term),0)

  ! Populate Matrix Equation.

  call Add_to_Matrix_Equation (Ortho_Diff_Term, Matrix_ELLM, RHS_MV)
  call Add_to_Matrix_Equation (Linear_Term, Matrix_ELLM, RHS_MV)
  call Add_to_Matrix_Equation (Constant_Term, Matrix_ELLM, RHS_MV)

  ! Solve Matrix Equation.

  !call Output (Matrix_ELLM, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  call Initialize (Solver, 'LAMG')
  call Set (Solver, 'Epsilon', 1.d-10)
  call Solve (Solver, Matrix_ELLM, Phi_MV, RHS_MV)
  call Finalize (Solver)

  ! Output.

  !call Output (Phi_MV)
  !call Output (Matrix_ELLM, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  !call Output (RHS_MV, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))

  ! Check answers.

  Phi = Phi_MV
  do c = 1, NCells_PE(Mesh)
    Exact(c) = Phi_0*(one-Coordinates_Cells(1,c))
  ! write (6,*) c, Coordinates_Cells(1,c), Phi(c), Exact(c), Exact(c) - Phi(c)
  end do
  Error_MV = Phi - Exact
  call Output (Error_MV, 0, 0)

  ! Check gradient.

  call Evaluate_Gradient_Cells (Ortho_Diff_Term, Phi_MV, Gradient_Cells)
  do c = 1, NCells_PE(Mesh)
    if (ABS(Gradient_Cells(1,c) - (-Phi_0)) > 9.d-8 .or. &
        ABS(Gradient_Cells(2,c) - (zero)  ) > 2.d-8 .or. &
        ABS(Gradient_Cells(3,c) - (zero)  ) > 5.d-8) then
      write (6,*) 'Error (Problem X.1): Grad = ', Gradient_Cells(:,c)
    end if
  end do

  ! Finalize terms.

  call Finalize (Ortho_Diff_Term)
  call Finalize (Linear_Term)
  call Finalize (Constant_Term)

  ! Reset entire Matrix Equation.
  ! Note that we must finalize Phi_MV before Matrix_ELLM because the call to 
  ! Solver may use a MatVec to calculate a residual, which would create an 
  ! OV in Phi_MV based on the Data_Index in Matrix_ELLM. Tricky.

  call Finalize (Phi_MV)
  call Finalize (RHS_MV)
  call Finalize (Matrix_ELLM)
  call Initialize (Matrix_ELLM, MaxNonzeros, Row_Structure, Column_Structure, &
                   'Coefficients', status)
  call Initialize (RHS_MV, Row_Structure, 'Right-Hand Side', &
  call Initialize (Phi_MV, Column_Structure, 'Phi_Cells', status)

  ! Problem X.2: 1-D Linear Solution with Source/Vacuum BCs

  if (this_is_IO_PE) then
    write (6,100) 'Problem X.2: 1-D Linear Solution with Source/Vacuum BCs'
  end if

  ! Problem parameters.

  Phi_0 = 47.d0
  D0 = one/3.d0
  Q0 = zero

  ! Set Absorption (Removal) cross-section for each cell.

  Sigma_a = zero

  ! Set Source term for each cell.

  Source = -Q0

  ! Set Diffusion Coefficient for each cell.

  Diffusion_Coefficient = D0

  ! Set Boundary Conditions.

  where (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 1)      ! Left (-x) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Source_BC
    Phi_BC_Faces_of_Cells = Phi_0
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 2) ! Right (+x) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Vacuum_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 3) ! Front (-y) Face. 
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Reflective_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 4) ! Back (+y) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Reflective_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 5) ! Bottom (-z) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Reflective_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 6) ! Top (+z) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Reflective_BC
  end where

  ! Set Phi to an initial guess to avoid division by zero error in 
  ! LAMG in the stopping test.

  Phi = one
  Phi_MV = Phi

  ! Define Steady State Diffusion Equation.

  call Initialize (Ortho_Diff_Term, Diffusion_Coefficient, BC_Faces_of_Cells, &
                   Phi_BC_Faces_of_Cells, Phi_MV, 'Cells', Mesh, &
                   'Diffusion Term', Extrapolation, status)
  Exponent = one
  call Initialize (Linear_Term, Sigma_a, Exponent, Phi_MV, &
                   'Cells', Mesh, 'Absorption Term', status)
  Exponent = zero
  call Initialize (Constant_Term, Source, Exponent, Phi_MV, &
                   'Cells', Mesh, 'Source Term', status)

  ! Output Terms.

  NRows = NCells_PE(Mesh)
  !call Output ( Constant_Term,  MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  !call Output (   Linear_Term,  MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  !call Output (Ortho_Diff_Term, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))

  ! Check state of Equation Terms.

  VERIFY(Valid_State(  Constant_Term),0)
  VERIFY(Valid_State(    Linear_Term),0)

  ! Populate Matrix Equation.

  call Add_to_Matrix_Equation (Ortho_Diff_Term, Matrix_ELLM, RHS_MV)
  call Add_to_Matrix_Equation (Linear_Term, Matrix_ELLM, RHS_MV)
  call Add_to_Matrix_Equation (Constant_Term, Matrix_ELLM, RHS_MV)

  ! Solve Matrix Equation.

  !call Output (Matrix_ELLM, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  call Initialize (Solver, 'LAMG')
  call Set (Solver, 'Epsilon', 1.d-10)
  call Solve (Solver, Matrix_ELLM, Phi_MV, RHS_MV)
  call Finalize (Solver)

  ! Output.

  !call Output (Phi_MV)
  !call Output (Matrix_ELLM, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  !call Output (RHS_MV, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))

  ! Check answers.

  Phi = Phi_MV
  do c = 1, NCells_PE(Mesh)
    Exact(c) = Phi_0 * (one + two*D0 - Coordinates_Cells(1,c)) / &
                (one + four*D0)
  ! write (6,*) c, Coordinates_Cells(1,c), Phi(c), Exact(c), Exact(c) - Phi(c)
  end do
  Error_MV = Phi - Exact
  call Output (Error_MV, 0, 0)

  ! Check gradient.

  call Evaluate_Gradient_Cells (Ortho_Diff_Term, Phi_MV, Gradient_Cells)
  do c = 1, NCells_PE(Mesh)
    if (ABS(Gradient_Cells(1,c) - (-Phi_0/(one + four*D0))) > 5.d-9 .or. &
        ABS(Gradient_Cells(2,c) - (zero)  ) > 4.d-9 .or. &
        ABS(Gradient_Cells(3,c) - (zero)  ) > 4.d-9) then
      write (6,*) 'Error (Problem X.2): Grad = ', Gradient_Cells(:,c)
    end if
  end do

  ! Finalize terms.

  call Finalize (Ortho_Diff_Term)
  call Finalize (Linear_Term)
  call Finalize (Constant_Term)

  ! Reset entire Matrix Equation.
  ! Note that we must finalize Phi_MV before Matrix_ELLM because the call to 
  ! Solver may use a MatVec to calculate a residual, which would create an 
  ! OV in Phi_MV based on the Data_Index in Matrix_ELLM. Tricky.

  call Finalize (Phi_MV)
  call Finalize (RHS_MV)
  call Finalize (Matrix_ELLM)
  call Initialize (Matrix_ELLM, MaxNonzeros, Row_Structure, Column_Structure, &
                   'Coefficients', status)
  call Initialize (RHS_MV, Row_Structure, 'Right-Hand Side', &
  call Initialize (Phi_MV, Column_Structure, 'Phi_Cells', status)

  ! Problem X.3: Multi-D Linear Solution with Dirichlet BCs

  if (this_is_IO_PE) then
    write (6,100) 'Problem X.3: Multi-D Linear Solution with Dirichlet BCs'
  end if

  ! Problem parameters.

  Phi_0 = 47.d0
  D0 = one/3.d0
  Q0 = zero

  ! Set Absorption (Removal) cross-section for each cell.

  Sigma_a = zero

  ! Set Source term for each cell.

  Source = -Q0

  ! Set Diffusion Coefficient for each cell.

  Diffusion_Coefficient = D0

  ! Set Boundary Conditions.

  where (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 1)      ! Left (-x) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Dirichlet_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 2) ! Right (+x) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Dirichlet_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 3) ! Front (-y) Face. 
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Dirichlet_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 4) ! Back (+y) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Dirichlet_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 5) ! Bottom (-z) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Dirichlet_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 6) ! Top (+z) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Dirichlet_BC
  end where
  Phi_BC_Faces_of_Cells(:,:) = Phi_0 * SUM(Coordinates_Faces_of_Cells(:,:,:),1)

  ! Set Phi to an initial guess to avoid division by zero error in 
  ! LAMG in the stopping test.

  Phi = one
  Phi_MV = Phi

  ! Define Steady State Diffusion Equation.

  call Initialize (Ortho_Diff_Term, Diffusion_Coefficient, BC_Faces_of_Cells, &
                   Phi_BC_Faces_of_Cells, Phi_MV, 'Cells', Mesh, &
                   'Diffusion Term', Extrapolation, status)
  Exponent = one
  call Initialize (Linear_Term, Sigma_a, Exponent, Phi_MV, &
                   'Cells', Mesh, 'Absorption Term', status)
  Exponent = zero
  call Initialize (Constant_Term, Source, Exponent, Phi_MV, &
                   'Cells', Mesh, 'Source Term', status)

  ! Output Terms.

  NRows = NCells_PE(Mesh)
  !call Output ( Constant_Term,  MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  !call Output (   Linear_Term,  MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  !call Output (Ortho_Diff_Term, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))

  ! Check state of Equation Terms.

  VERIFY(Valid_State(  Constant_Term),0)
  VERIFY(Valid_State(    Linear_Term),0)

  ! Populate Matrix Equation.

  call Add_to_Matrix_Equation (Ortho_Diff_Term, Matrix_ELLM, RHS_MV)
  call Add_to_Matrix_Equation (Linear_Term, Matrix_ELLM, RHS_MV)
  call Add_to_Matrix_Equation (Constant_Term, Matrix_ELLM, RHS_MV)

  ! Solve Matrix Equation.

  !call Output (Matrix_ELLM, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  call Initialize (Solver, 'LAMG')
  call Set (Solver, 'Epsilon', 1.d-10)
  call Solve (Solver, Matrix_ELLM, Phi_MV, RHS_MV)
  call Finalize (Solver)

  ! Output.

  !call Output (Phi_MV)
  !call Output (Matrix_ELLM, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  !call Output (RHS_MV, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))

  ! Check answers.

  Phi = Phi_MV
  do c = 1, NCells_PE(Mesh)
    Exact(c) = Phi_0 * SUM(Coordinates_Cells(:,c),1)
  ! write (6,*) c, Coordinates_Cells(1,c), Phi(c), Exact(c), Exact(c) - Phi(c)
  end do
  Error_MV = Phi - Exact
  call Output (Error_MV, 0, 0)

  ! Check gradient.

  call Evaluate_Gradient_Cells (Ortho_Diff_Term, Phi_MV, Gradient_Cells)
  do c = 1, NCells_PE(Mesh)
    if (ABS(Gradient_Cells(1,c) - (Phi_0) ) > 7.d-7 .or. &
        ABS(Gradient_Cells(2,c) - (Phi_0) ) > 7.d-7 .or. &
        ABS(Gradient_Cells(3,c) - (Phi_0) ) > 7.d-7) then
      write (6,*) 'Error (Problem X.3): Grad = ', Gradient_Cells(:,c)
    end if
  end do

  ! Finalize terms.

  call Finalize (Ortho_Diff_Term)
  call Finalize (Linear_Term)
  call Finalize (Constant_Term)

  ! Reset entire Matrix Equation.
  ! Note that we must finalize Phi_MV before Matrix_ELLM because the call to 
  ! Solver may use a MatVec to calculate a residual, which would create an 
  ! OV in Phi_MV based on the Data_Index in Matrix_ELLM. Tricky.

  call Finalize (Phi_MV)
  call Finalize (RHS_MV)
  call Finalize (Matrix_ELLM)
  call Initialize (Matrix_ELLM, MaxNonzeros, Row_Structure, Column_Structure, &
                   'Coefficients', status)
  call Initialize (RHS_MV, Row_Structure, 'Right-Hand Side', &
  call Initialize (Phi_MV, Column_Structure, 'Phi_Cells', status)

  ! Problem X.4: 1-D Quadratic Solution with Dirichlet BCs

  if (this_is_IO_PE) then
    write (6,100) 'Problem X.4: 1-D Quadratic Solution with Dirichlet BCs'
  end if

  ! Problem parameters.

  D0 = one/3.d0
  Q0 = 23.d0
  Phi_0 = 6.d0
  Phi_1 = 19.d0

  ! Set Absorption (Removal) cross-section for each cell.

  Sigma_a = zero

  ! Set Source term for each cell.

  Source = -Q0

  ! Set Diffusion Coefficient for each cell.

  Diffusion_Coefficient = D0

  ! Set Boundary Conditions.

  Phi_BC_Faces_of_Cells = zero
  where (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 1)      ! Left (-x) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Dirichlet_BC
    Phi_BC_Faces_of_Cells = Phi_0
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 2) ! Right (+x) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Dirichlet_BC
    Phi_BC_Faces_of_Cells = Phi_1
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 3) ! Front (-y) Face. 
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Reflective_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 4) ! Back (+y) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Reflective_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 5) ! Bottom (-z) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Reflective_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 6) ! Top (+z) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Reflective_BC
  end where

  ! Set Phi to an initial guess to avoid division by zero error in 
  ! LAMG in the stopping test.

  Phi = one
  Phi_MV = Phi

  ! Define Steady State Diffusion Equation.

  call Initialize (Ortho_Diff_Term, Diffusion_Coefficient, BC_Faces_of_Cells, &
                   Phi_BC_Faces_of_Cells, Phi_MV, 'Cells', Mesh, &
                   'Diffusion Term', Extrapolation, status)
  Exponent = one
  call Initialize (Linear_Term, Sigma_a, Exponent, Phi_MV, &
                   'Cells', Mesh, 'Absorption Term', status)
  Exponent = zero
  call Initialize (Constant_Term, Source, Exponent, Phi_MV, &
                   'Cells', Mesh, 'Source Term', status)

  ! Output Terms.

  NRows = NCells_PE(Mesh)
  !call Output ( Constant_Term,  MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  !call Output (   Linear_Term,  MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  !call Output (Ortho_Diff_Term, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))

  ! Check state of Equation Terms.

  VERIFY(Valid_State(  Constant_Term),0)
  VERIFY(Valid_State(    Linear_Term),0)

  ! Populate Matrix Equation.

  call Add_to_Matrix_Equation (Ortho_Diff_Term, Matrix_ELLM, RHS_MV)
  call Add_to_Matrix_Equation (Linear_Term, Matrix_ELLM, RHS_MV)
  call Add_to_Matrix_Equation (Constant_Term, Matrix_ELLM, RHS_MV)

  ! Solve Matrix Equation.

  !call Output (Matrix_ELLM, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  call Initialize (Solver, 'LAMG')
  call Set (Solver, 'Epsilon', 1.d-10)
  call Solve (Solver, Matrix_ELLM, Phi_MV, RHS_MV)
  call Finalize (Solver)

  ! Output.

  !call Output (Phi_MV)
  !call Output (Matrix_ELLM, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  !call Output (RHS_MV, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))

  ! Check answers.
  ! Note: I tested problem X.4 and it converged by 2nd Order when 
  ! refined in the X-direction.

  Phi = Phi_MV
  do c = 1, NCells_PE(Mesh)
    X = Coordinates_Cells(1,c)
    Exact(c) = Q0 / (two*D0) * (X - X**2) + (Phi_1 - Phi_0) * X + Phi_0
    !write (6,*) c, Coordinates_Cells(1,c), Phi(c), Exact(c), Exact(c) - Phi(c)
  end do
  Error_MV = Phi - Exact
  call Output (Error_MV, 0, 0)

  ! Check gradient.

  call Evaluate_Gradient_Cells (Ortho_Diff_Term, Phi_MV, Gradient_Cells)
  do c = 1, NCells_PE(Mesh)
    X = Coordinates_Cells(1,c)
    if (ABS(Gradient_Cells(1,c) - &
        (Q0 / (two*D0) * (1 - 2*X) + (Phi_1 - Phi_0)) ) > 1.d-8 .or. &
        ABS(Gradient_Cells(2,c) - (zero) ) > 1.d-8 .or. &
        ABS(Gradient_Cells(3,c) - (zero) ) > 1.d-8) then
      write (6,*) 'Error (Problem X.4): Grad = ', Gradient_Cells(:,c)
    end if
  end do

  ! Finalize terms.

  call Finalize (Ortho_Diff_Term)
  call Finalize (Linear_Term)
  call Finalize (Constant_Term)

  ! Reset entire Matrix Equation.
  ! Note that we must finalize Phi_MV before Matrix_ELLM because the call to 
  ! Solver may use a MatVec to calculate a residual, which would create an 
  ! OV in Phi_MV based on the Data_Index in Matrix_ELLM. Tricky.

  call Finalize (Phi_MV)
  call Finalize (RHS_MV)
  call Finalize (Matrix_ELLM)
  call Initialize (Matrix_ELLM, MaxNonzeros, Row_Structure, Column_Structure, &
                   'Coefficients', status)
  call Initialize (RHS_MV, Row_Structure, 'Right-Hand Side', &
  call Initialize (Phi_MV, Column_Structure, 'Phi_Cells', status)

  ! Problem X.5: 1-D Quadratic Solution with Vacuum BCs

  if (this_is_IO_PE) then
    write (6,100) 'Problem X.5: 1-D Quadratic Solution with Vacuum BCs'
  end if

  ! Problem parameters.

  D0 = one/3.d0
  Q0 = 23.d0

  ! Set Absorption (Removal) cross-section for each cell.

  Sigma_a = zero

  ! Set Source term for each cell.

  Source = -Q0

  ! Set Diffusion Coefficient for each cell.

  Diffusion_Coefficient = D0

  ! Set Boundary Conditions.

  where (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 1)      ! Left (-x) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Vacuum_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 2) ! Right (+x) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Vacuum_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 3) ! Front (-y) Face. 
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Reflective_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 4) ! Back (+y) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Reflective_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 5) ! Bottom (-z) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Reflective_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 6) ! Top (+z) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Reflective_BC
  end where
  Phi_BC_Faces_of_Cells = zero

  ! Set Phi to an initial guess to avoid division by zero error in 
  ! LAMG in the stopping test.

  Phi = one
  Phi_MV = Phi

  ! Define Steady State Diffusion Equation.

  call Initialize (Ortho_Diff_Term, Diffusion_Coefficient, BC_Faces_of_Cells, &
                   Phi_BC_Faces_of_Cells, Phi_MV, 'Cells', Mesh, &
                   'Diffusion Term', Extrapolation, status)
  Exponent = one
  call Initialize (Linear_Term, Sigma_a, Exponent, Phi_MV, &
                   'Cells', Mesh, 'Absorption Term', status)
  Exponent = zero
  call Initialize (Constant_Term, Source, Exponent, Phi_MV, &
                   'Cells', Mesh, 'Source Term', status)

  ! Output Terms.

  NRows = NCells_PE(Mesh)
  !call Output ( Constant_Term,  MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  !call Output (   Linear_Term,  MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  !call Output (Ortho_Diff_Term, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))

  ! Check state of Equation Terms.

  VERIFY(Valid_State(  Constant_Term),0)
  VERIFY(Valid_State(    Linear_Term),0)

  ! Populate Matrix Equation.

  call Add_to_Matrix_Equation (Ortho_Diff_Term, Matrix_ELLM, RHS_MV)
  call Add_to_Matrix_Equation (Linear_Term, Matrix_ELLM, RHS_MV)
  call Add_to_Matrix_Equation (Constant_Term, Matrix_ELLM, RHS_MV)

  ! Solve Matrix Equation.

  !call Output (Matrix_ELLM, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  call Initialize (Solver, 'LAMG')
  call Set (Solver, 'Epsilon', 1.d-10)
  call Solve (Solver, Matrix_ELLM, Phi_MV, RHS_MV)
  call Finalize (Solver)

  ! Output.

  !call Output (Phi_MV)
  !call Output (Matrix_ELLM, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  !call Output (RHS_MV, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))

  ! Check answers.
  ! Note: I tested problem X.5 and it converged by 2nd Order when 
  ! refined in the X-direction.

  Phi = Phi_MV
  do c = 1, NCells_PE(Mesh)
    X = Coordinates_Cells(1,c)
    Exact(c) = Q0 / (two*D0) * ( two*D0 + X - X**2)
  ! write (6,*) c, Coordinates_Cells(1,c), Phi(c), Exact(c), Exact(c) - Phi(c)
  end do
  Error_MV = Phi - Exact
  call Output (Error_MV, 0, 0)

  ! Check gradient.

  call Evaluate_Gradient_Cells (Ortho_Diff_Term, Phi_MV, Gradient_Cells)
  do c = 1, NCells_PE(Mesh)
    X = Coordinates_Cells(1,c)
    if (ABS(Gradient_Cells(1,c) - (Q0 / (two*D0) * (1 - 2*X)) ) > 1.d-8 .or. &
        ABS(Gradient_Cells(2,c) - (zero) ) > 1.d-8 .or. &
        ABS(Gradient_Cells(3,c) - (zero) ) > 1.d-8) then
      write (6,*) 'Error (Problem X.5): Grad = ', Gradient_Cells(:,c)
    end if
  end do

  ! Finalize terms.

  call Finalize (Ortho_Diff_Term)
  call Finalize (Linear_Term)
  call Finalize (Constant_Term)

  ! Reset entire Matrix Equation.
  ! Note that we must finalize Phi_MV before Matrix_ELLM because the call to 
  ! Solver may use a MatVec to calculate a residual, which would create an 
  ! OV in Phi_MV based on the Data_Index in Matrix_ELLM. Tricky.

  call Finalize (Phi_MV)
  call Finalize (RHS_MV)
  call Finalize (Matrix_ELLM)
  call Initialize (Matrix_ELLM, MaxNonzeros, Row_Structure, Column_Structure, &
                   'Coefficients', status)
  call Initialize (RHS_MV, Row_Structure, 'Right-Hand Side', &
  call Initialize (Phi_MV, Column_Structure, 'Phi_Cells', status)

  ! Problem X.6: 1-D Quartic Solution with Vacuum BCs

  if (this_is_IO_PE) then
    write (6,100) 'Problem X.6: 1-D Quartic Solution with Vacuum BCs'
  end if

  ! Problem parameters.

  D0 = one/3.d0
  Q0 = 23.d0

  ! Set Absorption (Removal) cross-section for each cell.

  Sigma_a = zero

  ! Set Source term for each cell.

  do c = 1, NCells_PE(Mesh)
    Source(c) = -Q0 * Coordinates_Cells(1,c)**2
  end do

  ! Set Diffusion Coefficient for each cell.

  Diffusion_Coefficient = D0

  ! Set Boundary Conditions.

  where (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 1)      ! Left (-x) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Vacuum_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 2) ! Right (+x) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Vacuum_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 3) ! Front (-y) Face. 
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Reflective_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 4) ! Back (+y) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Reflective_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 5) ! Bottom (-z) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Reflective_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 6) ! Top (+z) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Reflective_BC
  end where
  Phi_BC_Faces_of_Cells = zero

  ! Set Phi to an initial guess to avoid division by zero error in 
  ! LAMG in the stopping test.

  Phi = one
  Phi_MV = Phi

  ! Define Steady State Diffusion Equation.

  call Initialize (Ortho_Diff_Term, Diffusion_Coefficient, BC_Faces_of_Cells, &
                   Phi_BC_Faces_of_Cells, Phi_MV, 'Cells', Mesh, &
                   'Diffusion Term', Extrapolation, status)
  Exponent = one
  call Initialize (Linear_Term, Sigma_a, Exponent, Phi_MV, &
                   'Cells', Mesh, 'Absorption Term', status)
  Exponent = zero
  call Initialize (Constant_Term, Source, Exponent, Phi_MV, &
                   'Cells', Mesh, 'Source Term', status)

  ! Output Terms.

  NRows = NCells_PE(Mesh)
  !call Output ( Constant_Term,  MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  !call Output (   Linear_Term,  MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  !call Output (Ortho_Diff_Term, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))

  ! Check state of Equation Terms.

  VERIFY(Valid_State(  Constant_Term),0)
  VERIFY(Valid_State(    Linear_Term),0)

  ! Populate Matrix Equation.

  call Add_to_Matrix_Equation (Ortho_Diff_Term, Matrix_ELLM, RHS_MV)
  call Add_to_Matrix_Equation (Linear_Term, Matrix_ELLM, RHS_MV)
  call Add_to_Matrix_Equation (Constant_Term, Matrix_ELLM, RHS_MV)

  ! Solve Matrix Equation.

  !call Output (Matrix_ELLM, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  call Initialize (Solver, 'LAMG')
  call Set (Solver, 'Epsilon', 1.d-10)
  call Solve (Solver, Matrix_ELLM, Phi_MV, RHS_MV)
  call Finalize (Solver)

  ! Output.

  !call Output (Phi_MV)
  !call Output (Matrix_ELLM, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  !call Output (RHS_MV, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))

  ! Check answers.
  ! Note: I tested problem X.6 and it converged by 2nd Order when 
  ! refined in the X-direction.

  Phi = Phi_MV
  do c = 1, NCells_PE(Mesh)
    X = Coordinates_Cells(1,c)
    Exact(c) = (Q0 / six) * ((one + eight * D0)/(one + four*D0) * &
               (one + X / (two*D0)) - X**4 / (two*D0))
  ! write (6,*) c, Coordinates_Cells(1,c), Phi(c), Exact(c), Exact(c) - Phi(c)
  end do
  Error_MV = Phi - Exact
  call Output (Error_MV, 0, 0)

  ! Check gradient.

  call Evaluate_Gradient_Cells (Ortho_Diff_Term, Phi_MV, Gradient_Cells)
  do c = 1, NCells_PE(Mesh)
    X = Coordinates_Cells(1,c)
    if (ABS(Gradient_Cells(1,c) - &
            ((Q0 / six) * ((one + eight * D0)/(one + four*D0) * &
            (one / (two*D0)) - four*X**3 / (two*D0))) ) > 0.12d0 .or. &
        ABS(Gradient_Cells(2,c) - (zero) ) > 1.d-8 .or. &
        ABS(Gradient_Cells(3,c) - (zero) ) > 1.d-8) then
      write (6,*) 'Error (Problem X.6): Grad = ', Gradient_Cells(:,c)
      write (6,*) 'Error (Problem X.6): Diff = ', ABS(Gradient_Cells(1,c) - &
            ((Q0 / six) * ((one + eight * D0)/(one + four*D0) * &
            (one / (two*D0)) - four*X**3 / (two*D0))))
    end if
  end do

  ! Finalize terms.

  call Finalize (Ortho_Diff_Term)
  call Finalize (Linear_Term)
  call Finalize (Constant_Term)

  ! Reset entire Matrix Equation.
  ! Note that we must finalize Phi_MV before Matrix_ELLM because the call to 
  ! Solver may use a MatVec to calculate a residual, which would create an 
  ! OV in Phi_MV based on the Data_Index in Matrix_ELLM. Tricky.

  call Finalize (Phi_MV)
  call Finalize (RHS_MV)
  call Finalize (Matrix_ELLM)
  call Initialize (Matrix_ELLM, MaxNonzeros, Row_Structure, Column_Structure, &
                   'Coefficients', status)
  call Initialize (RHS_MV, Row_Structure, 'Right-Hand Side', &
  call Initialize (Phi_MV, Column_Structure, 'Phi_Cells', status)

  ! Problem X.7: 1-D Quartic Solution with Two Materials

  if (this_is_IO_PE) then
    write (6,100) 'Problem X.7: 1-D Quartic Solution with Two Materials'
  end if

  ! Problem parameters.

  D1 = one/3.d0
  D2 = one/3.d6
  Q0 = 0.00023d0

  ! Set Absorption (Removal) cross-section for each cell.

  Sigma_a = zero

  ! Set Source term for each cell.

  do c = 1, NCells_PE(Mesh)
    Source(c) = -Q0 * Coordinates_Cells(1,c)**2
  end do

  ! Set Diffusion Coefficient for each cell.

  where (Coordinates_Cells(1,:) < 0.5)
    Diffusion_Coefficient(:) = D1
    Diffusion_Coefficient(:) = D2
  end where

  ! Set Boundary Conditions.

  where (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 1)      ! Left (-x) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Reflective_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 2) ! Right (+x) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Vacuum_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 3) ! Front (-y) Face. 
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Reflective_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 4) ! Back (+y) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Reflective_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 5) ! Bottom (-z) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Reflective_BC
  elsewhere (Flag_Faces_of_Cells == 6) ! Top (+z) Face.
    BC_Faces_of_Cells = Reflective_BC
  end where
  Phi_BC_Faces_of_Cells = zero

  ! Set Phi to an initial guess to avoid division by zero error in 
  ! LAMG in the stopping test.

  Phi = one
  Phi_MV = Phi

  ! Define Steady State Diffusion Equation.

  call Initialize (Ortho_Diff_Term, Diffusion_Coefficient, BC_Faces_of_Cells, &
                   Phi_BC_Faces_of_Cells, Phi_MV, 'Cells', Mesh, &
                   'Diffusion Term', Extrapolation, status)
  Exponent = one
  call Initialize (Linear_Term, Sigma_a, Exponent, Phi_MV, &
                   'Cells', Mesh, 'Absorption Term', status)
  Exponent = zero
  call Initialize (Constant_Term, Source, Exponent, Phi_MV, &
                   'Cells', Mesh, 'Source Term', status)

  ! Output Terms.

  NRows = NCells_PE(Mesh)
  !call Output ( Constant_Term,  MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  !call Output (   Linear_Term,  MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  !call Output (Ortho_Diff_Term, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))

  ! Check state of Equation Terms.

  VERIFY(Valid_State(  Constant_Term),0)
  VERIFY(Valid_State(    Linear_Term),0)

  ! Populate Matrix Equation.

  call Add_to_Matrix_Equation (Ortho_Diff_Term, Matrix_ELLM, RHS_MV)
  call Add_to_Matrix_Equation (Linear_Term, Matrix_ELLM, RHS_MV)
  call Add_to_Matrix_Equation (Constant_Term, Matrix_ELLM, RHS_MV)

  ! Solve Matrix Equation.

  !call Output (Matrix_ELLM, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  call Initialize (Solver, 'LAMG')
  call Set (Solver, 'Epsilon', 1.d-10)
  call Solve (Solver, Matrix_ELLM, Phi_MV, RHS_MV)
  call Finalize (Solver)

  ! Output.

  !call Output (Phi_MV)
  !call Output (Matrix_ELLM, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  !call Output (RHS_MV, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))

  ! Check answers.
  ! Note: I tested problem X.7 and it converged by 2nd Order when 
  ! refined in the X-direction.

  Phi = Phi_MV
  do c = 1, NCells_PE(Mesh)
    X = Coordinates_Cells(1,c)
    if (X < 0.5) then
      Exact(c) = Q0 / (twelve*D2) * (one + eight * D2 + &
                 (D2 - D1) / (sixteen*D1) - (D2/D1) * X**4)
      Exact(c) = Q0 / (twelve*D2) * (one + eight * D2 - X**4)
    end if
   ! write (6,*) c, Coordinates_Cells(1,c), Phi(c), Exact(c), Exact(c) - Phi(c)
  end do
  Error_MV = Phi - Exact
  call Output (Error_MV, 0, 0)

  ! Check gradient.

  call Evaluate_Gradient_Cells (Ortho_Diff_Term, Phi_MV, Gradient_Cells)
  do c = 1, NCells_PE(Mesh)
    X = Coordinates_Cells(1,c)
    if (X < 0.5) then
      if (ABS(Gradient_Cells(1,c) - &
              (-Q0 / (three*D1) * X**3) ) > 1.1d0 .or. &
          ABS(Gradient_Cells(2,c) - (zero) ) > 1.d-8 .or. &
          ABS(Gradient_Cells(3,c) - (zero) ) > 1.d-8) then
        write (6,*) 'Error (Problem X.7): Grad = ', Gradient_Cells(:,c)
        write (6,*) 'Error (Problem X.7): Real = ', &
              (-Q0 / (three*D1) * X**3), X
        write (6,*) 'Error (Problem X.7): Diff = ', &
              ABS(Gradient_Cells(1,c) - (-Q0 / (three*D1) * X**3) )
      end if
      if (ABS(Gradient_Cells(1,c) - &
              (-Q0 / (three*D2) * X**3) ) > 1.1d0 .or. &
          ABS(Gradient_Cells(2,c) - (zero) ) > 1.d-8 .or. &
          ABS(Gradient_Cells(3,c) - (zero) ) > 1.d-8) then
        write (6,*) 'Error (Problem X.7): Grad = ', Gradient_Cells(:,c)
        write (6,*) 'Error (Problem X.7): Real = ', &
              (-Q0 / (three*D2) * X**3), X
        write (6,*) 'Error (Problem X.7): Diff = ', &
              ABS(Gradient_Cells(1,c) - (-Q0 / (three*D2) * X**3) )
      end if
    end if
  end do

  ! Finalize terms.

  call Finalize (Ortho_Diff_Term)
  call Finalize (Linear_Term)
  call Finalize (Constant_Term)

  ! Reset entire Matrix Equation.
  ! Note that we must finalize Phi_MV before Matrix_ELLM because the call to 
  ! Solver may use a MatVec to calculate a residual, which would create an 
  ! OV in Phi_MV based on the Data_Index in Matrix_ELLM. Tricky.

  call Finalize (Phi_MV)
  call Finalize (RHS_MV)
  call Finalize (Matrix_ELLM)
  call Initialize (Matrix_ELLM, MaxNonzeros, Row_Structure, Column_Structure, &
                   'Coefficients', status)
  call Initialize (RHS_MV, Row_Structure, 'Right-Hand Side', &
  call Initialize (Phi_MV, Column_Structure, 'Phi_Cells', status)

!~~~~~~~~~~~End of test problems.~~~~~~~~~~~

  ! Finalize variables.

  call Finalize (BC_Faces_of_Cells)
  call Finalize (Flag_Faces_of_Cells)
  call Finalize (Phi_BC_Faces_of_Cells)
  call Finalize (Coordinates_Faces_of_Cells)
  call Finalize (MaxNonzeros)
  call Finalize (Phi_MV)
  call Finalize (Error_MV)
  call Finalize (RHS_MV)
  call Finalize (Matrix_ELLM)
  call Finalize (Phi)
  call Finalize (Source)
  call Finalize (Sigma_a)
  call Finalize (Diffusion_Coefficient)
  call Finalize (Mesh)
  call Finalize (NDimensions)
  call Finalize (Lengths)
  call Finalize (NCells_X)
  call Finalize (NCells_Y)
  call Finalize (NCells_Z)
  call Finalize (Comm)


Michael L. Hall