We1 1 Ceorge- Mvember 3, 19% So now the imnediate'fuss and feathers' is over, and except for a tremeddeus mai 1 bag I have to read through, I must concentrate on daily realities again. I wonder i f you can have from Hr. Nobel's tfme bombs. any i de; how much fuss there i s in the US There is one practical matter I would 1 ike to ask you help on. It would be hopeless to try to make a personal answer to every kind greeting we have received, but we would 1 i ke to try in the following way. Could I ask you to obtain three or four possible samples of pictorial cards showing some distinctly Stockholm motif, from which we might choose one to have imprinted with a greeting, perhapsjust "Grateful thanks and the season's greeting from Joshua and Esther l.ederbergf'. I wi 11 give you the exact number of cards we would need, and the exact inscription, after we choose the card, but we wi 11 need probably about 360, perhaps more if we use this as our llhri stmas card too. We thought that mail ing these cards from Stockholm might lend an extra mrsonal touch that we could not otherwise easi ty provide. We are al so awaiting other general advice on practical details for the trip and the presentations: after all we have never attended so formal a ceremony! Grateful thanks and season's greeting